L: The (Not So) Prophecy

My Vampire Life
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I feel bad for not updating this, I was just blown away (in a bad way) when I realized the last update was October. I am fully back to this fic and I am going to be updating the best I can. I'm really sorry guys.




Hero’s hand pierced through the elder’s chest, just where his heart was and the stain of blood in the air imprinted a wicked grin across Amelia and Jasper’s faces. Just as that happened, on the end of the hallway was Knight, eyes widened and mouth open from the sight in front of him. He didn’t waste any moment and dashed forward, giving the latter a hard blow on the face that sent him flying back. The wolf held his lover carefully on his arms, looking down with pain and sorrow on his eyes as Nicholas bled.


“Somebody… help” his voice wavered but desperate, breathe hitching as the moment passed by.


Answering his call Jongkook has shown with a smile that was quickly replaced by anger. He saw Hero with one hand blood stained and Knight by the floor where his lover laid. Nicholas wasn’t dead, yet, perhaps by chance or by purpose his wound was inches above his heart, missing the organ completely but he was bleeding out fast and if not recovered can lead to his death.


Hero did not take Jongkook’s presence in notice as he leaned forward to give another attack to the defenceless lovers a few feet from him and that was the signal for Jongkook to throw any connection he had with the boy away, opposing his attack with one stronger than what he had received.


“What is wrong with you?” he growled, pinning the latter against the wall with much difficulty. Though Hero looked back at him, he did not answer and only pushed him away. Right then the others had come up, the queen rushing to her older son’s side as the others came to Jongkook’s aid. They were confounded with the situation, nonetheless, they acted the way necessary and that was to hold the wolf prince down.


“Mother, help him please” Knight cried, for the first time he showed emotion that was not either anger or joking. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he looked at the latter smiling at him even with much pain, he couldn’t bear to see his beloved in such state and he came to think of how Hero must have felt the moment the vampire princess fell and never returned, though this did not explain why he took out his anger and frustration on Nicholas when the wolf did not have anything to do with his misery.


“Everything is going to be fine son; Nicholas has lost a lot of blood that is all. His wound will be healed in no time but I want you to go with Jiyoung as far from here as possible. She will heal Nicholas and by that time, give him some blood: human or animal, it does not matter as long as the blood lost is replenished. Do you hear me?” the queen said calmly, touching her son’s arm to see if he understood all that she has said and when he nodded a faint smile came out.


Carrying his lover ever so carefully, he followed the other wolf and headed far from them. ‘You’re going to be alright soon, hold on’ he thought as he kissed the latter’s forehead, holding him close against him as if he was going to fade anytime soon. Jiyoung saw this and her heart fell, the agony on his eyes visible even at dim light.


“Hero, what has gotten into you?” Jongkook’s booming voice resounded around that narrow hallway, but it did not make any changes. Hero’s face still was calm, with his eyes deep black and empty. He was trying to break loose of the hold on him but with more than 4 wolves pushing him against the wall he has no chance.


“He’s been proselytize” the queen spoke, walking towards her son with much calmness but her aura has changed of something dangerous. The wolves holding Hero back made way for her but did not take their hold off, they waited for further callings but till then they held on the prince tightly. “He is no longer the Hero we know” she spoke again, lifting her hand close to her sons face and a dark red glow forming on her palm. As soon as the glow rolled off to her finger tips, almost touching the prince’s nose it burst into a powdery smoke turning its red fire into something of the shade of gray. “My power is nothing compared to this magic, I’m afraid there is nothing we can do to bring him back” her tone surprised all of them, there was no trace of worry whatsoever and spiritless.


“We are being watched” Hyoyoung spoke. He was inside Hero’s room and was looking outside, directly to where the two witches were watching. Though they were gone they still left their scent and a little of their presence.


“There is nothing we can do now but leave, I can slow him down but that will only last a couple of hours” Hyori then said. That was the start of yet another run, everyone in the mansion packed everything that was needed and did not wait for anything before leaving. Hero was put into sleep and locked in the basement of the mansion, making sure all possible easy-access exits are blocked with some magic.


“Where do we go now my queen?” Jongkook asked, leaping beside her as they ran to what seemed like west. Everyone became silent as they waited for the answer and after much thought of the situation she spoke. “We will continue what we have started but first we must find Zen to tell him of what happened”


“I think it is better if I go alone, if that is fine with you your highness. I just don’t think Zen will be happy being interrupted” Hyoyoung responded to that and they nodded with his appeal.


Running for more than half an hour they found a rustic forest, big enough to hold the number of vampires and werewolves on their side. They’ve pulled out their strongest soldiers and put a cloak around the area just to be sure no one can follow them, not even Hero and for that to happen the queen even helped setting up the cloak. While Hyoyoung made his way to look for the other vampires with much hope of finding them.



With the short time that has passed these 4 has changed drastically, their senses are sharper than one who is a full vampire with much less desire for blood. They are growing stronger each day though their human side is still attached them, something she wants for them.


“Take a break and then we’ll get back to where you stopped” I said, handing – more like throwing, each of them a bottle of blood water. A formula I encountered as I was walking around time the other day. It’s a blood pill when mixed with water turns

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lavezjoy #1
I wanna read it again
Chapter 26: ""Todo el mundo, bienvenida a la isla aria!" spanish is my second language... i really love this story author. #jaedara here!
lorrainenightray #4
Chapter 61: <3333333333333333333333333333333333333
munchlax17 #5
Chapter 1: Jaedara please.. I'm rooting for them.
Good job! I like it.
Chapter 61: OMG! Sequel!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!
daralinghere #8
Chapter 61: Yay! Process of jaedara's love before till now
Kamsahamnida :D
Chapter 61: We'll be waiting :DDD
strongurlx #10
Chapter 60: love this story! got me hooke up and i ddnt even slept although its confusing for the names and stuff! one of my faves hehe thanks author nim