Chapter 1

When Miser meet Miser


‘He is getting on my nerves…. Look at the way he pouted… Aigoo…’ Ryeowook shook his head, amused at the way Eunhyuk complaint about not having a girlfriend.

‘Yeah… especially after Hae started his courtship with Hanuel…’ Sungmin nodded.

‘Leeteuk hyung too….He keep screaming around when u these couples get carried away with your lovey dovey moment and its sickening too…’ Yesung complaint.

‘Let’s get rid of these two….’ Kyuhyun commented, giving out an evil grin.

‘I had a bad feeling…. But since I am not the one u are plotting again…Shoot…’ Sungmin shrugged at the sight of Kyuhyun’s evil grin, he knew he must be up to no good again….

‘Hahahahahah!Minnie… I am fine if u wanted me to include u and Yesung hyung…’ Kyuhyun add on.

‘NO!!! THANKS!!!’ both Yesung and Sungmin chorused. They wouldn’t want to become the poor victim of Kyuhyun’s ‘good idea’….

‘Are u thinking of matchmaking?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘How many girls do we know? And its so old fashion….’ Kyuhyun cringe his nose at the sound of matchmaking… what century is this? Still matchmaking?

 Ryeowook tilted his head, if minus out the celebrity and female co worker whom they knew, he has to admit there are not much girls they knew so far….

‘Eh…. Get the girls’ to introduce their friends?’ Yesung asked..

‘Yuri should have known a lot of pretty model…’ Sungmin nodded, not a bad idea.

‘No…’ Kyuhyun smirked secretively.

‘Why?’ Ryeowoook ask.

‘Why go and crack our brain and search for the candidate our self?’ Kyuhyun asked, tapping his phone leisurely.

‘Then???’ Yesung rolled his eyes, he thinks his patience is running low.

‘Someone else will have to do the candidate short listing…’ Kyuhyun smirk.

‘WHAT???!!! SHOOT!!!’ the rest groaned irritably, they hate guessing game.

‘Aish… don’t shout….’ Kyuhyun poke at his ear, frowning.

‘U BETTER OUT WITH IT!!!” Sungmin hisses at him, threatens to strangle the forever evil maknae.

‘Never did it crossed your mind that we can………???’’ Kyuhyun asked in whisper, prying away Sungming’s bunny paw.

‘HUH??? U sure????’ the rest chorused, looking at each other.

‘Umn…’ Kyuhyun nodded, laying back and lean toward the sofa comfortably.

‘U mean… like what hyung done previously?’ Sungmin rubbed his chin in glee.

‘Yeap… isn’t that a good idea?’ Kyuhyun asked. He knew he is a genius~

‘Yes… but that guy… so shy in front of girl… can he survive?’ Yesung wonder. He think Eunhyuk will probably blush from morning till night upon seeing the girl. He hopes he won’t pass out as a result of overexcitement…

‘I don’t think there is any problem with Leeteuk hyung though…’ Ryeowook nodded, he knows Leeteuk is good at handling girl. It’s a wonder why he is still single right now..

‘What are u all doing so sneakily here huh?’ Heechul asked, tapping Ryeowook’s shoulder.

‘Omooo!!!’ Ryeowook almost jumped out of his skin and patted his chest, trying to calm himself down.

‘Hmn…. Must be up to no good…’ Heechul narrowed his eyes, looking at the eternal maknae and the evil maknae, before he turned to Yesung and Sungmin. ‘Shoot…’ demanding for an answer from them.

‘Well…. Its like this…’ Sungmin leaned toward Heechul and whisper in his ears. The smile on the pretty man’s face is getting broader and broader every minutes. He nodded in agreement and he LOVED the idea…. Any plan is good when the victim is not him… LOL~

‘DEAL!!!!!!!! When are we going to talk to manager hyung??’ Heechul asked…





‘Eish…. So boring….’ Eunhyuk picked out his phone and look in his media file. Nothing interesting inside… he doesn’t even feel like gaming now…

‘How long do I have to keep on waiting??? Ahhh…choo…’ Eunhyuk muttered to himself. Although he is a celebrity, he doesn’t receive any special treatment when he wanted to see doctor….

‘I am sorry…’ Eunhyuk apologize to the girl beside him, when he accidently knocked into her.

‘Its okay…’ the girl replied, trying to help him to pick up his phone which is dropped when he let out the enormous sneeze.

‘Thanks, I will do it….myself..’ Eunhyuk stunned when he saw the girl giving him a dirty look when she handed him his phone.

‘………….’ The girl withdrew her hand away from him almost immediately after handing him his phone and looked at Eunhyuk with a caution look, moving away slightly from him.

‘Is there something wrong?’ Eunhyuk frowned, looking at her.

‘……………’ the girl narrowed her eyes at him and turned her head away, ignoring him. 

Eunhyuk frowned, he been thinking how can a person be as moody as this? He decided to ignore her, regaining his attention to his phone. His eyes widen at the sight of his phone current application…. It’s a….. R-rated movie, pausing at the ‘most exciting’ part of the show, with both the female and male lead covered with sweat despite of the cooling birthday suit they are wearing right now….Due to the ‘strenuous exercise’ they are doing….  Now he can understand the dirty look…. Aish……he wish he can bury himself in the ground right now…

Both of then sits in silent till the girl walked away moment later. Eunhyk heaved a sigh of relieve, this is when he suddenly realized there’s a tiny bag left on the seat where the girl sit previously.

‘Agasshhi~ ur…..thing…’ Eunhyuk picked up the paper bag and tried to catch up with her. However he didn’t expect her to turn so swiftly and he bumped straight into her, chest to chest.

‘YAahh!!! U!!!!! sickening!!!!!’ The girl pushed Eunhyuk away immediately and blushed, covering herself with her hands.

‘Hey.. I didn’t do it on purpose… who know u will turn…’

‘Save the explanation…. ert!!!’ she screamed at him.

‘Me??? ert??? I….’ Eunhyuk pointing to himself. He took a deep breath trying to keep his volume down, he doesn’t want to attract unwanted attention…’Look…’ Eunhyuk stepped forward, trying to explain to her.

‘Get away from me!!!’ She swung her hand and brushed off the mask on Eunhyuk’s face accidently, shocked with whom she had seen.

‘Aish..’ Eunhyuk picked up the mask immediately and put it back. Die… he hoped he is not being recognized…

‘Fancy a celebrity putting up such a bad example…Now, give me back my things and get away from me…’

‘U!!! hey.. I told u I…’

‘Give me back!!! Tsst~~’ the girl snatched back her belonging and stomped her way out.

‘Aish!!!! I am… certainly down my luck!!!!!’ Eunhyuk scratched his head irritably. ‘Ah…choo!!!!’ he wonder… will his fever get even more serious after this?





‘Aish!!!! Sickening!!! Sickening!!! Super Junior??? So what ??? Cheeee…. I think they are just bunch of ert~’ Lizzy threw her bag on her bed, fuming.

‘What? What about Super Junior??’ Ga Eul asked, peering at her room mate.

‘I met a ert!!!’ Lizzy shouted, grasping at her hair.

‘HUH?? Who?’ Ga Eul asked, sitting down beside Lizzy. Who would dare to provoke this girl?

‘Your beloved Super Junior oppa…’ Lizzy rolled her eyes at the E.L.F in front of her.

‘WHATTTTT!!! U MET MY OPPA!!!??? Which 1 which 1???? Ok my god… Handsome? Where to u meet him? My… under what situation??? Aish… SPEAK!!!’ Ga Eul pulled at Lizzy hand, excitedly. She smacked her hard when she found that Lizzy is staring at her with a disbelieving look…

‘The most ugly 1…’ Lizzy shrugged, rolling her eyes at the thought of Eunhyuk’s ‘interesting’ phone.

‘HEY!!! Nobody is ugly in Super Junior…’ Ga Eul frowned, not liking the way Lizzy describe her idol.

‘That Lee something something… Aish!!! I don’t know… they have too many members..’ Lizzy scratched her head, she remembered Ga Eul ever ‘introduce’ Super Junior to her but she never really paid attention to them.

‘Who!!!??? There are 3 Lee in SUJU… and they are all as hot as they can be!!! Is it Sungmin?’ Ga Eul asked, flashing Sungmin’s picture to her.

‘No… not as cute as this….’ Lizzy shook her head.

‘Is it Donghae?’

‘No…. definitely not as good looking as this..’

‘Ahhh…. Hyukjae?’ Ga Eul asked, flashing one of Eunhyuk’s photo with his signature gummy smile.

‘Yuck… u mean this is not ugly to u??’ Lizzy asked.

‘NO!!! He is far from ugly ok?’

‘………’ Lizzy merely shrugged, taking off her jacket and walked toward her wardrobe.

‘So, its Hyukjae?? Woowoooooo~~~~ how do u meet him? I am going to wait for him there tomorrow!!!!’ Ga Eul yelled, jumping up and down.

‘SHUT UP!!!!’ Lizzy threw her jacket at her crazy room mate and rolled her eyes.

‘How u meet him??? Where and… Oh… does he look the same??’ Ga Eul asked, Lizzy swear she could see the spark in her eyes at the mention of that Eunhyuk’s name.

‘Not a pleasant experience I can tell u…’ Lizzy frowned, remind of how they met.

‘Tell me…please…’ Ga Eul rubbed her palms together and look at Lizzy with her puppy eyes.

‘Aish…. U….if only u spent equal effort in your study…’ Lizzy started to tell her about how they met including what she saw on Eunhyuk’s phone. To her surprise, Ga Eul is not disgusted by it at all!

‘Oh~ that’s Eunhyuk all right… he will… download those… hmn… and watch it by himself.’ Ga Eul strated to laughed uncontrollably at the disgusted look on Lizzy’s face.

‘Ewhhhh…. Don’t u think its…. ert?’ Lizzy asked, rolling her eyes. She can’t understand what so funny about that…

‘Well… which guy doesn’t watch this kind of things anyway? Girls watch it too!! Just that… well not so openly!!!’

‘Hmn…. I can’t accept it…’ Lizzy do have to agree it’s quite normal for guy to watch these but downloading on the phone is a little but too much…

‘Well… I wish I am u…. how good it is if I am able to meet any of the SUJU oppa…..’

‘Cheh…. Go and sleep, meet them in dream…’ Lizzy suggested.

‘Aigh…. If I am u I sure will ask for their autograph… I wish I am u, Park Lizzy!!!!’ Ga Eul laid on her bed, hugging her pillow to her, with her usual dreamy look at the mention of her SUJU…

‘Cheh~ if I can get some money out from meeting them then I don’t mind…’ Lizzy walked away, preparing herself for her part time job…




‘What? Interview at SM Enterprise? What job?’

‘Don’t know…. never stated clearly… but good money they offer… but only open to girls… what a pity…’ SaengJoo sighed.

‘Erm… could it be a prank?’

‘Cant be… SM is such a big company… and the interview is going to be conducted in the SM Building itself… how can it be a prank?’

‘Where do u get this information from?’Lizzy asked, its better to be a bit more caution about these sound too good to be true news….

‘From a close friend who is working part time there.. Are u interested? I can get him to recommend… they only accept recommendation from people they know…’

‘Hmn…. Lizzy looked at SaengJoo thoughtfully, She and Saengjoo are childhood friend who practically grew up together… They had one thing in common, that is the passion of earning money~ they always been keeping a lookout for places where offer highest salary for part timer and keep each other informed.

‘Maybe u can get me in if there’s good paying job.’ SaengJoo smiled at her.

‘I knew it…. There must be motive behind ur so called ‘good recommendation..’’ Lizzy smirked.

‘Hahahaha!!! At least I keep u informed right?’ Saengjoo winked at her playfully

‘But… will it be dangerous???’ Lizzy doubted.

‘Eighh…. Who can harm u?’ SaengJoo rolled his eyes, u are doomed if u think u can bully Park Lizzy who seem petite and weak…She is well equipped with all sort of martial art and can easily smash a guy who is twice of her size to pulp.  

‘Are u looking for death? Shin Saengjoo???’ Lizzy asked, rolling her sleeves….

‘Please pardon me ur majesty and spare my poor bone…’ Saengjoo commented cheekily, earning himself a slap on the arm from Lizzy.

‘Shut up then if u still wishes to be alive…’ Lizzy warned, shaking her head in amusement.

‘By the way, no harm trying… u can always reject if it doesn’t sound appealing to u….’ Saengjoo suggested.

‘Hmn… True….Ok~ I shall try!!! SM!!! Here I come!!!’ Lizzy smiled, no harm trying to go for that intervies and see what is going on… maybe by luck she can earn extra income??? 

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this story has everything; drama, funny scenes, quarrels, and sweet moments... i totally 100% enjoyed reading this ff the whole day. and i can't stop back-reading everything written here... kekeke :)
Awesome ending!! Yuri is really evilkyu's gf huh?? Aigoo.. So evil.. Cant wait for the next story!! I'll go there now! Yeah,i know right? Maybe she just dont have good friends like that eh?
HyukZy .. I LIKE!! XD <br />
congrats for finishing this story! <br />
yey you're doing Yesung's story now :D :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #5
Gosh! yes, this chapter is nice ^^ finally, they are finally together. I am so happy now (: next story time :D
tesshira #6
it's finally ends!!<br />
off to yesung's story^^
ldhkhcJDH #7
Kyaaa~<br />
Finally its finish :)<br />
You live us hanging yesterday :)))<br />
BTW all of your fanfic are daebak and haerin and teukjin are of my favorite story :) I evem put ur account in my bookmark so I can check u anytime :)
FlyAwayDreamer #8
WOOO, I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Eunhyuk and Lizzy will forever be the arguing couple then become cheesy. So sweet, but Eunhyuk did get his well deserved punishment.