
Never Meant to Be

The crowd has gathered in the school hall, with boards, banners and cheers. It was loud. Or rather a little too loud in Myungsoo’s opinion. He would have left the hall and ditched the session. However, he stayed put. He needed to support his best friend. Sungyeol forced him to hold a ‘Namstar, I love you!’ banner. Minutes later, Myungsoo tried to put it down discreetly but Dongwoo forced him to hold it up with his other hand. He sighed and scoffed at the words, obviously picked by Woohyun. The curtains were drawn, revealing two of the emcees dressed appropriately for the event. Students from class A cheered the loudest for their peers on stage. It appeared that the emcees were always picked from class A because their English are naturally the best, according to teachers.

“Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. Welcome to our school’s very own annual singing competition 2013.” The male emcee announced.

“Without further ado, allow the first contestant to show us what she has prepared!” The female emcee added with a wide smile.

The first contestant from class C appeared with a ridiculous hibiscus on her head as she sang to an old Korean song which successfully put some kids from the F class to sleep. The second contestant representing class B tried his very best but had unfortunately sang the wrong pitch at the end. He held back the urge to spill tears on stage because after all, he is a guy. His classmates chanted ‘It’s okay’ and so he smiled before scrambling off stage. Myungsoo yawned without bothering to cover his mouth halfway during the third contestant’s performance.

“Yah, Kim Myungsoo.” Sungyeol protested.

Myungsoo turned to him, mouth still open widely and Sungyeol slapped it without a second thought. He jerked up and gave me the ‘you-want-to-die?’ look. Sungyeol grinned with his hands both up in the air.  

“Minhee is watching~” He said with a smirk.

Myungsoo slowly put his hand down and searched for her. She had her hair neatly clipped and was holding a white banner which wrote ‘Kim Sunggyu hwaiting!’. At the sight, Myungsoo couldn’t exactly hide the displeasure brewing within him. Then, she smiled at him and waved meekly in his direction. Myungsoo found his unhappiness leaking away as his eyes disappeared for a brief moment. He waved back in a manner which Hoya secretly labeled as love struck state.

“Let’s welcome Nam Woohyun from class F!” The emcee shouted.

There were some murmurings in the crowd. After all, it was the first year the F class decided to participate. Myungsoo rolled his eyes at the commotion and joined in the cheering. There was wolf whistle in the cheering too. It was amusing and Myungsoo was completely surprised to be chanting ‘Namstar’ repeatedly with his friends. It was so not his style, but secretly, he had fun. Sunggyu clenched his fists when Woohyun winked at him before stepping in the spotlight. He was taunting him, in a less obvious way. But he knows it all the same. Woohyun was dressed in his favourite V-neck white shirt which exposed much of his chest. His fan girls squealed and he smirked. The song came on and Woohyun thought he had won half the battle.

Did time stop again?
Is it going to fall asleep like this again?
While staring blankly outside
I’m thinking about you with my two eyes closed

Woohyun gripped the microphone as he shut both of his eyes.

Even though time is passing by again
I’m going back to that time again
Although I try hard to find everything in your memories

I’m crying by myself there but
As my tears stopped I’m laughing but
I’m waiting again
Until I can breathe again

He saw some of his girls crying and he immersed himself in the music which was drowning out everything else.

Even though time is passing by again
I’m going back to that time again
I’m trying hard to find everything in your memories

I’m crying by myself there but
As my tears stopped I’m laughing but
after leaving you alone
I’m wandering around here with memories I can’t erase

He tightened his grip and released it bit by bit as he made a perfect note.

Although I don’t have anything to say and I can’t hear you but
even so if I can find you like this
I’ll wait for you now until time stops

I know well that I can’t say anything
even so I’m searching for you but
I know well you won’t change your thoughts but
I still can’t forget you

Although I don’t have anything to say and I can’t hear you but
even so if I can find you like this
I’ll wait for you now until time stops

If I can find you, I’ll wait for you now, until I can breathe again

The applause was thunderous and Woohyun couldn’t help but smile wider than usual. The smile was genuine, not one of his old greasy smiles flashed at random girls. Myungsoo smiled too and clapped with his head bobbing up and down. He knew Woohyun could sing but never once had he thought, this well.

“Seems like this greasy boy has some talent.” He thought.

“Namstar! Namstar! Namstar!” His fangirls shouted and Minhee found herself mouthing to the chant.  

She was totally impressed. Who knew Nam Woohyun had this side to him? The girls in class A were staring at her disapprovingly and Jieun had to tug on her sleeves to ask her to stop. Upon realization, Minhee pressed her lips together, looked down and kept quiet. Sunggyu was holding onto the curtains when he saw Woohyun’s performance. He was not supposed to sing ballad.

“Now, let’s welcome the final contestant- Kim Sunggyu from class A!”

Everyone clapped and Sunggyu’s look surprised almost everyone. He had eyeliner on with studded black chic looking attire. It was completely different from his usual prince charming image. Minhee sat straighter than normal as she flashed him a reassuring smile to show her support. Sunggyu did not look in her direction. He glared at both Myungsoo and Woohyun. When the song came on, Sunggyu found himself exerting tremendous pressure on the microphone.

Rock music blasted through the speakers. Throughout the song, Sunggyu was screaming and shrilling along with the background music. Many thoughts flashed through his mind as he felt his heart being squeezed.

He recalled how Minhee smiled at him and only him in the past.

He recalled how Minhee wished him luck sweetly before exams.

He recalled how they went on a double date with Sungjong and Jieun.

He recalled how he almost confessed to her but missed his opportunity.

He recalled how he wanted to secretly hold her hands.

He recalled how his poem was written for her, not anyone else.

And he recalled how Myungsoo appeared out of nowhere and stole her away from him.

He remembered how Minhee was clapping and chanting for Nam Woohyun a moment ago.

Then, Sunggyu stopped.

He tried singing the next line but he couldn’t. He tried so badly. His voice failed him because he wasn’t using his diaphragm since the beginning. His throat felt raw now and he bit his inner cheek until the skin tore. Sunggyu held onto the mike tighter than ever, threatening to render it to a piece of useless scrap metal. The crowd started whispering beneath his feet as they pointed fingers at him. Sunggyu swallowed his saliva which burned his throat. He bowed down, mouthing a soundless apology before retreating back into the curtains.

He sat there on the chair as his vocal training friends crowded around him. The instructor walked over with displeasure written all over his face. The aura around him was no joke.  

“That’s why I told you to opt for ballad, right? Didn’t I tell you your voice isn’t suitable for rock?!” The instructor yelled.

Sunggyu looked down and said nothing. His throat felt slightly better now but he wasn’t. The instructor stopped reprimanding him when the emcee spoke.

“Now, I have the results in my hand!” The male emcee tried to sound excited.

The crowd clapped as their ears perked in anticipation.

“The winner goes to… drumrolls please!” The female emcee teased.

The crowd booed and jeered at her lousy joke so she quickly added, “Nam Woohyun from class F!”

It wasn’t silence after the announcement but instead, a surprisingly loud applause which echoed throughout the hall. Woohyun smiled as his mouth gaped in surprise. He thought the judges would be biased against him. He seriously thought he wouldn’t win despite thinking to himself he is the best for the night. The boys pushed him back up on stage and he took the award from the principal still in shock.  

“Probably the first award I ever gotten in high school.” He thought to himself.

Soojin looked away, rambling on about how Sunggyu should have won. Jieun kept quiet, nudging Sungjong, asking him what to do now. Minhee clapped half-heartedly as she looked at the curtains, worried about Sunggyu. He must be feeling horrible, she thought. When the event officially closed, students were streaming out of the venue, excited to return home. Jieun, Sungjong and Minhee made their way across the crowd.

“Minhee!” Dongwoo shouted.

She looked at them and at Woohyun who was beaming from ear to ear with the trophy in his hand.

“Want to take photo together?” Woohyun asked.

“I’m sorry guys, I need to go to S-”

“-Sunggyu. Go on, Minhee.” Myungsoo completed for her.

She looked at her boyfriend and flashed him a grateful smile for his understanding.

“Send him my condolence.” Woohyun joked and only the boys heard.

“Let’s go!” Sungjong pulled Jieun towards him.

They hurried backstage and Sunggyu was nowhere to be found already.

“Kim Sunggyu. You lost, yet again.” Sunggyu muttered under his breath as he stared at his reflection.

He looked pathetic. Without saying anything else, Sunggyu punched the mirror. The brittle surface cracked and pieces of it fell. In the process, one of which cut him. Blood trickled down his clenched fist and dripped on the ceramic floor. Tears dripped too as he sat on the ground. He felt pathetic. He never felt so down before this way but this time, he felt as if he lost the world.

Minhee and singing made up his world.


Author's Note:
New update for you guys! Sorry for the slow update!:)


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Hey guys! :D I am so happy while reading all the comments for 'Never Meant to Be' 's latest chapter. Thank you so much for making my day! ^^


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_LoveyDovey #1
its been a year ): update soon
niena98 #2
Chapter 35: It's soo sad to see myungsoo like that~ I hope they'll together again!!~ they're soo cute together~>< please update soon!!
charlottelehnsher #3
Chapter 35: I like L, in a way, he's just like me. We hate school because we think it's useless. School gives us too many lessons which in the end we will forget. I hope in the end the whole school, Minhee, Minhee's mom realized that school and study aren't the most important thing and we shouldn't judge based from the outside appearance. On the contrary, I kinda hate Minhee 'cause she's a typical mary sue and not WISE. She's smart, but not WISE. Like how she's too bothered with her score or how the boys behave, it's just...she just doesn't understand people, you know? Sorry for the long comment, hehe.
_LoveyDovey #4
Omg i did not expect this )): update soon
Chapter 35: why can't they just be tgt omg i feel so sad for them :((((
lkim0313 #6
Chapter 35: waa finally updated~ ><♡♡
btw happy new year hehe
Chapter 35: ; be strong myungsoo, please be strong. :'(
_LoveyDovey #8
Chapter 34: omgg suzy appearing , myungsoo"s dad, sungyu's feelings and myungsoo and minhee's fight atm ommg update soon !! (:
Chapter 34: hmmm. wonder how this story is going. now, another obstacle in their love life. keep fighting minhee x myungsoo.
Chapter 34: Suzy... damn. Can you just not?! D: