Chapter 5: She's Not So Ah


Chapter 5: She's Not So Ah

You woke up realizing that your head was on Jonghyun’s lap. “What the ?” You cursed and sat down right away. “Yah!” You slapped his arms.


He woke up and smiled brightly. “Morning~” he greeted and curled your hair behind your eyes.


You were dumbstruck, confused. “O… kay…”


You get up and stood up. “Did my sister possess you last night?” You asked and eyed him suspiciously. “And asked you to treat me nice?”


Instead of answering your question, he stared at you in confusion.


“Alright then, I’ll get you something for breakfast.” You announced.


Before you strode off, “So Ah, wait.” He stopped you.


You turned toward him and furrowed your brows. *Did he just call me So Ah?* you shook your head, trying to ignore it.


“Let me. You stay here.” He stated and vanished even before you had a chance to protest.


“No wonder you love him. He’s kind.” You smiled at So Ah’s picture. “And no offense, I can have him since you are dead.” You laughed at your own joke. *Where’s my spec?*


• • • •


Jonghyun was sitting on the café waiting for his order. Then flashback of last night sets in.


He was busy talking to the still picture of his late girlfriend when you dropped on the floor with a big thud. He chortled at first and realized you didn’t move a bit. It was as if you were dead.


“No please don’t die.” He approached you and placed his index and middle finger on the side of your neck. *Thank god you still there.* He sighed in relief.


He then fixed your head and took off your glasses. “Stupid girl.” He cursed as he blindly put your glasses into his pocket.


He then observed every feature of your face; he heart was beating faster as blood circulated at abnormal speed. The same feeling he experienced with So Ah. Your eyes, your nose, your lips were memorable to him. “So Ah” he called, shocked of what he just saw.


You were the imprint of her So Ah ­– his dead girlfriend. Blindly, he rested your head on his lap and stared at you until he lost consciousness.


“Sir” the waitress woke his wonder. He looked at her and apologized. He reached his pocket for money but at the wrong pocket. Instead, he took your spectacles. He smiled at it. *You look better without these. *


• • • •


Jonghyun went back to the funeral home, his heart started to worry when he didn’t see inside the memorial room, you no where in there. “So Ah…” he called. “So Ah!” he was shouting. His brain wasn’t in the right place as there was no answer from ‘So Ah’.


“Jonghyun.” your mom called him, trying to calm him down. Her eyes were red from crying. He turned around to face her and smiled excitedly.


“So Ah was here.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and shook her. “She’s not dead.” He told her, happily.


*poor child*your mom shook her head and smiled bitterly. She wrapped her arms around Jonghyun. “She’s gone…” She painfully whispered.


Hearing to that, Jonghyun backed a step and shook his head. He knew that So Ah is dead but what about what he saw this morning or last night. *It was So Ah right?* Then Shred of tears was falling out off him. He covered his face with both hands and cried in it.


*I know she’s dead. She is not her, Jonghyun.*He told himself. He realized he was in pain. He still can’t accept his girlfriend’s death. He knew you are not So Ah but it is hard for him to think you were not her.


“Umma!” you hugged your mom, ignoring the crying Jonghyun. You didn’t even bother to calm him down.


Then you felt a cold freezing wind blew behind your neck as goose bumps spiked in. “So Ah-ah… don’t you ever leave me. Ever again.” A voice said behind you sending electricity inside your spine.


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Saemiy #1
Chapter 32: Gosh. It really breath taking. I cant imagine losing a sister
Fortunately im not a twin, i dont have to be responsible for my sister boyfriend. Hahahaha.
Your epilogue a bit scary though, it feels like he"s going to do something to both of the lovely couple.

Author-nim, a sequel will be a very2 great *puppy eyes*
Cant wait ^^
Awww nice ending
No more ljoe n seoeun!
No ljoe n seoeun!
love triangle ><
Ljoe is cheesy
Ljoe and So Eun!!
omo, she died...
Wat will happen to jonghyun...
New reader!
Hehe, seems interesting~~