Chapter 18

When Miser meet Miser

‘U sure it will be all right?’ Lizzy asked worriedly, looking at Eunhyuk who is sitting in his car excitedly.

 ‘Yes… are u ready?’ Eunhyuk asked, starting his car engine.

‘No…. we can’t do that…’ Lizzy leaned over and turned off the car engine, looking at Eunhyuk.

‘Why?’  Eunhyuk asked, puzzled. He just doesn’t want Lizzy to force herself to work when she doesn’t feel like it.

‘Because this will affect u greatly… Its not a big deal really, Eunhyuk…. I can still do the filming, I am alright…’ Lizzy smiles. Actually she does feel better now… Seem like Eunhyuk is the one who is making a big fuss over it.

‘………….’ Eunhyuk bit his lip, thinking.

‘I am really ok…. Treat me to nice food after this?’ Lizzy grabbed at Eunhyuk’s arm and nodded at him.

‘What ever u said….’ Eunhyuk smiled, showing her his gummy smile.

‘Hehehehe~ seem like u take it more seriously than I do… Aigh…’ Lizzy pinched his cheek softly and get down the car, smiling. She is feeling so warm deep down inside. Even if she loses at a beginning of a relationship, but she gained someone who really cares for her sincerely isn’t it?

‘I am just worried u might gone crazy and kills me for nothing…. U know how these kind of thing will drive a person crazy~’ Eunhyuk snickered.

‘Cheh~ don’t worry! This is just a small case… Falling out of love won’t kill u~ unless u wanted to end it yourself. Moreover, we never started anyway…. Maybe….’ Lizzy bit her lip, looking down.

‘Maybe what?’ Eunhyuk asked, wrapping his arms around her shoulder and pulled her to him gently.

‘Maybe… I am the one who had gotten the wrong signal anyway….’ Lizzy said, tilting her head and looked at him.

‘Hmn… that… bunny… well… I had to say… he is always close with girl… But there are time where he really can mislead people…Even our gentleman Siwon couldn’t help feeling a bit jealous at him for being so close with Hana…. Hahahhaha!!!’ Eunhyuk laughed.

‘Oh, really? Siwon oppa will get jealous? That really doesn’t sound like him!!!’ Lizzy laughed. Siwon always seem to be very cool type of guy to her.

‘Yeah… and Donghae too are quite jealous of him being so close with Chaerin…’ Eunhyuk laughed.

‘Why… is it…. Chaerin?’ Lizzy asked in surprise… Isn’t Donghae’s girlfriend Hanuel? Although she always felt the relationship between these three a bit weird…

Uh oh…. Eunhyuk thought in his mind… So this slow coach haven’t noticed the love triangle yet….

‘Ergh….hmn… nothing… haha!!!’ Eunhyuk turned his head away and walked back to the apartment, avoiding Lizzy question.

‘Hey!!!! U get back here!!! U can’t leave me hanging like that!!! U better out with the truth!!!’ Lizzy caught hold of Eunhyuk’s collar and pulled him back to her.

‘………’ Eunhyuk poked at Lizzy’s waist and ran all the way back to apartment, laughing in glee.

‘U!!! sickening Monkey!! U!!! come back!!!’ without wasting any time, Lizzy gave chase to the evil monkey who is laughing to himself….




‘Yeah!!!!!’ Lizzy and Eunhyuk jumped and squeal like a pair of school kid upon knowing they will be going to Everland for the filming.

‘Yah!!! U both! Do u have to be that happy?’ PD Byung rolled his eyes, looking at the 2 chuckling kid.

‘It been long time since I went there…’ Eunhyuk beamed.

‘I…. never been there…’ Lizzy whispered.

‘Huh???!!! Are u a Korean for goodness sake??’

‘Hahaha!!! No money~’ Lizzy stuck out her tongue playfully.

‘Ok~ Since its free, Lets go and enjoy ourself to the fullest!!!’ Eunhyuk put up his hands and Lizzy high-fived him.





As usual the Everland is quite packed. However, it’s nothing compared to the weekend. Most visitors are foreigner, which is to their advantage.

‘Let’s race, from this point to that point….’ Lizzy suggested pointing to the Human Sky (cable car).




‘Yah!!! YAH!!!!’ Eunhyuk yelled at Lizzy who had started to run toward the cable car entrance and gave chase.

‘Yeah!!! I won!! I won!!!’ Lizzy jumped up and down upon reaching the cable car queue and stuck out her tongue at Eunhyuk.

‘U play cheat~’  Eunhyuk said between his pant.

‘Cheh~ u have longer legs than mine so it’s only fair that I run ahead.’ Lizzy laughed, joining the queue for the cable car.

‘U and ur excuses….’ Eunhyuk poked at her forehead, laughing.

‘Now… time for punishment… I want popcorn, ice-cream and hot dog… Oh ya~ big cup of coke too…thanks u~’ Lizzy ordered, pointing to the snack push cart located beside them.

‘Cheh~ never did I see a girl who eat as much as u…’ Eunhyuk rolled his eyes, walking toward the snack cart. PD Byung nodded, he doesn’t even have to instruct them what to do nowadays… Its extremely good and natural as it is… 

‘Hihi….’ Lizzy giggle. Hmn… Lizzy feel so good being in the colourful Everland, its really a paradise with all the beautiful building and interesting facilities. She feels like a 6 years old kid again.

‘Thanks u….’ Eunhyuk bowed at the snack cart girl who is practically spazzing at him all the time. And the popcorn on his hand seems to be bigger portion than normal.

‘Oh!!! Thanks!!!’ Lizzy took over the drink and hotdog from Eunhyuk and sip a big mouthful from the big cup. She raises up the cup to his lip and Eunhyuk took a sip from the drink too.

‘Ermn…Nice…’ Eunhyuk beamed, chewing the hot dog joyfully.

‘Really?’ Lizzy asked, pulling down his hand and gave the hot dog a big bite. She nodded at him, she agree, it’s really nice.

‘Oh~ it’s our turn soon…’ Eunhyuk placed his hand on Lizzy’s shoulder, waiting for the cable car to come by.

‘Oh~ IT U…..’ The guy who is helping the visitor with the cable car pointed at Eunhyuk, being all excited. ‘sorry sorry sorry sorry~’ the cute guy did the famous hand-rubbing Sorry Sorry dance, totally ignoring the queues. Everyone laughed and some visitors clapped and whistled at his effort. He did a 90 degree bow before he gets back to his job, helping Eunhyuk and Lizzy with the cable car (O should I say chair?).

‘Hahahahahahahha!!!’ both Lizzy and Eunhyuk laughed at his exaggerates action and get themselves ready for the ride.

‘Lets go~’ Euhyuk and Lizzy sat on the chair and kicked their leg joyfully. Laughing and teasing each other.

‘U should try T-Express… I am sure u will loved it~’ Eunhyuk laughed.

‘Huh? T-Express? What is that?’

‘Hmn… a roller coaster?’ Eunhyuk laughed in glee. Just it’s a little bit more exciting…. Eunhyuk completed the sentences in his heart.

‘Okay… no harm trying….’

‘Lets go!!!’ Eunhyuk pulled at her hand and ran toward the place where T-Express is.

‘Hmn… why is it that we couldn’t see the ride track from here?’ Lizzy asked, looking at the entrance of the suppose-to-be-so-interesting ride.

‘U can only see it when u go in…’ Eunhyuk laughed. And there is no turning back for u once u go in…. Eunhyuk thought in glee. He ever had the experience of riding this roller coaster before… he can say he doesn’t really enjoyed it quite as much… but he would like to see how Lizzy behave later~ LOL!!!

‘Hmnn…’ Lizzy nodded, not even suspecting a little bit that Eunhyuk is up to no good.

‘Let’s go in!!’ Eunhyuk said excitedly, he himself is a bit nervous too… He too, wonders whether he himself could take the excitement or not….

‘OH MY GOD!!!!’ I am not taking it!! I am not!!!!’ Lizzy wanted to run away at the sight of the horrible track lies in front of her. IT TOOO HORRIFYING!!!

‘NO!! u are not to run away from it!!!’ Eunhyuk pulled her back and pushed her toward the gate of the coaster train.

‘Its tooo horrible……’ Lizzy frowned, what is she fall out? However, she still climbed into the train obediently.

‘It’s safe, no worry….’ Eunyuk assured her, helping her with the safety belt.

‘U did it on purpose!! Oh! I hate u…’ Lizzy squealed, punching his hand.

‘Just enjoy…’ Eunhyuk’s heart too pumped crazily against his chest. He is too feeling nervous, although this is not the 1sthe takes this ride.

 ‘Oh my god… oh my god….’ Lizzy mumble, keeping her eyes shut.

‘Open your eyes….’ Eunhyuk encourage.

‘No I am not!!!’ Lizzy shook her head, keeping her eyes closed still.

‘Here….’ Eunhyuk pulled and placed her arms under his arm, entwining it before he place her hand back to the iron bar, gesturing her to hold the iron bar…. Lizzy feel safer and open her eyes slowly. 

‘Everyone, get ready and here we GO!!!!!!’ the train start with a jerk and Lizzy clenched at the iron bar in front of her tightly…Nervous Nervous….

‘WOOO HOOOO…’ the passengers on the train yelled excitedly and Lizzy looked at the horrible track in front. Oh… she feel her heartbeat gonna stop at the 90 degree downward slope later.

‘AHHHHHH!!!!!! WAHHHHH!!!! OOOOOO!!!! MUMMY AH!!! OMMA!!! HAHAHHAHAHHA!!!’ everyone yelled their heart lung out at the exciting turn.

Lizzy feel so good with the fast breeze blowing on her hair and face. She enjoyed the scenery when the train reach the highest point of the track, allowing her to have a quick glimpse of the whole Everland before it rush down at the TOP SPEED again.

‘Hahahaha!!!!!’ Lizzy laughed on several occasion when some daring passengers raise their hands up at the downward slope. She would never dare to do that… its too scary!!!!

‘AHHHHHH!!!!!’ There are several occasion which she feel she will be thrown out of the train at the speed of the train going down the 90 degree downward slope. However, the feeling of Eunhyuk’s arm make her feel safe and yeah, she is enjoying the ride after all.

However, the mastermind of the game doesn’t look too good…. Lizzy is too busy enjoying the excitement and failed to notice that Eunhyuk’s face had gone all pale. He eyes is kept shut since the 1st90 degree downward slope of the ride. He still can’t take it…. He swears this shall be the last time he takes this ride.

‘Woo hoo~’ Lizzy hushed after the ride and turned to look at Eunhyuk who is still keeping his eyes closed.

‘HEY!!! ITS over!!!’ Lizzy slapped on his arms to get his attention.

‘Huh?’ Eunhyuk turned and looked at Lizzy who is now busily getting down the train.

‘Come on down! Do u want to go another round?’ Lizzy asked, intending to climb back the train again.

‘NO!!!’ Eunhyuk push her away and climbed down the train at top speed. His leg is still a bit jelly’ish from the excitement of the game.

‘Hahahahha! Hey~ u are the one who suggested the game all right?’ Lizzy laughed, holding him as to help him to steady himself.

‘Wooo…. Its sure scary~’ Eunhyuk heaved out a heavy breath and patted on his chest

‘Let’s go… see what what its interesting again…’ Lizzy pulled him out.

‘Huh?’ Eunhyuk gasped, he think he had enough excitement as it is… He walked slowly beside Lizzy who is busily telling him how nice everything look on from the top of T-Express.

‘Oh!!! So they do take photos when u are on the ride?’ Lizzy looked at the several monitor in front of her.

‘Yes…’ Eunhyuk too scanned the screen; he hopes he is not being capture in the screen…

‘Oh!!!! That’s us!!!’ Lizzy yelled, slapping at Eunhyuk’s arm.

‘Where?’ Eunhyuk followed her finger and saw a picture of them, with him yelling with his eyes closed and she laughed and peering around curiously. He sure does look ugly on that picture.

‘Hahhaa!! I am buying!! I am buying!!!’ Lizzy pointed to the screen and informed the staff her intended purchase.

‘No!!! Its ugly!!’ Eunhyuk tried to pull her away but Lizzy stood firm and pries away his hand.

‘Here u go… and it’s free of charge…’ The girl said as she took a shy glance at Eunhyuk.

‘Oh~~ Thanks!!! Hyuk ah~ shall I help u and this agasshi take a picture?’ Lizzy winked at the girl and slapped at Eunhyuk’s arm.

‘Oh? Ok…’ Eunhyuk nodded, smiling at the excited girl.

‘Can I have your camera?’ Lizzy held out her hand for the camera and the girl handed to her happily, busily tidying herself up for a nice picture with Eunhyuk.

‘Thanks u….’ Lizzy and the girl bowed at each other and Lizzy walked out happily, admiring the picture on her hands. She laughed at Eunhyuk exaggerate expression and Eunhyuk does regretted suggesting the ride…

‘Hey…. This suit u…’ Eunhyuk said as he placed a hairband with lion ears on her head.

(I am wearing Tiger's hairband :) didnt think of trying Lion and Monkey that time :))

‘What is that?’ Lizzy looked at the mirror and frowned. She picks up a hairband with monkey ears and placed it on his head too.

‘Not too bad… Lets buy…’ Eunnhyuk pulled her toward the cashier and made payment for the two hairbands. The two of them giggle after taking a selfcar of themselves with the animal hairband.

‘Oppa… oppa… can we take picture with u?’ A bunch of school girl troop toward Eunhyuk and Lizzy and caught the both of them with surprise.

‘Sure….’ Eunhyuk nodded, smiling as the each of girl queuing up for pictures with him. Lizzy smiled, standing aside and wait patiently. However, the girls are taking so long that she started to feel a bit impatient. She rolled her eyes when she couldn’t take it any more…. Without thinking, she marched toward them and pulled at Eunhyuk’s hand, bowing to them apologetically.

‘I am sorry…. But we still have work to do… I am sorry….’ She squeezed past and pulled at Eunhyuk’s hand, running away from the girls. The crew too, helped to stop the girls as to continue their filming.

‘Haha! Thanks…’ Eunhyuk smiled, he was thinking does he have to spend the whole day taking picture with the girl?

‘I though u are enjoying yourself?’ Lizzy asked, brushing away the hair on her face. ‘I hope I didn’t not spoil your day with those young pretty high school girls…’ Lizzy said, pouting.

‘Cheh~ don’t sound like a jealous wife…’ Eunhyuk laughed, pinching at her pouting face. Cute…

‘But I am your wife!!!’ Lizzy yelled, with her hand on her waist.

‘Huh?’ Eunhyuk is a bit taken back at her word and turned to look at her… 

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this story has everything; drama, funny scenes, quarrels, and sweet moments... i totally 100% enjoyed reading this ff the whole day. and i can't stop back-reading everything written here... kekeke :)
Awesome ending!! Yuri is really evilkyu's gf huh?? Aigoo.. So evil.. Cant wait for the next story!! I'll go there now! Yeah,i know right? Maybe she just dont have good friends like that eh?
HyukZy .. I LIKE!! XD <br />
congrats for finishing this story! <br />
yey you're doing Yesung's story now :D :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #5
Gosh! yes, this chapter is nice ^^ finally, they are finally together. I am so happy now (: next story time :D
tesshira #6
it's finally ends!!<br />
off to yesung's story^^
ldhkhcJDH #7
Kyaaa~<br />
Finally its finish :)<br />
You live us hanging yesterday :)))<br />
BTW all of your fanfic are daebak and haerin and teukjin are of my favorite story :) I evem put ur account in my bookmark so I can check u anytime :)
FlyAwayDreamer #8
WOOO, I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Eunhyuk and Lizzy will forever be the arguing couple then become cheesy. So sweet, but Eunhyuk did get his well deserved punishment.