Chapter 22: Trying Hard


Chapter 22: Trying Hard

You were having a trouble walking home. In fact, you weren’t sure if you were on the right road to home sweet home.


After what happened earlier you went to the mini mart and bought a dozen of soju. You sat on the side of the road and drank like there were no tomorrow.


You took out the key from you pocket and strolling to make your way inside the house. Your visions were hazy which made it hard to insert the key into the lock. You can’t even hold the key properly to start with. The key dropped on the floor.


Instead of taking the key back into your hold, you banged the door as you screamed for someone to answer it.


Once the door was answered, your mom were already wrapping her arms around you, knowing you were under the influence. She wasn’t happy having you back sober. She helped you to your room as she listened to your mumbling.


She dropped you on your bed and took off your shoes. “If your dad is here right now, he would worry to dead.” She said to herself.


“I’ll cook you something to make you better.” She announced and patted your head. When she was about to leave, you grabbed her wrist and pulled her into your hug. “So Eun-ah…” she called, softly. She your hair and embraced your sudden hug.


You hugged her tightly and lose your consciousness in her arms. “Why do I have a feeling that you did something stupid today?” your mom asked herself and carefully placed you in the bed.


• • • • •


The drowsiness you experienced in your head made you sandwiched your head in your palms. *I shouldn’t have drink!* you rolled in your bed trying to sweep the dizziness away.


A knock on your door made you froze. You sat on your bed as you were leaning on the dashboard. It was your mom. She entered your room with a hangover soup. “How are you?” she asked at she placed the soup on the night stand.


“I regret it.” you made a face as you pointed your head.


She laughed and your cheeks, affectionately. “I made you a soup, it will make you better.” She wanted to feed you but you took the spoon from her. “I’m not a baby, umma.”


You drank the whole soup and thanked her for it.


“Wanna talk about it?” she asked, concerned. You met her gaze and then looked away. You bit your lower lips and shook your head. “It’s better to let out now than later.” She said encouragingly.


You gave a small smile, signalling her that you just don’t want to talk about it. “I’m sorry, umma. I can’t…” you announced, softly.


She nodded and smiled. She left the room with the empty bowl but before she completely ‘disappeared’, “Remember So Eun, heart can’t never lie and they can’t be fool.” She told.


• • • • •


A Month Later…


You sat at the empty sit and rested you chin in your palm. You looked outside the window with a smile on your face. You were touched seeing a couple who was walking pass the café hand to hand. You missed doing that with L.Joe. It’s been what? Almost a month…


Tears were formed in your eyes but you held it back. You didn’t want to cry in a public place. A waiter approached you table with a menu. Without making an eye contact or looking what was in the menu, you ordered a latte and a blueberry muffin.


The ring of your phone made you jump and took it out from you pocket right away. A knife was stabbing your heart once you checked the small screen. It’s neither a phone call nor a text messages. It was a reminder.



23rd Nov: L.Joe’s birthday.


*I miss you, L.Joe. Happy Birthday…* you thought and again looked the street distracting yourself from him.


“Here’s your order miss.” The same waiter announced as he placed a cup of latte and a plate of blueberry muffin. You smiled and thanked him.


Then the empty chair next to you was pulled out. You snapped at him as he sat on it. “Sorry for being late.” Jonghyun said apologetically. He then kissed your left cheeks and slung his arm on your shoulder.


You froze in your seat. “What’s wrong?” he asked as he pulled you closer. Your heart started to boil as your cheeks started to redden. You were mad at him – mad because he was late and two you hate the skin ships


It’s been a month; the both of you were dating. You were still trying hard to accept him and still trying to forget L.Joe. Life is hard for you, pretending that you are care about him, pretending that you love him and everything you did with him is nothing more than an acting skill.


You clenched you fist under the table and stared at him. He stared at the floor and rubbed the back of his neck. He then met you eyes as he bit his lower lip. “I overslept…” he said, embarrassed.


You somehow found his action was cute. Your fist was voluntarily relaxed and you softened a bit. Then you chuckled at him. “You should get your order.” You announced as you waved for the waiter.


Jonghyun shook his head at the waiter and then took a sip of your latte without your permission. Your eyes widened and dropped your jaw. “Hey that’s mine!” you smacked his arms playfully and crossed you arms.


“What?” he asked innocently and then ate your muffin.


“That’s mine Jonghyun! You should get your own food.” You nagged and snatched the muffin from him and ate it all. Jonghyun chuckled and ruffled your perfectly done hair.


You removed his hand and pouted. “Fine, I’ll get my own food.” He announced and called the waiter.


*Good.* you thought. A smile appeared on your face, you were glad to have Jonghyun to distract you from L.Joe. But inner most of your heart was telling you the otherwise. *I know I’m trying so hard to not think of you…*


Hello Readers!  Hope you guys enjoy this chapter… and of course do drop a comment. ♥


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Saemiy #1
Chapter 32: Gosh. It really breath taking. I cant imagine losing a sister
Fortunately im not a twin, i dont have to be responsible for my sister boyfriend. Hahahaha.
Your epilogue a bit scary though, it feels like he"s going to do something to both of the lovely couple.

Author-nim, a sequel will be a very2 great *puppy eyes*
Cant wait ^^
Awww nice ending
No more ljoe n seoeun!
No ljoe n seoeun!
love triangle ><
Ljoe is cheesy
Ljoe and So Eun!!
omo, she died...
Wat will happen to jonghyun...
New reader!
Hehe, seems interesting~~