Day and Night

Secret Love of Unbreakable Warrior

"Tell me that you love me, tell me that you will come back. You don't need to say you are sorry, just hug me tight. What words are needed? You coming back to me is like the sun finding its place again during the day and night. But why don't you know that?"-She'z "Day and Night"

"Where were you?" Minhyuk asked when I got back to our room.

"I was taking a walk," I said casually.

"We have to go to a party today," he told me.

"Pardon?" I said. A party is exactly something I would avoid, because a party to me usually means bunch of rich people getting together with dresses and suits and brags to each other about how well their business is doing or talks about gossip about one another in polite tones.

"I have the maids get you ready and we will go together," he said.

"What is the purpose of this?" I asked.

"I have to introduce my fiancee right?" He said.

"Oh," I said and he left without another word. Then food came and I ate every bite very very slowly, thinking. Introduce me as his fiancee? I probably know some of people there at the party since my parents dragged me to those parties. How would they react to the sudden news? I would be the topic of gossips among those people. Getting married at 18 was something I have never planned. But I have no choice. I don't want anything happen to everyone that I loved. And as much I hate being Minhyuk's fiancee and going to that party and have him tell everyone that we are engaged, I have to do it. I don't have to like it, he can't force me to like it, I just have to go. Time seemed to fly by fast whenever I was in deep thoughts and I feel asleep while the train of thoughts continued to pass by in my brain.

"Miss?" A voice whispered. I opened my eyes and found myself leaning against the bed and sitting on the thick carpet. A maid was looking at me.

"Huh?" I said.

"Master said to get you ready now and he will come at 5," the maid said.

"What time is it?" I asked and rubbed my eyes.

"It's 2PM," she responded.

"Oh," was all I said. I got up and headed for the washroom. I took a shower and after I was done, I found a table full of makeup and cosmetic products that I would hardly use.

"What's all this?" I asked with horror.

"Master said to make you look presentable," the maid said.

"Presentable? Don't I look presentable already?!" I exclaimed.

"I am sorry, miss," she apologized frantically and I had realized I startled her. I was in a grumpy and bitter mood ever since I got here and my anger just seem to explode at the smallest thing.

"You c-can help me get ready now if you wish," I said apologically.

"Thank you," she said and one of two stylists came in and started doing my hair and makeup. Honestly I haven't used makeup and didn't think it was necessary, but I didn't argue and let them do the work. I am too tired to fight over tiny things and I don't really want to get anyone fired because of my stubborness. I closed my eyes and doozed off a little bit.

When I woke up, they were almost finished and they put me in a violet dress with jewels fixed on it. Then I looked myself in the mirror and jumped. This new me took me by surprised. I was so used to see myself in uniforms or casual clothings with my hair the way it is. But now I was in a fancy dress with my hair in curls and my face covered in makeup. Then the door opened and Minhyuk entered the room and waved everyone away. He looked at me from head to toe.

"You look....... pretty," he complimented his same usual voice.

"Thank you," I said, feeling uncomfortable by his sudden compliment.

"But don't you think you forgot something?" He frowned and asked me.

"What?" I looked at myself and nothing seem to be missing, in fact there were too many accessories on me.

"Your shoes," he said and I realized I was barefoot.

"Oh," I said and then I widened my eyes.

"Are you serious?" I choked, pointing the pair of heels resting on the carpet.

"You have never wore high heels before?" he asked, surprised.

"No, have you?" I asked in a mocking tone and he rolled his eyes.

"I can't walk in them, those are killer heels," I explained.

"You are so troublesome," he conplained.

"No one told you to kidnap me," I muttered.

"Don't you want to look taller?" he asked.

"Erm, no thank you. I don't care if people says I am short, I am not wearing them," I said.

"Huh, you are peculiar. Well, you should learn," he said.

"Huh?" I said.

"Sit," he instructed and I sat on the bed. He took one shoe and fit it into my foot and did it for my other foot. He helped me stand up. This feels like something that would appear in the drama. His arm around my shoulder to balance me. I felt uncomfortable with his arms around me so I shrugged it out.

"Let's go," I said and walked to the door to avoid this awkwardness. He looked at me, shocked.

"What?" I asked.

"You said you never-" he said.

"Of course I have wore high heels before, I told you I have never wore it so maybe you wouldn't force me into them. But I guess it didn't work," I said with a smile and shrugged. Usually in dramas this would be romantic, the guy putting the shoe on the girl like the prince fitting the glass slipper into Cinderella's feet. But this is not a fairytale and Minhyuk is far away from being my prince. I walked and he followed closely behind me. We got into the limo and we didn't say another word to each other which suited me just fine, I have nothing to say to him anyways.

Soon we arrived at a mansion filled with guests. We step out of the limo and the hatred feeling came to me. I had imagined me at home with Daehyun, sitting on the bed and chatting happily. That is how I wished most of my evenings are, not at a party filled with rich people and their mindless gossips.

"Behave," Minhyuk whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes and he forced me to link arms with him like a couple.

"Minhyuk! Long time no see," A man approached us.

"Hello Mr. Park, long time no see," Minhyuk bowed politely.

"Oh? Who is this?" He gestured towards me.

"Oh, this is my fiancee, Kim Heaven. Heaven, this is Mr. Park," he introduced.

"Hello sir, nice to meet you," I said in a polite tone.

"Hello, miss Heaven, it is a pleasure to meet you," he said and I smiled.

"Minhyuk, how come I never heard your father mention that you had a fiancee? This is big news!" Mr. Park said and a woman approached us.

"Honey, did you know Minhyuk is engaged?" Mr. Park said to that woman.

"Oh? I never heard you father mention this, Minhyuk," she said.

"It is recent and my father is quite busy these days. Heaven is my fiancee," he said.

"Hello, Heaven, I'm Mrs. Park. Nice to meet you," Mrs. Park said.

"You too," I said.

"This is big news! Well, please excuse me for a second," she said and left, spreading the news, I suppose.

"You are quite lucky, miss Heaven, to have Minhyuk as your husband," Mr. Park said with a grin.

"You have no idea," I said with a smile. You have no idea how painful to be kidnapped and engaged at 18. Of course no one would know I am 18, since I look mature in my makeover. Mr. Park and Minhyuk continued to talk about business while I zoned out for a bit.

"Heaven?" A voice said and I jumped. Mr. and Mrs. Nam approached us. I knew Mr. and Mrs. Nam, they used to be my parents' business partner.

"Hello sir," I said.

"Wow, I almost couldn't recognize you, Heaven! You grown a lot," Mrs. Nam said.

"Yes," I smiled.

"I haven't seen your parents in a while, Heaven, how are they?" Mr. Nam asked.

"They are overseas," I answered.

"Ah, I see. Would you give them our greetings, alright?" He said.

"Of course," I said.

"This is?....." Mrs. Nam asked, gesturing towards Minhyuk.

"This is Minhyuk, he is my fiance. Minhyuk, this is Mr. and Mrs. Nam," I introduced.

"Hello," Minhyuk greeted politely and Mr. and Mrs. Nam greeted back.

"Wow, Heaven. Engaged already? How old are you again?" Mr. Nam asked.

"18 this year, sir," I said.

"18?! You must be anxious to get married right?" Mrs. Nam chuckled.

"It wasn't my decision," I said with a smile.

"Your parents'?" Mr. Nam asked.

"No, it's Minhyuk's," I responded.

"Ah. You must be anxious to get make this beautiful girl your wife eh?" Mr. Nam asked with a smile.

"Yes," Minhyuk responded and returning a smile to him.

"Well, best of luck to you two," Mr. Nam said and we thanked them. Then several people approached us and we had the same exact conversation. First Minhyuk introduced me to them as his fiancee. Those people questioned why they weren't informed or questioned about my age. Then they talk about business. Then I finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Would you please excuse me for a brief moment," I said politely, interrupting their conversation.

"Where are you going, honey?" Minhyuk asked me and that made me get goosebumps. Of course, we have to act like we are a couple.

"Washroom, I will be back soon," I said and left. Ugh, I couldn't take this anymore. I walked as far from there as possible. I was having a headache from all those conversations. I stumbled my way to hide until I ran into someone.

"Oh, sorry," I apologized and looked up. I opened my mouth when I saw who it was.

"Heaven?" He asked, shocked.

"Zelo?" I was just as shocked as he was. What is Zelo doing here? Then he took my hand and took me to a place that are not as crowded.

"I am not Zelo right now, I am Junhong," he scoffed at his "real" name.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"My parents are those 'rich' people too, they own a big company too and they dragged me here," he rolled his eyes.

"You don't like it, do you?" I asked.

"Not one little bit," he admitted.

"Me either," I muttered.

"Where were you and Daehyun hyung? I haven't seen you guys for days," I said.

"Zelo, you have to promise that you won't tell anyone and you won't do anything about this, or otherwise people can get hurt, like my parents and Daehyun," I whispered.

"Okay," he said and I told him the whole story.

"You are engaged?!" Zelo said a little bit too loud.

"Shhh! Yes, I am only doing this so no one I love would get hurt. Especially Daehyun," I said.

"What? You are in love with Daehyun hyung?" he asked.

"We have been dating for a while now," I said.

"What? How come I didn't know?" He asked.

"Oh right. Only Youngjae knew, but I thought he would tell you guys," I said.

"He wouldn't. Because that would hurt Yongguk hyung, and maybe Himchan hyung," Zelo said. I sighed. I felt gulity towards Yongguk and Himchan.

"With our help, we can help you and Daehyun hyung and your parents escape. Yongguk hyung wouldn't allow this to happen," he said.

"Zelo, I don't want anyone hurt. Especially Yongguk and Himchan, I have hurted them enough. Besides, I am really well guarded, you guys wouldn't be able to help but get hurt in return. I have to get engaged with Minhyuk so I can keep everyone safe, I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me," I said and he remained silent for a while.

"I have mistaken you, Heaven, I am sorry," Zelo said.

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"I used to think you are just some girl who came in between Yongguk and Himchan hyungs' friendship, you are just toying around with their feelings without caring about how they feel. But you proved me wrong. You actually do care a lot about them and you don't want anyone to get hurt because of you, and that was thoughtful of you," Zelo said.

"Thanks," I said and he gave me an awkward smile.

"What are you going to do about this?" He asked.

"I can't think of anything to do at the moment," I sighed.

"How's Daehyun hyung? Is he handling it well?" Zelo asked.

"Not really," I sighed and bury my face in my palms.

"Nothing is going well for me either," he sighed.

"Huh? Why?" I asked.

"You know how rich parents are. They always expect their children to be the one next in line to be in charge of their business. But I don't want to," he said.

"Have you thought about what you are going to do?" I asked.

"Not really. I want to do music and dance, but my parents would never agree to that," he said.

"I never thought you came from a rich family, you don't act like one," I said and he laughed with some bitterness in his laugh.

"Good, because I don't want to be one either," Zelo said.

"That makes the two of us," I sighed.

"Why not? I thought you liked it," He asked.

"If I am not rich, no one would want to get close to me just because I have money. I wouldn't be engaged at 18 like now if I am not the billionaire's daughter. I would be with Daehyun now happily together if I wasn't engaged to some guy who wants the business my parents own," I said and kicked the pebbles on the ground with my heels.

"You and Daehyun hyung are in a secret relationship right?" Zelo asked.

"Huh?" I said.

"That guy doesn't know you guys are together right?" He asked.

"No, what he doesn't know won't hurt him," I said.

"What if he finds out?" He asked.

"He can't do anything more, I am already his fiancee and couple weeks later we are going to get married," I looked at my ring and sighed.

"Is it kinda young to get married at 18?" He asked.

"Very, but I don't have a choice," I said.

"Heaven?" A voice called and I jumped.

"Oh, I need go now. Zelo, please don't tell anyone, no matter what don't tell anyone. Pretend you didn't see me today and forget what I told you today-" I said.

"Heaven?" The voice called again.

"Go!" Zelo said and I did.

"Where were you?" Minhyuk asked, this wasn't the first time he asked me this question today.

"Nowhere," I said.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"The washroom," I said.

"Yeah right," he scoffed.

"What is it to you? Since when do I need to report where I was?" I asked.

"I had to look everywhere for you," he said impatiently.

"No one told you had to," I muttered.

"Why were you gone for such a long time?" He asked.

"Why do you care?" I said.

"You-" he began then stopped. I realized people nearby us were looking. He put his arm around me casually. My brows furrowed and I took his arm off my shoulder.

"Stop it, remember, we are suppose to be a couple. Act like it," Minhyuk whispered at my ear and put his arm back on me. Then he bid goodbye to several people as the sky got darker and darker. We ride back to the mansion without another word to each other. After we arrived, he took my hand and lead me back to our room. He closed the door behind us.

"Where were you?" He asked again.

"I told you already. Why do you keep asking?" I asked.

"Do you really think I am that stupid enough to believe that?" Minhyuk scoffed and I glared at him.

"I heard you talking to somebody," he said.

"So? Why can't I talk to people? Oh, I know. You are afraid that I am planning with someone to escape which will spoil your little plan, right?" I asked mockingly.

"Enough! You have to remember that you have to follow and do whatever I say!" He yelled.

"I am not your slave or your maid," I said. I wanted to leave this room so I don't have to see him anymore. I walked past him for the door until he caught my wrist and stopped me.

"Let go of me!" I tried to shake it off but he stepped in front of me and cuffed both of my wrist with his hands.

"Where were you? You better answer it now!" He said.

"Don't worry, I didn't spoil your little plan or 'tell' on you," I said mockingly.

"I asked you a question and I am not going to stop until you give me a good answer!" Minhyuk demanded and his grip tightened and I winced at the pain.

"It's none of your business!" I yelled. Then he threw me on the bed. I looked up and his face was very close to mine, his hands gripped tightly on my shoulder.

"Your business is my business. Whether you like it or not your business is now my business. You understand?" He yelled. Suddenly I had enough strength to push him away and free myself from his grip and darted out of the door. I hid in a closet and hugged my knees tightly to myself. I hated him. Lee Minhyuk is the reason why I am living in hell right now. He is the reason why I couldn't be with Daehyun, and without Daehyun by my side is hell. I am living in hell day and night. Every day and night the only thing in my mind is Daehyun. But no one knows it. I would do anything just to have Daehyun back to me again. I don't want to be the billionaire's daughter and I can give up all the money and luxuries just to have Daehyun by my side day and night. Slowly tears streamed down onto my cheeks and my eyelids grew heavy and I fell asleep, trying to escape this nightmare that I am living in right now.


Annyeong~ I am back with another new chapter! Hope you guys are still enjoying the story very much with the new addition of character. And many of you probably are wondering where are the other B.A.P members, but don't worry~ I haven't forgot about them and you will see them again soon in the story! ^^ This chappie features our maknae Jello~ He didn't show up much previously so I decided to make him have an appearance in this chapter.


Again I didn't mean to make Minhyuk "evil" TT^TT Mianhae Minhyukkie~

 I might update a little bit later than usual for the next chapter since tomorrow I will be going on a trip for two days so I won't be able to update, so please wait patiently for the next chapter~ Another big thanks to my subscribers for subscribing, commenting and reading~ Please give this story lots of support!

I had to change the background picture since AFF has those image invalid errors =_= But thank god that it is fixed now~ Honestly I think I would go crazy over that problem.......

(Kekeke Himchannie's Tatsmato head is stuck and Yonggukie and Jello is helping him XD)

B.A.P in Sunway Lagoon~ XD

B.A.P was in Malaysia and they had their showcase there~ (This fanart is sho cute >///<)

Anyways our warriors ARE BACKKKK YEAH~ Yes they will be releasing a new album called "No Mercy" OMO I CAN'T WAITTTTT XD

And our B.A.P boys will be performing at MCountdown next week with their new released single "Goodbye"~ I am anticipating it a lot~ BABYs don't forget to support our boys for their upcoming comeback!! B.A.P and BABYs fighting! I will see you in the next chapter~ Bye bye~





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Chapter 42: Hiiii! I just found this fic 2 days ago and I couldn't stop reading! Literally! It was so good! I just love how you make me feel the emotions the characters felt and rhe way the story twists and turns unexpectedly! Just amazing :D please do make a sequel! Pleaaaaassssseeeeee! Hehehehe :3 Thanks for the epic story btw ^_^
ennink_ciel #4
Chapter 43: Yongguk! Yongguk! Yongguk!!!!!!!! (´▽`Ʃƪ)
Chapter 43: I'm so happy!!! Omg, OMG!!!! I can't wait for the sequel!!! OMG, I am fangirling right now!! OMG, OMG OMG!!!! Update soon author-nin!!! Your killing me!! :'DDD OMG, OMFG, I can't wait!! HWAITING!!! <3333
Chapter 43: i'm waiting for the sequel.... =)
Lovelydooly #7
Chapter 43: SEQUEL !!! XD

I looking forward it.
Just re-read this. <3 Do you still remember me, author-nim? lol.
hippo_guk #9
Chapter 42: Owww it's a really nice story *O*. Daehyun and heaven are cute together