The Ancient Story

Gone as We Know It

   Back in the times of Kings and Queens,lived a beautiful maiden.Her name was Shik Maeki.Everyone liked her.She wasn't rich and obnoxious.She was respectful,pleasant to be around,and very beautiful.She was considered special because she had long,curly hair and beauty mark on her right cheek.

The prince,Byun Baekhyun,wanted to marry her.That spread throughout the village.That's when Princess Yoo Sae started disliking Maeki.

The Kingdom rule is if you are royal blood,you MUST marry another royal blood.But it was too late because Prince Baekhyun already fell in love with Maeki.His parents approved,even though it was looked down upon.

King and Queen Byun decided that when their son and Maeki get married,Maeki will live in the castle.The villagers didn't like the sound of that at all.They argued that Maeki belonged with the village.The villagers wanted to also be allowed into the castle.

The Byun's really cared about their son's happiness.They agreed to let the villagers into their castle once the prince and Maeki get married.

Princess Sae got upsetwhen she heard the news.She was going to be the Queen.Not the poor Shik Maeki.The princess was not mad,she was FURIOUS.

She made a plan to trick Maeki to give up the throne.She started conversing with Maeki more than she used to.She then,slowly,gained Maeki's trust.

Maeki and Prince Baekhyun's wedding was in about a year or so.Just enough time to make her evil plan work.

Princess Sae was always inviting Maeki to the castle.Maeki,being so oblivious,didn't notice when Princess Sae was being evil.

Every time Maeki asked the princess if she looked okay,Princess Sae would bring her down.

"Sae!Does my hair look okay?" Maeki asked her.Princess Sae grabbed her long,curly hair."It could look better." Maeki frowned."Like how?" she asked.The princess smiled evily."Like this,"

Maeki soon went back to the village.The villager gasped when they saw her new appearane.

Maeki's dress was now cut too short.Her curly hair was died blue.She looked very un-ladylike.

Soon enough,Maeki became really insecure.She always needed advice from Princess Sae.Still,Princess Sae kept killing her ego.

Princess Sae thought she was so clever.Little did she know what was coming to her.

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Chapter 29: love all their moments!! XD kaistal♥
kaistal_sm #2
Chapter 29: nice! Thanks for the update! Update more!! ^^9
kaistal_sm #3
Chapter 24: waaawesome!! Kaistal will have a baby *i'm excited to read more new chapter* ^^,
420ismybirthday #4
Chapter 21: Tell me if you didnt enjoy the last few chapters.
Chapter 19: kaistal ?
hmmm I don't mind, It's okay~
krysoojung #6
Chapter 19: Kaistal <3 update soon~
kaistal_sm #7
Chapter 17: wow! Soo, that means.. Krystal will have an accidents like yoona too?? Omygood! What's the ending for kaistal??
kaistal_sm #8
Chapter 12: update for a new chapter pls