More discovery

Dawn of the Rising Star


“Lyorin, a fly will go inside your mouth if you keep it hanging open.” Sehun chuckled seeing Lyorin’s fascinated expression. She was too concentrated on the story that was told by Kris and Suho, that she didn’t even realise was hanging.

She swallowed nervously and asked, “So, is that why that guy, the BAP leader said that EXO had betrayed the fraternity? Then, what’s with the STAR that you had to protect? It wasn’t mention in the story.”

“The Book of Fate is the source of strength for the choosen ones. Without it, the chosen ones are powerless, meaning their powers are gone. The main reason why we possess powers is to follow what The Book of Fate needs us to do. When the Books of Fate of the two clans, BTOB and EXO were destroyed, the clans were then bestowed with a human each, whom they need to protect in order to survive and maintain their powers. It is sort of like a substitute. Now do you understand why you are so special and imp0rtant to us? Without you, we would lose our powers and eventually may fail to ensure the clan’s existence. As long as there is a STAR, then there would be EXO.” Kris explained.

“There will be a new STAR in the future generations?” Lyorin was puzzled.

“Yes. The STAR and chosen ones would always be present within the cycles of generations. When a clan fails to protect their STAR, they will lose their powers until a new STAR is born in the future. But it’s not that simple. When a clan loses power, it is highly vulnerable and to sustain one generation or more plus not knowing when the newest STAR will be born is not easy, especially when BAP is taking advantage it. You are lucky if your STAR is born in the next generation. You don’t have to wait long.” It was Suho who explained this time.

“Why is BAP taking advantage of it?”

“BAP is known to be the most stubborn clan. They see themselves as the mightiest since they are the oldest. They would search high and low for the STAR, just to destroy them. By killing the Star, they would be the only clan with powers.  They want to be the only remaining clan to exist in this world. They don’t care about whether we were once a family. This is like a game to them. All they want is power, and by destroying a STAR, they gain unimaginable powers because the powers of the losing clan will be transferred to them. With every generation that manages to destroy the STAR, the chosen ones would boast their victory. Like I’ve said, this has become a game to them. To seek and kill and then gain powers. Sadly, they caught and managed to destroy BTOB’s current STAR.” A tinge of despair could be heard from Suho.

“Oh dear,” Lyorin was shocked.

“However, BTOB members have not lost their powers fully. I would say that they are still lucky because their STAR for this present generation comes in two. They are twins. They failed to protect one, but was still able to let the other one live. BAP members aren’t aware of this.” Suho continued.

“So, where are they now?”

“Somewhere in Seoul but they are lying low to prevent any encounter again. It was hard for them at first losing someone special but thankfully they pulled through.” Suho answered. This was a little secret between EXO and BTOB that BAP wasn’t aware of.

 “If you could remember, BAP came together with their army. Even though the chosen ones are the legitimate ones with special abilities gifted since birth, they have the power to train normal beings from their clan and instil them with powers. They may not be as powerful as the chosen ones, but when many, they can be difficult to win. They still possess the Book of Fate, after all.” Lay continued after Suho.

Lyorin understood it all now. The thought of BAP hunting her sent shivers down her spine. However, she was determined to ensure that EXO never end. It was a huge responsibility which involved her life but she was willing to take on the challenges she was about to face.

“Okay enough for the night. It’s already 3am in the morning. Guys, leave the room now. Our sweetie here needs her rest.” Xiumin took the empty bowl of porridge away. Surprisingly, Lyorin finished it all up while listening to Kris and Suho. “Rest well, our precious STAR,” he said while tucking her in bed.

Lyorin shot him a glare. “DO NOT EVER CALL ME THAT! Ewwww!” She made a disgusted face and threw pillow at him but he swiftly avoided.



It was a week before school and you planned to stay at the mansion, rushing through your assignments. It was a short school holiday of two weeks, but you didn’t get to enjoy the first week. You were still recovering after the incident and thus only left with one week to finish your assignments. You were busy flipping through your notes when a knock was heard.

“Lyorin, are you busy?” Tao’s head popped in.

“Nah, not really. I’m just clearing my assignments and it’s almost done. What’s up?” You responded.

Tao went in and sat at the edge of the bed watching the mess of notes sprawling across it. You quickly cleared it away and made more space for him.

“Are you feeling better already?” Tao asked.

“Yeah, I’m good.” You answered while hugging a pillow. “Oppa, what is it?” You asked him straight, knowing that he must have had a reason to see her.

“What? Can’t I ask about my precious STAR anymore?” he teased and you made a disgusted face when he called you in that ridiculous name. “Okay okay, I won’t call you that. Actually, I want to explain a few things to you. I feel very sorry for not being able to save you the other day. You remember what my power is?” You nodded. “Well, I can control time and by right I could have actually stop the time and get you out of the scene but…”

“Oppa, it’s okay. I have no right to question how you use your powers.” You assured.

“No, you have to know. Lyorin, my power is unyielding to you. I can’t seem to penetrate and use my power to its fullest with you around. Every time I try to stop time, it will only last a mere 5 mins or I can’t even use my powers at all whenever you are around. That day, I did stop the time but it was only for a short time. I tried to reverse but to no avail as well. It was just useless and worst, I don’t even know why.  The first time I showed my power to you, I already sensed something was not quite right. Later on, I realised that my power is useless whenever you are around me.” He revealed.

“Do you know why?”

“That’s the thing. It frustrates me to no end not knowing why.” He let out a sigh.

“Maybe it’s not you. Maybe it’s me. I’m probably jinxed or something.” You figured out maybe it’s just you.

“No! It’s not you. I guess maybe we can’t have the best of everything. Anyway, I was just trying to fill you in just in case you were wondering why I didn’t use my powers. Listen, I’m not blaming you at all. Never. Actually my powers aren’t really terrific. I could only stop time for as long as 30mins reverse it to not more than 30mins and I can’t forward the time. So, basically it’s quite useless as it is already.” He laughed, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

“It’s alright oppa. Atleast I know you are one of the best skilled fighter in EXO.” You beamed, not blaming him at the slightest bit. Tao was the best when it comes to fighting. Due to his martial arts background, he was agile and his movements were light and quick.

“Aish, thank you! You know, it’s not only me. It seems Kai and Luhan hyung have problems too. Kai can’t teleport you while hyung can’t read your mind. Like I’ve said, you can’t have a perfect world.” Tao added.

“What?! Phew….thank God Luhan can’t read my mind.” You eased.

“Why? Is it because you’re constantly cursing us mentally?” Tao side eyed you.

“Hmm..sort of.” You chuckled and admitted truthfully. Tao threw a pillow but you manage to dodge and stuck out your tongue. He ruffled your hair and pulled you into a tight hug suddenly.

“Lyorin, don’t ever leave us okay?” You nodded and promised.


To be continued...




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You. My dear author. Are insanely amazing! I read the sequel too and i loved it!!! I cried for Yoona TT TT I couldn't handle it. But I'm just so happy everyone is happy in the end <3
For someone who's not a native English speaker, your skills at it are almost spot on!
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 60: Oo sequel =)
Chapter 45: I like the story, but i don't like when luhan fall inlove with yoona. I thought the exo boys only love lyorin
Chapter 60: Great story... I hope that Lyorin will end up with Kai... Why is it that EXO and Mr. Lee always keeping a secret to Lyorin?? It's only make the matters worse because she didn't know anything... At first, I detest Yongguk, and then I like him a little bit after he say that he will protect Lyorin and then I hate him for his mistakes when he's drunk and overdrown with jealousy... So, I'm guessing that Lyorin was not a simple star right?? Her mother maybe the star to BAP clan and fall in Love with the choosen one from EXO clan... 2 different person with a a bigger role and power have give birth to beautiful daughter who fate has choosen her to be EXO star and the one who can bring all the clan united again... I kind of like this story if there is less drama in this story... Thank god, there was less drama in this story with Sori being all y toward Lyorin and Yuri bullied Lyorin.. I'm glad... I don't really like drama and the heroin in this story, eventhough weak, stubborn amd vulnerable but she's not playing a role Damsel in Distress although sometimes she can be quite stubborn but, yup she can survive without EXO 24/7 help her like the incident when she had hanging with Yunna for the 1st time after leaving with EXO, she did not showing them they are afraid and they were scared... she even protect Yoona eventhough she can run faster..I like her strong, fierce, stubborn and athletic character... I like feisty character rather than Damsel in Distress..
Chapter 3: I don't know why... But I hate the stories that start off with the parent forcing the kid to do something that is against her will.. And yet the kid isn't doing anything to fight back... The aunt should understand that she didn't want to be there and not force her to do everything.. I swear... Idk... It just annoys me....>__<
Chapter 60: Aw yongguk t.t Off to sequel ~
Chapter 60: I like this story!!! Poor YongGuk, he did wrong, I know and it is only fair that she wants him to stay away from her and her beloved ones, but still... poor bb.
Chapter 60: i like your story,,^^