The Reason

Secret Love of Unbreakable Warrior

"Now I have realized, the many times I have shared with you. The happy moments I've spent without realizing. The road that I have walked so far, the road I have walked in loneliness as I cried. You make it all different, I've come to know now, the reason why this road before me is so beautiful."-SHINee "The Reason".

Daehyun and I get into the limo after school. I clutched onto my backpack, trying to calm myself down as much as possible. I in big breaths of air, convincing myself that everything is gonna be fine. I tried a whole bunch of ways to distract myself from being nervous. Why am I nervous? Why? I thought I knew what I am doing. I thought I prepared myself well. But why? Why am I nervous then? It was my own idea to go to the hospital, but now I am panicking and asking myself if I made the right decision? I sighed. Isn't it a little bit too late to think about this now? Even though I can bail out of my plan right now, but part of me still wanted to go. Yongguk doesn't know that I know he is in the hospital, so will he be surprised? He never called or texted me ever since he "disappeared" yesterday. What would he think? Million of questions and scenerios popped into my mind. And the more I think of them the more nervous and shaky I get.

"Heaven?" Daehyun called.

"Y-Yeah?" I stuttered.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"No, why did you ask?" I asked, not getting where he would have that idea.

"Because you are trembling and your face is as pale as a sheet of paper," he marked and I noticed my trembling hands.

"I am fine," I tried to shake it off.

"Sure you are," Daehyun said with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes.

"Would you just tell me what is going on already?" He asked me.

"I am nervous," I blurted out.

"You think you can handle it?" Daehyun asked.

"I am not sure," I confessed.

"Don't worry, I will be there with you," he said and I smiled weakly.

"Heaven, are you sure you can handle it?" He asked after a while.

"Sure, what makes you think I can't?" I asked.

"Your hands are trembling again," he marked and I looked at them. Daehyun put his hands around mine.

"Remember, I will be there with you, don't you worry," Daehyun promised.

"Okay," I sighed after a while. Soon we arrived in front of the hospital. I stood there and stayed frozen.

"Heaven, look at me," Daehyun said and I slowly looked at him.

"Take a big breath for me, okay?" He asked and I did what he asked.

"Feel better now?" Daehyun asked and I nodded. He flashed his smile at me and we went in there.

"This way, Heaven," he said when I went the other way.

"How did you know where he is?" I asked.

"Himchan," Daehyun replied and I nodded. It is pretty self explanatory, Himchan went to visit Yongguk so he knows, and that's how Daehyun knew. We walked and then I saw Yongguk sitting on the chair from far away. My heart suddenly beats faster and faster. His eyes meets my eyes as we approach him. Yongguk walked towards me.

"Heaven!?" Yongguk said and hugged me.

"You!" I said and pushed him away.

"What?" Yongguk asked and hugged me again to him.

"You have to ask?" I questioned.

"I missed you," Yongguk said and my cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I questioned.

"I'm sorry," he whispered in my ear and went for a kiss.

"Stop!" I said.

"What? Didn't you miss me?" Yongguk said in a soothing voice.

"I was worried about you, you didn't call or text me at all," I said.

"You were worried about me?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said. He showed his gummy smile and lean closer to me.

"Stop that! I am mad at you!" I said and pushed him.

"I am so sorry Heaven, can you forgive me?" He asked.

"Why should I?" I asked.

"Because I love you more than anything in the world," Yongguk said.

"Nice try, now do you want to explain me about your ex girlfriend, who was the main reason you didn't come to school and you didn't answer my calls," I said.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"You don't need to know how I got that information, explain yourself first," I said.

"Why? Are you jealous?" He teased.

"No!" I said.

"It's okay Heaven, just admit it, if you were with another guy, I bet I will be more jealous than you are," Yongguk said.

"I am not jealous!" I said and blushed.

"You know what I love about you the most? Is when you are shy and your face get all red," he marked.

"Stop trying to change the subject!" I said.

"This is not a very nice way of greeting me, I missed you so much and I thought about you all day. Can't I at least get a hug?" Yongguk asked.

"You are hugging me right now," I marked.

"What about a kiss?" He asked with a smile.

"No," I said.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Until you give me the real reason why you are here, I shouldn't even be talking to you now," I said.

"Fine, you want to know?" He asked.

"Yes," I said.

"It was yesterday morning that I knew she got into an car accident, even though I don't love her or have anything to do with her anymore, but I feel that I should still go and check on her. She doesn't have any family here so I feel that I should go and take care of her, not because I still have feelings for her, but it is kinda sad for someone who doesn't have their family to come and take care of them when they are injured. If today this person was someone that I know, I would help them too, but this time this person just turns out to be....... her," Yongguk finished, I guess none of us have the courage to mention the word "ex girlfriend" in front of each other.

"Okay," I sighed.

"You believe me?" Yongguk asked.

"Yeah, if it was me, I would do the same thing as you did," I said and he smiled at me.

"Do you want me to go back to school tomorrow?" He asked.

"You should stay there and take care of her," I suggested.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked.

"Of course, Daehyun have been taking care of me," I said and pulled Daehyun over.

"Hey hyung," Daehyun said.

"Daehyunnie, have you been taking good care of my Heaven?" Yongguk asked.

"Of course he have, he is the best," I said and smiled at Daehyun.

"So how's the girl hyung?" Daehyun asked.

"She is fine now, but she hasn't woke up yet," Yongguk said.

"So you won't be coming to school these days?" Daehyun asked.

"No, I guess not. Unless I can find one of her relatives or her friends to take care of her, I better stay to take care of her," Yongguk said.

"Ah, I see," Daehyun said.

"How's the others?" Yongguk asked.

"They are fine, but we were all wondering where you were too," Daehyun answered.

"How did Heaven know?" Yongguk asked.

"Orginally Himchan hyung doesn't want to tell Heaven, but then he told me and I told Heaven," Daehyun said.

"I told Himchan not to," Yongguk murmured.

"What? Why wouldn't you want me to know?" I questioned.

"Because I didn't want you to think that I still have feelings for her," Yongguk explained.

"You should've told me, because you didn't tell me at all so I feel that you actually do have something with her that you don't want me to know," I said.

"Hey!" A voice called and all three of us turned. Himchan and Youngjae approached us.

"Heaven?" Youngjae said.

"What are you doing here?" Himchan asked me.

"You told her?" Himchan turned to Daehyun.

"I made him tell me," I interrupted.

"And? Does that do you any good?" Himchan asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You are probably heartbroken and all upset, that is what I mean," Himchan said.

"But you keeping things away from me and telling Daehyun not to tell tortures me more!" I said. Himchan looked at me with disbelief.

"Plus Yongguk is not mad at you, right?" I said and asked Yongguk.

"Yeah, I am really not mad at you Channie, and since when you are scared of me?" Yongguk asked.

"I don't want to see your relationship get messed up, if I told Heaven she would probably be mad and will break up with you, and I know you would be really upset, so I wouldn't want to see that," Himchan said.

"Hey, thanks," Yongguk said and patted Himchan's back.

"No problem," Himchan said quietly.

"I think I will come back later," Himchan said after a while and looked in my direction for a second then left without another word.

"Hey Youngjae, where's Jongup and Zelo?" Yongguk asked.

"Jongup is with Zelo now," Youngjae said.

"Ah, I see," Yongguk said.

"We should probably get going now," Daehyun reminded me.

"Okay," I said. I walked up to Yongguk and he automatically wrapped his arms around me.

"We are going to go now, I will come and visit you soon," I said.

"You have to go now?" Yongguk asked.

"Yeah, we will come and see you soon," I said. Yongguk give me a kiss on the forehead.

"Take care of yourself," I said.

"Okay, you too," he said.

"Bye," I said and left with Daehyun.

"I wonder why Himchan hyung get so mad for," Daehyun murmured as we walked.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Himchan hyung got so mad suddenly, he is usually really easy going and doesn't care about anything much," he said.

"He cares about Yongguk like any other best friends would do for each other," I said.

"Yeah, but he has never been that angry before, and don't you think he is kinda directing everything to you?" Daehyun asked. I thought about it for a second.

"I don't know, but I don't think he meant it," I shrugged. But now I wondered why Himchan reacted the way he did. I walked with that thought in my mind.


 I opened my eyes and looked over to my bedside table and checked my phone. Still nothing. It has been weeks since Daehyun and I went to visit Yongguk. And he had told me he would call or text me. But everyday he calls or text less and less. I sighed. What could he be doing? I stared at my phone for a while then set it on the table and went to the washroom. I brushed my teeth slowly and did everything carefully and slowly. I lost the urge of wanting to get to school as soon as possible. I glanced at my phone once more. Still nothing. Then I tossed it into my backpack and slung it over my back and walked downstairs in heavy footsteps. I slumped down into a chair and ate my breakfast quietly and slowly. Daehyun raised his eyebrows.

"Where is the happy Heaven?" Daehyun asked.

"Not present," I sighed.

"Why? Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Nope," I said.

"Then why do you look so depressed?" He said.

"Today is not my day," I mumbled.

"You have been saying that for the past 2 weeks," Daehyun marked.

"Let's go, we are going to be late," I said and picked my backpack up and walked. For the whole ride I stared at the phone lying in my palm, hoping to see something. But it lay there, its black screen never lit up.

"Heaven, we are here," Daehyun said after a while. I looked up.

"Oh," I mumbled and got off the limo.

"What's wrong? You have been like this for weeks," he said.

"I'm just tired these days," I mumbled.

"Okay, fine, you can go with that story," he said and I sighed. I hate how Daehyun never trust what I said. It is also pretty much my fault since I never tell him what is going on.

I sat on the bench staring blankly at the phone that never give me any sorts of responses. I sighed and closed my eyes. I wish I know what is going on. Then a face came across my mind. But....... Is that the right choice to make? But I wanted to know, almost just as desperately as the time when I wanted to know why Yongguk was in the hospital.

"Himchan?" I said when I walked to him. He seemed surprised to see me.

"Yeah?" Himchan asked.

"Did you hear from Yongguk?" I asked. I felt so stupid and pathetic that I have go around, asking poeple if they have heard from my boyfriend. Shouldn't I be the first one to know what is going on with him? But here I am, going around and asking people desperately.

"Shouldn't you know already?" Himchan asked.

"Apparently, I don't know a thing, so can you tell me?" I sighed.

"Why do you want to know anyways?' Himchan asked and I scoffed.

"If I ask you why do you want know about your girlfriend, you would be just annoyed as I am right now," I said.

"I don't have a girlfriend," he answered simply.

"Fine, if something was going on with the person that you like and you ask me, and I ask you why do you want to know, you would be just as frustrated as I am right now," I said.

"She doesn't need me to care for her, she have plenty of guys that will do the honor," he replied and I sighed.

"Just pretend!" I said impatiently.

"There's no reason for me to do that," Himchan said.

"There's a reason to everything, and now I am asking you how will you feel if I ask why do you want to know about the girl that you like are doing," I said.

"I already know what she is doing," he said.

"Oh really? Then what is she doing right now?" I demanded.

"She is asking me if I have heard from her boyfriend right now," Himchan replied. I looked at him with a puzzeled expression and I cannot find the right words to say as my eyes met his.


Hi readers~ Sorry for the delay since I am extremely busy these days! Anyways there's more and more mysteries ahead of this story so make sure to keep reading!!



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Chapter 42: Hiiii! I just found this fic 2 days ago and I couldn't stop reading! Literally! It was so good! I just love how you make me feel the emotions the characters felt and rhe way the story twists and turns unexpectedly! Just amazing :D please do make a sequel! Pleaaaaassssseeeeee! Hehehehe :3 Thanks for the epic story btw ^_^
ennink_ciel #4
Chapter 43: Yongguk! Yongguk! Yongguk!!!!!!!! (´▽`Ʃƪ)
Chapter 43: I'm so happy!!! Omg, OMG!!!! I can't wait for the sequel!!! OMG, I am fangirling right now!! OMG, OMG OMG!!!! Update soon author-nin!!! Your killing me!! :'DDD OMG, OMFG, I can't wait!! HWAITING!!! <3333
Chapter 43: i'm waiting for the sequel.... =)
Lovelydooly #7
Chapter 43: SEQUEL !!! XD

I looking forward it.
Just re-read this. <3 Do you still remember me, author-nim? lol.
hippo_guk #9
Chapter 42: Owww it's a really nice story *O*. Daehyun and heaven are cute together