
Never Meant to Be

“I just thought maybe we weren't meant to be and sometimes, I wonder what if it was on impulse I chose to confess to her.” Myungsoo’s gaze as fixed on the ground as he confessed what had troubled him for the longest time.

The old lady extended her hand and patted Myungsoo who shifted his gaze to the elderly.  

“You’ve to ask your heart what you truly feel, my boy. Remember, she’s a nice girl, don’t hurt her.” She said with a smile.

“I have never wanted to hurt her, halmoni.” Myungsoo said.

“I’ve got to get going. I’ll visit you again.” Myungsoo informed, eyes curving into beautiful crescents.

Before he left, he slipped some money into the elderly’s jacket, hung behind the wooden tattered door. As he walked out of the house, her words repeated in his mind.

She’s a nice girl, don’t hurt her.”

The phone ringing on Myungsoo’s table for the umpteenth time showed the same caller. He had skipped school to spend some time thinking about many things. From the start to where they had come so far, many thoughts clouded Myungsoo’s mind. He used to think love was simple. But not anymore, when it comes to her. There were so many worries and obstacles that made him doubt whether it was a right decision for him to confess back then. He was caving in.


“Myungsoo? Is that you?” Minhee answered anxiously.

“Yes.” He gave a short, cold reply.

“Where are you? I heard from Woohyun that you did not come to school today. Are you alright?” she asked so many questions at one go and it made Myungsoo feel warm inside.

“School is over now, right? Let’s meet.” Myungsoo said.

“Why do you sound so…off? Are you sick?” Minhee asked.

“See you at the convenience store near your house.” Myungsoo hung up the call after hearing her 'see you'. 

Standing in front of the mirror, he stared at his reflection for more than five minutes. He wasn't sure whether he wants to meet Minhee anymore. 

Myungsoo saw Minhee standing outside the convenience store, rubbing her gloves together. He wanted to just stay away at a distance and watch her like this. He was certain he wouldn’t mind staying like this forever. But he had to make a move so he walked up to her with his hands stuffed in his pocket.

“Myungsoo!” Minhee called out excitedly.

The smile on her face is so precious and he knew it was going to fade soon, because of him.

“Minhee, I have something to tell you.”

“-let’s break up.”

The warm packet of milk fell from Minhee’s hand and she thought she had heard Myungsoo wrongly.

"W-What did you say?" 

"Let's break up." Myungsoo repeated firmly. 

“W-Why?” she asked, voice trembling slightly.

“We’re not suited for each other.” Myungsoo said simply.

“What do you mean, Myungsoo?” she bit her lips, trying hard not to let those tears spill.

“Dating with you is different from my previous dates and sometimes, it’s burdensome.”

“Was I just a fling to you, Kim Myungsoo?” Minhee questioned.

She was crying and every tear that slid down her cheek seemed to stabbed at Myungsoo’s heart. Suddenly, he had the urge to tell her, take back all his foolish words. But he held himself back. It was for her own good. Dating with him had hurt her so many times. From her classmates outcasting her to her mother-daughter relationship getting strained. Myungsoo knew her results deteriorated most probably due to their late night dates, even though she denied. He was nothing but a burden to her and their relationship was getting difficult for both of them. 

“I am sorry.”

Minhee spun around and ran as fast as she could, away from Myungsoo.

Myungsoo watch her leave and he did not give chase. She was so distant now and finally, he realized she had always been this far away. He could never match up to her level, to be someone like Sunggyu, he thought. It was time for him to let her go.

“I love you.”

Minhee cried and cried non-stop. She didn’t know why it happened. She couldn’t understand why Myungsoo suddenly said all those words to her. Minhee didn’t know what and when things changed. She recalled those days where she cooped herself in the room for revision and Myungsoo would secretly watch her from the streets. She remembered those dates in the library, at the movies and every corner of her mind was filled with Myungsoo, Myungsoo and Myungsoo.  

“Burdensome…” She repeated his words.

And more tears fell.


Many days passed and Myungsoo’s phone never popped up Minhee’s number again. He had never stopped looking at his phone screen like a fool. And he wondered whether she had deleted his number out of anger and disappointment. He wished he would never, ever regret what he did that day. But sure, he was regretting his decision already.

“I don’t understand why you broke up with her when you clearly don’t wish for it to happen.” Woohyun said, sitting beside Myungsoo.

“Leave me alone, Woohyun.” Myungsoo turned his head in the other direction, refusing to talk about it.

“Suit yourself. Don’t cry next time when she goes to that other guy from class A.” Woohyun retorted in annoyance.

Myungsoo clenched his fist under the table at the thought of Sunggyu and Minhee getting together. Sounds of tapping on the phone screen awaken Myungsoo. He sat up and stared at the girl holding onto his phone. She merely smiled and returned his cellphone as if nothing was wrong.

“What were you doing?” Myungsoo questioned.

“Just saving my number so you can call me when you’re bored.” Suzy replied with a wink.

Myungsoo stared at the contact saved under ‘girlfriend’ and deleted it.

“My girlfriend is not you, Bae Suji. Stop trying.” He spat angrily.

Suzy frowned, containing her displeasure towards Myungsoo’s harsh tone.

“You never know.” She said simply and left.

“Gosh. L is like a walking dead nowadays. Can we just get Minhee to make up with him already? He’s obviously acting against his heart and it’s irritating me even. I’ll be bringing L to Paradise tonight. Bring Minhee along.” Woohyun told Sungyeol.

Suzy smiled as she walked away from the lockers, fingers twirling her long straight ends. 


Author's Note: 

I have been inactive on AFF recently and I'm sorry for that. I hope you readers would enjoy reading this chapter. :') 
It would be nice to receive comments. Thank you and have a happy new year! It's 2014! <3 


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Hey guys! :D I am so happy while reading all the comments for 'Never Meant to Be' 's latest chapter. Thank you so much for making my day! ^^


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_LoveyDovey #1
its been a year ): update soon
niena98 #2
Chapter 35: It's soo sad to see myungsoo like that~ I hope they'll together again!!~ they're soo cute together~>< please update soon!!
charlottelehnsher #3
Chapter 35: I like L, in a way, he's just like me. We hate school because we think it's useless. School gives us too many lessons which in the end we will forget. I hope in the end the whole school, Minhee, Minhee's mom realized that school and study aren't the most important thing and we shouldn't judge based from the outside appearance. On the contrary, I kinda hate Minhee 'cause she's a typical mary sue and not WISE. She's smart, but not WISE. Like how she's too bothered with her score or how the boys behave, it's just...she just doesn't understand people, you know? Sorry for the long comment, hehe.
_LoveyDovey #4
Omg i did not expect this )): update soon
Chapter 35: why can't they just be tgt omg i feel so sad for them :((((
lkim0313 #6
Chapter 35: waa finally updated~ ><♡♡
btw happy new year hehe
Chapter 35: ; be strong myungsoo, please be strong. :'(
_LoveyDovey #8
Chapter 34: omgg suzy appearing , myungsoo"s dad, sungyu's feelings and myungsoo and minhee's fight atm ommg update soon !! (:
Chapter 34: hmmm. wonder how this story is going. now, another obstacle in their love life. keep fighting minhee x myungsoo.
Chapter 34: Suzy... damn. Can you just not?! D: