Chapter 28

When Miser meet Miser

Yah…. Are u still angry? Eunhyuk asked, via message when he did not see Lizzy appearing on Skype.

Lizzy looked at her phone, biting her lip. Should she reply to him? She is still angry… she is even more angrier after watching the DVD yesterday.

I am sorry… I shouldn’t raise my voice at u… forgive me ok? Eunhyuk SMS her again. A small smile started to form on Lizzy’s lip. She press on the phone, intending to reply him.

Liz…. Mianhae… mian hae….mianhae….mianhae…..*pulling my own ears now…* Eunhyuk keep on repeating sorry on the 3rd message and Lizzy couldn’t help but burst out laughing at his last words.

Suddenly Lizzy smiled…should I say smirk instead? She threw her phone away, decided to punish that sickening monkey. Lizzy sit down in front of her computer and started to compose a great e-mail, to Yuri….

Evil Lizzy smirked when she heard her phone keep beeping, as she knew perfectly well from who the message will be coming from…

Lizzy is even more confuse after talking to Yuri…This girl is really good at teasing people….Well… No harm trying… She finally picks up her phone and SMS the irritating monkey.

Skype, now… Lizzy turn on her Skype and looked at the screen.

‘Liz…. Are … u still angry?’ Eunhyuk asked carefully, observing her.

‘I am fine…’

‘Erm…. Are u feeling better now?’

‘Yeah… After talking to KiJeong oppa….’ Lizzy said, letting out a small smile.

‘Huh? KiJeong oppa? Who is that?’ Eunhyuk asked, oppa? U never ever called me oppa since the 1st day we meet and u are calling another guy that u just knew ‘oppa’? EunHyuk frowned, he hated that ‘oppa’ even before knowing who is he.

‘Yeah… KiJeong oppa… he is my 1st friend here! And u know… he just come here too… so we had lots to talk about!’

‘Lots to talk about?’ Eunhyuk frowned, what us there to talk about with a stranger u just met?

‘Erm.. talk about Korea, what we do, why are we here~ all sort~’ Lizzy beamed.

‘Is…. That so?’ Eunhyuk asked, rather moodily.

‘Yeah… so what had u done today?’ Lizzy asked.

‘I… practicing…’

‘Oh….Are u tired?’ Lizzy nodded

‘Yeah…’ Eunhyuk too nodded.

‘Erm… I…’

I think I need to rest… I talk to u again tomorrow Lizzy?’ Eunhyuk forced out a smile to her and busily tidying the thing around him.

‘Huh? But….’

‘Goodbye… and sleep early later…’ Eunhyuk continued without waiting for her to finish her sentences. He doesn’t want to spend all night listening to her new oppa story.

‘Good night….’ Lizzy pouted, why is he sounding so nonchalant about the whole thing?

Eunhyuk nodded and log off his Skype, slumming down to his bed.

‘Sickening monkey!!! I hate u !!! I hate u!!!’ Lizzy slammed the innocent HyukHyuk to the bed again and sit on HyukHyuk, crushing the poor HyuHyuk flat.




‘Maybe he had his own reason for doing that…’ KiJeong consoled.

‘Cheh~ whatever reason it is I am not going to forgive him easily again!!! To think he dare to hung on me like that….And lately, he doesn’t even talk much to me….’ Lizzy pouted, Lizzy been dropping by to KiJeong’s shop quite often recently. 1st she loved talking to him and his family, 2nd she had nothing to do. Time passes faster when she is here with them, at least she can help around getting herself busy. 

‘Wow… can’t tell a little girl like u is so revengeful….’ Gina stepped out, bringing out their lunch.

‘Let me help…’ KiJeong offered.

‘No, let me… Here, eonnie, give me….’ Lizzy took over the tray from Gina and lay on the table..

‘Thanks…’ Gina walked over, sitting down.

‘No problem. At least it makes me feel better… for keep having free lunches here…’ Lizzy said, sticking out her tongue.

‘Please don’t say that….U been helping in the  shop for free, oppa and I really couldn’t cope just now without u… Do u… want to be part of our family?’ Gina said, chuckling.

 ‘Eonni….’ Lizzy looked up from her food in surprise. KiJeong chuckled, looking down to his food while Gina nodded at her, looking serious….




‘Hey! What are u doing here?’ Sungmin asked, looking at the moody Eunhyuk. Isn’t he suppose to be sticking to the computer and talk to her lion wifey?

‘Sleep….’ Eunhyuk replied, caressing ZyZy’s head.

‘Don’t u have to call Lizzy? Is she having class now?’ Sungmin asked, something is not right…

‘No… she stopped her lesson for the time being…’


‘Yeah… her parent wanted her to get used to the life there 1st…’ Eunhyuk answered lazily.

‘I see… so, what is she busy with if she if not having lesson? Should be very free isn’t it?’ Sungmin couldn’t understand. In that case, isn’t Eunhyuk suppose to keep her accompany more?

‘I don’t know….’ Eunhyuk sighed, laying flat on the bed with his face down.

‘Turn over, look at me! Yah!!!’ Sungmin sit down beside Eunhyuk and slapped on his to get his attention.

‘What?’ Eunhyuk yelled.

‘Tell me what is going on! Quarrel?’ Sungmin asked.


‘She is throwing tantrum again?’


‘What happen? Yah!!!’ Sungmin yelled.

‘She seem to be seeing someone already….’ Eunhyuk sighed, turning over and looked at Sungmin. He turned away and hug ZyZy close to him, avoiding Sungmin’s surprise eyes.

‘Stop playing with that doll!!!’ Sungmin yelled irritably, taking away ZyZy and placed it aside.

‘Give me back!!!’ Eunhyuk yelled.

‘U means she gotten a new boyfriend? Can’t be…..’ Sungmin rubbed his chin… He doesn’t think that is possible in such a short period of time…

‘This is the fact… and we had not been talking to each other since 3 days ago… I think she must be really busy with her new boyfriend…’ Eunhyuk pouted moodily.

‘Maybe she is really busy with other thing?’ Sungmin consoled.

‘Like what?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘I….How would I know…’ Sungmin answers guiltily. He had to admit, there doesn’t seem to be any explanation for that.

‘…………….’ Eunhyuk kept quiet, holding ZyZy close to him… No mood for anything…

‘Well… even if she gotten a new target, but at its only been a week plus or so… So, they can’t be so involved yet! There is still chance for u to get her back!’ Sungmin analyze.

‘……………….’ Eunhyuk looked at Sungmin, biting his lip.

‘Hyuk, if u really loves her, u have to do something…’ Sungmin encouraged.

‘Yeah! I told him so… dejected won’t help him to get Lizzy back~’ Donghae chip in.

‘Oh~ u are so blissful right now, u never understand!’ Both Eunhyuk and Sungmin chorused.

‘Yah! Don’t behave like u are troubled too ok?’ Eunhyuk slapped at Sungmin’s thigh, getting up and sit on his bed, looking at his fishy and bunny.

‘U don’t understand….’ Upon saying this, Sungmin let out a sigh…

‘Something happen?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘What is that?’ Donghae asked.

‘*sigh* Its definitely won’t be a good thing I am sure…’ Eunhyuk commented, judging from the way Sungmin looked, he can be sure he is facing some sort of problem with his bunny girl.

‘Cheer up~ everything will be fine…’ Donghae consoled.

‘Ok, let’s not talk about me…. Hyuk ya… so, what is your plan now?’ Sungmin asked.

‘I…. don’t know… u know I am never good at this kind of thing…’ Eunhyuk answered honestly.

‘Well… get her back to Korea?’ Donghae suggested.

‘But… I doesn’t feel good keep her separated from her family….Moreover… I still don’t know whether she loves me or not…’ 

‘U have to be selfish sometime….’Donghae commented. Sometime it’s just too hard to take everything into consideration… there is seldom situation where u can make everything perfect.

‘Erm… why don’t u let Lizzy make the choice then? At the very least, u tried ur best… nothing to regret later on….’ Sungmin suggested.

‘So u are suggesting….’ Eunhyuk asked hesitatingly.

‘Confess to her~’ Sungmin encourage.

‘Hmn…..’ Eunhyuk rubbed his chin doubly…. So… what should he do? Or rather, how he should do it.




 ‘Hallo~’ Lizzy wave at Eunhyuk who is smiling sheepishly at her.

‘How are u over there?’ Eunhyuk asked, looking at Lizzy who is obviously looking radiant on the computer screen.

‘Oh~ I am fine…wait…’ Lizzy laughed, waving at him before she turned and pick up her phone.

Eunhyuk looked at Lizzy who is happily talking over the phone… She looks very much different from how she was when she just arrived at Canada… She seem to be happier now.. and she does sound even more busier than him nowadays…

‘Oh Hyuk, I can’t talk to u now… I am busy….’ Lizzy said between her joyful laugh, getting busy with her phone.

‘That busy? Are u seeing someone now?’ Eunhyuk asked jokingly. However, he is feeling super restless now…

‘Aigh…. Don’t be a nosey parker…I am going, bye~’ Lizzy laughed mysteriously and ended the Skype session.

‘Lizzy? Lizzy?’ Eunhyuk looked at the empty screen now and stunned… Is two weeks that long? She seems to be totally a different person now….

Eunhyuk slump on his bed and hold ZyZy close to him moodily…

‘Had u forgotten about me? Gotten a new boyfriend?’ Eunhyuk asked ZyZy.

‘I didn’t even had the chance to let u make ur choice….’ Eunhyuk sighed….


PS am i the only one facing difficulty updating? Been trying for the last 2 hours and errors keep occuring!!! so annoying!!!

I notice there are not much feedback from my readers out there…:( I know some of u prefer to remain as silent reader but please just help me to do the poll, u don’t even have to log in….kindly let me know what u all think.. please please...

kindly let me know which one do u all prefer from these :-

1) Using back the same name for their partner  Ae Li, Suan , Yuri, Hyojin, Chaerin, Hana, Park YunSuk(Lizzy) for this story. But i will make a GREAT BIG twist... Ae Li might end up with Kyuhyun (example only), Hana might end up with Sungmin or Yuri might end up with Hae depend on how the story goes...I loved these name... Haigh... And i suppose my reader had gotten used to the name already... so i was wondering whether should i keep it... good thg is u can expect some surprises, bad thg is u might confuse! LOL!

2) retaining the same couple name, HeeAe / KyuRi / WookSuan / TeukJin / HaeRin / WonNa / Eunhyuk + Lizzy (as they are not couple yet! LOL. shall disclose the couple name later IF they are together). However the girls will have different character, fammily background and of course, a different storyline... good thg is, u know what to expect n easier for u all to get used to it..... bad thg is not so much surprises~

3) Totally use the new name, abandon all the name that i used that its a new start?? LOL! good thg is SURPRISE will pop up everywhere~ bad thg is, u have start all over again~n at some extend u might feel like killing me for making u all confuse~ LOL!

Waiting for reply from u all! Thank u!*90 degree bow

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this story has everything; drama, funny scenes, quarrels, and sweet moments... i totally 100% enjoyed reading this ff the whole day. and i can't stop back-reading everything written here... kekeke :)
Awesome ending!! Yuri is really evilkyu's gf huh?? Aigoo.. So evil.. Cant wait for the next story!! I'll go there now! Yeah,i know right? Maybe she just dont have good friends like that eh?
HyukZy .. I LIKE!! XD <br />
congrats for finishing this story! <br />
yey you're doing Yesung's story now :D :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #5
Gosh! yes, this chapter is nice ^^ finally, they are finally together. I am so happy now (: next story time :D
tesshira #6
it's finally ends!!<br />
off to yesung's story^^
ldhkhcJDH #7
Kyaaa~<br />
Finally its finish :)<br />
You live us hanging yesterday :)))<br />
BTW all of your fanfic are daebak and haerin and teukjin are of my favorite story :) I evem put ur account in my bookmark so I can check u anytime :)
FlyAwayDreamer #8
WOOO, I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Eunhyuk and Lizzy will forever be the arguing couple then become cheesy. So sweet, but Eunhyuk did get his well deserved punishment.