A Dashing Night

My Girl, My Woman, My Friend, Rolled Into One

Upon arriving at the concert venue, you can’t help but admire the place decorated with different color of lights, lanterns and banners scattered all around the place. Some of them read: “Welcome Back DBSK”, “Cassiopeia Forever”, “We Miss You DBSK” and many more.

Cassiopeias, spectators and media alike started forming an ocean of people. You felt goose bumps at the reception of the people with the said concert. You felt glad knowing you’re a part of it.

“Hyung, can we able to find vacant seats there?” Sungjong asked their manager in worry.

“Of course, remember I got VVIP tickets?” The manager said. “We better hurry up because only several minutes left and the concert will start.”

All of you started sitting in front, making the best view possible. When you looked around, you saw familiar faces. You screamed in delight when you spot Boyfriend members just two seats away from you, which Dongwoo and Min was occupying. Not minding them, you called the Boyfriend’s attention and waved at them cheerfully. You told Jaekyung that you just want to have a talk with members of the Boyfriend which she just said yes.


“Uhm, excuse me Dongwoo-oppa, can we switch our seats for the meantime?” You silently asked him. His face furrowed but Min told him to let you have his seat. Dongwoo didn’t have a choice but to give way. You thanked them and you went to the seat beside Boyfriend members.

Soon, you and Boyfriend are now having a happy conversation which made Dongwoo’s attention stick at you and them.

“Hyung, we forgot the light sticks!” Sunggyu said to the manager beside him.

“Oh, yeah I forgot!” The manager looked at all of you. “Anyone wants to buy light sticks there?” The manager asked, pointing to the exit of the place.

No one is responding, probably didn’t want to leave their seats because they don’t want to miss the opening of the concert.

“Alright. Let’s do this with a gawibawibo game to be fair.” He declared.

Everyone agreed to it.

The game will starts by elimination. Starting from the other side, one must challenge a person beside him and whoever won gets the chance to challenge the very next person near him.

Gradually, Woohyun who always gets the win at gawibawibo game lost at Min, so she needs to challenge Dongwoo. To eveyone’s surprise, Dongwoo won over Min, so that means, it’s you versus him.


Few minutes have passed and no one has yet to win between the two of you. Both of you even tried changing different hand gestures, but once one made a gesture, the other does the same.

“Okay, you two must buy light sticks instead. We can’t wait any longer because the concert is about to start soon.” The manager impatiently said.

You and Dongwoo looked at them. All of them agreed, including Min.

“No, buts, just do it so that you two may catch up right away.” Sunggyu said as he tilted his head to stare at the both of you.

“Alright, hyung.” Dongwoo said resignedly.

While heading towards the light stick stall, no one bothered to talk for a moment. You heard crowds started screaming as the signal that DBSK is going to made their appearance at stage sooner. Anxious was now written all over your face.

“Let’s hurry, so we can catch up.” Dongwoo said and grabbed you hand tightly while walking fast.

Your worry was replaced by sudden feeling you can’t explain. You gaze was turned to his face that was reflected by different lights around. For a moment there, it feels like you’re floating and a smiled was now on your face.


Minutes later, the two of you came back just in time that the DBSK members started performing their first song, “Mirotic”.

The boys were wearing silver, shiny black and white combination of suits in different styles. Some of the members had their abs partially exposed. And, that made the crowd go crazy as they started waving their light sticks altogether with screaming and fan chants. The ocean of people waving those light sticks made a wonderful sight.

After the number of songs played, it came down to a mellow song with “Forever Love”.

The DBSK members started making their way towards the audience to pick a lucky fan to serenade. The other four members, Yoochun, Junsu, Yunho and Changmin are now coming back at the stage with some girls from the audience.

Jaejoong, on the other hand, keeps on looking until he came down to the aisle of the audience. You curiously stared at him, and to your surprise, his sight landed on you.

The camera focuses on Jaejoong getting near you while singing. As soon as he approached you, the spotlight flashes at the both of you. He took out a rose from inside his suit and gave it to you and you accepted it shyly.

Much to your astonishment, he gently took your hand and held you to the stage never leaving eyes to you. Soon as you both stepped on the stage, everyone screamed in mixed delight and jealousy.

When you looked at Jaejoong, he’s looking at you intensely and he leans a little closer to you and whispered, “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve seen tonight.”

You turned red upon hearing it, which didn’t escape to the pair of two eyes, Kwangmin’s and Dongwoo’s. However, the latter has sharper look while gritting his teeth.



*Another update! This chapter is a fan girl's wish. lol.

Going to update soon, in time with Jang Dongwoo's birthday later. :)

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Chapter 18: nice! NIce! Nice! NIIICCCCEEEEEEEE~!!!!!!!!!!!
sunshineangel28 #2
Chapter 39: awwww so sweet and cute keep writing those stuff i will read it :D
Chapter 16: Is it wrong that I like the main character with Kwangmin rather than Dongwoo? XD
It was a nice story!
Reya_K #5
Cool story. I loved it
zatieywookie #6
i love this fanfics so much !!! good job !! XD
love this fic! you did a great job 8D
LOL. Hoya, a divorce paper! xD
sign divorce paper?? LOLOL..<br />
hoya, you're funny..