Chapter 4

When Miser meet Miser


‘Ok… our filming will start here and u both will have to look for the house that u both are suppose to live for the next three months.’

‘Yes….’ Eunhyuk nodded. Lizzy been quiet since just now, trying to calm herself down. Ok, what she wanted is just money… So she just imagines that Eunhyuk equal to the money she loved so much and tried to play along with him all right? And maybe by luck she can get rid of him in less than 3 months?

‘Okay… camera roll.. action!!!!’ Both Eunhyuk and Lizzy put a smile on their face once the word action is being laid.

‘Lizzy ssi… I think it shall be this direction…’

‘Is it? Lets try…’ Lizzy nodded, turning her head away as if she is looking for the place that they wanted to go. Just try not to look at his face…Lizzy remind herself in her mind. However, producer Byung who is in front of them signalled at them, gesturing them to talk to each other as they walk…

‘Umn.. Lizzy ssi… how old are u?’ Eunhyuk start the ball rolling in an awkward way.

‘Me? I am 20…. How about u Eunhyuk ssi?’

‘I am 25… So u are still a student aren’t u?’ Eunhyuk feel like slapping himself, he wished he doesn’t have to get this conversation going…

‘Yes… haha! Don’t I look like one?’

‘Haha….well it’s hard to tell by look, u see….’ Eunhyuk answered, enjoying the pissed look on Lizzy’s face.Lizzy hoped she can pull at his hair and ask him whether she looks like a hag to him?

‘And Eunhyuk ssi, do u like to watch movie?’ Lizzy asked, turning her head and smile sweetly at him. Producer Byung rolled his eyes… he smell battle is on the way again….

‘Ergh… Yes…. I do…..’ Eunhyuk answered cautionly.

‘Oh? Really?? What kind of movie do u like?’

‘I… I… all sort…’ Eunhyuk answered.

‘Oh? U looked like the sort who enjoy action movie ONLY’ Yes, action on bed… Lizzy said in her mind.

‘Hahahaha!! And Lizzy ssi…. What do u enjoy doing then???’ Eunhyuk asked back quickly diverting the question before it get out of hand….

‘I? practising martial art….’ Lizzy answered, clenching her fist and did a fighter pose.

‘Oh? U do look like an fighter though… can’t tell u are a girl at all….’

‘…………..’ Lizzy stopped in his track and turned to look at him, is he looking for a fight right now?

‘Hahaha! I mean the way u pose, very firm and professional, better than a guy….’

‘Thanks u…. I would love to show to u my martial art one day…..’ and knock your teeth down in just a single blow… Lizzy completed the sentence in her mind….

‘Oh… haha!! If we have the chance….’ Eunhyuk smiled at her, knowing what she means perfectly well. Fat hope…. U will never get to touch me… Eunhyuk too, talk in his mind.

‘Is it here?’ Lizzy cant take it anymore and decided to look away from him, she is worried she might really dashed over and gave him a blow on his nose if she continue to look at him.

‘I think so… lets get in….’  Eunhyuk opened the door slowly and saw Sungmin and Kyuhyun sitting on the floor of the living room, waving at them.

Both Eunhyuk and Lizzy tried to squeeze in the door together. Lizzy yelled at Eunhyuk when he keep bumping into her.

‘YAH~~ what are u doing? Trying to take advantage of me again????’

‘U? don’t u have a mirror with u? who will be interested with a tomboy??’


‘U!!! U BOTH!!! AISH!!! Shut up!!!’ Producer Byung shouted at the both of them, at the verge of tearing his own hair…

‘Its…all.. your fault…’ Lizzy hissed at Eunhyuk… Ooppss… they forgotten the camera is still on….

‘Can I do it alone?’ Eunhyuk rolled his eyes.

‘And… Eunhyuk, cant u just display some gentlemanness toward the lady??’ Producer Byung yelled.

‘Lady???? Where? Where is the lady???’ Eunhyuk asked, peering around. Lizzy rolled her eyes upon hearing that and stared at him, tapping her foot.

‘Stop playing the fool….’ Producer Byung scolded. ‘And Kyuhyun!!! Stop laughing!!! Is it that funny??’

‘Hahahahahaha!!! Sorr…sorry…. I hahaha…. But its really…. Hahaha… funny….Aigoo….’ Kyuhyun laughed, slapping his own leg.

‘Yeah….stop it for goodness sake…Eunhyyuk ya… please… show be a gentleman…’ Sungmin laughed, partly because of the exaggerateness of Kyuhyun.

‘My gentlemanness is never used on a guy all right….’ Eunhyuk smirked.

‘Yah! What do u mean by that???’Lizzy yelled.

‘Oh… aish… I got it mixed up again…. So there is a someone who is not a guy here…’ Eunhyuk continued, enjoying the pissed look on Lizzy’s face.

‘Ok, Stop it… Stop!! Now we start all over again….U two…. Better don’t wreck the whole thing again!!! Now get ready…’ Producer Byung warned at the two who is staring at each other as if they wished to gave each other a bite.

‘Yes…..’ The couple answered and went out, closing the door after them. Both of them took a deep breath, preparing for the next shoot.

 Eunhyuk opened the door and gestured Lizzy to go in the house 1st. ‘After u, Lizzy……’


‘hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Oh Eunhyukkie hyung!!! U look soooooo fake!!! Hahahahahahhah!!! Aigoo….’ Kyuhyun is now practically rolling on the floor right now, laughing and hugging his tummy.

‘HEY!!! What are we??? clown?? Is it that funny???’ Lizzy asked, with her hands in her waist, staring at Kyuhyun who is laughing uncontrollably.

‘YES!!!!’ Kyuhyun answered between his laughter.

‘Oh!! Stop it!!’ Sungmin slapped on Kyuhyun’s arm, rolling his eyes. Tired of how this evil NG king keep on bursting into laughter. This remind him of the scenario where he keep on NG when they are doing the shooting for Mini drama.

‘Oh… sorry… sorry….’ Kyuhyun rubbed his palm together at the frowning producer Byung who is practically staring at him for the past 5 minutes that he keeps on laughing.

‘Ok…again…. I don’t want any accident again, please…STOP KYUHYUN!!!’ Producer Byung warned.

The camera started to roll again and Eunhyuk opened the door again. But before he could open his mouth, he saw Kyuhyun’s shoulder is trembling as he tried to fight back the urge to laugh … However, he failed…

‘Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha!!!’ was all Kyuhyun could say.

‘U inhaled laughing gas or what??’ Sungmin asked, can’t help chuckling at the sound of jovial laughter from Kyuhyun, its not usual for Kyuhyun to laugh like this… So when he really does that, it does make u feel happy.

‘He need some medication I suppose…’ Lizzy commented.

‘Ok!!! Ok!!! Take a break.. I don’t wish to strangle anyone here today…’ Producer Byung walked away, he need to cool himself down… he thing he gonna kill someone if he keep on shooting this bunch of kid….





‘Oh!!! U both are here??? Why?’ Eunhyuk asked, pretend to be surprised upon seeing them.

‘An nyeong! We are here to welcome u~’ Kyuhyun answered.

‘So, we are here to deliver a gift….’ Sungmin smiled them.

‘Gift?’ Eunhyuk asked, he will be grateful enough if they didn’t do any further harm to him.

‘Yeah....’ Kyuhyun nodded, trying hard to contain his laughter. He thinks… the nuclear bomb is going to explode again if they disclose the gift. This is the part he been anticipating…. He think it would be terribly funny….

‘Oh, let me introduce 1st, this is Lizzy ssi… and Lizzy ssi, this is Sungmin and this is Kyuhyun ,my band mate...

‘Hi, nice to meet u….’ Lizzy, Sungmin and Kyuhyun greeted and bowed at each other as per instructed by producer Byung.

‘So… what gift do u have for us?’ Eunhyuk asked, he had a bad feeling again…. Somehow, he felt that gift is more likely to benefit them and the viewer rather than for him and Lizzy.

‘Jjjang!!!!’ Sungmin hold out another envelope to them and Eunhyuk took it over from them, opening it. Lizzy leaned toward Eunhyuk and peer at the content of the envelope, heart beating fast…..She prays hard it won’t be too a difficult task….

‘WHAT!!!!!!!’ Eunhyuk and Lizzy’s eyes widen at the sight of the instruction written on the paper again and yelped out loud… while Kyuhyun and Sungmin laughed out loud again…………….. 

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this story has everything; drama, funny scenes, quarrels, and sweet moments... i totally 100% enjoyed reading this ff the whole day. and i can't stop back-reading everything written here... kekeke :)
Awesome ending!! Yuri is really evilkyu's gf huh?? Aigoo.. So evil.. Cant wait for the next story!! I'll go there now! Yeah,i know right? Maybe she just dont have good friends like that eh?
HyukZy .. I LIKE!! XD <br />
congrats for finishing this story! <br />
yey you're doing Yesung's story now :D :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #5
Gosh! yes, this chapter is nice ^^ finally, they are finally together. I am so happy now (: next story time :D
tesshira #6
it's finally ends!!<br />
off to yesung's story^^
ldhkhcJDH #7
Kyaaa~<br />
Finally its finish :)<br />
You live us hanging yesterday :)))<br />
BTW all of your fanfic are daebak and haerin and teukjin are of my favorite story :) I evem put ur account in my bookmark so I can check u anytime :)
FlyAwayDreamer #8
WOOO, I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Eunhyuk and Lizzy will forever be the arguing couple then become cheesy. So sweet, but Eunhyuk did get his well deserved punishment.