A Day To Celebrate

My Girl, My Woman, My Friend, Rolled Into One

Suddenly, you heard a weird smell coming from the pot.

“Omo, my cooking!” You immediately rushed to it and turned off the stove. You could still feel your hands and knees shaking. The kiss still lingers on your mind.

Dongwoo made a silent laugh while observing you.

“Is cooking done?” Sunggyu asked as he entered the kitchen. “What are you doing here Dongwoo-yah?”

“J-Just watching her.” Dongwoo stammered while trying to act casual in his leaning position. “I need to go.”

The leader asked him in suspicion. “Where are you going?”

“I’ll just take a bath.” Dongwoo replied to him and then goes off before he could ask any further.

“Weird.” The leader commented, and then he looked at you. “Are you okay, Yuri-yah?”

You nodded awkwardly. You turned your back from him and speak. “I think it’s all done, Sunggyu-oppa.”

After hours of preparation, Infinite’s dorm turned into a very colorful and lively atmosphere.


“Am I having a children’s party?” Dongwoo asked in none in particular.

Everyone chuckled at his comment. Surely, it looks sort of childish yet fun.

“Let’s just say.. Instead of turning twenty-one, you’re just twelve today.” Hoya smirked, while his other arm is on his buddy’s shoulder. He put a party hat onto Dongwoo’s head.

“Let’s have fun today, Hyung!” Sungjong said while his arms are at Sun Hee’s waist.

Sunggyu opened a bottle of wine and soon, he’s pouring everyone’s glasses.

In the middle of drinking and eating, Sun Hee arrived followed by Min and their manager.

You can’t help but secretly looked at Dongwoo and Min who sat beside each other, and they wouldn’t leave each other if not for another doorbell. Dongwoo stood up and check for it.

It’s a delivery messenger asking for him to sign up a note. After that, the messenger gave him a medium-sized carton box. It was a bit heavy so the others help him carry it.

“Hyung, open it now.” Myungsoo excitedly said.

Sungyeol squeezed on to Dongwoo’s side. “Is it from my fans?” He grinned when Dongwoo gave him a glare.

“Don’t be so nosy, Yeollie.” Woohyun poked him with a chopstick. Jaekyung who’s between the two of you just kept on eating.

Dongwoo found himself laughing at comical gestures of his two dongsaengs. He excitedly opened the box and saw lot of things there from hand-made cards, to chocolates, shirts and stuff toys.

“Whoa, you sure are well-loved by your fans, Dongwoo-yah.” Min smiled at him.

“Just like you?” You silently uttered at Min. It’s as if Min heard her and smiled at her, too.


While you’re all in the middle of feasting over foods and drinks, Min complained about her head aching. Dongwoo, being the gentleman, offered to take her home.

He promised to come back as soon as Min is home. You stared at them while walking out of the door until they were out of sight.

The celebration continued until all of you fell asleep.


As Dongwoo made his way back home, he heard nothing but silence inside. When he roamed his eyes around, he found you lying on the couch, giving his heart a warm feeling upon seeing you sleeping while mumbling something that he couldn't comprehend. Woohyun came out from the room while yawning.

“Woohyun-yah, where are the others?” Dongwoo asked.

“Manager-hyung already left and you don’t seem to be coming back anytime soon and it’s getting late at night so, Jongie and I already took Jaekyung and Sun Hee home. The others were now on their bunk beds, probably sleeping.”

“Then why is Yuri still here?” He asked again, sitting beside you quietly.

“I didn’t notice until I came home. I thought she already left. Can you take her home, hyung? I’m so sleepy right now.” He yawned and spoke before he turned his back. “And, happy birthday.”

“Thanks.” He smiled.

Dongwoo piggy backs you on the way home.


“Yuri-yah, your keys.” He asked when you’re now both at your front door.


Dongwoo got the meaning of what you said and chuckled. “I mean the key to open the door.”

You moaned silently. “Oh.. Here.” You replied without realizing what you actually said. You took out a key from your pocket, with your eyes still closed.

Dongwoo quickly opens the door and put you on the bed gently. While he’s placing a blanket on you, something caught his attention on the corner of the room. When he approached it, he realized it was a standee of him. He stared at you in surprise, and smiled in flutter. He slowly sat beside you and planted a kiss on your forehead.

“Good night.” He almost said whispered. “Dream of me.”

He stood up and head towards the door, and he gave you one last look before he left.



* I wanna thank all of you subscribers/commentors/readers for supporting my fic! Please do take time to read my others fics, too. Thank you so much! You're all jjang! (^.^)

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Chapter 18: nice! NIce! Nice! NIIICCCCEEEEEEEE~!!!!!!!!!!!
sunshineangel28 #2
Chapter 39: awwww so sweet and cute keep writing those stuff i will read it :D
Chapter 16: Is it wrong that I like the main character with Kwangmin rather than Dongwoo? XD
It was a nice story!
Reya_K #5
Cool story. I loved it
zatieywookie #6
i love this fanfics so much !!! good job !! XD
love this fic! you did a great job 8D
LOL. Hoya, a divorce paper! xD
sign divorce paper?? LOLOL..<br />
hoya, you're funny..