The Ancient Story:The End

Gone as We Know It

On the day of the wedding,Maeki was having trouble."Sae!Does this dress look okay?" Maeki asked the princess."Um,Let's try something else." Princess Sae suggested.

When the ceremony started,Maeki's father walked her down the aisle.He brought her in front of the prince.

Her veil was a beautiful but heavy grayish color.It was adorned with roses.Her dress was white with a gray lace around the waist.Her appearance so far had the whole kingdom in awe.

They said things like,"Wow!She looks good." or "I'm glad that she cleaned herself up."

The priest was working his magic.When he announced"You may kiss the bride",All the people became interested.

Prince Baekhyun smiled brightly.He was really excited to be marrying someone like Maeki.Slowly and Carefully,he lifted the heavy veil.

All Prince Baekhyun was expecting was his lover.Instead,it was Princess Sae who stood under the veil.

Prince Baekhyun was confused now."Princess!Where is Maeki?" he asked.Princess Sae smiled widely at him."She was feeling tired so I put her to rest."

Prince Baekhyun stepped away from her.A fortune teller saw this coming.She ran up to the princess and grabbed her neck.She said some kind of spell."You were jealous of her,so you made her insecure.Now the same shall happen to you,you will never be pure."

The fortune teller put the new soul into her magic globe.

The royal and the commoner people prayed together.

Ever since that unforgetable day,people kept talking about the tragedy.They told their grandchildren.All the way until now,people have theories about the accident.

They say when you are alone and far away from something you love,Princess Sae will appear in front of you.She will trick you by giving you something that she says will make you clean or pure.She waits till you use it.That is how she makes you feel more insecure than ever.


My message to the readers:

WOW! This is the lamest thing I ever wrote.I hope you like it though.Happy Forever Alone facebook meme

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Did you expect Gone As We Know It would end like that?


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Chapter 29: love all their moments!! XD kaistal♥
kaistal_sm #2
Chapter 29: nice! Thanks for the update! Update more!! ^^9
kaistal_sm #3
Chapter 24: waaawesome!! Kaistal will have a baby *i'm excited to read more new chapter* ^^,
420ismybirthday #4
Chapter 21: Tell me if you didnt enjoy the last few chapters.
Chapter 19: kaistal ?
hmmm I don't mind, It's okay~
krysoojung #6
Chapter 19: Kaistal <3 update soon~
kaistal_sm #7
Chapter 17: wow! Soo, that means.. Krystal will have an accidents like yoona too?? Omygood! What's the ending for kaistal??
kaistal_sm #8
Chapter 12: update for a new chapter pls