
The Brilliance Of Love
Birds chirped and flew around the skies while clouds crowded the deep blue skies.

The sun shone brightly onto one particular house and as the sun shone in brightly in the house, it shone onto a man and a woman which was tightly knitted in each other arms.

Their eyes both fluttered slightly and they just gave a slight groan before trying to sleep in but they couldn't as the sun was too bright for them already.

Aaron quickly fumbled for the curtains controls and after seconds of fumbling for it, he got it and immediately pressed a button that got the curtains covering the room right away.

As the curtains was covered, he quickly hugged Hebe tighter and then closed his eyes to rest again but as Hebe changed position, that got him waking up again and as he looks at her, he could see that she wasn’t even making an effort to cover her bosoms at all.

“Wow, not covering, are you trying to show me your b cup?” He teased. “Or are you giving me a hint to me to give you some nice massage like last night?” He teased again.

She pinches his cheeks hard before lying on his chest. “It isn’t b cup alright, it a c cup, you idiot.” She says rudely.

Aaron just buries his face on her back and then pushes himself and herself down to the bed again. “I am so tired, I still want to sleep in, let sleep in.” He suggested softly before yawning.

“It already 10am already, time to wake up and eat breakfast, I am going to cook breakfast.” She gets up before pulling Aaron up.

As she looks at him, her face turned a shade of pink as his body was full of irregular teeth marks done by her last night and she quickly looks away right away.

As she looks away, he went to hug her, then kissing her lightly on the lips. “What is it Hebe, what wrong?” He asked curiously.

“Nothing, let go of me now, I want to make breakfast right now.” She replies shyly before pushing herself away from him.

He just wants to know what was wrong with her and he just didn't let go of her. “Tell me now, what is wrong, you seem shy?” He says. “Is it because of what we did to each other last night, is it?” He asked.

“No, it just...just that marks I done to you.” She looks at him shyly before getting up to leave the room.

“Ahem.” Aaron coughs out at her.

Hebe looks back at him and then shows him an clueless look. “What is it, you piece of trash?” She asked in a blunt manner.

“You aren't wearing anything on, are you sure you want to walk downstairs showing out your reddish body.” He eyes her evilly before pulling her to his lap to sit.

He then took his buttoned shirt and then gave it to her to wear on. “Wear my shirt on now, Hebe, or else you are going to catch a cold.” He says in a caring manner.

“Why should I wear the clothes you gave me, I can wear my own clothes and plus, it such an big sized shirt, I will look like a dwarf in it.” She declined.

Aaron just looks at her with his sparkling eyes and just winks at her before showing a puppy look and she just couldn't resist it and she agrees to wear it on for him.

As she wears the clothes on, Aaron just whistled at her before hugging her. “You look so cute in this, make breakfast now for me, alright?” He nuzzles his lips on her neck which got her giggling out due to itchiness.

She pushes him away before walking out of the bedroom, then snickering to himself. “That for being so fake with me, you piece of , luckily I got to know that you are an playboy, such a fake guy, so you want me, you got it, but you will get yourself played on.” She snickers to herself before walking away to make breakfast for him.
_ _ _ _
Rainie was still sleeping in without anything to cover her and Show just had his camera in hand and he just takes pictures of her over and over again and she was oblivious to it.

But the numerous clicks did get her attention and she opens her eyes slightly and she sees the camera he was holding and as she looks down on herself, she immediately gets up to cover her s with her hands. “Eee, ert, you take pictures of me when I am asleep, you are such an ert, get away from me.” She covers herself with a blanket.

He just fakes an evil laugh at her before putting the camera on the lamp table before getting to her. “You smell so nice and I remember how juicy you were last night, I want more now.” He removes the blanket before pinning her hands down on the bed.

“You had me last night already and we have done a lot of last night, including you performing ‘that’ on me.” She says bluntly.

He just stops pinning her and then pulls her up before taking the camera to give it to her, then turning it on to show her the pictures he took earlier.

She just blushes right away as she sees her pictures but soon get used to it and she then looks at him with a sweet look. “Take a picture of me now, like this.” She smiles at him sweetly.

As he takes the picture of her, she then takes a look at it and then smiles at it. “Where my clothes now, where is it?” She asked.

“Here, on the bed.” He points to it. “I help you wear it on.” He says cheekily as he takes a piece of her lingerie.

She slaps him on his cheeks lightly before pushing him down to the floor and she just wears her clothes swiftly before getting up and she felt her lower body feeling so sore.

She remembers how long did they made love last night, they did it for nearly 6 hours without stop and as she gets up, Show carries her up his arms.

“Come, it time to have lunch already, Rainie, let get downstairs.” He says to her before walking out of the room.

She was bemused at his words and then says. “Isn't it just 11am right now, how are we having lunch when it is still morning.”

“It is already 1pm already, silly lady, you slept for so long, so lucky you only have an event tomorrow, or you are cooked.” He bring her downstairs to the dining table to have food.

As she finished her food, she then lies down on the sofa as her body was still sore from the lovemaking she did with Show last night.

As Show sits beside her, he then caress her soft cheeks and then tousled her hair. “What wrong Rainie, you seem really tired.” He asked.

“Ask you, how come you aren't tired from making love the whole night, how come you aren't tired but I am?” She asked tiredly.

Show just chuckles at her questions before cradling her. “You kept wanting last night, and plus, you wanted me to touch you over and over again, that why and you weren’t relaxed last night at all, that why.” He explained to her.

“It feels so painful, how am I going to relax, I felt so nervous, you jerk, you aren't helping or explaining at all.” She says bluntly as she looks at him.

Show just chuckles at her before getting her to lie on his chest. “Just relax when we make love with each other and everything will be fine for sure, Rainie.” He smiles at her before caressing her soft cheeks.

She just makes herself comfortable on his chest before looking around and she was confused as there weren’t any guards in sight. “Where all your workers, where are they, isn’t security supposed to be tight, why is it is so lax?” She asked.

“They are all having lunch, but they should be back soon and good news for you, Hebe coming with them too.” He reveals.

As she hears that, she immediately jumps up in joy. “Hebe coming too, that so great, she was done with her case, is it?” She asked in excitement.

Show nods to her words, then patting her on the head. “She just done it last night, she finished the case with Aaron already, she will be coming later.” He says.

She immediately gets up and then looks around before turning to face Show. “Where is Bin Bin, I want to play with him.” She asked as she didn't see him for the whole afternoon.

“He is at school, lady, you can't expect him to be at home for most of the time.” He replied.

Rainie just sighs as she wanted to play with him and she then looks at him with a smile. “Can you bring me along when you fetch him later?” She requested.

“No, you are targeted by assassins and I don't want Bin Bin to be part of this, you will stay at home with Hebe and the other guards.” He shakes his head as he didn't want Xiao Xiao Bin to be involved in the case. “Don't worry, if you want party, you can party at night as I know you would be safe with Hebe with you.” He says, allowing to party at night.

Rainie jumps up in joy shortly but then looks at Show again. “Then are you following me then?” She asked. “You can check on me to see if there anyone to molest me there.” She places her arms on his shoulders.

“Hebe will do her job there, I won't follow, I need a rest already, wanna spend some time with Bin Bin, perhaps another time.” He walks away from her right away and she just looks at him before walking back to her room herself.

As she was back in her bedroom looking in the mirror, she just touches her bosoms, which was slightly swollen and she just thinks to herself.

What is this now, no guys has ever touched me before, not half of what that jerk done.

Our relationship has turned into a ual one, we had so many times, we did things only husband and wives should do together and why am I thinking of this, why am I thinking of love now.

Why did I ask him to accompany me to party later, what with me, Hebe Selina and Ella are good enough already, I better not get any crazy thoughts.
_ _ _ _
As Rainie was drinking with Hebe, Ella and Selina, Selina then sits beside Rainie, then says. “So how the stay with the playboy, is he good to you?”

“He alright as a whole, but he is still one big jerk, don't really like him at all.” She replied. “But it funny that he has such an super cute son.” She reveals.

Selina and Ella were both shocked at her words. “Son, he has a son?” Selina looks on in disbelief. “If he has a son, he shouldn’t be playing around with other girls.” She shoots out.

“I don't know, but his son is really adorable, look at this photo and you will know.” Rainie takes out her phone, then showing the picture of Xiao Xiao Bin to Selina and Ella.

“That so cute, he is such an cute kid, bring him to us someday, Rainie.” Selina says, already falling in love with Xiao Xiao Bin just after seeing his picture.

Ella just takes Rainie phone and then just looks at the picture of the former phone, seeing a lot of pictures if her together with Xiao Xiao Bin but just then, as she swiped the phone screen to another picture, it was a picture of Show and her kissing.

“Wow, what the hell is this?” Ella looks on shocked as she shows Selina and Hebe the picture of Rainie kissing Show.

Hebe and Selina were shocked as well and Rainie immediately snatches her phone away from both of them. “Hey, you are invading my privacy.” She keeps her phone right away.

“You were on the bed kissing with him, and you were , and so was he, what was that Rainie, care to tell us about it?” Selina wraps her arm around Rainie shoulder, then looking at her with an keen look.

Rainie face just flushed again and she immediately drinks her cup of drinks right away. “It my private life, why should I tell you about it.” She shot back, wanting to hide as much as possible from Selina, Ella and Hebe.

“Aren't we sisters, just tell us alright, it won't die, come on, just tell us.” She pleaded. “I can swear for you, if I say anything out of what you are going to say this instance, acne will break out on my face and all types of disease will come to me.” She made a cruel vow.

Rainie sighs and just gives in. “Alright, I tell you about it, I had with him.” She reveals.

Everyone was shocked by her revelation and was shocked. “What, , you fallen into that playboy hands, is it?” Ella asked.

“No, it wasn’t, I wanted it, he wanted it, we both consented to it and I got a good deal out of it, I am in a big mega production now, it is worth it.” She replied.

Both Selina and Ella understood her intention but was then worried. “But he is one hell of an playboy, are you sure he won't ruin your life?” Ella asked.

Rainie shakes her head in return and then just pats Ella. “Don't worry, he won't do anything to me, for now, he is really helping me a lot in lots of things, my income is going to get higher this year as his friends which are all powerful people in the showbiz gave me products to endorse.”

“Tell him to help us too as well then, we want to be more popular, against Amber group, I want to be more popular than her.” Selina says, aiming for Amber spot in the showbiz.

“Me too, tell him to help me too.” Ella shows up her hands cutely.

Rainie could only laugh at both Selina and Ella before replying to their favour. “Don't worry, I have already told him long time ago to help me and you girls already, you may receive a phone call really soon.” She smiles at them.

“Wow, boss isn’t a really good guy towards girls, Rainie, you better know what you are doing right now.” Hebe advised.

Rainie just wraps her arm around Hebe waist and then just smiles at her. “I know that he is a ert, but other than that, he is okay and he give me colours in my life right now.” She reveals. “Making love with him feel so great, he is so great in bed.” She shouts out.

“Wow, that terrible for you then, you turned into an evil maniac, just like him.” Hebe fakes an pitiful look at her.

Rainie just pinches her cheeks lightly in response to her words. “Stop talking about me, how about you now Hebe, so how the past week protecting Aaron Yan?” She asked.

“Alright as a whole, but I found out something interesting about him.” She reveals keenly.

“What is it, what did you find out about him, tell us.” Selina and Ella asked in excitement.

“Aaron Yan is actually an playboy from what I found out.” She reveals to them but none of them were amazed at it at all.

“Chey, I thought you found out that he has STD or some weird sickness, which rich guy aren't a playboy now at this age.” Selina exclaimed.

Hebe just sighs at Selina before shaking her head. “I am not done yet Sel, let me finish my words first before you start commenting.” She tells her. “I thought he was liking me, but I found that he was just trying to bed me.” She says.

“Wow, bedding you, bedding you, the best fighter of our university, is he courting death?” Ella laughs out.

Rainie just laughed along with Selina and Ella and then says. “Looks like I should be talking to Show to tell him to advise his friend to stop trying then.”

“It could be a good way, but it is too late already.” She reveals.

Selina immediately chokes on her drinks right away and then looks at Hebe with an shocked look. “What, don't tell me he bedded you already, Hebe, don't tell me you fell for him.” Selina says in an dramatic manner.

“No No No.” Hebe shakes her head right away. “I will play him back, I play him back at his own game, I admit, he did bed me, but I gave in willingly, and it was an fantastic experience, but I am still going to play him.” She reveals her plans.

Rainie, Ella and Selina were all shocked at Hebe revelation but understood her intention. “But what if he finds out about it?” Ella asked.

“Then I treat it as an bad experience of failing to play him then.” Hebe replies bluntly before looking at the time. “It late, I have to bring Rainie back, it time to leave.” She gets up.

Rainie gets up as well and then looks at her watch. “Wow, it is so late already, have to get back home or else I won't have the energy for tomorrow event.”

As Hebe was about to hail a taxi to get Rainie back to Show residence, Show then appears with Aaron separately in their cars which surprises her.

“Hi Hebe, hi girls and hi my dearest honey.” Show says, then giving a light peck to Rainie on her lips which causes her to blush slightly.

Aaron walks out of the car, then pulling Hebe for a hug right away. “Hebe, really missed you for the last few hours, pains me not to see you.” He whispered softly to her which only gained a hearty chuckle from her.

“What have you turned into, just a few hours and you got clingy on me?” She smiles out. “You can't just get clingy on me just because you want it, I got a job to do.” She says and had a finger placed on her lips right away.

“Show told me that you are dismissed for the night now, he will bring Rainie home this instance right away.” He whispers to her with a light smile before brushing his nose towards hers which causes her to blush slightly.

As she looks at Show and Rainie, she could also see Xiao Xiao Bin getting out of the car and immediately, she walks to him right away to hug him. “My dear Bin Bin, did you miss Hebe Jie Jie?” Hebe asks with a smile on her face which only gets Aaron face black with jealousy.

“Hebe Jie Jie, I missed you, why haven’t you been visiting me and playing with me?” Xiao Xiao Bin asks cutely which gains smiles from Hebe.

“Jie Jie is busy with work now.” She replies with a smile and then looks at Rainie. “Don't you like to be with Rainie Jie Jie now?” She asked.

Xiao Xiao Bin immediately shakes his head towards her words. “No, you are number one, Rainie Jie Jie is number two, Hebe Jie Jie, visit me alright?” He says innocently that could only make Hebe kiss him many times because he was so cute.

“Okay, Jie Jie promise you that she will visit you more often, alright?” Hebe pats him before hooking pinkies with him.

As she gets to Aaron, she could see that he was overwhelmed with jealousy and she could only shake her head in disbelief. “Aaron Yan, I don't know you can get jealous over a 4 to 5 year old kid, you are really so small-minded.” She shakes her head. “Didn't I just become yours just earlier today, why are you so insecure for.” She whispers.

That got him remembering and his jealousy was immediately away from his mind and he hugs her. “Are you going to spend the night at my house for today?” He asks while tickling her.

“I have to, my stuff are all over there, bring me home now, I am really tired, but don't try anything funny.” She warns and was promptly given a kiss by Aaron cheekily.

Hebe then looks at Show and Rainie. “Hey, boss, Rainie, I see you tomorrow and I will organise a group to protect you, Rainie, bye.” She says before leaving with Aaron back for his house.
_ _ _ _
Back at Show house, Show was just dine tucking Xiao Xiao Bin to sleep and he was walking back to his room and he finds Rainie already making herself comfortable on his massive king sized bed.

He couldn't help but new playtoy or partner. “Wow, love me so much till you want to get bedded this instance by wearing so ily?” He look.

“Don't even try it for today, I have a big event tomorrow, you better spend more energy thinking of protecting me instead of having with me whenever you see me.” She shoots back. “And just sleep now, jerk, or else I make sure I get you to sleep tied up and sue you for ual harrasment.” She warns.

He was surprised by her words but just lets out a hearty chuckle as he sits beside her. “Rainie, as you said, it late, time to sleep now, and you should give me a goodnight kiss first.” He gestures to his lips.

Rainie kisses it lightly before pushing him down to the bed. “You are my pillow for the night, don't try to move away or I will molest you.” She threatened jokingly.

“I don't mind you molesting me as it will turn into me molesting you for sure since you are so weak against me.” He replies back.

She didn't fight back to his words and just makes herself comfortable on his chest before saying her last sentence for the night. “Wake me up if I don't wake up from the alarms.” She says softly before closing her eyes to sleep.
Chapter 12, little bebu or SR scene here, so far, quite difficult for me to write as I don't even have much inspiration all due to school work, but as I have said, it isn’t going to stop me from updating, remember to comment and tell me what needs work, I will try to improve, time to sleep now, good night everybody.

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