Chapter 22

When Miser meet Miser


‘Liz….’ Eunhyuk turned over and looked at Lizzy.

‘I understand how u feel, but u are definitely not in the state to drive now…tomorrow huh? I will go with u…’ Lizzy said, patting at his cheek.

‘But…. U have class…’

‘Its ok…. Nothing is more important than u… I would be worried if u go alone like that….’

‘Thanks….’ Eunhyuk pull her into his embrace, hugging her tightly.

‘Now… lets sleep ok?’ Lizzy push him to his room and Eunhyuk sat down to his bed obediently. Looking at Lizzy who is busily laying the bed now.

‘Now sleep…’ Lizzy push him down and cover him well with blanket, lying down beside him.

‘Liz?’ Eunhyuk asked in surprise.

‘In case u try to run away….’ Lizzy said, looking at him.

‘…………..’ Eunhyuk gave her a smile and reach for her hand.

‘Yes?’ Lizzy asked, squeezing his hand.

‘Gomawo…’ Eunhyuk gave her hand a kiss.

‘A….ni….’ Lizzy blushed, hiding her face in the blanket.

‘Good night….’ Eunhyuk closed his eyes, holding her hand.




‘Hyuk, do u want to try your luck to call him again?’ Lizzy asked, looking at Eunhyuk who is anxiously getting ready to set off to Mokpo.

‘Ok….’ Eunhyuk pick out his phone and bit his lip. He hopes his Fishy will pick up his call…. However his phone rang before he had the time to dialled Hae’s number. Eunhyuk casted a questioning looks to Lizzy when he saw Sungmin’s name appear on the caller scene.

‘Sungmin oppa? Could it be they found Hae oppa?’ Lizzy asked, sorting out the possibility.

‘Yeh, Minnie?’ Eunhyuk shrugged his shoulder, he will only get the answer if he answer it right? ‘WHAT!!!!???’ Eunhyuk slapped on his forehead, slumping back to his bed… He sat down and listen attentively to Sungmin, nodding to himself.

‘…………..’ Lizzy bit her lip as she observes Eunhyuk silently. She hopes it’s nothing bad….Or should she say its nothing TOO BAD….

‘All right…. I will try to call Hae again….See u…’ Eunhyuk ended the conversation and stare at his phone, without a word.

‘Hyuk…..’ Lizzy doesn’t know what happen, but she can be quite sure it’s nothing pleasant. She sat down beside and hugged at him hard, at least he should know she will always stay beside him.

‘Siwon…. The reporter found out about Hana’s past and they are now making big issue out of it…’ Eunhyuk said, burying his face in his palms.

‘Gosh….’ Lizzy gasped, why is there so much incident happening recently? Just when she thought WonNa are now doing fine after the making up from their heart breaking break up previously.

‘I have to try to reach Hae and inform him…’ Surprisingly Eunhyuk are quite calm at the whole issue, crying can’t solve the problem… He think he has to be strong, he is sure there are lots of thing he can do other than crying.

‘I will try on Chaerin….’ Lizzy walked in and dialled Chaerin’s number. However, Eunhyuk manage to reach Donghae before that.

‘Hae… finally!!! where are u now?’ Eunhyuk asked, over the phone.

‘I am now with Chaerin…at her apartment…’

‘Hae… Siwonnie….. they…. Are in trouble too…’

‘Mwo????’ Donghae exclaimed in surprise. It’s bad enough for him to get into trouble like this… He didn’t expect Siwon to be involved as well…

‘Yes… so… what are u gonna do now??’ Eunhyuk asked, worried.

‘I… will be…back soon….We talk again shall we?’

‘Ok…Contact Leeteuk hyung and Heechul hyung 1st. They are hopping mad…’

‘Thanks, Hyukjae…’ Donghae ended the conversation and Eunhyuk heaved out a heavy sigh after that.

‘Don’t worry…. Everything will be all right….’ Lizzy wrapped her arms around Eunhyuk’s waist and looked up to his worried face.

‘I know… I need to go out… u stay at home all right?’ Eunhyuk place his hand on her shoulder, pushing Lizzy gently away from him and looked at her, giving her a small smile.

‘U… need me to go with u?’ Lizzy asked, holding it.

‘No… I will be having meeting the whole day I think…I will be fine don’t worry.’ Eunhyuk caress her cheek softly and gave her hand a tight squeeze before he peck on it gently. Lizzy gave him a nod, blushing at his action.

‘Come back early….’ Lizzy gave him another hug, resting her head on his chest.

‘Yes, I will….’ Eunhyuk smile, since when does this lion become so tame? He never know she can be that worried of him…




The boys are now clustering together after their practise…. The girls are too clustering around, talking among themselves.

‘So, what are u going to do with that lion wife of u?’ Sungmin asked, peering over to Lizzy who is now running toward them.

‘As usual…’Eunhyuk scratched his head awkwardly.

‘Hyuk!!!’ Lizzy pounced to him, giving him a brief hug and waved at Sungmin who is smirking at them now. These two are behaving totally like a husband and wife now. And seem to be doing more skinship than usual…

‘As…. Usual??’ Sungmin asked.

‘Hahahahahha~’ Eunhyuk laughed… he had to admit they are becoming closer and closer…

‘What is that hahahaha mean?’ Sungmin asked. He does look silly with his awkward smile.

‘Minnie…. Em…. I….’ Eunhyuk scratched his head, not knowing how he should put his word.

‘What?’ The bunny asked, tapping busily on his phone with his bunny girl.

‘I…. u… erm… should I declare to her?’ Eunhyuk asked, looking down.

‘Huh??? U? asking me?’ Sungmin laughed, he is the one who should know better right..

‘I… don’t know how to… and what if I failed? How am I supposed to face her for the rest of the shooting?’ Eunhyuk asked worriedly.

‘Well….I am quite sure u will succeed… so, now the question is how to….’Sungmin laughed.

‘Really?’ Eunhyuk asked, looking toward Lizzy who is busily discussing about the menu of the day with Nari and decide on what they should buy.

‘Of course…’Sungmin nodded, he can be 101% sure what Eunhyuk had to do is just to open his mouth….




Eunhyuk laid on his bed, thinking hard. How he should declare to Lizzy? He can’t think of any good idea at all… It’s no use asking his buddy… they just gave him all sort of rubbish suggestion and none of them are constructive…

‘Oh~ just get her pregnant and she will stick to u, u don’t even have to do anything.’ Heechul smirked.

‘Like me and Heenim….’ Leeteuk rubbed in, laughing hard after that.

‘Yeah… precisely, u stay with her… sure it will be easy to lay your hand on her…’ Shindong laughed, rubbing his palm in glee….

‘But u has to make sure the date is correct thought…’ Leeteuk add on, rubbing his chin.

‘Hyung!!!!’ Eunhyuk blushed hard at the thought of it.

‘Do u know when she….’ Shindong asked, looking at the calendar.

‘YAH!!!!! How would I know these???’ Eunhyuk is blushing like crazy right now and slapped on Shindong’s arm.

‘But I think his rib will be broken by Lizzy before he had the chance to touch her…’ Sungmin laughed at the thought of Eunhyuk being beaten half dead by Lizzy if he dare to have bad intention on her.

‘Erm… make her drunk?’ Kyuhyun suggested.

‘Good idea!!!’ some started to laugh and some even clapped at Kyuhyun’s brilliant idea.

‘YAH!!!!!!’ Eunhyuk yelled. To think they would dare to suggest that.

‘Hahahahaha!!!’ The boys laughed at Eunhyuk’s tomato red face and enjoyed seeing Eunhyuk’s face getting redder every second.

‘Well…cook for her?’ Ryeowook suggested.

‘So that Lizzy will be sick and he can take care of her?’ Donghae asked, that’s how he and his dearie Chaerin wife started.

‘But…. What of he end up killing Lizzy with his cooking skill?’ Yesung asked.

‘Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahah!!!!’ The boys roared with laughter again and Eunhyuk practically rolled his eyes at them.

‘I? give u training…..?’ Ryeowook offered, frowning at his own idea…. He is digging his own grave, but if that can help Eunhyuk he doesn’t mind so much.

‘By the time he masters that, Lizzy had already gone with another man…’ Donghae laughed. It definitely takes lots of time if Eunhyuk were to master the art of culinary in order to win Lizzy’s heart.

‘Quite true….’ Ryeowook nodded, shrugged at the thought of the Mapa beancurd Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun whipped during their Taiwan long stay…. Definitely horrible…   

‘If u ask Horsie Siwon, he will definitely ask u to pray~’ Heechul smirked.

‘Hyung~’ Siwon protested.

‘If not…What do u suggest then?’ Leeteuk asked, slapping at Siwon’s leg.

‘Just use your sincerity… And she will be moved by it…’ Siwon smiled, everyone looked at Siwon in silent.  Heechul gave a silent smirk… This is as good as not giving any suggestion at all.

‘Can u…. please…. Elaborate further how does u show the sincerity?’ Eunhyuk scratched his head… Why is it so hard?

‘I don’t know!!! U should know her better than me… what does she likes?’ Siwon asked, why is he asking him when he is the one who wanted to declare?

‘Money~’ Eunhyuk answered without much thinking.

‘What? Hahahahahahahahha!!!’ The 10 crazy guys laughed at the fact that Lizzy loved money. It must be due to the alcohol they had just now. Now they are behaving like a bunch of high school kid discussing about girls next door.   

‘Then buy her over with money~ u had a lot isn’t?’ Leeteuk laughed. Money is not an issue to Eunhyuk, everyone know Eunhyuk is good at keeping money… he must had a fortune by now.

‘Hyung!!! What do u think she is???’ Eunhyuk yelled, slapping at Leeteuk’s arm.. How can Leeteuk said that? Lizzy is not someone that can be bought over with money~ She is his priceless precious Lion.

 ‘Ah cha~ challenge her for a game? She will have to be your girlfriend if she loses?’ Kyuhyun and his game again…

‘…………….’ Eunhyuk literally ignores him, no use talking to this game-boy.. Lucky that Yuri is a game-fanatic too… else how is she gonna put up with him?

‘Hey!!!U are the one asking for suggestion, we are just throwing out idea….Now u are giving me cold shoulder…’ Kyuhyun said ‘sadly’…..

‘If I had know u all had such ‘good’ ideas I wouldn’t asked in the 1stplace….’ Eunhyuk said, rolling his eyes. Forget about it… he better think of his own idea.

‘No matter what method u use…. Sincerity is most important….’ Siwon insisted.

‘Yes… sincerity….no one knows what is the better way to convey your sincerity and your heartfelt feeling toward her other than u….’ Leeteuk smiled.

‘Because it’s after all between u and her…’ Sungmin add on…

‘…………………..’ Eunhyuk looked at the 9 guys in front of him… Aigh… why can’t he just think of a best way to declare his love toward Lizzy?




‘Where are u?’ Eunhyuk asked Lizzy over the phone, his palm is full of sweat now. And he think his heart is gonna jump out from his mouth.

I am still on my way!!!’ Lizzy squealed. She thought their appointed time is 7pm? Its only 5.30pm, why is he so anxious?

‘Cant u be faster!’ Eunhyuk frowned, he think he is dying from all these waiting.

‘I am trying to… Aigoo… what are u trying to do in fact?’ Lizzy asked, walking fast. He been so secretive about this meeting up and refuse to reveal any information no matter how she asked.

‘Where are u now?’ Eunhyuk asked, he should had arrange someone to pick her up….

‘Now coming… on the taxi…’ Lizzy rolled her eyes, she gonna kill him if he didn’t give her a good excuse for making her spending money on taxi.

‘All right… I will wait…’ Eunhyuk ended the call and straighten himself, looking at the mirror to make sure he looked all right…

‘Aigh…. Why on earth will he wanted to meet me at Noraebang? Are they going to have another crazy night singing and jumping around?’ Lizzy muttered to herself, looking out to the window. Taking taxi doesn’t really help… the car is moving at the extremely slow pace due to heavy traffic now….. Lizzy picked out a mirror and look at her own reflection, she hopes she is looking all right…. 

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this story has everything; drama, funny scenes, quarrels, and sweet moments... i totally 100% enjoyed reading this ff the whole day. and i can't stop back-reading everything written here... kekeke :)
Awesome ending!! Yuri is really evilkyu's gf huh?? Aigoo.. So evil.. Cant wait for the next story!! I'll go there now! Yeah,i know right? Maybe she just dont have good friends like that eh?
HyukZy .. I LIKE!! XD <br />
congrats for finishing this story! <br />
yey you're doing Yesung's story now :D :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #5
Gosh! yes, this chapter is nice ^^ finally, they are finally together. I am so happy now (: next story time :D
tesshira #6
it's finally ends!!<br />
off to yesung's story^^
ldhkhcJDH #7
Kyaaa~<br />
Finally its finish :)<br />
You live us hanging yesterday :)))<br />
BTW all of your fanfic are daebak and haerin and teukjin are of my favorite story :) I evem put ur account in my bookmark so I can check u anytime :)
FlyAwayDreamer #8
WOOO, I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Eunhyuk and Lizzy will forever be the arguing couple then become cheesy. So sweet, but Eunhyuk did get his well deserved punishment.