Chapter 13

When Miser meet Miser


‘Aigoo… so… how are u and Eunhyuk now?’ Ga Eul asked.

‘We? Are fine… getting better….. why?’ Lizzy asked.

‘He seem to be very concern about u…’ Ga Eul asked, winking at her best friend.

‘Cheh~ we are living together, its natural we took notice of each other…’ Lizzy shrugged, doesn’t see any problem with that.

‘Hahaha~ don’t u feel a little bit something for him?’ Ga Eul asked, she suppose Lizzy never ever think of any possibilities of falling in love with Eunhyuk. But its not impossible right?

‘Hahaha!!! U…. just concentrate on Saengjoo and leave me alone….’ Lizzy said, packing her bag.

‘Where are u going?’ Ga Eul asked, she know she is busy with the WGM shooting thing but she is really too busy till its so hard to see her nowadays…

‘Home….’ Lizzy said.

‘Ahhh… shooting?’

‘Noo… meeting the Suju…’ Lizzy whispered.

‘OHHH!!! I HATE U !!!! I HATE U!!!! U Are seeing Su…..’

‘SHshssshhhhhh…..’ Lizzy covered Ga Eul’s mouth and frowned at her. She doesn’t want to get killed! They are inside the library now… and there are several people looking toward their way already, with their killer stare.

‘Sooorry….’ Ga Eul stuck out her tongue and looked down, embarrassed…

‘U….’ Lizzy raised up her hand and gestured to slap her, rolling her eyes.

‘Sorryy…. Lets get going….’ Ga Eul doesn’t think she is able to stay here anymore…

‘Lets go….’ The two girls went on their separate way and Lizzy turned and walked fast toward the subway station.

‘Lion~~~’ Lizzy chuckled when she heard Eunhyuk’s squealing sound over the phone.

‘Yes? Monkey? I am on my way home, don’t rush me!!!’

‘Oh? Ok? I thought u forgotten…’

‘I didn’t… coming on my way ok?’

‘Ok… take care and see u~’

Lizzy slip her phone back to her pocket and continued to walk. They are throwing a 1.5mth wedding anniversary for Eunhyuk and her today… so she had to go back and slog over the stove…. Why such a weird date? DraKyu explained that it’s to celebrate they survive half through the WGM program without killing each other. However, the leader explained this is just  because this date fit in to their packed schedule…so much for celebrating for them… Cheh~

*sigh* Lizzy shook her head… She has to throw this heavy bag of her home 1stso that she can go marketing.

‘I am back~’ Lizzy greeted habitually, surprise when she hear someone reply to her greeting.

‘Welcome back!!!’ Suan waved at her before she gets back to her constant chewing of titbits.

‘Suan? U are here?’

‘Yes, and Wook too… busybody always likes to interfere when people are having party… he likes to cook~’

‘Oh…. U don’t have to…..’Lizzy shook her head at the forever kind Ryeowook.

‘He likes to do it so let him be~’ Suan smiled

‘Yeah… I loved it….’ Ryeowook nodded, busy handling with the ingredient he brought along with him.

‘Thanks… but… how do… u both come in?’ Lizzy asked, now only she realized that.

‘Eunhyuk~ he just step out, went marketing~’

‘Marketing?’ Lizzy gave out a little smile, to think he will do that.

‘Yeap… But…. Does he know what to buy?’ Suan scratched her head. She remembered most of the boys doesn’t have much kitchen sense, other than her Ryeowook.

‘Hmn… its ok… I go and catch him up….’Lizzy picked out her phone, browning trough her phone list and press call on the name ‘stinking monkey’


‘Monkey, where are u now?’

‘Lion? I am at the store near our house… U?’

‘I am going there to meet u now…’

‘Okay~’ LIzzy ended the call and walked over to the store, looking around for the traces of Ninja in the store. There he is… Lizzy walked over and placed her hand on the cart he is wheeling, looking at the content inside.

‘What? Are u going to throw a strawberry feast?’ Lizzy asked, eyeing on the strawberry stuff inside. Fresh strawberry, strawberry cider, strawberry candy, strawberry cake… strawberry…..

‘These taste nice~’ Eunhyuk said, what’s wrong with throwing a strawberry feast? He would had loved it. Ryeowook too…Donghae too…

‘But its not filling….’ Lizzy placed back some of the unnecessary items and get her hands on getting food stuff which she think appropriate. However she did keep the fresh strawberries though, knowing how much he loved them. Ryeowook too, loved it.

‘But I want the cake…..’ Eunhyuk whined when he saw Lizzy put the cake back to the rack.

‘We shall bake our own..’ Lizzy said, getting her hand on more fresh strawberry.

‘U… sure?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘Try me…’ Lizzy smirked. Just a cake, how difficult can that be?

‘Don’t spoil our dessert mood!’ Eunhyuk chided at her, can she really do that?

‘Don’t let me see u pinching the cake later…’

‘Hahahahah! maybe I can escape from having a diarrhoea..’

‘Oh, very funny, Mr.Monkey~’

‘Thanks, Ms.Lion~’ Eunhyuk stuck out his tongue at her and walked ahead, to get some beer and soju. That bunch of alcoholic will sure be asking for it later.




‘How? Nice?’ Lizzy asked, forking a piece of cake into Eunhyuk’s mouth.

‘Yes! Very nice!! I want some more! Yah! I never know u can bake~’ Eunhyuk praised, glad that he has a capable wife.

‘Cheh~ that show how little u knows me…’ Lizzy smirked, she told him she is capable of baking a nice cake right? Lizzy turned back, cutting the cake into slices.

‘Ya…. I want some more….’ Eunhyuk propped his head on her shoulder from behind.

‘Cheh~ I am not your Fishy wife, don’t aegyo on me…’ Lizzy slapped on his forehead and rolled her eyes. Fancy him trying aegyo to her.

‘Umn….’ Eunhyuk pouted, enjoying the ‘scolding’ from her very much. Ryeowook eyed on his Eunhyuk hyung suspiciously… Is that really Eunhyuk and Lizzy?? Eunhyuk stare back at him, while Ryeowook laughed awkwardly before he looked away.

‘Lee Hyukjae…..’ Lizzy suddenly soften her voice.

‘Yes. Lizzy ssi?’ Eunhyuk asked, tapping her shoulder with his chin.

‘U seems to had forgotten that I am holding a knife now?’ Lizzy smirked, swaying the knife in front of his eyes.

‘Hahaha…..’ Eunhyuk retreated… he wouldn’t want to have marks on his pretty face…

‘Cheh~ can’t talk nicely to u…’ Lizzy smirked, continue to cut the sweet smelling cake.

 ‘Ding dong’ then door bell rang joyfully and Suan ran to it, looking at the CCTV.

‘Oh~ Minnie and Fishy with Chaerin~’ Suan smiled, she is glad Hae is bringing Chaerin instead of Hanuel….

‘We are here~’ Sungmin yelled the moment he stepped into the house, walking toward Lizzy.

‘Liz~ what are u doing?’

‘Oh~ oppa…. Try this ….’ Lizzy forked a piece of cake into his mouth and he nodded at her.

‘Oh~ nice…. U bake it?’ Sungmin asked, as the house is still brimmed with the sweet after-bake smell.

‘Yes!’ Lizzy smiled, blushing a little. She is glad he liked it.

‘Woaa~ our Lizzy is so capable… can u bake chocolate cake?’ Eunhyuk asked casually, looking at the messy tiny kitchen.

‘U liked it?’ Lizzy asked.

‘Umn…’ Sungmin nodded, walking toward Ryeowook who is holding up a piece of ppan-jeon for him to try. Lizzy looked at Sungmin who is smiling at Ryeowook cutely right now, she too smiled to herself before she turned back to her chore…

Eunhyuk bit his lip… He think… he knows what is going on…




‘Hyung~ so who gonna pay for the dinner tonight?’Eunhyuk asked,he had gotten the receipt ready to claim the expenses already.

‘Yah!!! What? How can u ask guest to pay?’ Lizzy yelled.

‘Why not? We cook for them right?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘Aigoo…. I never asked u to pay when u dine at our house!!!’ Heechul rolled his eyes and slapped on the scrooge’s arm.

‘Yeah…. Me too… Jini had to do the cooking for u all too!!!’ Leeteuk too protested.

‘Precisely….And Ryeo did part of the cooking today!!!’ Suan protested, pinching at her boyfriend’s shoulder. Poor Ryeo… he been slogging over the stove for half a day...

‘I am sorry…hahaha! He is just joking…Am I right?’ Lizzy asked, glaring at Eunhyuk with the u-better-say-yes look on her face. Her fingers pinched his thigh, preparing to give it a twist if he say no.

‘*Gulp*….’ Eunhyuk nodded.

‘Cheh~’ the rest regain their attention to the food and ignore Eunhyuk and Lizzy silent communication.

‘Yah~ I miss the day when u both are snapping at each other!’ Kyuhyun said ruefully. Although Eunhyuk and Lizzy still enjoying snapping at each other sometime, but its never as interesting as before… Eunhyuk seem to be giving in to Lizzy more nowadays so its not usual to see them bickering nowadays.

‘Why? Disappointed? I knew it, u are always expecting a ‘show’ from us right? We are not going to oblige on that…’ Lizzy said, hugging Eunhyuk’s shoulder and stuck out her tongue at Kyuhyun.

‘Yes, u are right~Liz…’ Eunhyuk smiled at Lizzy gesture of hugging his shoulder, every little actions of her seem to be able to effect his mood nowadays. Lizzy smile back sweetly at him and looked at Kyuhyun in triumph.

‘Seem like… the couple thing is looking more and more realistic….’ Yesung laughed, looking at Eunhyuk. Seem like they had made the right decision after all.

‘Yeah…. And it time to throw U and Sungmin hyung in…’ Ryeowook laughed. They are the only single person around nowadays.

‘Oh… save it… not needed…’ Sungmin smile mysteriously.

‘Why? Why? Tell us why it is not needed?’ Yuri asked, pulling at Sungmin arm. Shindong laughed, looking at Sungmin. He wonder… how is he gonna to explain that. Lizzy withdrew her hand from Eunhyuk’s shoulder and looked at Sungmin nervously, waiting for his answer. Don’t tell her… Sungmin already had a girlfriend?

‘Because… I had no time for WGM… I am busy~’ Sungmin smirked.

‘Ahh… what are u so busy with? I thought u had a girlfriend…’ Leeteuk looked at Sungmin, this little brat, full of secret nowadays. He better don’t keep his relationship from him like Siwon do….Well.. he doesn’t have time to entertain them too, Hyojin and Junho takes up most of his time nowaday.

‘…………..’ Sungmin just smiled, looking down to his phone. Lizzy heaved a sigh of relieve when she heard that Sungmin doesn’t have a girlfriend yet and walked toward Sungmin.

‘Oppa…U know how to play guitar?’ Lizzy asked, the guitar that is lying beside Sungmin now.

‘Yes… a little..’ Sungmin chuckled.

‘A…. little???’ Siwon asked, raising his eyebrow. Sungmin guitar skill certainly doesn’t look like little to him.

‘Yeah… let him show u how ‘little’ can he play…’ Shindong encouraged.

‘Can u?’ Lizzy asked.

‘Of course, my pleasure….’ Sungmin smiled, taking over the guitar from Lizzy. Sungmin played few of his favourite song and the boys sang along with the music.

Eunhyuk looked at Lizzy who is practically sticking to Sungmin all the while…He couldn’t help feeling jealous at the amount of attention Sungmin is getting from Lizzy. He wished he could handle girl as well as Sungmin do too… Practically every girl here, especially Hana and Ae Li are on good term with Sungmin… And now, his Lizzy too?

 ‘Sungmin oppa~’ Eunhyuk attention is all on Lizzy… He too, followed and wander around nearby when Lizzy walked over to Sungmin who just ended his phone call.

‘Yes. Liz?’ Sungmin asked, ruffling her short hairs.

‘Oppa…..’ Lizzy protested, with a hint of aegyoness in her tone…

‘Hehehehe~’ Sungmin chuckled, looking down to his phone and smiled to himself.

‘Oppa…. Are… u that busy?’

‘A bit…’Sungmin nodded.

‘With?’ Lizzy asked, praying hard it won’t be girl…

‘All sort…U are part of it isn’t it? Didn’t we meet quite often?’ Sungmin ask.

 ‘Yah~ are u finding me a bothersome now?’ Lizzy asked ‘angrily’, pouting.

‘Hahahaha! No…. I enjoyed it…’ Sungmin replied.

‘Really?’ Lizzy asked with a sparkle in her eyes. Eunhyuk realized that is the sparkle he saw in her eyes when she watched their comeback show…. So… Sungmin is the one she likes all along? Or she is just being friendly toward him?

‘Erm…’ Sungmin nodded. ‘Come on…’ Sungmin took Lizzy’s hand, preparing to pull her toward the rest. 

‘Oppa…. There’s something I need to be frank with u….’ Lizzy pulled Sungmin back to her, biting her lip….

‘Yes?’ Sungmin turn back, with a questioning look on his face.  

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this story has everything; drama, funny scenes, quarrels, and sweet moments... i totally 100% enjoyed reading this ff the whole day. and i can't stop back-reading everything written here... kekeke :)
Awesome ending!! Yuri is really evilkyu's gf huh?? Aigoo.. So evil.. Cant wait for the next story!! I'll go there now! Yeah,i know right? Maybe she just dont have good friends like that eh?
HyukZy .. I LIKE!! XD <br />
congrats for finishing this story! <br />
yey you're doing Yesung's story now :D :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #5
Gosh! yes, this chapter is nice ^^ finally, they are finally together. I am so happy now (: next story time :D
tesshira #6
it's finally ends!!<br />
off to yesung's story^^
ldhkhcJDH #7
Kyaaa~<br />
Finally its finish :)<br />
You live us hanging yesterday :)))<br />
BTW all of your fanfic are daebak and haerin and teukjin are of my favorite story :) I evem put ur account in my bookmark so I can check u anytime :)
FlyAwayDreamer #8
WOOO, I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Eunhyuk and Lizzy will forever be the arguing couple then become cheesy. So sweet, but Eunhyuk did get his well deserved punishment.