
Never Meant to Be

“Finally, school is over!” Ji Eun exclaimed with her hands stretched into the air.

“We still have to revise though.” Min Hee said with a smile.

“Yea.” Ji Eun pouted and rested her head on the table.

“Everyone is studying really hard, as usual.” Sung Jong said.

During the test period, most students from the A class would be seen with a book. The exceptions are the naturally smart ones like Sung Jong. The rest would be revising as if there was no tomorrow and books were their life line. Peer pressure played a great role and everyone wanted to be the best in the best class. The students in the A class were that competitive.

“Want to study together?” Sung Gyu cleared his throat and asked.

“Yes! Yes! Then I can ask Min Hee if I don’t understand anything… hehe…” Ji Eun said as she looked to Min Hee with pleading eyes.

“I am in. Since I doubt I will study if I reach home…” Sung Jong answered with a shrug.

“Min Hee?” Sung Gyu asked with slight anticipation in his tone.

“Alright.” She replied with a nice smile.

“Settled. Let’s go to the study corner then.” Sung Gyu announced.

With that, the group packed up their bags and left the already emptied class.

“Are we going to the arcade?” Dong Woo asked excitedly like a kid.

“Count me out. You know I prefer the club.” Woo Hyun stated.

“Come on. Let’s go to the arcade together~” Dong Woo pestered Woo Hyun.

“There are no hot girls there.” Woo Hyun replied.

“Why is your life forever revolving around those girls?” Dong Woo asked, rolling his eyes.

“You’re wrong. The girls revolve around me.” Woo Hyun said with a smirk.

“I give up on him, seriously.” Dong Woo walked off to Hoya.

“It’s her.” Myung Soo thought as he spotted Min Hee studying at the table.

“I am bored so count me in.” Hoya said.

“Alright! Then we are going to the arcade together~” Dong Woo half-shouted causing some of the students to look up from their books.

“Oppa~” One of the girls ran towards the gang.

She tripped deliberately and fell into Woo Hyun’s arms.

“Hey babe.” Woo Hyun said with a forced smile as he stepped back a little.

“Oppa, I missed you. Why hadn’t you been calling me?” she asked with a pout.

“Oppa was busy.” He lied.

“With other girls.” Dong Woo whispered to Hoya and earned an agreed nod.

“Aish. Why the hell are they talking so loudly here in the studying corner?!” Ji Eun put her pencil down in annoyance.

Ji Eun had been stuck at the same question for several minutes and their conversation was distracting her further.

“Oh. It’s them. No wonder…” Ji Eun muttered under her breath.

Min Hee looked in the direction Ji Eun was looking to and met eyes with someone.

“Why is he looking at me?” Min Hee thought.

L finally realized he was staring so he pretended to be looking about randomly.

“Maybe I was wrong.” She thought.

she felt a weird feeling inside her when she realized he was merely looking around aimlessly and she even thought he was looking at her.

“Seems like they are really that popular.” Ji Eun commented.

“Lee Ji Eun, study session is for studying, not for ogling over guys.” Sung Jong said as he flipped another page.

“Yah! Lee Sung Jong! I was studying in a serious manner while you were just anyhow flipping through the text book!” Ji Eun defended herself.

“I remembered everything I read already... You can’t blame my awesome brain for remembering everything at one glance, unlike yours.” Sung Jong continued to irritate her.  

“I hate you.” Ji Eun said as she made a face.

“I love you too.” Sung Jong joked.

Ji Eun blushed a little and looked away awkwardly.

“Just kidding.” Sung Jong added with a smirk.

“I was kidding when I said I hate you too… I hate you a lot a lot a lot!” Ji Eun replied.

“You guys act like kids.” Min Hee said and giggled at the two.

The two made a cross with their hands and pointed at one another in defense.

“I wonder why they are going to the arcade during the exam period though. Don’t they have to study?” Ji Eun said as she looked at them.

“Isn’t it funny if students from F class study?” Sung Jong said jokingly.

“Guys, let’s focus and revise already.” Sung Gyu said.

Everyone listened to Sung Gyu and continued revising. Min Hee was really focused before but not now. Somehow Sung Jong’s words repeated itself in Min Hee’s mind and she didn’t know why she was bothered by her friend’s words.

“Are we that different?” she questioned in her mind.


Author's Note:
I think I missed the timing to post before INFINITE's second anniversary ended):
Happy belated anniversary INFINITE<3 !~
Hope you guys liked the update and will comment :)!~


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Hey guys! :D I am so happy while reading all the comments for 'Never Meant to Be' 's latest chapter. Thank you so much for making my day! ^^


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_LoveyDovey #1
its been a year ): update soon
niena98 #2
Chapter 35: It's soo sad to see myungsoo like that~ I hope they'll together again!!~ they're soo cute together~>< please update soon!!
charlottelehnsher #3
Chapter 35: I like L, in a way, he's just like me. We hate school because we think it's useless. School gives us too many lessons which in the end we will forget. I hope in the end the whole school, Minhee, Minhee's mom realized that school and study aren't the most important thing and we shouldn't judge based from the outside appearance. On the contrary, I kinda hate Minhee 'cause she's a typical mary sue and not WISE. She's smart, but not WISE. Like how she's too bothered with her score or how the boys behave, it's just...she just doesn't understand people, you know? Sorry for the long comment, hehe.
_LoveyDovey #4
Omg i did not expect this )): update soon
Chapter 35: why can't they just be tgt omg i feel so sad for them :((((
lkim0313 #6
Chapter 35: waa finally updated~ ><♡♡
btw happy new year hehe
Chapter 35: ; be strong myungsoo, please be strong. :'(
_LoveyDovey #8
Chapter 34: omgg suzy appearing , myungsoo"s dad, sungyu's feelings and myungsoo and minhee's fight atm ommg update soon !! (:
Chapter 34: hmmm. wonder how this story is going. now, another obstacle in their love life. keep fighting minhee x myungsoo.
Chapter 34: Suzy... damn. Can you just not?! D: