
Gone as We Know It

I stopped thinking about Li Nee because I hate her.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower.I the shower and got undressed.I felt the water and it was warm enough so I jumped in.

I wet my body and wet my face.I turned around to grab the soap.As I was soaping my body,I started to remember.

Remembering was the worst part.Remembering the soap.The evil curse.It was all so tragic.

I nearly dropped the soap bottle thinking about it.Oh,and Yoona.She got so sick because she was using the soap too.

I turned off the water and got out.

Ambrosine's POV

I arrived at school.I walked down the hallway as people turned their heads.Everyone knew that today was my birthday.

"Ambrosine!" I heard someone yell.I looked around and saw my friends.I waved at them and walked toward them.

"Hi." I greeted them.Li Nee hugged me and whispered something into my ear."Jiyong said that he likes you."

I pulled away from the hug and looked at her.I moithed 'really?'

She nodded and smiled.I saw Jiyong next to his friend.I walked to my locker,which was right next to his.I put my books into the locker.When I shut the locker door,Jiyong shut his too.We looked at each other in suprise,then,I smiled at him.

He gulped and smiled back.I never noticed how cute he was until now.I walked towards Li Nee and laughed.'He so does like me.'

Afterschool,I was waiting outside for dad to pick me up."Where are you dad?It is too windy out here." I complained.I heard someone cough and noticed that it was Jiyong."Hi." I waved at him.He smiled at me."Who are you waiting for?" he asked me.I sighed."My dad.He's always late."

Jiyong gave a little smile.Then,a car honked.We looked up and saw my dad.I blew a raspberry."Well,looks like I've got to go.See you tomorrow." I said.Before I could leave,Jiyong stood up and hugged me.I blushed and pulled away."Bye." he told me.I nodded and walked toward dad's car.

When I sat in the front seat,dad scoffed.I looked at him."What?" I questioned him.He nodded toward Jiyong."Who's that?"

I shook my head."Just a boy that I know." Dad looked at me for a second,then started driving.

When we arrived home,I locked myself in my room.I knew that dad was going to ask me about Jiyong.

I jumped on my bed and looked up at the ceiling.

That Jiyong.He's so fascinating.

I think he might be my first crush.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard mom and dad's conversation.

"Why should we care Jongin?" mom told him,trying to calm him down."I don't know.It's just because I don't want her to get hurt." he sighed.

I listened more closely."Well,we should talk to her.You know,give her some advice." mom stated."Okay,first let me put my work away." dad said.

I lied back down on my bed and closed my eyes.I heard something being thrown at my window.I got up and opened it.It was a girl.I think she goes to my school.

"Um..who are you?" I questioned her.She blinked at me and smiled."I'm the solution to all of your problems." she announced.

I squinted my eyes.She sighed."Can I come in or not?" she asked me.I shrugged my shoulders and let her come up.

Once she was in my room,we just talked about stupid things."Do you go to my school?" I asked her She shook her head."Oh,then what school do you go to?" I questioned.She laughed and answered."I don't go to school."

I furrowed my eyebrows."How old are you?" I commanded.She smiled and shook her head."I can't tell you that.I can tell you that I am not a teenager,as you are."

I nodded."So,Earlier when you said "I am the solution to all of your problems." what did you mean?" I asked her.She sat closer to me."Even though you are perfect,you are insecure." she noted.I looked at her strangely."You are jealous of your friend,Li Nee,am I right?" she put me under a lamp.

The truth is,I'm not literally jealous of her.I am just jealous of her ways.Li Nee can be whoever she wants.She can act like an innocent girl,a smart student,a good friend,or a charming lady.

I looked at the woman in front of me and sighed."So,what can you do?" I asked her.She pulled something out of her pocket.She handed it to me.I examined it."A chocolate box?" I questioned.She rolled her eyes."Can you stop asking questions already?"

I kept inspecting the chocolate box.I opened it up.8 pieces of chocolate lied inside."These chocolates may solve your problem.Give one a go." she suggested.I nodded and grabbed one.I placed it inside of my mouth and chewed.

It is so marvelous.Rich,creamy,and fine.

The woman looked at me,but my vision swirled.I was slowly,falling asleep.

"You are falling asleep.Don't worry,you'll wake up soon."

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Chapter 29: love all their moments!! XD kaistal♥
kaistal_sm #2
Chapter 29: nice! Thanks for the update! Update more!! ^^9
kaistal_sm #3
Chapter 24: waaawesome!! Kaistal will have a baby *i'm excited to read more new chapter* ^^,
420ismybirthday #4
Chapter 21: Tell me if you didnt enjoy the last few chapters.
Chapter 19: kaistal ?
hmmm I don't mind, It's okay~
krysoojung #6
Chapter 19: Kaistal <3 update soon~
kaistal_sm #7
Chapter 17: wow! Soo, that means.. Krystal will have an accidents like yoona too?? Omygood! What's the ending for kaistal??
kaistal_sm #8
Chapter 12: update for a new chapter pls