Chapter 19

When Miser meet Miser


Lizzy winked at him and Eunhyuk is puzzled, what does she mean by that? Lizzy rolled her eyes again and walked away, ignoring Eunhyuk.

‘Hey….’ Eunhyuk caught up with her and walked by her side. Wait…. What does she meant by her being his wife and what does that wink mean?

‘How? Do I really look like a jealous wife?’ Lizzy asked in whisper when Eunhyuk is near enough for her to do so.


‘EIGGH….the camera is still on…’ Lizzy reminded him.

‘Oh…..yeah… hahaha~’ So she is only playing along because of the WGM show… He thought she is really being jealous here…

‘Go away…’ Lizzy pushed him away and Eunhyuk played along…

‘Come on, don’t be angry… I will win u a doll…’ Eunhyuk pulled her toward the pushcart with all those dolls sitting prettily on the shelf, waiting for the customer who managed to shoot down 3 bottles out of 4 bullets provided to bring them home.

‘U sure u can do that?’ Lizzy asked.

‘Let’s try….’  Eunhyuk rubbed his hand and narrowed his eyes, aiming at one of the bottle.

‘PPang!’ the bullet hit the bottle and the bottle tumble down. Lizzy yelled and clapped her arms. Eunhyuk smirked and aim at the 2ndbottle.

‘Pppang!’ the bullet went out but it miss the bottle by cm….The bottle gave a slight shake but stood still…

‘Never mind…we still have chance…’ Lizzy encouraged.

‘Ok…. Lets try…..’ Eunhyuk aim at the bottles again and the bullet hit the bottle right on centre and tumbled down.

‘YEAH!!!!’ Eunhyuk and Lizzy high five when the bottle tumbled down and Eunhyuk is now getting ready to shoot out the final bullet…

‘U can do it!!! Hwaiting!!!’ Lizzy pumped her fist in the air, cheering for him. Eunhyuk nodded and aim at the bottle again.

‘Ppang!!!’ the bottle went down in a thud. Eunhyuk smiled, holding up the gun and gave it a blow before he winked at Lizzy.

‘YEAH!!!!’ Lizzy wrapped her arms around Eunhyuk and Eunhyuk wrapped his around her waist too. The two of them jumped up and down in joy, laughing happily.

‘Agassi, please come over and choose your gift.’ The stall tender smiled at the excited couple, both of them look ridiculously cute being so excited.

‘Thanks… I want that….Monkey!!!’ Lizzy pointed at a monkey hanging on a branch.

‘No!!! Lion!!!’ Eunhyuk pointed to a lazy lion lying down beside the tree.

‘I want monkey!!!’ Lizzy argued.

‘Lion is better!!!’ Eunhyuk argued.

‘U said it’s for me so I can choose!!!’

‘But u are LION so u must choose LION!!!!’ Eunhyuk stuck out his tongue at him.

‘Hmn… forget about it! I shoot myself…’ Lizzy rolled up her sleeves and gestured the stall tender to pass her the gun.

‘Hahahahahha!!!’ Eunhyuk laughed when Lizzy missed her 1stshoot. ‘Its not that easy, Miss.Lion… u better be happy with that Lion doll.’ Eunhyuk said as he at the Lion’s soft mane.

‘Hmn…’ Lizzy pouted and gave her 2ndshoot. She smirk when she successfully shoot down the bottle.

‘U have another 2 to go…’ Eunhyuk challenge.

‘Let’s see…’ Lizzy aimed and shoot down the bottle again. She jumped and cheered for herself, feeling a bit more confidence now.

‘Ok, last to go…’ Eunhyuk walk over and stand beside her, feeling nervous too. He narrowed his eyes too as if he is the one who will be doing the shooting.


‘Oh…..’ Lizzy wailed in disappointment when she missed the last shoot.

‘Hmn…. Never mind, u still have a Lion with u….’ Eunhyuk laughed, swinging the lion doll in front of her. Lizzy pouted, poking at the Lion doll moodily…

‘Its ok, agasshi… For you….’ The stall tender smiled at Lizzy, passing her the monkey doll she wanted.

‘Oh! Really? Thank u….’

‘On one condition…. Can I have your phone number?’ the boy winked at Lizzy playfully.

‘NO!!!!’ Eunhyuk wrapped his arms on Lizzy shoulder and glared at the boy.

‘Hahahahhaha!!! Joking….’ The boy chuckled nervously and handed the monkey doll to Eunhyuk, shaking his head. Lizzy slapped on Eunhyuk’s arms and bowed at the boy, chuckling.

‘Thanks u~’ Lizzy and Eunhyuk walked away happily with the 2 dolls they won and continued to explore the gigantic Everland.

They decided on few games and the crew gestured them to get ready to get back as it’s already quite late…




Lizzy and Eunhyuk walked on the road back to their apartment, talking and laughing.

‘Oh…. My legs are sooo tired…’ Lizzy complaint.

‘I thought u are full of energy? Drained today?’ Eunhyuk chuckled.

‘I been walking and standing the whole day… I don’t always jumped around like u guy when u dance…’ Lizzy pouted, kicking her sore leg.

‘Cheh~ exercise more in future…’ Eunhyuk walked in front leaving Lizzy behind.

‘Hyuk ah~ I have an idea….’ Lizzy squeled from behind.

‘What?’ Eunhyuk asked, without turning his back.

‘U piggyback me!!!’ Lizzy pounced and tried to jump up to Eunhyuk’s back.

‘Yah!!! No!!!!’ Eunhyuk pried away her hand and run away, laughing with Lizzy chasing him behind.

‘Yah!! I give up!!! I…I am now… even more … tired than before…’ Lizzy panted after all the running and stop to catch her breath back. Godness know how can this Monkey still stay so energetic after the whole day at Everland…..

‘Hahahaha! Take this….’ Eunhyuk stuffed his Lion toy to Lizzy’s arm.

‘Why?’ Lizzy frowned, ‘so u think I am not burdened enough?’

 ‘Take, and jump up~’ Eunhyuk stuffed the Lion in her arms and stooped down, gesturing her to get on his back.

‘Yeah!!!!’ Lizzy jumped up joyfully and draped her arms on his shoulder joyfully, with the two dolls tangling down in front of Eunhyuk’s chest.

‘Satisfied?’ Eunhyuk asked, smiling.

‘Yeah~’ Lizzy laughed, placing her face on his right shoulder and looked at his side feature. Her heartbeat started to get faster and suddenly she can’t laugh anymore at Eunhyuk’s lame joke.

‘Hey~ are u listening?’ Eunhyuk frowned when he is not getting any respond from her. He turned his face and gave Lizzy a shock. She turned away her face and blushed.

‘Yah!!! I am tired! Cant u go faster?’ Lizzy complaint, slapping his shoulder.

‘Cheh! With u as a burden, how to?’ Eunhyuk asked as he saddled her further up.

‘Admit it when your body is not strong enough~’ Lizzy said, rolling her eyes.

‘Hmn…..YAH!!!!’ Eunhyuk ran with all this might and Lizzy yelled as she bobbed up and down behind. She laughed and clasped tightly to Eunhyuk. PD Byung shook his head and smile at the couple.

‘Wow… is that part of fan service? They certainly doesn’t look like acting now….’ The assistant PD asked, looking at PD Byung.

‘Who know?’ PD Byung shrugged his shoulder.




‘Let me down…’ Lizzy struggled to come down Eunhyuk’s back when she saw him struggling to get their apartment’s door open.

‘Its ok~’ Eunhyuk opened the door and took off his shoe. He pulled off Lizzy’s shoe too and she giggled when she saw Eunhyuk struggling with her shoe lace.

 Eunhyuk carried Lizzy to her room and sat down on her bed. Lizz get off his back and lie flat on her back on the soft bed.

‘Eeeee…. U better go and bath before u roll in that clean bed….’ Eunhyuk frowned, slapping her feet.

‘Hmn… I am sooooo tired~’ Lizzy rolled on her bed and grunted.

‘Hey~ looks who’s talking? I carried a lion up a slope mind u?’ Eunhyuk rolled his eyes.

‘Hahahahha! Thanks u… I make u warm strawberry milk as u bath?’ Lizzy offered, climbing up from her comfortable position.

‘No… u go 1st… I need to check with Hae regard to tomorrow schedule.’ Eunhyuk shook his phone in front of her.

‘Ok~’ Lizzy walk toward the bathroom, humming a song joyfully. Eunhyuk looked at her back and dialled on the call that he missed just now.


‘Minnie? I am sorry, was with Lizzy just now.’ Eunhyuk apologize.

‘Its ok… I guess so too… So… How is she?’ Sungmin asked, concern.

‘Oh~ she is fine, don’t worry… She is taking it quite well.’ Eunhyuk assured Sungmin, partly truth and partly is because he doesn’t want Sungmin to feel bad about it. It’s not his fault that’s Lizzy liked him right?

‘I am glad to hear that…’ Sungmin heaved a sigh of relieve. He really doesn’t have the intention to mislead Lizzy in the 1stplace, moreover make her upset over him?

‘I have to go….Talk to u tomorrow?’ Eunhyuk glanced toward the bathroom.

‘Ok~ see u…Rest early later..’

‘Neh~ u too… Night…’ Eunhyuk put down the phone and walked toward his room, picking out some clean clothing and prepared himself for a bath.

‘Hyuk ah~’ Lizzy peered into his room and walked in when she saw Eunhyuk is inside.

‘That’s was fast~’ Eunhyuk glanced over to Lizzy who is now sitting down on his bed, wiping her wet hair.

‘Yes~ your turn… And I shall make us some simple food…. U are hungry right?’

‘Yes, a bit…’ Eunhyuk placed his hand on his rumbling tummy.

‘Go and bath then…’ Lizzy pushed him out of his room and walked toward the kitchen.




Lizzy lied down looking at the smiling monkey with long hands. She fiddled with the long hands and laughed to herself at some silly poses she did with the long hands of that monkey.

‘What are u looking at?’ She whispered to the monkey and pinched at monkey’s nose.

The monkey continued to smile cheekily at her and she hugged it close to her.

‘I am going to call u HyukHyuk~’ Do u like your new name?’ Lizzy asked, getting it away from her embrace and looked at it.

‘Silent meant consent… HyukHyuk shall be your name then….’ HyukHyuk smiled back to Lizzy and she chuckled.

‘Good night, HyukHyuk~’ Lizzy hugged HyukHyuk close and closed her eyes, falling asleep soon…. 

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this story has everything; drama, funny scenes, quarrels, and sweet moments... i totally 100% enjoyed reading this ff the whole day. and i can't stop back-reading everything written here... kekeke :)
Awesome ending!! Yuri is really evilkyu's gf huh?? Aigoo.. So evil.. Cant wait for the next story!! I'll go there now! Yeah,i know right? Maybe she just dont have good friends like that eh?
HyukZy .. I LIKE!! XD <br />
congrats for finishing this story! <br />
yey you're doing Yesung's story now :D :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #5
Gosh! yes, this chapter is nice ^^ finally, they are finally together. I am so happy now (: next story time :D
tesshira #6
it's finally ends!!<br />
off to yesung's story^^
ldhkhcJDH #7
Kyaaa~<br />
Finally its finish :)<br />
You live us hanging yesterday :)))<br />
BTW all of your fanfic are daebak and haerin and teukjin are of my favorite story :) I evem put ur account in my bookmark so I can check u anytime :)
FlyAwayDreamer #8
WOOO, I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Eunhyuk and Lizzy will forever be the arguing couple then become cheesy. So sweet, but Eunhyuk did get his well deserved punishment.