Chapter 11

When Miser meet Miser


Lizzy ran toward the car and leaned toward the driver’s window. ‘Monkey???’ She tapped at the window excitedly and beamed at him happily.

‘Can u please get in the car and we talk on the way?’

‘All right…’ Lizzy nodded and jumped in the car. Somehow, seeing him makes her feel happy.

‘Now, fasten your seat belt and we are ready to go…’Eunhyuk smiled, obviously Lizzy is elated to see him and it does make him feeling good… at least it pay off to come here all the way, leaving his family behind…

*Eunhyuk’s flashback*

Eunhyuk looked at his phone after Lizzy hung up. He looks up and walked toward his parent…

‘Appa, omma… I… suddenly have something on and I need to go back…’

‘What happen?’ Mrs.Lee asked, worried.

‘Umn… some last minute job need to be done..’

‘Now?’ Mr.Lee asked, isn’t today suppose to be a holiday?’

‘Yes… I am sorry…’ Eunhyuk nodded.

‘All right, u better get going… before its get later…’

‘All right…’ Eunhyuk turned back to his room, picking up his belonging and made his way down again in top speed. He couldn’t explain his action nor wanted to think of a reason why. He just feels he wanted to.

‘I am going~’ Eunhyuk hugged his parent and sister before he went into his car. Glad that his mum actually packed some delicacies for him to bring back. At least he has something to cheer Lizzy up later.

*end of Eunhyuk’s flashback*

‘Where are we going??’ Lizzy asked, she know she wont be meeting the rest of the boys as she know the rest of SUJU oppa are all busy with their family for the Chu Seok.

‘Home… its kind of late now…’

‘Yes… can we drop by at convenience store 1st?’ Lizzy asked.

‘Why?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘I am hungry….’ Lizzy said, rummaging her tummy, pouting.

‘Not needed…’ Eunhyuk smiled. He is sure she will loved his mum cooking.

‘Why?’ Lizzy asked.

‘U need to go on diet… look at ur bulging tummy..’ Eunhyuk teased.

‘Yah!!!’ Lizzy slapped on his arm and hug her backpack tightly to cover up her tummy.

‘Hahahaha!!!!’ Eunhyuk laughed at her reaction and continued to drive home. He turned and look at her pouting face. ‘Stop pouting…’ Eunhyuk pinched at her cheek softly when he is stopping in front of  traffic light.

‘U are horrible…I hate u….’ Lizzy continued to pout at him, pulling away his hand.

‘Not the 1stday u hated me anyway so its ok~’ Eunhyuk laughed.

‘……………’ Lizzy decided to shut up…. Praying hard there would be ramen left at home…. She is not going to beg him to bring her to buy food again.

Lizzt dashed in to the apartment and open the kitchen cabinet, smiling when she saw a pack of ramen lying in the cupboard. Before she could grab at it, Eunhyuk took it away from her and laughed, raising the ramen up above his head.

‘Yah!!!’ Lizzy keep jumping and jumping, trying to reach for the ramen that Eunhyuk is holding up right now. She never thought he will want to fight with her the only ramen that is left in the house!

‘Why bother eat ramen when there’s home cooked food?’ Eunhyuk asked, handling her the packed food he brought from home.

‘OH!!!! I LOVE U!!!!!’ Lizzy jumped and hugged Eunhyuk, laughing in glee. She looked exactly like a koala who is hugging at a tree now…

‘Are u that happy?’ Eunhyuk blushed slightly when he realized Lizzy is clinging to him closely.

‘Umn…’ Lizzy nodded. She is happy enough to see him appearing just when she is feeling lonely. Who would thought that he will bring good food for her as well.

‘Didn’t u say u are hungry? What are u waiting for?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘Yes… thanks u~’ Lizzy placed the food on the table and get the table laid joyfully. ‘Oh! There is beer and Soju!!’ Lizzy yelped, remember there are some alcohol left from Ga Eul and Saengjoo previous visit.

‘No thanks.. I don’t drink… not that u don’t know..’ Eunhyuk shook his head. Although he always being teased being a baby for refusing alcohol, he still decided to keep it that way as he really felt that alcohol doesn’t bring any benefit to him at all.

‘Okay… Cider?’ Lizzy asked, holding up a can of cider.

‘Ok…’ Eunhyuk nodded, amused at how happy this girl is today.

‘Ok… All done…and….Mr.monkey… can we start to eat?’ Lizzy looked at him, smiling.

‘Yes, Miss.Lion, lets dig in~’

Lizzy and Eunhyuk talk as they eat. Lizzy appeared to be especially happy today and it does lift up Eunhyuk’s mood too.

‘That’s remind me… how come u are here?’ Lizzy asked, isn’t he suppose to be with his family right now?

‘Umn… my parent has something on and I send them… So…I come back here after that…’ Eunhyuk still stuttered a bit even though he been practising for umpteen of time on the way back here.

‘I see….’ Lizzy nodded. Eunhyuk heaved a sigh of relieve when Lizzy buy his story.

‘U seem to be especially happy today?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘Yes…Cos I earned a lot of money today!!! My pay is triple~’ Lizzy sang. There is no way she gonna tell him that she is happy to see him here.

‘Cheh… money face…’ Eunhyuk laughed.

‘Now only u know?’ Lizzy asked, chuckling.

‘Hey… u better don’t drink so much…’ Eunhyuk looked at her, she had finished 2 bottles of Soju by herself and he is worried she might be drunk if she continued to drink like this...

‘I am ok…won’t be drunk…’ Lizzy chuckled again, but she is actually feeling a bit giddy right now.

‘Liz….’ Eunhyuk called out to her name softly.

‘Hmn??’ Lizzy poked at the food, smiling…. She falls into deep thought of her own after that when silent fall between them. She never knows how it is feel like celebrating Chu Seok with family. Today, this is the 1sttime she had the feeling of celebrating Chu Seok at ‘home’.

‘Are u ok?’ Eunhyuk asked, sensing the sudden change of her mood.

‘Eunhyuk ah…. Thanks u…’ Lizzy looked straight into Eunhyuk’s eyes and thanked him sincerely.

‘Thank? Why?’ Eunhyuk looked at her puzzled, why is she thanking him out of sudden?

‘Just thanks… for being here…’ Lizzy smiled, popping another tteok in and chew it.

‘Liz….’ Eunhyuk bit his lip, should he ask her about her family? What if she doesn’t feel like telling him?

‘Yes, Eunhyuk? Do u want to ask about my family?’ Lizzy asked, looking at him. Ga Eul called and informed her that Eunhyuk been calling Saengjoo to check on her and Ga Eul confessed that she told him about Lizzy’s parenthood. Lizzy believed this is also part of the reason why Eunhyuk will be back to here….

‘………….’ Eunhyuk merely nodded, observing her reaction. 'Its okay if u dont feel like....'

‘As Ga Eul said, I am an orphan…’ Lizzy started. 

‘………….’ Eunhyuk nodded, looking at her.

‘I…. am being…. Dumped in front of an orphanage when I was only 5….’

‘5?’ Eunhyuk frowned, how could her parent be so cruel? Lizzy nodded, smiling bitterly.

‘Maybe… its just accident?’ Eunhyuk tried to make her feel better by giving out the possibilities why her parent left her.

‘No…. there are no loss of report from anywhere looking for me…’ Lizz shook her head.

‘And so?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘Erm….the matron told me.. she couldn’t get any word from me at all… all I do is crying~’ Lizzy tilted her head, trying to think back what happen 15 years ago.

‘Umn…’ Eunhyuk nodded.

‘When I finally stopped crying, all I can say is Lizzy, repeatly…. So the matron suppose my name is Lizzy…’ Lizzy said, drawing circles on the floor as she does so….

‘Umn…’ Eunhyuk nodded again, not really knowing what to say.

‘And… I have something to confess…..’ Lizzy raised her head up and looked at Eunhyuk.

‘What is that?’ Eunhyuk asked gently.

‘U know…. That birthday….. Umn…. Its not exactly my birthday….I…. don’t know when is my birthday so I just gave Sugmin oppa the date that I am found outside the orphanage as my birthday when he asked…’

‘……………’ Eunhyuk looked at her, he felt a stabbing pain on his heart when he heard that she doesn’t even know when is her own birthday.

‘Are… u…angry?’ Lizzy asked carefully when she saw Eunhyuk went totally quiet after that. Eunhyuk shook his head, taking her hand in his.

‘It’s just a date….Important is u feel the happiness when u are celebrating the so called birthday.…’

‘Thanks….’ Lizzy looked at Eunhyuk, touched… She never expect a hyper boy like him can be so considerate…

‘U are most welcome….’ Eunhyuk smiled and pull Lizzy to him gently, gaving her a hug and pat at her back like consoling a kid.

‘……….’ Lizzy smiled and wrapped her arms around Eunhyuk, resting her head on his chest. They snuggled closer to each other, enjoying the comfort and warmth of each other.

‘U are full now?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘Eerm…’ Lizzy nodded, still leaning to him. Enjoying the warmth that come from him very much, both emotional and physically.

‘Are u tired?’ Eunhyuk asked, looking at her.

‘Yes… and its comfortable this way…here….’ Lizzy said as she slapped repeatly on Eunhyuk’s chest, chuckling.

‘Hey… Can I say u are taking advantage of me now?’ Eunhyuk too chuckling, catching hold of her naughty hand. She must ne really drunk...This is not her usual self...

‘Cheh… as if u are some sort of handsome guy….’ Lizzy smirked, she blinked her eyes several times, when she feel it’s becoming heavier and heavier.

‘……………..’ Both of them are silent and Lizzy snuggled closer to Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk pulled her closer to him when he felt her attempt of getting closer to him.

‘Liz?’ Eunhyuk called out to her gently. He shook her gently when he is not getting any respond from her.

Eunhyuk looked at her sleeping face…. She looked so cute with her small fair face blushing from the effect of alcohol and her lip slightly pouted. Never did he realized her eyelashes is that’s long. He tap at her eyelashes lightly and chuckle when he saw her frowning and rubbing her eye after that.

‘Don’t tell me u are going to sleep like this, Lion….’ Eunhyuk muttered.

‘………………..’ all Eunhyuk gotten from Lizzy was her soft, gentle breathing..

‘Liz….. I….’Eunhyuk brushed away the hairs on Lizzy’s face, caressing her hot cheek after that. Eunhyuk pressed on his chest… Aish….stop pounding so hard!!! I know u liked her!!! Eunhyuk ‘scolded’ his heart.

He looked down on her face again… ‘No… I can’t do it….’ Eunhyuk trying hard to stop himself…what if Lizzy found out and decided that he is a ert again? It’s not easy for them to be able to get along like this, he doesn’t want to ruin the harmonious between them.

‘But she is sleeping….’ Eunhyuk bit his lip, looking at Lizzy sleeping face again. He places his hand on her hot burning cheek again, tilting her face to him and stooping down…Pecking on her forehead lightly…..

To his horror, Lizzy opened her eyes and looked at Eunhyuk the moment he pecked on her forehead!!!!! 

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this story has everything; drama, funny scenes, quarrels, and sweet moments... i totally 100% enjoyed reading this ff the whole day. and i can't stop back-reading everything written here... kekeke :)
Awesome ending!! Yuri is really evilkyu's gf huh?? Aigoo.. So evil.. Cant wait for the next story!! I'll go there now! Yeah,i know right? Maybe she just dont have good friends like that eh?
HyukZy .. I LIKE!! XD <br />
congrats for finishing this story! <br />
yey you're doing Yesung's story now :D :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #5
Gosh! yes, this chapter is nice ^^ finally, they are finally together. I am so happy now (: next story time :D
tesshira #6
it's finally ends!!<br />
off to yesung's story^^
ldhkhcJDH #7
Kyaaa~<br />
Finally its finish :)<br />
You live us hanging yesterday :)))<br />
BTW all of your fanfic are daebak and haerin and teukjin are of my favorite story :) I evem put ur account in my bookmark so I can check u anytime :)
FlyAwayDreamer #8
WOOO, I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Eunhyuk and Lizzy will forever be the arguing couple then become cheesy. So sweet, but Eunhyuk did get his well deserved punishment.