Unspoken Thoughts

Never Meant to Be

Finally, the weekends arrived.  It was the long awaited days of the week for students to hang out and get away from a certain cursed place called school. Woohyun had invited the boys to meet up and have fun at Paradise, his favourite hangout. It seemed as if a player like him could really recover as fast as he got hurt. However, Myungsoo thought that sometimes things should be observed beyond the surface. He didn’t know why but he felt that Woohyun’s smile seemed fainter and his player’s ways had gotten a little more extreme.

“YO!” Dongwoo yelled into the receiver.

“Esh. You don’t have to shout.” L snapped as he pulled his phone away.

“Haha, mian. Anyw-”

“Yah, L. Where are you?” Woohyun snatched the phone away from Dongwoo.

L could vaguely hear Dongwoo whining like a kid.

“I am walking to the subway now.” He said as he checked the train’s arrival timing.

“Aish, such an old man. We will go to ‘Paradise’ first. You will just meet us there because you know… My girls can’t wait.” He said in a smug tone.

“Arasso.” With that, L hung up and slipped his phone into the pocket.

Getting on the train, L was slightly taken aback at the crowd in the train. However, he still boarded it nonetheless. This was one of the reasons why he hated going out during the weekends. The crowd would always be ridiculously overwhelming and all transportation modes are practically packed with people. L put his headphones on and blended in with the large sea of people. Some time later, he felt someone knock into him, real hard. He looked up from his phone and glared at the person with his usual icy stare.

“Ah, I’m sorry.” The person said nervously.

Their eyes met and he realized that the girl was none other than Min Hee. He wondered if there was any special meaning to them being able to meet on a non-schooling day among such a big crowd. Just then, more people squeezed their way through the carriage’s door. Min Hee lost her balance a little as the person behind bumped into her. She fell and hit L’s chest. Both of their hearts skipped a beat at the sudden happening.

L’s phone was pressed against his shirt and he could feel Min Hee’s body on top of his hand. He cleared his throat awkwardly as Min Hee apologized again. She tried to move back but she merely got pushed back to the same position again.

“Just stay this way.” L said and she nodded lightly.

Min Hee could smell the light cologne that Myungsoo applied and he could also smell the fragrance of the soap she used. The music playlist in L’s phone had stopped playing and he could hear both of their breathing clearly. L took the chance to study her close- up face.

“She is beautiful.” He thought as he studied her porcelain skin and crafted features that seemed to be put together to form a masterpiece.

Min Hee looked up slightly and saw that L was looking at her. However, his expression was unreadable, as usual.

“He is really… good looking. No wonder, he is the kingka of the school.” She thought as she looked away.

When the train entered the next station, some of the people alighted. Min Hee then moved back and away from L. She was standing next to him and both of them did not do anything else. They merely stared into the space before. The automated voice from the receiver announced the next station name. When the door slid open, Min Hee looked back at L for a brief moment.

“Bye.” She uttered so softly.

As she was walking along the platform, she could feel someone trailing behind her. Min Hee glanced at the reflection of the glass and realized it was Myungsoo. She smiled and continued walking without turning back. She had deliberately took the longer way to reach the place where she was to meet the rest. Reaching her destination, she glanced back to see whether L was still around. Her face fell when she realized he was nowhere to be found.

“Yoon Min Hee, you idiot. So much for thinking that he was following you… Why would a kingka like him follow someone like you? Pabo.” She scolded herself mentally.

“Boo.” Someone whispered into her ear.

She jumped a little and found Sunggyu grinning at her.

“Yah. You scared me.” She scolded and giggled at his childishness.

“You’re early.” He said.

“Ani, you’re late by a minute.” She said and showed him her watch.

“The kid couple is not here yet.” He joked and leaned against the wall.

“Haha, yea. They are always late.” She said.

“Sunggyu, you’re wearing white today.” She noticed.

“I know you like white.” He stated.

She smiled and did not read too much into it. Sunggyu felt a little bitter when Min Hee did not say anything else after he said that. She still had not realized. Secretly, Sunggyu was hoping she would know his feelings for her but at the same time, he was afraid. As much as he wanted to be more than friends, he was scared that they couldn’t even be friends if she did not feel the same way. The conversation stopped so naturally and a comfortable silence filled the air. Sunggyu stuffed his hands into his pockets and attempted to enjoy their moment of two before Sungjong and Jieun joined. Unknown to them, Myungsoo was in the convenience shop, eyeing the two with jealousy written all over his face.

“So she is meeting the A class guy for a date?! Why am I even following her around? Kim Myungsoo, Yoon Min Hee is out of your league. Wake up. Isn’t Woohyun a good enough example?” L scolded himself as he inhaled and exhaled heavily.

Crushing the metallic can, he tossed it into the bin provided by the store. With that, L left the convenience store, ready to party all night and forget about Min Hee, the one he believe he would never get.

In the club, all eyes were on 5 boys who were drinking away. Some girls joined their table and they began to play guessing games and others. ‘Beautiful Night’ was playing in the background and some of them headed down to the dance floor. L wanted to continue drinking but Sungyeol had insisted for him to dance too. In the end, he was literally dragged off the leather seating by Sungyeol. He started dancing too, without a choice. Soon, a certain girl appeared before him.

Initially, the dance was still normal. However, as time passes, the girl began to do weird stuff. She traced Myungsoo’s chest with her red-painted nails and smiled seductively. Her body was so close to his and this reminded Myungsoo of how Min Hee was too some time ago. Seeing that Myungsoo was in a daze, the girl took the opportunity and pulled him out of the dancing crowd. Bringing him to an isolated corner, she pressed him against the wall and smiled. Under the influence of alcohol, Myungsoo started to see Min Hee in place of the girl.

She leaned down and was about to claim his lips when a random drunkard stumbled out of the toilet and bumped into her. She began to shout vulgarities at the man for spoiling their intimate moment. That caused L to snap out of his thoughts and saw who the girl actually was. She was just some stranger who was wearing a revealing dress with a face caked with make-up to seduce guys and have fun with them. Myungsoo wondered why he even thought she was Min Hee in the first place.

“She is not Yoon Min Hee.” He told himself as he pushed her away and left.

“Yah, we are not continuing?!” She yelled in a frustrated manner.

“I will get going first.” L told Hoya on his way out.


“Yah, give me a bite of that.” Jieun said as she advanced closer to Sungjong’s Dakkochi.

“Sure.” Sungjong said as he brought it closer to Jieun and pulled it away swiftly.

He stuffed the entire skewer into his mouth and devoured it with a satisfied smirk.

“YAHHH!” Jieun screamed and glared at Sungjong sideways.

Sungjong smiled innocently and waved his finished stick at her.

“You can have mine.” Sunggyu offered his untouched Dakkochi.

“Seriously?!” Jieun asked excitedly.

“Yea.” He passed it over to Jieun.

Jieun cheered and ate half of it before returning the remaining Dakkochi to Sunggyu.

“Ewww, you are so dirty.” Sungjong remarked.

“Guys shouldn’t mind, you gay.” Jieun scolded.

“What kind of fat pig like you eats so much?” Sungjong retorted.

Sunggyu smiled as he finished off the remaining and glanced at Min Hee.

“I hope you would be jealous because Jieun and I shared food. But you aren’t.” He thought to himself sadly.

“What are you thinking?” Sunggyu asked Min Hee who was spacing out.

“O-Oh, nothing.” Min Hee reassured with a smile before eating her Dakkochi.

“Results are going to be out soon.” Sungjong reminded.

“Yah, Lee Sungjong! Do you have to say this when we are out to enjoy?!” Jieun screamed in an annoyed manner.

“This is my mouth.” Sungjong pointed and smiled at her.

"Take that." Jieun said as he stuffed a sausage into Sungjong's mouth. 

Sunggyu looked to Min Hee for the nth time that night. He wondered why he just couldn’t stop looking at her. When they were eating, he would be curious whether Min Hee liked the food too. When they were playing games, he would want to know whether Min Hee was having fun too. When they were at a certain topic, he would be interested to know Min Hee’s thoughts on the topic. Perhaps, it was normal for someone in love. He managed to notice Min Hee’s slightest change in expression when Sungjong brought up the topic of results.

“Don’t worry. We will do well, as usual.” Sunggyu reassured with a smile when he saw Min Hee’s worried expression.

“Yea, I hope so.” She replied and forced a smile. 


Author's Note:
Hello guys.
I have managed to type up an update because it's the weekends and I don't have to work.
However, I have to work again tomorrow ): . 
But for the money... Hwaiting!! Heh. 
Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter. :D 
Don't forget to comment ! <3 
Have a great week ahead ~ 

Ps: Do you guys prefer the smaller font? 

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Hey guys! :D I am so happy while reading all the comments for 'Never Meant to Be' 's latest chapter. Thank you so much for making my day! ^^


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_LoveyDovey #1
its been a year ): update soon
niena98 #2
Chapter 35: It's soo sad to see myungsoo like that~ I hope they'll together again!!~ they're soo cute together~>< please update soon!!
charlottelehnsher #3
Chapter 35: I like L, in a way, he's just like me. We hate school because we think it's useless. School gives us too many lessons which in the end we will forget. I hope in the end the whole school, Minhee, Minhee's mom realized that school and study aren't the most important thing and we shouldn't judge based from the outside appearance. On the contrary, I kinda hate Minhee 'cause she's a typical mary sue and not WISE. She's smart, but not WISE. Like how she's too bothered with her score or how the boys behave, it's just...she just doesn't understand people, you know? Sorry for the long comment, hehe.
_LoveyDovey #4
Omg i did not expect this )): update soon
Chapter 35: why can't they just be tgt omg i feel so sad for them :((((
lkim0313 #6
Chapter 35: waa finally updated~ ><♡♡
btw happy new year hehe
Chapter 35: ; be strong myungsoo, please be strong. :'(
_LoveyDovey #8
Chapter 34: omgg suzy appearing , myungsoo"s dad, sungyu's feelings and myungsoo and minhee's fight atm ommg update soon !! (:
Chapter 34: hmmm. wonder how this story is going. now, another obstacle in their love life. keep fighting minhee x myungsoo.
Chapter 34: Suzy... damn. Can you just not?! D: