Liking you is hard

Never Meant to Be

Myungsoo fixed his hair which he spent hours before the mirror fixing. He felt slightly vain but he wanted to present his best side to Minhee and not simply appear as he is on his bad hair day. He yawned lazily without bothering to cover his mouth. Even he, himself was amazed at the early hour he got up on a normal school day. Stretching his hands in the hair, he swayed slightly from side to side. Then, a little being caught his eyes. It meowed softly and Myungsoo placed his hands down. He squatted before it and landed his hand on its head. With a gentle smile gracing his face, he it repeatedly. The cat’s eyes closed for a brief moment as it moved its head against Myungsoo’s palm.

“You know…” He began with a blissful smile.

“She is the first whom I wish would be the last.”

Then, he heard a gasp from behind. It was not easy to guess who it was. Straightening himself, Myungsoo put on the most charming smile he could manage.

“Why are you here…” Minhee blurted out quickly.

“…with a cat?” she finished off as her eyes trailed to the cat which was laid down on the ground.

Myungsoo rolled his eyes at her innocence and let out an exasperated sigh.

“Oh that. Yea right, I came here to pick this cat up for school.” He said sarcastically.

Minhee blushed at his words when she finally realized his intentions. Myungsoo shook his head fondly and got onto his bike. Cocking his head to the side, he looked to Minhee with a raised brow and lips slightly parted.

“You are really not getting on? The cat is going to hop on if you don’t.” He stated simply.

She smiled at his words and scrambled onto his bicycle. Consciously, Minhee wrapped her hands loosely around his torso. In response, Myungsoo smiled in satisfaction and rode on. If Myungsoo could start his morning just like this, he thought he didn’t mind waking up early anymore. Now, he has a motivation to get out of bed every morning and go to school. Of course, it is not to see the 4 annoying guys or maybe, just a bit. One girl did the trick and even Myungsoo is amazed.

Screeching to a stop, Myungsoo got off the bike after her. They arrived to school without meeting anyone all thanks to Myungsoo’s clear grasp of the school map. It was an easy cake since he used to spend lesson hours during the Junior year exploring their school just to find a comfortable spot to nap. He knew the school inside out and the most deserted place. That was also why Woohyun comes to him for insides of an ideal school date location.

“I’ll go off to class first. You don’t have to wait for me today. I’ve remedial lessons.” She informed and ran away with delicate steps.

Before Myungsoo had his chance to say something, she was already out of sight. He glanced down at his phone and realized it was close to assembly time. Then, the announcement bell rang in the school compound. The familiar old man’s voice came on and informed all students to return to their classes due to the difficult weather. With that, everyone began making their way to their classes. Myungsoo locked his bicycle and shoved the keys into his pocket. Then, he looked down at the bicycle tire and spotted something lying in the dirt. He picked up the object to find it’s a bunch of keys with a dazzling keychain attached to it. He recognized it was Minhee’s.

“This careless girl.” He thought.

Looking up, he hurriedly ran in the direction of where Minhee went. He wasn’t meeting her after school so he had to return it to her. It may be inconvenient for them to meet during recess hours. Myungsoo broke into a relief smile when he noticed Minhee. He was about to go up to her when he realized she had joined her friends. He halted consciously and tightened his grip on the keys. He experienced a weird feeling that made him stay put and not walk closer.

“Minhee, you are the talk of the town right now!” Jieun beamed with an amused laughter.

Minhee looked at her in confusion.

“Hah. Some idiot photoshopped you and that Class F’s Kim Myungsoo riding a bike.” Sungjong said and rolled his eyes.

“They even rumoured you two are together. Utter rubbish.” Sunggyu commented.

Myungsoo bit his lips nervously at their words. People walking along the corridor shot curious glances at the group and Myungsoo who was hovering nearby.

“Oh.” Sungjong said when he noticed Myungsoo around them.

Sunggyu studied him from head to toe with an unfazed expression on. Then, he stopped. He felt his heart clench and words got stuck in his throat.

“The keychain…” He mumbled softly.

The keychain in Myungsoo’s hands was exactly what he gifted Minhee for her birthday a year ago. She had been using it to bundle her house keys together.

“You left it behind.” He said and walked up to her with a cold expression.

“Thank you, Myungsoo.” She said softly as she received it.

He softened when she addressed him just like how they were alone. He appreciated how she didn’t act as if they were mere strangers like before.

“It’s true?!” Sungjong asked in disbelief.

Minhee’s eyes widened and followed with a small nod as she said, “I don’t wish to lie.”

“Yoon Minhee!” Jieun half-shouted out of surprise and annoyance.

As Myungsoo walked away, he felt a sense of relief sweeping him. For a moment, he thought Minhee would deny and laugh at the ridiculous picture of proof along with them. He was certain, that would have slit his heart deeply. As he walked off, the grin on his face became more and more visible. Some students overheard the conversation and quickly walked away as the busied themselves typing away on their phones.

“Are you freaking kidding me right now?!” Jieun tried to control her volume as she grabbed Minhee by her arm.

“He’s a bloody gangster, a delinquent, a playboy and you want to be with him?! Didn’t you tell me he’s just a crush or eyecandy?! And what is this today?” She gritted her teeth, slightly angered.

“Jieun, he’s my boyfriend. Please, don’t say that.” Minhee protested meekly.

Sunggyu felt his heart wrench at her choice of words. He turned away from the group and began walking away. He couldn’t stay there anymore. It was suffocating him and he couldn’t take it any longer.

“Sunggyu. Where are you going? We got to go to class.” Sungjong said warily.

Sunggyu turned back and saw his good friend, with the two girls looking at him in confusion.

“I need the washroom.”

“Urgently.” He added before leaving in hurried steps.

Sungjong frowned and hurried the girls into class. He told them to leave all the talking to after school. On the other hand, when Sunggyu reached the toilet, he punched the wall so hard. The pain travelled down his nerves but he didn’t stop. Angry tears spilled when he finally realized he had lost her. To someone, he would never consider worthy.

“Bastard.” He cursed under his breath.

A good fifteen minutes later, Sunggyu entered class and explained to the teacher he had a tummy ache. When he was about to sit, he realized Sungjong and Jieun was sitting with another group of A class students. He looked to the back at Minhee who was sitting alone with a sad expression worn. The rest of the A class students were watching on and for a moment, he met eyes with Minhee’s hopeful gaze. Turning away, Sunggyu settled himself beside the group of ‘smarties’ with Sungjong and Jieun.

He didn’t need to ask to know what happened. He wasn’t dumb, just dense. The class A students were casting distasteful glances at Minhee which she tried to overlook. The news of them getting together spread like wildfire and the class A students were simply against the coupling. To put it exactly, they seemed to despise Minhee for that. She hated the attention gained- the negative ones. They even went to the extent of singling out her table alone at the back. They made her the outcast. It felt as if she was in the wrong, especially when her best friends were acting like that too.

But again, who said love must be correct?

Sunggyu’s mind was no longer on the lesson. Sungjong noticed his bruised fists and bit his lips worriedly. He looked to Jieun who had a serious and worried expression on. He knew she was angry because she was worried for Minhee. She didn’t want her to be cheated or hurt by that Myungsoo guy. He didn’t know what to do either. Ruffling his hair in frustration, he wondered when all that started- the forbidden couple.


Author's Note:
Hello everyone!
It took me long enough for my first comeback update, mian. orz
I started watching a korean drama, '49 Days' and was crying like a baby.
It is really nice. (X Did any of you readers watch it already? Quite an old show now but oh wells. Heh.
Anyways, hope you guys like this update which is
a wee bit longer one than the normal updates <3
There will be more to come. ^^ and please don't forget to comment, alrighty? :)

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Hey guys! :D I am so happy while reading all the comments for 'Never Meant to Be' 's latest chapter. Thank you so much for making my day! ^^


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_LoveyDovey #1
its been a year ): update soon
niena98 #2
Chapter 35: It's soo sad to see myungsoo like that~ I hope they'll together again!!~ they're soo cute together~>< please update soon!!
charlottelehnsher #3
Chapter 35: I like L, in a way, he's just like me. We hate school because we think it's useless. School gives us too many lessons which in the end we will forget. I hope in the end the whole school, Minhee, Minhee's mom realized that school and study aren't the most important thing and we shouldn't judge based from the outside appearance. On the contrary, I kinda hate Minhee 'cause she's a typical mary sue and not WISE. She's smart, but not WISE. Like how she's too bothered with her score or how the boys behave, it's just...she just doesn't understand people, you know? Sorry for the long comment, hehe.
_LoveyDovey #4
Omg i did not expect this )): update soon
Chapter 35: why can't they just be tgt omg i feel so sad for them :((((
lkim0313 #6
Chapter 35: waa finally updated~ ><♡♡
btw happy new year hehe
Chapter 35: ; be strong myungsoo, please be strong. :'(
_LoveyDovey #8
Chapter 34: omgg suzy appearing , myungsoo"s dad, sungyu's feelings and myungsoo and minhee's fight atm ommg update soon !! (:
Chapter 34: hmmm. wonder how this story is going. now, another obstacle in their love life. keep fighting minhee x myungsoo.
Chapter 34: Suzy... damn. Can you just not?! D: