Good news



Kyuhyun did a quick research on pregnancy test kits, the first thing he woke up the next morning. Sungmin was still sleeping in his arms, so he quietly grabbed his phone from their side table. 

Pregnancy test checks for the presence of the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), in a woman's urine. A woman's body begins to produce hCG after she conceived. If she gets a positive test result on the first day of her missed period, it's probably about 2 weeks since she conceived.

A double lines meant the woman is pregnant and a single line meant that she is not pregnant. And the best time to test is in the morning when the woman's hCG is high! Kyuhyun looked at their alarm clock. It was 6.45am. He googled to check whether any pharmacy was open around this time. HPS Pharmacies opened at 7.30am! 

Carefully, he moved Sungmin's head, kissed her forehead, and looked at her pretty face tenderly. Quietly, he slipped out of bed to take a shower. He put on his jogger pants and his jogger shirt, and put a note on the dressing table in case Sungmin woke up. 

At the pharmacy, Kyuhyun was stumped! There were so many brands of pregnancy test kits!

"Can I help you, sir?" a pharmacy assistant asked him. 

"Errrr, I... I just want to get a test kit for my wife, but I don't know which one is good and accurate" Kyuhyun said, with a slight embarrassment. 

"Ahhh, 1st baby?" 

"Yeah..." Kyuhyun smile. 

"I recommend you Clearblue Plus, it's rapid detection and 99.9% accurate. This is the one..." she took one from the rack and pass it to Kyuhyun. She told Kyuhyun how to use it and wished him and wife all the best! 

"Thank you very much!" Kyuhyun gave a slight bow and walked to the cashier to make the payment. He went to a cafe nearby to buy French Toast, muffins and sandwiches. 

Sungmin was up when he got home. "Heyyy baby! I got the test kit!!" Kyuhyun excited showed it to her once he stepped into their bedroom and saw her leaning on the pillows. 

"You went out to buy that?" 

"Yup, and breakfast! Do you want to test it? According to reports, the test is best to be done in the morning, because the hCG is the highest during this time!!" Kyuhyun took out the kit from the box. 

"Kyu, you are more excited than I am!! 

"Of course!! It's our first baby!!"  Kyuhyun helped her to get up from the bed. 

"Okay, but what if it's negative?..." Sungmin leaned onto Kyuhyun's chest. 

Kyuhyun hugged her "It's okay, we can always try again" and he kissed her head. 

He held her hand to the bathroom and wanted to go in with her, but Sungmin stopped him. "It's okay, I can handle it. I will let you know when the lines appear" she smile at her anxious husband. 

"Okay be careful" he let go of her hand. He walked hastily to the kitchen to boil water so that his wife could have breakfast with him before he left for work. 

He walked back to the bathroom. "Are you okay, Min?" 

Sungmin opened the door, with her face wet with tears. Kyuhyun was so concerned that his wife could not take the result if it was negative, so he stepped forward to hold her.

He looked at her and said "Is it negative? It's okay baby, it's okay" 

Sungmin face broke into a smile and said "I'm just kidding! It's positive Kyu!! I'm pregnant!!" 

Kyuhyun was dumbfounded and stared at her. 

"Kyu, look..." Sungmin showed the test kit result. "It's really positive! You are going to be a father!!" 

Kyuhyun broke into a chuckled, and pinched her cheek "Ohmygod, Min!! You gave me a shock!!" and he hugged her and carried her to the bed. "I'm so happy Min!!! Let's get confirmation from a doctor tomorrow okay? You lie down and rest first. I bring the breakfast here" 

"My dearest hubby, I'm okay, don't worry too much" she smile lovingly at her worried husband. "I take my shower now and you get ready for work. We can have breakfast together". 

"Hmmm, okay. But can you call the Library to say that you are not well? I'll be worried sick if you are working today... " 

"But... today... I need to pre-select a book for next Wednesday's play..." 

"Okay okay, but if you are not well before you leave, you call the Library?" 

"Yes I will. And I promise you I will take care of myself, if I decide to go to work today" Sungmin put up her hand to swear. 

Kyuhyun kissed her forehead. "Ok, you take a shower and I get ready for work and then I set the dining table for our breakfast" 

Sungmin nodded and Kyuhyun accompanied her to the bathroom. The kettle wistled and he rushed out to off it. He quickly changed to his office attire and unpacked their breakfast. He heated up milk for Sungmin and made coffee for himself. 

He couldn't stop smiling! His wife was positive for pregnancy! He was going to be a father! Wow!!! He couldn't wait to inform his family!! It was a mixed feeling actually. He was happy but worried at the same time. 

This worried husband kept texting his wife though, to ask if she was okay and by 12 noon, Sungmin got 4 text messages from him and 2 phone calls!

"Kyu, I'm really okay" she answered his call. "Yes, and I decided to go to work. Yes yes, I will call for a cab and yes it's okay, I know you have your project meeting, you don't have to send me. Yes, really it's okay. I will text you once I reach the library alright?" Sungmin said and rolled her eyes. She has already replied him in her text reply earlier, but he called again just to make sure that she was okay and whether she's really going to work.... Talking about overly worried husband! 

She felt fine throughout her work in the library, and she could even discussed about the play for the following Wednesday. However around 5pm, she felt extreme hunger pang! Her head got dizzy and the hunger pang was causing her to feel nausea. 

She felt that she was going to faint. Slowly, she walked to a seat and sat down. 

"Heyyy mate, are you okay??" Mary came over to put back some books that some kids had returned back. Sungmin was holding her head as she felt like fainting. 

"Mary, I suddenly don't feel well. I feel like fainting..." 

"Ohh my... wait here, I get you a hot milo" and Mary rushed off to their pantry. She told Lynnete about it and both of them rushed to her. Mary urged her to drink up as a warm drink would help to reduce the dizziness. 

Sungmin was grateful and slowly felt better. She drank the whole mug as she was hungry too. 

"You still look pale. Maybe you are too stress with the play. It's really okay to do it once every two weeks you know" Lynnete told her, sitting opposite her and looking at her with concerned. 

"No I'm not stress about that, don't worry Lynnete" and Sungmin didn't know whether to tell them her real situation or not. Old folks believed that pregnancy could only be announced after the 1st trimester, but in her kind of work, she couldn't keep the news too long, for her safety reason. 

She decided to tell them, but she told them that she still need to confirm with a doctor tomorrow. Mary closed due to happiness and Lynnete got up to hug her! Both of them were genuinely happy for her and kept fussing that she carried heavy books just now and told her that she could only use the book trolley from today onwards. 

"Gimme your phone" Mary asked her. 


"I want to call your hubby to fetch you early..." 

"It's okay, Mary, he is busy. I can wait" 

"No no, you need to have early dinner and rest. Come, gimme.." 

Sungmin took out her phone from her pocket and Mary grabbed it and saw that Kyuhyun called earlier. 

She returned his call "Hi, is this Sungmin's husband? I'm Mary, Sungmin's colleague. Can you fetch Sungmin earlier today? She's feeling dizzy and was about to faint!" 

Sungmin raised her eyebrows and wanted to grab back her phone while Lynnete was laughing and closing with both hands. 

"Yes, we gave her a mug of warm milo, so she is resting now. Ohh you can fetch her now? Ok great, please be here fast! Parked your car and come in to the reading section. Okay see you soon. Goodbye!" 

Lynnete playfully beat Mary "Mary.. he'll be worried sick!". 

Sungmin giggled and said "He is already so worried, so it didn't make any difference" she told them that she has lost count how many times her overly worried husband had called and text her today. 

"You are so lucky to have such a loving husband!! And so handsome and good looking! I'm sure your kid will be good looking too!!" Mary told her, remembering how gorgeous Kyuhyun looked was. 

"Okay okay, Mary, you go back to your station. I'll accompany Sungmin to our staff rest area to take her bag and jacket. Let us know once her hubby is here" Lynnete informed Mary. 

"Eyyye" and Mary went off, skipping along the way. 

"I feel better Lynnete. Thank you so much. I'm terribly sorry to trouble you and Mary" 

"Nonsense! You are not troubling us at all! Come, sit down. I take your bag and jacket". 

"Thank you" 

Before long, Mary's head popped in at the door "He's here!" 

Sungmin could hear Kyuhyun's voice "Thank you very much!" and her worried husband's face appeared "Min!!! Are you okay???" he said soothing her face and looked at her worriedly. He squad down in front of her. 

"I was okay untill around 5 o'clock, then i suddenly felt hunger pangs and I feel like fainting. Luckily they gave me a mug of warm milo" 

"We need to buy some biscuits for you to munch" Kyuhyun looked at her tenderly. 

"But I'm much better now, sorry to make you worry and rush here" 

"My meeting finished early. You can walk or I carry you?" 

"No! I can walk!" 

Kyuhyun knew his wife was just too shy. He let her stood up first, and then carried her bridal style! 

"Kyu, put me down! I can walk!!" 

"No... I'll carry you" 

"Wowww...!!!" Mary came over with Lynnete and was surprised that Kyuhyun carried Sungmin. Such a loving husband!!! She clapped her hand to tease Sungmin, and Lynnete waved at her. Sungmin was so shy that she hide her face on Kyuhyun's chest. 

They were at the doctor the next day, and Sungmin was asked to take a urine test. After a few patients, Sungmin's name was called in and Kyuhyun held his wife waist and walked in with her. 

"Mrs Cho right? Okay we have done the urine test, and congratulations! You are confirmed pregnant!!!" the lady doctor announced. 

Kyuhyun hugged his wife and smile happily. After some questions on her last menses, the doctor calculated that Sungmin was 4 weeks pregnant and she called the nurse to bring in the ultrasound scanning machine. 

Sungmin was asked to lie down and after the nurse prepared everything, the doctor slowly insert a pen-like monitor into her opening and there, they could view their foetus! Sungmin was so happy to be able to see her baby and Kyuhyun asked if he could take a photo! 

"Definitely! Anyway, I will print for you the images of them" 

"Doctor, you said 'them'. What do you mean?" Sungmin asked, as she could not understand her. 

"You are having a twin! See closely, they are 2 foetus!" 

"Ohmygod!" Sungmin closed . 

"We are having twins?!!!" Kyuhyun asked, nearly fainted with happiness!

"Yes!" the doctor smile at them. 


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Happy belated birthday to Kyuhyun!!! Wanted to post this yesterday but I was too busy. And love his cooking videos! And after that, Sungmin posted too. Wow!


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GodEmpress #1
Chapter 1: So sungmin is a girl?
lavendertwice #2
Chapter 40: Cant wait for the baby!
lindatan #3
Chapter 39: A nice getaway ~~~
LeeLenaMx #4
Chapter 39: Merry Christmas! Thank you for the update 🎄
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Chapter 39: Happy moments with kyumin 🥰
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Chapter 38: Sweet kyumin!
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Chapter 38: Hv a wonderful trip before twin’s arrival
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Chapter 37: Romantic getaways before the twins arrive
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Chapter 36: Hoping for the twins arrival
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Chapter 36: Cant wait for the twins!