Chapter 15: Sympathy…


Chapter 15: Sympathy…

“So what do you want me to do?” You asked partly annoyed. You crossed your arms and looked at him. You just lost the bet.


The ride sure kept your adrenaline pumping but you didn’t let out a terrified scream. Until, the ride started to rise to the highest peak and it did its sudden 100 degree drop.


“Hmmm…” Jonghyun narrowed his eyes and rubbed his chin. He then grinned at you evilly, than evil smile of him made you feel uneasy. “You’ll see.” He then took your hand and led you to the souvenir shop.


He took two caps with a bunny ears on in and handed one to you. “No way! I’m so are not going to wear that.” you shook you head. “It will ruin my outfit.”


He rolled his eyes. “But aren’t you suppose to grant my wish?” he asked as he put on the cap for you.


“Okay…” you sighed in defeat inside you were relived that that was his ‘only’ wish that you need to grant. You then fixed the cap and let your bangs out. You tilted the cap a bit. “How do I look?” You asked as you observed yourself in the mirror. “Not bad…”


“Aww… you two are such a pretty couple.” A woman in her mid thirties complemented.


You shook your head, quickly. “We’re not a couple.” You tried to correct her. Jonghyun only smiled. He was happy that the woman said that they are a cute couple.


She chuckled. “Ah… kids nowadays.”


“We’re not.” You said defending yourself.


“Oh, come on… you have to admit it we do look cute together.” Jonghyun slung his arms around your shoulder and winked. “Yes girlfriend?


You were startled by his action and statement. He winked at me again. “How much this is?”


The woman grinned widely as she stated the price.


When the both of you got out from the shop, eyes were plastered at the both of you calling the both of you a cute couple. You turned to Jonghyun who was shrugging his shoulders – happy with the compliments.


“I told you so…” he said almost laughing.


You rolled your eyes. *They only though we are a couple because of the cap.*


“We are not a couple Jonghyun.” Your statement somehow stabbed his heart.


Shrugging the painful feeling, “Yes we are. We’re wearing a couple caps.” He nodded and pulled you closer. You didn’t reply him back. You know you need to grant his wish, just for today… at least when you are still wearing the couple cap.


“Let’s go try that one.” He said pointing toward the colourful horse ride.


• • • •


Jonghyun walked you to the door step. It was time to say goodbye and end the date. “Today was fun.” You confessed. “I have fun. Thanks…”


“Me too.” Jonghyun said. He then took off the cap and leant closer. You were dumb-folded that you didn’t do anything to avoid him to kiss your cheeks. “Good Night.” he whispered before leaving you behind.


You stayed on the doorstep watching him disappear as you tried to absorb what just he did to you. *Did he just…?* you were surprised that you weren’t mad at him for doing that.


*and what is wrong with me?*you can feel that your heart was throbbing faster and your tummy was filled with bubbles. “No So Eun you can’t fall for him. What if he thinks you are So Ah?”


Little did you know… that wasn’t the same feeling you had for L.Joe. It was another feeling – sympathy…


Jonghyun left you with his hand on his chest. His heart was beating abnormally as his cheeks stared to warm. He knew that feeling so well, that was feeling that he missed so much. He knew that feeling.


*I’ve fallen for her…*


“I love you, Han So…” he smiled without continuing his sentences.


• • • •


You went to your room and took a shower. You then lay on your bed and stared at the ceiling. You were staring at if as you recall something that you forgotten. Then it hit you… “L.Joe!”


*!*you cursed as you scavenged your phone in your bag. Once you found it, you read the text that you typed earlier.


I miss you too –Han So Eun


You backspaced it and retyped a reply.


I miss you too, Lee Byunghun… Always…

& I can’t stop thinking about you…

–Han So Eun


*Liar! You forgot him, So Eun. You totally did!* you yelled inside. Feeling guilty, you deleted the text and threw the phone away.


You rolled to your side and covered your face with a pillow – trying hard to drown yourself to dreamland. L.Joe’s face was swirling in you head, making you more guilty for not replying his text. “Aish!”


You slid under your blanket and groaned, frustrated. Then an idea popped out of your mind, causing you to smile to sleep.


"Hello Readers!!! <333 Who's watching Uefa Euro?

(Hot Players Are Mine.) hahaha! L.Joe still be my NO.1. Love~"

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Saemiy #1
Chapter 32: Gosh. It really breath taking. I cant imagine losing a sister
Fortunately im not a twin, i dont have to be responsible for my sister boyfriend. Hahahaha.
Your epilogue a bit scary though, it feels like he"s going to do something to both of the lovely couple.

Author-nim, a sequel will be a very2 great *puppy eyes*
Cant wait ^^
Awww nice ending
No more ljoe n seoeun!
No ljoe n seoeun!
love triangle ><
Ljoe is cheesy
Ljoe and So Eun!!
omo, she died...
Wat will happen to jonghyun...
New reader!
Hehe, seems interesting~~