
Secret Love of Unbreakable Warrior

"I can see the Neverland, can you see it? The unchanging place, I am here in Neverland. The land that never changes with everyone's laughs, and my love in your heart, always always."-Secret "Neverland"

I kept on walking, without knowing where in the world I was going, I kept on walking towards light. Then I had felt a squeeze on my hand, I turned to see who it was. Daehyun flashed a smile at me and his hand clutched onto mine.

"Daehyun, where are we going?" I asked while we walked.

"You'll see later," Daehyun promised me. But that doesn't stop my curiousity.

"Are we there yet?" I kept on asking.

"Almost," Daehyun said everytime I asked. After a while he stopped.

"We are here," he told me and in front of me was a breathtaking scene that can only been seen in fairytale storybooks.

"Where are we?" I breathed, shocked by the sight. Daehyun didn't answer my question but smiled at me.

"Come on," Daehyun said and he clutched onto my hand while we walked through the beautiful forest. He stopped and turned around and faced me.

"Where are we, Daehyun?" I asked.

"We are in Neverland," he said.

"Neverland?" I asked. In my memories Neverland is just a fictional place that people would dwell in.

"Yes, this is Neverland," Daehyun answered.

"It's so beautiful," I said.

"Heaven," he said and held on both of my hands.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"I love you," he said.

"Awww, I love you too," I said.

"No, I mean I love you, as in I want you to be mine, not as in I love you as a friend," Daehyun said and I looked at him.

"Huh?" I said.

"Heaven, I love you," he said it in more of a serious tone.

"I-" I started but Daehyun had shut me up by a sudden kiss that I had not expected. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered. His kiss was soft and gentle.

"Y-You like me?" I asked. He nodded with a smile.

"B-But we are just friends, you know, or like brother and sister....." I stuttered.

"That's how I felt at first, but I don't if I still feel the same way now....." Daehyun said and my cheek.

"I want you, Heaven, please be mine?" He asked. I had feel the scene slowly fade away and my vision blurred.

"Daehyun? Daehyun!!" I said.

"Heaven?" A voice said. I opened my eyes and there was Daehyun sitting right next to my bed. I gasped.

"Time to wake up now," Daehyun said with a smile. It was just a dream, I thought to myself.

"Oh," I said.

"Did you have a dream about me?" Daehyun asked and I jumped.

"What? Why would you think that?" I blushed and asked frantically.

"Because you were saying my name while you were sleeping," he said and my face flushed red.

"Yah! Why are you watching me sleep?" I asked.

"I was going to wake you up," Daehyun said innocently. His answer was legit which made myself seem stupid for saying his name in my sleep.

"L-Liar! It's creepy to watch someone to sleep," I said.

"It's creepy to whisper my name in your sleep," Daehyun marked.

"I didn't say your name in my sleep!!" I said.

"I heard it clearly," he said.

"Do you have proof?" I asked.

"The proof is I heard it with my own ear, why in world would I make it up?" He said.

"Okay, first of all, it wasn't a whisper, it was more of a shout. Second, you need to leave my room unless you want us to be late for school," I said.

"I will blame it on you if we are late," he joked.

"Ahhh get out, I need to change," I said and waved him away.

"Okay okay I'm going, hurry up," Daehyun said.

"Fine~" I said and closed my door and sighed. What a weird dream I had, why would I dream of Daehyun saying he likes me? I shook my head and got ready. It has been months since I broke up with Yongguk, and love had seem like such a small thing that I put it at the bottom list of things I should be caring.

"Daehyun!!" I yelled as I waited for him at the front door.

"What?" He yelled back.

"Hurry up or we are going to be late!" I said. Daehyun finally emerged from the dining room.

"Hurry hurry!!" I said, glancing at the clock as seconds ticked away.

"Okay," he said.

"Ah!" I gasped.

"What?" Daehyun looked up at me.

"I forgot my textbook, can you get it for me?" I said.

"Okay," he said.

"Hurry!" I yelled.

"I'll try," Daehyun said sarcastically and got my textbook within seconds.

"What took you so long?" I joked and he rolled his eyes.

"Very funny," he said with sarcasm and we got on the limo. The temperature dropped today and it was freezing and I sneezed. Daehyun shrugged out of his coat and put it on me.

"Thank you," I said.

"Where's your coat? I told you today is cold," Daehyun demanded.

"I forgot it since we were running out of time," I said and Daehyun looked at me with disbelief.

"You! Always forgetting this, forgetting that," he scolded and knocked my head lightly.

"Sorry......" I said sheepishly. But Daehyun still did not stop looking at me with disbelief.

"Yah~ I'm sorry," I said.

"What would you do if I wasn't here with you 24/7? You should be more careful," he said.

"I won't have to worry about that because you will always be here with me right?" I said and he sighed.

"I'm sorry Daehyun, I will be more careful next time so I won't have you worrying over me," I apologized. Eventually Daehyun smiled at me after my apologies.

"You are just like a baby," Daehyun said.

"Why?" I asked.

"It could be a fuss to take care of you, you are so needy and stubborn, like a little baby. But I could never stay mad at you," Daehyun sighed.

"That's a good thing," I smiled.

"No~ That's a bad thing," Daehyun said.

"To me it is a good thing," I said.

"Whatever you say, baby," he said and I pouted.

"I am not a baby!" I said, Daehyun didn't say anything but smiled at me and ruffled my hair.


"What are you eating?" I poked my head over Daehyun's shoulder when I saw him sitting by himself.

"It's just bread," Daehyun said.

"I want some too!" I said.

"No!" Daehyun said immediately.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because I am hungry," he said and peeled off a chuck of bread and stuff it in his mouth.

"Come on, can I have some?" I asked.

"You don't eat as much I do," Daehyun said.

"I am a shik shin!" I said and he laughed.

"Since when are you a shik shin? You eat so little," Daehyun said.

"How come you don't sit with the others?" I asked and he knew I was talking about the other B.A.P members.

"Because they would steal my food, just like you," Daehyun said with a smile.

"Sharing is caring, did you know that?" I said.

"I don't care about you, therefore I don't have to share," he said.

"Really?" I asked, I feel somewhat disappointed when he said it.

"No, of course I care about you, I'm just joking," he reassured. Daehyun peeled off a chunk of bread and feed it to me.

"I want more!" I whined, he smiled and give me another chunk.

"Yah! Jung Daehyun!!" A voiced yelled and we both jumped.

"Jung Daehyun! How dare you!" Youngjae barged in.

"What?" Daehyun looked surprised by Youngjae's sudden entrance.

"You got food and you didn't share it with me but you shared it with Heaven? What kind of friend are you?" Youngjae said.

"Youngjae babo, you stole food from me all the time, I gotta eat too," Daehyun said.

"You selfish kid," Youngjae said and gave him a playful shove.

"Yah Yoo Youngjae, watch it, I am older than you," Daehyun joked.

"Hey, we need to start on our project if we want to pass," Youngjae nudged.

"Who says we aren't? You, a brainiac who have the highest average in our grade is fearing that you won't pass?" Daehyun asked.

"Even though our grade are far away from failing, I still won't risk that chance of failing," Youngjae said.

"Fine, let's go," Daehyun finished and stood up.

"Bye, baby, I'll see you later," Daehyun said with a smile, and before I could protest of the name he called me he walked away with Youngjae.

"Yah Jung Daehyun, can you keep your flirting with Heaven to a minimum please?" I heard Youngjae said. After this comment made by Youngjae was followed by a series of yelling and threatening from Daehyun and screaming from Youngjae. I could never imagine Daehyun "flirting" with me. He doesn't look like the type of guy who would "flirt" with girls. He always seemed cool, calm and mysterious...... Just like when I first met him. But as I get to know him more, he seems further and further from the cool and mysterious Daehyun, he is more like a dorky Daehyun who does failed aegyo and teases people. I chuckled at the thought and left.

I waited for Daehyun outside of his last class when the bell rang. Daehyun came out and was surprised to see me here.

"Hi baby," Daehyun said with a smile.

"Stop calling me that! Do I look like one?" I asked.

"Yeah, I never seen any girls as short as you," he said.

"I am not that short," I looked at myself from head to toe.

"You are short," Daehyun said.

"Fine, I am short, but I don't have a baby face," I said.

"Yes you do," he said and pinched my cheeks.

"Daehyun?" A girl said and we both turned around.

"Huh?" Daehyun said.

" t-the teacher w-wants to see you....." the girl stumbled.

"Oh, thanks," Daehyun said somewhat coldly.

"N-No problem....." the girl said and Daehyun turned to me.

"Stay here, will you? I'll be back soon," he said with a smile and a softer tone, very different from the tone he spoke to the girl in.

"Sure," I said and he went into the class. The girl sighed.

"You are so lucky," she said to me.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"You are lucky," she repeated.

"What do you mean?" I asked and she gave me an irritated look.

"You are lucky that you are Daehyun's girlfriend," she sighed and I choked on the water I was drinking.

"W-What? I am not his girlfriend," I said.

"Really?" The girl's face lit up.

"Yeah, I am not," I said.

"Do you know who he likes then?" She suddenly came so close to me and asked.

"I-I have no clue...... Why? You like Daehyun?" I asked.

"Who doesn't?" The girl said.

"You mean every girls like him?" I asked curiously.

"Are you new here? Isn't it obvious that everyone here likes Daehyun? All B.A.P members are so good looking and popular and they are every girls' ideal type," she said.

"Oh," I said.

"Hey...... You look familiar..... Aren't you that billionaire's daughter?" The girl suddenly said. Not this again.......

"Yeah, I am. See you later," I said and walked away immediately. Doesn't everyone in the school know I am the billionaire's daughter like 2 years ago? And she call me the "new" one. Oh well. I thought to myself and waited for Daehyun.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Daehyun said as he walked towards me.

"Did you know you got a whole bunch of secret admirers?" I nudged him.

"What?" Daehyun asked.

"Don't act like you don't know, that girl obviously likes you," I said.

"So?" He shrugged.

"So? I learned from her that a lot of girls like you in the school," I said.

"None of them are my type anyways," he said.

"But didn't you say you like someone? Is she in this school?" I asked.

"Why are we even talking about this?" Daehyun groaned.

"No! This is related to your future happiness," I said and he chuckled.

"Sure it is," he said with sarcasm.

"So is she in the school?" I asked.

"Uh..... Yes," Daehyun said.

"Do you talk to her often?" I asked.

"Yes," Daehyun said.

"Are you lying?" I looked at him with suspicion.

"No, why would I?" He asked.

"Because I don't see you talking to any other girls," I said.

"You never know what I am really doing," Daehyun said with a smile.

"You are a ninja now huh?" I joked.

"Maybe, you never know," Daehyun said and I laughed.

"Come on, get in," he said when the limo arrived and we went home together.


"Hey," was the first thing I heard when I opened my eyes, I found Daehyun sitting next to my bed.

"Are you watching me sleep again? Didn't I tell you that's creepy?" I joked and he smiled.

"No, today is a big day," Daehyun said.

"Why? Today is saturday, I am suppose to sleep until I can't sleep anymore," I said and he chuckled.

"No, today is your 18th birthday, Heaven," Daehyun reminded me.

"Oh yeah......" I suddenly remembered then moaned.

"What's wrong?" Daehyun said, surprised by my reaction.

"My parents, the maids...... everyone is going to make a big deal out of it right? Like throwing some sorts of birthday ball that I never want to have again," I sighed.

"No, it's nothing like that," Daehyun reassured me and I sighed in relief.

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"Since your parents feel bad for not being with you often enough, they managed to clear some of their schedules and they are going to spend 2 or 3 days with you in a resort to make up for their absences," Daehyun said.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"I suggest this to your parents, since you probably miss them a lot," Daehyun said.

"Thank you," I got up and hugged him. Spending time with my parents even it is for a minute in a dump would make me happy since I haven't seen them in person for a while.

"You like it?" Daehyun smiled and I nodded.

"Come on, you need to get ready to meet your parents there," he said.

"Wait, are you coming? Please say you are," I said and he smiled.

"I am, in fact your parent told me if I don't come with you guys, they are going to fire me," Daehyun said.

"Yay," I smiled.

"Your parents might have to come a day later because they still have things to wrap up, but they told us to go today and wait for them there," Daehyun said.

"Okay," I said.

"Come on, the plane is waiting for us, go get ready now," Daehyun said.

"Okay," I got up and was on my way to the washroom.

"Heaven?" He called me before he left the room.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Happy birthday," Daehyun said and hugged me close to him.

"Thank you," I said with a smile.

"Go wash up now, I'll wait for you," he said with a smile and left my room.


Annyeong! Okay, so I have finally finished my exams!! *Dancing around like crazy* kekekeke XD
Which means I am free from now on and I will be updating the story more often! Again thanks to all my subscribers for subscribing and commenting! You guys are awesome~ Daehyun love you all~ kekeke

Anyways I will continue to work hard to update this story so don't forget to read it! Lots of things happening soon~ :D

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Chapter 42: Hiiii! I just found this fic 2 days ago and I couldn't stop reading! Literally! It was so good! I just love how you make me feel the emotions the characters felt and rhe way the story twists and turns unexpectedly! Just amazing :D please do make a sequel! Pleaaaaassssseeeeee! Hehehehe :3 Thanks for the epic story btw ^_^
ennink_ciel #4
Chapter 43: Yongguk! Yongguk! Yongguk!!!!!!!! (´▽`Ʃƪ)
Chapter 43: I'm so happy!!! Omg, OMG!!!! I can't wait for the sequel!!! OMG, I am fangirling right now!! OMG, OMG OMG!!!! Update soon author-nin!!! Your killing me!! :'DDD OMG, OMFG, I can't wait!! HWAITING!!! <3333
Chapter 43: i'm waiting for the sequel.... =)
Lovelydooly #7
Chapter 43: SEQUEL !!! XD

I looking forward it.
Just re-read this. <3 Do you still remember me, author-nim? lol.
hippo_guk #9
Chapter 42: Owww it's a really nice story *O*. Daehyun and heaven are cute together