Chapter 7

When Miser meet Miser

Lizzy wake up at the middle of the night, sitting upright.

‘Umnn?’ She is surprised when she felt something slipped down from her shoulder. She turned and saw her blanket on the floor, behind her. She tilted her head and think back… A small smile formed on her lip, he is not that bad after all… Taking the blanket in her hand, Lizzy tried to get up…

‘Aish… Numb… numb… numb….’ She knocked at her legs which are numb due to the long hours of sitting, with it foldined and frowned….




 ‘What???!!! I… I….participate? filming??? Eunhyuk??? Oh my god!!! This can’t be real… this can’t be real..’ Ga Eul been muttering to herself the same thing for the past hour and its getting on Lizzy’s nerve.

‘Just tell me u are not doing it and I will tell the demon producer!.’

‘NO!!!!! I am doing I am doing!!!’ Ga Eul shouted, jumping up.

‘Cheh…. U sure u can think straight in front of the monkey? That Dracula might be there too….’ Lizzy asked, propping her head on her hand ..

‘Dracula?? Dra-Kyu? Oh!!! Great great great!!! Will Siwon be there too????’ Ga Eul asked hopefully…

‘No… he is still busy for his drama…’ Lizzy answered.

‘Woow….. Lizzy Park… u talk like u known them for ages….’

‘Well… we… I mean… the oppa did update me about their schedule… we talk and…’ Lizzy tried to explain. Well, she has to admit she is ion quite a friendly term with the boys recently.

‘I hate u….’ Ga Eul pouted… But I hate u even more!!!’ Ga Eul turned and punched at her boyfriend, Saengjoo for not recommending the great job to her.

‘YAH!! Stop it! U are not interested in any sort of part time…And thanks god its not u…’ Who can stand his girlfriend living with a guy for 3 months?

‘If I had known…I wouldn’t mind…’ Ga Eul pouted, Lizzy looked at her watch, she has to go.

‘If I had known, I would had given the place up to u~’ Lizzy said as she pushed herself away from the table, standing up.

‘Where are u going?’ Ga Eul asked, tired of punching her boyfriend.

‘Filming at 3.00….’ Lizzy said as she packed all her belonging in her great big bag. She is thinking… Maybe she should give up the part time job at the café due to the packed filming schedule. The pay that she receives from the filming is more than triple of the pay she received from the two current part time jobs she is doing right now…. However, she would still prefer to keep one of it, extra money always come in handy anytime…

‘Oh…. I hate u o hate u…. I imagine going back to a home with Hyukkie inside…’ Ga Eul said dreamily.

‘Wake up!!!’ Saengjoo knocked at her girlfriend’s head and scowled at her. What is so great about that Lee Hyukjae?

‘Cheezz… u will be disappointed I can assure u….’ Lizzy said as she swung her bag to her shoulder. ‘Bye, Joo, Bye dreamy head… I will inform u when the timing is confirmed… And Joo, u are part of it~’ Lizzy winked at Saengjoo, she knew he will be glad to do so, he is willing to do anything to ensure his girlfriend is safe…

‘Will I be paid?’ Saengjoo shouted at her.

‘NO… but u will get to see the people your girlfriend likes so much~’ Lizzy smirked.

‘Pay me part of ur pay~’

‘Fat hope… I will leave u out n let the monkey pounced on her then~ hahaha!!’ Lizzy laughed, Ga Eul is the known to be a guy magnet and Saengjoo always had difficulty fighting off her crazy suitors.

‘PARK LIZZY I HATE U TOOO!!!!’ Saengjoo shouted at the top of his lung. Lizzy laughed, walking toward the subway station fast.

Its always good to be able to hang out with that couple, she doesn’t have much friends, all her time is spent on making money~ And she doesn’t minded going without friends… friends do take up so much of her time and money too!!! Her phone bills is rocket high nowadays… From all the calling and texting she had done recently to the Suju oppa and all those Mrs.Suju-to-be…and her time is always packed, for meeting them up and attend all sort of gathering, birthday celebration… all sort of celebration. She know the SUJU oppa are being kind to her and she really do appreciate that… so, she cant say No to them right?

*Phone ringing*

‘Ya~Lion…where are u?’

‘Monkey? I am reaching~ U are there already?’

‘Of course~ Hurry up, the crew reached too…’

‘All right… coming…’ Lizzy ran up to the studio where the Suju are shooting their MV right now in top speed.

‘Lizzy is here!!!!’ Sungmin shouted when he saw Lizzy popped her head in the noisy studio.

‘Oppa~ an nyeong ha se yo! I hope u all are doing well~’ Lizzy greeted politely. The camera is on the minute she stepped.

‘we are good… Hope u are fine too…’ Leeteuk stepped forward and ruffle at her hair.

‘I am fine oppa, are u all hungry??I brought u all Kimbap (Korean sushi)!’

‘Oh!!! Great!!! We are famished!!!’ the gang crowded around Lizzy and grabbed at the food, except Eunhyuk, who still doesn’t really dare to get close to her.

‘Aren’t u hungry?’ Lizzy asked, walking toward her ‘husband’ with the camera follow closely behind.

‘I…Let them have it 1st…’

‘Here….’ Lizzy handed him a roll of kimbap which she grabbed for him when she saw how crazy the members are. She is sure he will have none if he keep on standing there.

‘For me?’Eeunhyuk asked in surprise, why would she be so kind to him? Because of the camera?

‘For the kind hearted soul who covered me up well last night…’ Lizzy smiled, looking meaningfully at him.

‘Thanks….’ Eunhyuk smiled, a bit shy too… He never thought she will appreciate that, really. He did it just because he couldn’t bear to see her catching a cold.

‘U are welcome…’ Lizzy smiled.

‘Liz…..aahhhhh…’Eunhyuk saw the producer Byung signalled to him and he picked up a piece of Kimbap, stretching his hand and bring it to Lizzy’s mouth. Lizzy looked up in surprise and Eunhyuk raised his eyebrow.

‘Thanks….’ Lizzy nodded and opened , started to chew the kimbap in as soon as Eunhyuk placed it in.

‘Such a loving couple huh???’ Donghae smiled.

‘U have one too!!!’ Eunhyuk stuffed the last kimbap in Donghae’s mouth and the two started to wrestle like a kid.

‘Oh~ stop it…. Both of u…your make-up will smudge!!!’ Lizzy laughed at the two big kid and slapped at Eunhyuk’s arm naturally.

‘I kill u if u dare to tease me again~’ Eunhyuk warned, swinging his hair away. Lizzy tidied his hair and clothes under the instruction of producer Byung and Eunhyuk got back to his filming after a brief thanks.

Eunhyuk passed by producer Byung and thanked him for the thought of bringing food for them. However, to his astonishment he shook his head.

‘Its not my idea…’ he looked at Eunhyuk, smiling.

‘U mean she bring it on her own accord?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘Yes….I suppose so…’ Producer Byung smiled.

Eunhyuk looked over to Lizzy who is now talking to Sungmin now. He know she had always been careful with money… she doesn’t even bear to spend money on transportation if she can help it… She always walks instead… What make her so generous out of sudden?




Eunhyuk looked at Ga Eul shyly, she is soo pretty… How would this Lion had such a beauty as friend? Lizzy looked at Eunhyuk who is practically drooling over Ga Eul and Ga Eul who is practically smiling like a silly school girl. Lizzy seriously hope Saengjoo wont be killing her for asking Ga Eul to participate in the filming.

‘So later on Eunhyuk u need to come in to join the girls, all right… Just make some brief introduction about yourself… Then Lizzy Eunhyuk, u are suppose to whip up a meal for your guest all right?’

‘All right…’ Eunhyuk gave Ga Eul a final smile before he stepped out of the house again, for the next shoot.


‘I am back….’ Eunhyuk walked in and greeted Lizzy who is sitting down talking to her friend Ga Eul.

‘Eunhyuk! Ga Eul is here…’ Lizzy waved at her ‘husband’ and gesteured him to come over.

‘An nyeong ha se yo… Ga Eul imnida…’ Ga Eul greeted Eunhyuk politely and bowed slightly at him.

‘An nyeong ha se yo,…’ Eunhyuk too greeted at Ga Eul and bowed at her.

‘Nice to meet u, Eunhyuk ssi…u look as handsome as u are on screen…’ Lizzy turned and looked at Ga Eul, she is just being hostile right? He? Handsome? Lizzy turned and looked at Eunhyuk who is smiling sheepishly to himself and rolled her eyes.

‘Ah,… thanks…’ Eunhyuk scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, blushing a little. Ooppss…. Another little boy fall under Ga Eul’s spell again…

‘Its really… u look really cool….’ Ga Eul said sincerely.

‘Ergh… hmn…’ Lizzy cleared a little, trying to contain her laughter. Producer Byung gestured her to talk to them as Lizzy does look out of the place when the other two are talking happily to each other.‘Do u want to stay for dinner, Ga Eul?’ Lizzy asked randomly.

‘Oh… is it convenient?’ Ga Eul asked, she completely acted naturally… forgetting the existence of the camera.

‘Of course…. Lets have dinner together…’ Maybe he can get to know her better over dinner… He doesn’t mind knowing more about her.

‘Yes….Saengjoo will be coming too…’ Lizzy commented, laughing inside her mind. Poor Monkey…. Look like u are going to be sad later… They are now even exchanging handphone number now…

‘Saengjoo?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘Yeah…. Ga Eul and mine friend…’ Lizzy nodded.

‘Hahaha!  Both of u talk… I go and get the door..’ Lizzy walked toward the door and greeted Saengjoo who is walking in.

‘An nyeong ha se yo…’ Saengjoo greeted at Eunhyuk and he returned his greeting.

‘Eunhyuk, this is my friend, who always worked part time with me… and… hmn… Ga Eul’s boyfriend…’ Lizzy introduced, looking at Eunhyuk’s expression. Eunhyuk eyes widen when he saw Saengjoo placed his hand on Lizzy’s shoulder.

‘Oh… Hi…. How  do u do…’Eunhyuk greeted awkwardly and he felt so disappointed right now… So, she is attached?

‘I am fine… hope u are fine too…’

‘All right… Eunhyuk ah…shall we start to prepare dinner now?’ Lizzy asked.

‘Okay… coming…’ Eunhyuk  walked over, glad that Lizzy is helping him to get away from the awkward situation.

‘I am sorry… I should bring a single girl friend along….’ Lizzy chuckle, whispering to Eunhyuk when she notice the camera is busily taking shoots of Ga Eul and Saengjoo.

‘Oh.. shut up…’ Eunhyuk rolled his eyes at her… Is it that obvious he is interested in Ga Eul?

‘Oh, please… U look like a injured lion who loses in the battle of fighting for a mate….Hahahahha!!!’ Lizzy laughed, enjoying teasing him.

‘Oh… u are the Merlion,Remember?’ Eunhyuk asked…

‘U!!! Oh… just admit that u are disappointed…’ Lizzy chided.

‘……………..’ Eunhyuk choose to keep quiet and get on with his interesting chores of stirring the soup.

‘YAH!!! Slowly!! The soup is spilling out!!!’ Lizzy yelled when she saw that Eunhyuk been stirring  a little but too vigorously at the shimmering soup.

‘Oh… its doing good…’ Eunhyuk argued, refuse to admit the fact that partial of the soup is already outside the pot right now.

‘If u keep on stirring like that, I believe the soup will only be enough for 2 persons later…’ Lizzy commented.

‘Okay, okay… I will do it slowly… do u want to taste it?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘I will do it later…. We are almost done… why don’t u help me to lay the table?’ Lizzy asked sweetly at Eunhyuk.

‘Okay….’ Eunhyuk get his hand on doing things as per instructed by Lizzy….


Saengjoo and Eunhyuk are now talking at another corner away from the girl…

‘Eunhyuk ssi… how do u find Lizzy?’ Saengjoo asked.

‘She…hmn…’ Eunhyuk stunned, why would he ask such a question?

‘Just say it….’ Saengjoo gave him an encouraging smile.

‘Strong…. Hahahaha!!!’

‘Eunhyuk ssi…. She may appear to be strong… but underneath her strong appearance, she is as soft as she can be… didn’t u realize?’ Saengjoo asked.

‘Ermn… I believe she told u about us?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘Yes, she did… but it can’t be that bad right?

‘Its that bad!!!’ Eunhyuk scowled.

‘Oh, really??? But the interaction of u both….’ Saengjoo said, he saw himself saw how well they both worked together just now and it does look so natural to him, doesn’t look like acting at all.

‘In front of the camera only…’ Eunhyuk smirked.

‘Hmn…’ Saengjoo glanced over to Lizzy who glance over occasionally to the guy… These two… hmn….

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this story has everything; drama, funny scenes, quarrels, and sweet moments... i totally 100% enjoyed reading this ff the whole day. and i can't stop back-reading everything written here... kekeke :)
Awesome ending!! Yuri is really evilkyu's gf huh?? Aigoo.. So evil.. Cant wait for the next story!! I'll go there now! Yeah,i know right? Maybe she just dont have good friends like that eh?
HyukZy .. I LIKE!! XD <br />
congrats for finishing this story! <br />
yey you're doing Yesung's story now :D :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #5
Gosh! yes, this chapter is nice ^^ finally, they are finally together. I am so happy now (: next story time :D
tesshira #6
it's finally ends!!<br />
off to yesung's story^^
ldhkhcJDH #7
Kyaaa~<br />
Finally its finish :)<br />
You live us hanging yesterday :)))<br />
BTW all of your fanfic are daebak and haerin and teukjin are of my favorite story :) I evem put ur account in my bookmark so I can check u anytime :)
FlyAwayDreamer #8
WOOO, I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Eunhyuk and Lizzy will forever be the arguing couple then become cheesy. So sweet, but Eunhyuk did get his well deserved punishment.