Chapter 25: Obsession – Endless Love


Chapter 25: Obsession – Endless Love

L.Joe stopped walking when he heard your scream. His heart shattered upon hearing that scream of yours. It was obvious to him that was a scream of agony. Even people who heard it will know – it is the scream of pain.


*So Eun.* the wanted to ran back to the house and helped you, hold you in his arm. Then shattering glasses can be heard as she screamed. He inhaled lungs full of oxygen. It was painful for him.


He took out his iPod and plugged in the earpiece into his ears. He can’t bear listening to your bawl. He maximized the volume and heavy-heartedly left the house.


‘Why does everything have to be so complicated?’ So Eun’s questioned lingered his thought as he walked down the street.


“It’s won’t be so complicated, if he didn’t show up.” L.Joe answered your question.


‘Don’t ever show up in front of me again.’ your voice said in his thought. He stopped his pace and looked up to the sky. He then let out another round of tears.


*Why is our love have to be complicated?* he asked to himself. He shut his eyes. Then a dark feeling started to invade his heart. His boiling blood was pumped into his body as his fists were balled involuntarily.


He then saw a familiar figure walking up the street. L.Joe was pleased at the coincidence. He smirked at the familiar face. *Jonghyun!*


• • • •


When Jonghyun was a step closer to L.Joe, L.Joe was already making his move. He ran toward Jonghyun and struck him without mercy.


Jonghyun dropped on the ground. He wiped his cut lips. “What the hell?” he said as he looked up at L.Joe. His furrowed his eyes at L.Joe and trying to recall him. “Who are you?!”


L.Joe rolled his eyes and smirked. He then grabbed Jonghyun’s collar and pulled him up. “Your wake up call.” He replied full of sarcasm.


“Who?!” Jonghyun asked but was awarded by another punch.


“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!” Jonghyun screamed and got back to his feet. He pushed L.Joe violently to the wall and punched him in the face.


L.Joe didn’t feel the pain. Instead he puffed airs of hate before answering. “This.” he kneed Jonghyun’s torso, within a second Jonghyun was pinned on the wall. “What are you trying to do to us?!” L.Joe yelled as he abused Jonghyun face.


“Who are you?!” Jonghyun yelped in pain as he squirmed to break free from L.Joe.


“You should stay away from her! Don’t you know that you hurt her?! It kills me inside seeing her forcing herself for you!” He shouted and launched another fist to Jonghyun face. He can taste his own blood.


“Can’t you see Jonghyun? She hurt herself for you. Why? You can’t let So Ah go!” L.Joe said as he dropped his arms. He stared at the ground for a moment before glaring at Jonghyun. “She’s dead and you still can’t accept that.”


Jonghyun grabbed L.Joe’s collar. “I move on from her! I move on from So Ah! So don’t you tell me I don’t because I do!”


“No you don’t!” L.Joe pushed Jonghyun to the wall. “No! I bet you don’t realise it was So Eun.”


“I knew it is So Eun. She said she love me! And I love her!”


L.Joe smirked. “Right!” He then moved closer to Jonghyun. “She had to do it. Even if you really love her and if you paid attention, you can see she doesn’t love you.”


“You know nothing!” Jonghyun barked as he tried to launch a fist. L.Joe was quick enough to dodge it.


L.Joe took the opportunity to throw a punch at Jonghyun’s stomach. “I DO!” L.Joe screamed “Who is it that you love?” he yelled as tears ran down his cheeks.


Jonghyun didn’t answer right away. “So Eun.” He held his tummy and tried to stand straight.


“!” L.Joe cursed as he pulled him up and knocked him to the wall. “You’re lying to yourself.” L.Joe then lifted Jonghyun’s chin and narrowed his eyes at him. “I’ll ask you once again. Who is it that you love?” he gritted.


Jonghyun remained silent. For his that was the hardest question. He apart of him wanted to say So Eun’s name and the other half was on So Ah side. He realised this. He realised that something is wrong. Something is wrong with him.


L.Joe was about to punch Jonghyun in the face but instead he hit the wall in disappointment. “SPEAK!”


Jonghyun only stared at him causing L.Joe to punch the wall again. His knuckles tore open and blood were already oozed from it. He ignored it and used his other hand to grab Jonghyun’s collar.


“It’s So Ah that you love and it’s So Eun that you were hurting. You are too in love with So Ah that you hurt So Eun. Even if So Eun told you that she love you, it’s a lie. If you don’t believe me, you can see it yourself. You should feel it in your heart that she doesn’t love you.” L.Joe pointed his bloody finger at Jonghyun’s chest.


“I don’t believe you.” Jonghyun finally spoke up; he didn’t notice the tears that were falling from his eyes. Everything L.Joe said hit him in the brain. What if everything L.Joe said is true?


L.Joe let a sarcastic laugh. “You don’t because of one thing. You are blinded by So Ah. That sudden death of her made it hard for you. Hard, that you can’t let her go. Even if you love So Eun so much, that love isn’t pure… it didn’t grow because of your heart.


“It was because you are selfish. You want her just to fill the hole in your heart. You can’t accept losing the person you treasured the most and that’s not love, Kim Jonghyun. It’s called obsession. Your obsession towards So Ah makes you wants So Eun…”


L.Joe let go off Jonghyun and glared at him before leaving. Jonghyun stared at view in front of him bluntly as he thought about L.Joe’s speech.


*All I wanted was to give ‘her’ an endless love…*



Hello Readers!!! Chapter 25 is up! Hope you like it. Shout out to my silent readers, subcribers and commentors! Saranghae~

@ViviChenny: Please just don't jump off the cliff. Hahaha! Hi there~

@mIkKiE_27: May I have your address? I wanna sent you a box of tissue. JK! <3


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Saemiy #1
Chapter 32: Gosh. It really breath taking. I cant imagine losing a sister
Fortunately im not a twin, i dont have to be responsible for my sister boyfriend. Hahahaha.
Your epilogue a bit scary though, it feels like he"s going to do something to both of the lovely couple.

Author-nim, a sequel will be a very2 great *puppy eyes*
Cant wait ^^
Awww nice ending
No more ljoe n seoeun!
No ljoe n seoeun!
love triangle ><
Ljoe is cheesy
Ljoe and So Eun!!
omo, she died...
Wat will happen to jonghyun...
New reader!
Hehe, seems interesting~~