
Dawn of the Rising Star


A fraternity was formed between 3 powerful clans who shared the same mission and possessed the greatness of powers anyone could imagine. They were guided by what they called it; The Book of Fate. They weren't your ordinary people, but people who vowed to keep their clans together for eternity, to remain loyal to their masters, to maintain the greatest secret and most imp0rtantly, to follow what the Book of Fate had planned for them; to kill. They were assassins. Assassins who killed anyone that the Book of Fate had instructed. Anyone who was deemed socially unfit and would cause danger. No one ever defied the order as they believed these people that were assassinated would only bring more problems to the society in the future. They could be future murderers, rapists, pickpockets and more. It was only right for them to be killed before they commit such hideous acts. That was how these clans maintained peace for past societies. That was how they thought it would be forever until one fateful night.

In each clan, there were the chosen ones. The ones who possessed powers one could never imagine. Powers that were out of the world. These people were exceptionally respected as they were the ones who carried out the mission. Every successful mission they fulfilled, their powers would only get stronger. Despite being of different clans, they trained and worked together like a family. They were regarded as the best men in the respective clans. These chosen ones had names which represented their clans; BAP, BTOB and lastly EXO. BAP was the oldest clan while EXO was a young one. Nevertheless, these clans were close and strongest when together.

On every full moon night, the head masters of each clan would seek their respective chambers to decipher the code before gathering. The masters would decipher series of code given and an unfortunate name would appear for each clans. The names were the people that they had to kill without question.  However, one night everything took a drastic turn.

“Hey, have you heard about EXO’s chosen ones? Apparently, they have gotten stronger and better,” claimed one of the BAP member. Two of the BAP members were walking along the hallway of the royal residence, which housed the head masters of the clans and the chosen ones.

“Nah, our chosen ones are still the best. Besides, we are the eldest and that means we are the strongest no matter what,” the other guy disagreed to the assertion his fellow kind made

They were casually talking when out of a sudden, one of them stopped, “Hey, today is a full moon night, right? Want to try something exciting?” The other guy stood clueless as to what his companion had in mind. “Want to see how the names of the forsaken victims being deciphered? Aren’t you curious how the head clans manage to decipher the codes? Don’t you want to see the Book of Fate?” He asked softly.

“No way! It’s forbidden!” His friend rejected vehemently.

“Shh..not so loud! Don’t tell me you aren’t curious to see how the Book of Fate looks like? I have a secret hideout that no one knows. I’ve been watching it since months ago. I’m pretty sure no one will catch us. Trust me. The Book of Fate is magnificent.” His friend assured. Tempted by his friend’s words, he finally agreed.

Both of them made their way to the secret hideout. “YAH! It’s the EXO’s chamber! How did you manage to find this place?!”

“Stay quiet, idiot. Just peep through from the holes here. See, that is the Book of Fate.”

“Wow, amazing. You’re brilliant. Eh wait, why is he burning the paper? OMG! Don’t tell me what’s written on the paper is…”

“KILL EXO LEADER?!” Both of them said out softly in unison. They were shocked. The paper was half-burnt but they could see an irregular ‘o’ shape followed by the word ‘leader’. The only thing that crossed their mind was “EXO leader” since the burnt paper had what it looked like an ‘o’ written on it.

“No, I think it must be a mistake.” One of them tried to push away the thought. They were well aware on how serious it would be if any of the clan leaders was to be killed. Once a clan lost its head, it would crumble and eventually ceased to exist. That was the most fearful thing that could ever happen to a clan that had been preserved for generations.

“I think it’s real.” The other guy declared, after seeing how nervous EXO’s head master when he was burning the paper. “We need to report this to our master!”

In BAP’s chamber, the atmosphere was relatively quiet. Mr Kim, BAP head clan, was scratching his head trying to decipher the code for that night. However, no matter how many times he tried, he could never decipher the code. That was the first.

“What’s wrong with me tonight? Why is it so difficult to get a name?” Mr Kim let out a frustrated cry. He had been in the room close to two hours but he just could not decipher the code. In the midst of his crisis, he heard a knock. “Who is it?! Didn’t I warn you not to disturb me?” He called out angrily.

Nevertheless, he let them in. “Your humble servants apologise for intruding, Master Kim. However, we have an urgent matter that needs to be reported. We just came back from passing by EXO’s chamber and sensing something peculiar, we decided to take a look. Our eyes witnessed the most shocking act.”

“Why were you at EXO’s chamber?! Do you know that it’s forbidden?!” Mr Kim yelled, but deep inside he was curious. “What did you see?” He asked with a much calmer tone than before.

“Your humble servants deserved to be punished for his actions.” They bowed and then added, “We happened to see Master Lee trying to hide away the name of the person that was to be killed and…” The guy stopped. Mr Kim was waiting for him to continue. “..we saw the name. It’s ‘KILL EXO LEADER’” he finally let out everything.

“Are you speaking the truth?!” Mr Kim interrogated further.

“Yes, Master Kim. We saw it with our own eyes.” They confirmed.

“Fine, both of you may leave. I will handle from here. Do not spread this to anyone, understand?” He warned them. They bowed and left.

Is that why I have trouble deciphering tonight’s code, Mr Kim wondered. But no one ever defy the Book of Fate. If Mr Lee is to be killed, then he must be killed!



The three head masters gathered at the royal hall. The atmosphere was dense and everyone was silent.

“Mr Lee, do you have anything that you need to declare? Whose name did you get for tonight?” Mr Kim questioned the youngest clan master with an authoritative tone.

“I did not get to decipher the name.” Mr Lee answered.

“LIAR! It was your name, am I right?!” Mr Kim went straight to the point. His yell caught the attention of Mr Hong, BTOB’s master. Mr Lee was taken off guard. He was looking down, trying to avoid the eye contact.

“Yes, it’s me.” He announced. “Kill me then.”

Mr Hong stood up and walked towards Mr Lee. Mr Kim figured that he would carry out the job of killing EXO’s master. However with an unexpected turn, Mr Hong didn’t comply. Instead, he was protecting Mr Lee. “You can’t kill him!” Mr Hong spoke out.

“What?! How dare you defy the order given by the Book of Fate?!” Mr Kim shouted across but both of them didn’t budge.

“There are more things in life than following the Book of Fate. Mr Kim, you will understand what I’m saying one day but right now, killing Mr Lee would not solve the problem. In fact, you will be committing the biggest sin.” Mr Hong stated out calmly and composed.

“What are you talking about? No one ever defies the Book of Fate!” Mr Kim was furious. How could he side someone who was supposedly a threat to the society? They even had the nerve to claim that there were more imp0rtant things other than the sacred Book of Fate.

“Mr Kim, listen here. I will never kill Mr Kim and I will never allow you to do that. It’s either you kill me as well or no one. You have to choose between the Book of Fate and us. We have decided, on this very night, we will not be following the Book of Fate anymore.” Mr Hong declared.

“Mr Hong, what are you doing? You’re willing to give up the Book of Fate that has been with us for years, that has maintained order and peace. You’re willing to throw all that away just for this traitor?!” Mr Kim accused. He was glaring his eyes on Mr Lee who remained still.

“Yes, I am! I have come to a decision after many considerations. This is not only to preserve our family but to protect you!” Mr Han stated firmly.

“Protect me? Haha!” Mr Kim laughed cynically. “Fine! Both of you are banished from here starting from tonight onwards! I’m keeping the Book of Fate. Leave and never come back! Do not come crawling back at me when you face any dangers. We are no longer a family!” Mr Kim announced.

Mr Lee and Mr Hong retreated without arguing. Before Mr Hong left the room, “Mr Kim, remember the decision we made today was only to protect you and your clan. Like I’ve said, there are more imp0rtant things in life we need to sacrifice. Goodbye.” That was the last meeting they had. The members of BTOB and EXO left the fraternity and destroyed the Book of Fate. Ever since that night, they tried to avoid crossing paths with each other, because it would only end in bloodshed. 


To be continued...




Author's note

I'm using the respective founders' names for the head masters. For example; Mr Lee as EXO's clan master because Lee Soo Man. LOL!

If you guys are confused, basically, there are three clans. BAP, EXO and BTOB are names I used to represent the clans's names not just for specific group. In future you will see that for certain familiar characters, I refer them to belong to  a certain clan, for example, BAP's clan.

These guys possessed powers because of the existence of a sacred book known as the Book of Fate. 

With regard to the event when 2 of the members from BAP found out about the name, it was a mistake. 

The paper was half-burnt but they could see an irregular ‘o’ shape followed by the word ‘leader’. The only thing that crossed their mind was “EXO leader” since the burnt paper had what it looked like an ‘o’ written on it.

If you see the letters for the names of the groups, BTOB, EXO and BAP..the letter at the end of all groups like B, O and P respectively, have a certain 'o' shape. Obviously, EXO is the closest because they have the letter O at the end. But, I would like to emphasise the word, 'irregular'. Furthermore, the paper was half burnt meaning... JENG JENG JENG. I'm not going to spoil it anymore.

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You. My dear author. Are insanely amazing! I read the sequel too and i loved it!!! I cried for Yoona TT TT I couldn't handle it. But I'm just so happy everyone is happy in the end <3
For someone who's not a native English speaker, your skills at it are almost spot on!
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 60: Oo sequel =)
Chapter 45: I like the story, but i don't like when luhan fall inlove with yoona. I thought the exo boys only love lyorin
Chapter 60: Great story... I hope that Lyorin will end up with Kai... Why is it that EXO and Mr. Lee always keeping a secret to Lyorin?? It's only make the matters worse because she didn't know anything... At first, I detest Yongguk, and then I like him a little bit after he say that he will protect Lyorin and then I hate him for his mistakes when he's drunk and overdrown with jealousy... So, I'm guessing that Lyorin was not a simple star right?? Her mother maybe the star to BAP clan and fall in Love with the choosen one from EXO clan... 2 different person with a a bigger role and power have give birth to beautiful daughter who fate has choosen her to be EXO star and the one who can bring all the clan united again... I kind of like this story if there is less drama in this story... Thank god, there was less drama in this story with Sori being all y toward Lyorin and Yuri bullied Lyorin.. I'm glad... I don't really like drama and the heroin in this story, eventhough weak, stubborn amd vulnerable but she's not playing a role Damsel in Distress although sometimes she can be quite stubborn but, yup she can survive without EXO 24/7 help her like the incident when she had hanging with Yunna for the 1st time after leaving with EXO, she did not showing them they are afraid and they were scared... she even protect Yoona eventhough she can run faster..I like her strong, fierce, stubborn and athletic character... I like feisty character rather than Damsel in Distress..
Chapter 3: I don't know why... But I hate the stories that start off with the parent forcing the kid to do something that is against her will.. And yet the kid isn't doing anything to fight back... The aunt should understand that she didn't want to be there and not force her to do everything.. I swear... Idk... It just annoys me....>__<
Chapter 60: Aw yongguk t.t Off to sequel ~
Chapter 60: I like this story!!! Poor YongGuk, he did wrong, I know and it is only fair that she wants him to stay away from her and her beloved ones, but still... poor bb.
Chapter 60: i like your story,,^^