>>Chapter 37

My and Byun baekhyun's temporary love.

You opened your eyes and found nothing but darkness, and for a moment you thought you had woke up in your room at night. *How did I get back home? The last thing I remember is--*




You gasped and that was when you felt the fabric that was wrapped tightly around your mouth. "Mmf!" you struggled to say something. Anything. but your effort was in vain.

You looked around the dark room, trying to adjust your eyes to the pitch black darkness. You noticed that there was nothing in the room and there was only a wooden door at the corner of the door, and of course there was no windows meaning there was really no source of light.

"Where the hell am I?" you cried in frustration and you slumped in your chair only to have pain shoot up your spine. "Ah!" you looked down and saw a hard wooden chair that you were strapped to.

"Ugh. It's not like this is a drama or anything. Why couldn't they just at least give me a more comfortable chair to sit in while I wait." you muttered, kicking your feet into the air.

"Because it's not a drama, you should be worried about what Boss is planning for you." a figure stood up from the crouched position he was in next to the door, and you were momentarily surprised because you hadn't noticed him before.

"W-who are you?" you gasped, trying to sound strong, but obviously failing.

"Me? Don't you remember me? I'm offended." the guy smirked before turning on the lights, although it was still dim in the room. As you settled to the unfamiliar light, you gazed at him and at first, you were confused because you were sure you had never seen this man before.


the little details of his face led to a certain face of a young boy long ago.

"Hyunwoo?!" you were beyond shocked now. "W-why. A-are you the one who-- no, wait. Where have you been all this time?" you whispered.




"Hyunwoo-yah! It's time to leave now so say goodbye to Nana!" Hyunwoo's mother took hold of the 8-year old Hyunwoo as the young boy turned to face the 7-year old girl.

"Are you gonna come back tomorrow to play again?" he asked her and she simply looked up with her big doe eyes  at her mother who was behind her, also holding her hand. The two mothers exchanged a knowing look and chuckled.

"Of course." Nana's mother ruffled her daughter's hair lovingly.

"Pinky promise?" Hyunwoo held out his pinky finger and Nana grinned widely, sealing the promise. "I promise." she squeaked before grabbing her mother's hand again and leading her towards the direction of home. "Daddy's waiting at home, right Mom? Right? Right?" at each 'right' she jumped up excitedly and that was the last time he ever saw her again.

The next afternoon, Mrs. Han finished buttoning up Nana's sweater to keep the cold away before going out the door. It wasn't too far to Hyunwoo's home and so they sang together a song as they swung their hands back and forth.

When they reached Hyunwoo's house, the door was swung wide open and faint cries could be heard inside. Stopping in her tracks, Mrs. Han darted inside without a word and Nana wordlessly followed inside without a clue of why.

When Nana had entered, she saw his mother sitting on the floor of a wrecked house while her own mother comforted her, while speaking softly.His mother was crying her eyes out bawling her husband's and son's name over and over. Young Nana could only see the tears and walked over to her wordlessly and gave her a hug. She didn't know what was going on but she knew that tears were shed when one was in misery.

Nana was close enough to hear her next words: "T-the loan sharks. They took h-him. and our son." she wailed. "They were all I had and the loan sharks took them." she pounded her chest in agony.




As time passed and Nana slowly processed everything in her head, she slowly turned her head towards him again, wide open in shock. "They took you... You must have been so scared.." you whispered in a barely audible voice.

"Don't pity me. I don't need it." he sneered, but you could sense that he was in pain. He was exactly the same as when they were young. She could always see through him.

"Look. Hyunwoo. I know that you suffered a lot in the past, but that doesn't mean you have to go through it in the future too." you almost pleaded, and he stayed silent. "If you just listen to me, I could help both of us get out of thi--"

"and how do you plan on doing that?" he choked his words out and you saw the tears glistening in his eyes. "How do you plan on getting me out of this? Every day, every night I thought of how I could escape all of this torture." he grabbed his hair in frustration.

"I even thought of running away.." he raised his head and looked into your eyes, "but if I do, he'll kill him." the tears that were threatening to come out won as they streamed down his face. "My dad. As long as he has him, I'm his puppet."

"Ohmygod.." you muttered. You wanted to go to him right now and give him a big warm hug, but it was impossible to as you were held down.Hyunwoo quickly wiped away his tears and his face stoned as if he had millions of practices to cover up his feelings.

"There, there, that was a nice storytime, but if you don't mind. If you're done with all those touching stories of yours, let me join you now." a dark voice echoed throughout the room as the door opened and a tall figure stepped into the room.

"Boss.." Hyunwoo's voice shook, and you glared at this so-called 'boss.'

"Little girl. You're a tough one, aren't you? Not everyone has the guts to stare at me like that." he chuckled. "but if you want to survive for at least a second more while your prince, baekhyun, comes rushing here to his or your death, you're gonna have to do better than that."



Is everything clear now? haha NOO it's not sehun [; he's too innocent for this mehe. if you don't remember the characters in this chapter, remember the creepy dude who commanded poor hyunwoo to track Nana down in order to get revenge on Baekhyun?? yeaah that dude.

and by the way, finals week is next week. /dead/ so um. that means i SHOULD BE studying.. right now... cuz i have another test on wednesday too.... ahem. so um. I might not update that much, but if I do, they'll be pretty short.

but thanks for sticking through with me! <3


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HINT: who else is mean and has a "servant" under him?? LOOK. LOOK HARD. IT'S IN THE CHAPTERS. SOMEWHERE. #key word: DARTS


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MDV0807 #1
Chapter 53: Omg love this story plz continue ....can't wait for what's going to happen next
liviya #2
I am listening
liviya #3
I am listening
moimoii #4
Chapter 53: i am really eager to know more, update soon................. love baekhyun
EXOxoxo3213 #5
Chapter 53: Update soon
Chapter 53: omg!!!! you have to update this story sweetheart ;;aaa;;
choden #7
all i want to know is...........you are continuing the story rite?????? I REALLY HOPE THAT YOU DONT GIVE UP ON IT.....plz dont......and hope that you'll update soon.....HWAITING!!!And dont give up on it yet!!!
Chapter 53: i miss this fic.. authornim.... please come back and updates... Are you in okay?
Paboly_Nisa #9
Chapter 53: i really love this fic
Chapter 53: Oh my goddd I've been keeping to read this story aftr it has finishes but here I am reading all of this 48 chapters in one day :3 can't resist baekhyun though :D
Great story here authornim keep it up juseyoo~~ ^^