Chapter 17

When Miser meet Miser


‘Liz?’ Eunhyuk peered into the quiet apartment. ?? Why is the house completely dark? Thought Lizzy said she will be home? Eunhyuk turn on the light switch and he saw Lizzy huddled in a corner, with her chin on her propped up leg.. She narrowed her eyes, trying hard to adapt to the sudden light.

‘Lizzy???!! Why didn’t u turn on the light?’ Eunhyuk asked, feeling sorry to see her in this state.

‘I am too lazy to move…’ Lizzy continued to rest her chin on her propped up legs and stare into the blank.

‘U mean…. U been sitting here since afternoon?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘……………..’ Lizzy nodded.

‘Look, Lizzy… I know how u feel… but….’ Eunhyuk stooped in front of Lizzy, looking at her.

‘Eunhyuk, I rather not to talk about it…’ Lizzy looked up and shook her head.

‘Erm… do u want to eat anything? I will go and get it for u….’

‘No…. just sit beside me….’ Lizzy pulled Eunhyuk down and patted the pace beside her.

‘Lizzy ah…’ Eunhyuk sat down next to her, looking at her worriedly.

‘………………..’ Lizzy shook her head at him before she turned and leaned her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. She just need some time to get rid of the nasty feeling.

‘Lizzy ah… cry, if it will make u feel better…..’ Eunhyuk encourage.

‘Why should L?’Lizzy asked, with her eyes still closed.  

‘Cos…. It’s a way to let out your frustration….’

‘Eunhyuk ya.. shhh…..’ Lizzy placed her index finger on her lips, gesturing Eunhyuk not to talk anymore. She is worried she will really cry in front of him… Park Lizzy never cried in front of other….

Eunhyuk looked at her, she looked quite calm to him… At least she does look like she is taking it quite well.

And they sat like this all the while.




Lizzy looked at Eunhyuk who is now breathing softly, with his eyes closed. He must be really tired from the whole day schedule…. She move away from him and walked to his room, bringing his blanket with her to cover him up. She then walked to the window and looked out…. The night is quiet and she is feeling even more lonely right now… The nasty hollow feeling down in her heart is getting even more serious than before… Lizzy is unable to control her tears anymore…. Her silent tears turn into quiet sob and she turned and looked at Eunhyuk. Not wanting to alarm him, Lizzy dashed out of the apartment, walking aimlessly…

‘Very good….’Lizzy muttered….when it started to drizzle…. And Lizzy shook her head. ‘What a good weather, just how I feel….’

 She continued to walk, heading nowhere…

‘Lizzy??’ Eunhyuk rubbed his eyes, looking at the empty space beside him… He frowned, standing up and walk around the tiny apartment.

‘Lizzy?’ He knocked on her room’s door, opening it and peer inside when he didn’t receive any reply from her…

‘Where could that girl be?’ Eunhyuk looked at his watch, it’s already… Where could she go in the middle of the night like this? He picked out his phone and dialled her number. He turned his head when he heard the melodious Mr.Simple’s ringtone coming from his right, her phone is on the table…Meaning to say she couldn’t have gone far….

‘Aish… its raining!!! Where could she had gone?’ Eunhyuk grabbed an umbrella and walked out, extremely worried of Lizzy right now. He slapped on his forehead hard. Why is he such a sleepyhead? He should be watching over her isn’t it?

‘U are going to get from me when I caught u, Park Lizzy!!!’ Eunhyuk muttered under his breath.




Lizzy started to shiver after being in the rain for 10 minutes. She could hardly feel her toes right now as they are now frozen cold after being drenched in the cold rain water. However the warm tears from her eyes still continued to flow and she don’t think she can go back before she drained all her tears.

‘BABO!!!! What do u think u are doing huh?’ Lizzy raised her head and saw a blue umbrella on top of her head, shielding away the rain water.

‘Why are u out? Leave me alone….’ She knew perfectly who is that… but she just doesn’t want him to see her like this.

‘U are to go back with me…’ Eunhyuk pulled at her arms, trying to pull her toward their apartment,

‘………….’ Lizzy turned and hugged Eunhyuk, burying her face to his chest. Her hand clenching tightly to his shirt and she bit her lip hard to stop herself from crying out loud. Park Lizzy never cry in front of other… Even Ga Eul, her long time friend never ever see her crying…

‘………..’ Eunhyuk threw away the umbrella on his hand and embrace her, pulling her closer to him, without a word. ‘Babo… do u think u can hide the fact that u are crying by being in the rain like this?’ Eunhyuk thought inside his mind while caressing her short hair softly, blinking away the tears that is coming to his eyes as well. Seeing her in this way sure does pain him a lot…..

‘Hyuk… thanks….’ Lizzy muttered softly, but loud enough for him to hear it.

‘………….’ Eunhyuk patted on her back comfortingly and rested his chin on her head. She wrapped her arms tightly around his waist, trying to get some warmth out of him…

‘Are u ok? Cold? Shall we go back now?’ Eunhyk asked, when he feel that she is a bit more stable than previous.

‘……….’ Lizzy just nodded and let go of him unwillingly, she feel so good being in his embrace. She feel comforted….

‘Come… lets go….’ Eunhyuk picked up the umbrella and folded it up before he wrapped his arms around her shoulder. Lizzy placed her right arms to Eunhyuk’s waist and rested her head on his shoulder, trying hard to pacify her own sobbing.




‘Come on here… dry yourself…’ Eunhyuk picked up a big towel and wrapped her in it before he dashed toward the kitchen making hot tea for her.

‘What about u?’ Lizzy asked while wiping herself, looking at the drenched monkey who is getting his hand busily on the utensil in the kitchen.

‘I am strong  I will be alright~’ Eunhyuk smiled, pouring the hot boiling water into the cup.

‘Leave it…. U better go and dry yourself up too….’

 ‘No…I think u better go and bath 1st….’ Eunhyuk suddenly thought that it would be better for her to get a hot shpwer instead of standing there in the dripping wet clothes. He pushed her toward the bathroom’s direction, leaving no room for any objection.

‘All right…’I will be fast…u too, dry yourself up.’ Lizzy wiped his wet face with her towel and looked at his worried face. ‘I am fine…. Really…’ She assured him before she stepped in the bathroom.

Eunhyuk turned back to the kitchen. He think he should be warming up the milk instead of tea… she look like been going without food for whole day… Milk should be a better choice…




‘Eunhyuk ya…. U better go and take shower too….’ Lizzy stepped out, feeling fresh. However, her red puffy eyes couldn’t hide the fact that she been crying hard previously.

‘U… feel better now?’ Eunhyuk asked, swiping away the wet hairs from her face and caress her cheek softly with his cold fingers.

‘I… am fine….’ Lizzy looked up to him and looked at his gentle, worried eyes, she is really greatly moved by what he had done to her… She pulls his hand down and pull him toward the bathroom.’ U better go and shower now…I don’t want u to catch a cold….’

‘No…. I will go only after u drink that...’  Eunhyuk said, nodding toward the milk that he just warmed up.

‘U…..Aigoo… ok….’ Lizzy pick up the warm glass and took several sip, the wall of her stomach clenched as the warm liquid went down to her empty stomach… The acid is her tummy is protesting as to punish her for not feeding them the whole day… She frowned at the clenching pain and Eunhyuk looked at her worriedly.

‘Are u all right?’ Eunhyuk frowned, she certainly doesn’t look right.

‘I am fine… reminding me I had not been eating well….’ Lizzy smiled, pointing to her tummy.

‘Babo!!’ Eunhyuk poked at her head, smiling a little too.

‘Hmn… I swear this is the 1sttime I try warm strawberry milk….Do u want to have some? I can swear it doesn’t taste too bad….’ Lizzy offered, he made her a BIG mug of milk and she don’t think she can finish that alone.

‘Hhaahahahah~ I am sorry~ I only have strawberry milk inside the fridge….U have it…’ Eunhyuk pushed away the glass and shook his head.

‘I can’t finish alone… its too much…’ Lizzy pouted.

‘Okay…’ Eunhyuk stretched out his hand for the milk but Lizzy took her hand back, putting the mug on the kitchen island.

‘Lizzy?’ Eunhyuk is puzzled at her sudden action.

‘U better take this off…’ Lizzy pulled up his drenching wet shirt and caught Eunhyuk by surprise.

‘…………….’ Eunhyuk blushed when he saw Lizzy took his wet shirt in her hand before she turned and pick up a dry towel, drying him up. Starting from his face, then to his hair before she move down to his wet body. Never did he imagine he will go half with a girl like this, alone.

‘Ya! Don’t tell me u expect me to dry… your… body for u…’ Lizzy looked up and saw Eunhyuk’s blushing’s face. She too blushed when she found that her behaviour is a bit… too... daring… she stuff the towel to Eunhyuk’s hand and turned her face away, pretending to be busy with the milk on the kitchen island.

‘Sorry… thanks…’ Eunhyuk took over the towel and wiped his wet body and hair, draping the towel on his neck after that.

‘Here….’ Lizzy raise the cup to Eunhyuk’s lip, he took over the mug and gulped down a big mouthful of the milky pink liquid.

‘Thanks… U takes care of the rest…’ He placed the mug back to her hand and pushed her hand up, gesturing her to drink the remaining milk in the cup.

‘Now… go and shower….’ Lizzy pushed Eunhyuk toward the bathroom and pulled the door shut. Looking at the half cup of warm strawberry milk. Weird strawberry monkey… who will thought if warming up strawberry milk? However, the warmness of the milk does go in to her body successfully.




‘I am not sleepy yet….’ Lizzy protested.

‘Do u know what time is it now?’ Eunhyuk ignored her protestation and pulled her toward her room.

‘…………………’ Lizzy pouted… Yes, its already 3am in the morning, high time to sleep… But she doesn’t feel like sleeping yet…

‘Now….lie down and sleep ok?’ Eunhyuk cover Lizzy up and pat at her shoulder as he is trying to pacifying a baby.

‘Hey~ I am not a baby~’ Lizzy protested, chuckling.

‘Hahaha! Want try to be a baby for a day? I am good at pacifying baby….’ Eunhyuk smiled his usual gummy smile again.

‘Liar… Cherry always cries when she saw u…’ Lizzy chuckled softly.

‘Aigh… that girl… as cranky as her father…. All right… since u are not interested to listen to my lullaby I will leave u alone now… sleep, ok? Everything will be all right tomorrow…’ Eunhyuk patted on her shoulder before he stand up, ready to walk out from her room.

‘Hyuk…..’ Lizzy pulled at his hand and looked at him. She… doesn’t feel like being alone now..

‘Having regret? Which lullaby u wanted?’ Eunhyuk sat down on her bed again, looking at her.

‘………………….’ Lizzy feel like asking him to stay with her… However she doesn’t feel too good about that, maybe he is tired and wanted to rest?

‘Ok…. If lullaby doesn’t suit your taste…. I tell u stories? Erm… on how we debuted?’

‘No… I want WookSuan story…. I am always curios on how they met… I liked the interaction between them….They seems very different, yet so very compatible….’ Lizzy chuckled, no matter what the WookSuan couple do, it always look sweet to her.

‘Why do girls likes these kind of story so much? Didn’t u check with the girls?’ Eunhyuk rolled his eyes, he is not good at telling love story.

‘I did…. But Suan always disturbing….. I want the inside information…’Lizzy chuckled.

‘Well… this is a long story then…..’ 

‘Come on… u can start your story….’ Lizzy moved her body to make space for Eunhyuk and patted on her bed, gesturing him to lie down.

‘Ok….’ Eunhyuk lie down on his side and Lizzy place a pillow below his head. He started to elaborate the story and occasion sound of Lizzy and Eunhyuk chuckling and yelling can be heard from the room.   




 Eunhyuk is being awaked by a nice smell.. He rubbed his eyes, walking toward the kitchen and found Lizzy is busily handling the pot and pan on the stove.

‘Lizzy, what are u doing so early in the morning?’ Eunhyuk asked, he suppose she didn’t have much sleep yesterday…

‘Morning…. U are awake… go and wash yourself, breakfast will be ready soon…’ Lizzy smiled at Eunhyuk before she return her attention to the pot on the stove again.

‘All right…’ Eunhyuk got up and walked toward the bathroom, seem like she is doing fine… maybe he will try and talk to her later.

Eunhyuk stepped out moment later and saw Lizzy busily getting the breakfast table ready.

‘Let me help...’ Eunhyuk offered.

‘Thanks….’ Lizzy nodded. Eunhyuk helped Lizzy to carry all the dishes and cutlery to the table and he sat down, waiting for Lizzy to sit down too.

‘Wow… why are u cooking sooo much food?’ Eunhyuk asked, looking at the spread in front of him.

‘Becausee I feel like it… and I know u can really eat..’ Lizzy chuckled, sipping the hot Kimchi soup.

‘Lizzy… Umnn… are u really alright?’ Eunhyuk asked carefully after two scoop of rice.

‘I… am fine… why? Are u worried I might do anything silly?’ Lizzy laughed.

‘Nothing…’ Eunhyuk shrugged his shoulder and continue to eat. As long as she is all right.

‘Well… he does not belong to me in the 1stplace….’ Lizzy started.

‘But u….still liked him??’ Eunhyuk asked, looking at Lizzy while studying her reaction.

‘But that doesn’t mean that he has to return my feeling isn’t it?’ Lizzy asked, tilting her head and looked at Eunhyuk.

‘…………….’ Eunhyuk smiled, muttering to himself in his heart. ‘U didn’t return my feeling too, Ms.Lion….’ 

‘So… I am not gonna keep on pondering over it…’

‘Good… I am glad u will think this way…’ Eunhyuk nodded.

‘Hmn… I will be fine… no worry~ I will be fine after I vent out my frustration…’ Lizzy blushed, he is the 1stwho had seen her crying…

‘Wow…. I am surprised… many girls will drown themselves in tears for days if these happen to them, I am surprised u can take it so well…’

‘I am so used to it…. U just can’t get everything u wanted in your life isn’t it? If I were to ponder over this, I would have lots to cry….’ Lizzy shook her head. Being an orphan train her to be strong. She has to learn to take care of herself since young and compared to the hardship she gone through before, this is not such a big deal after all.

‘Lizzy…. Lets go somewhere later….’

‘Where? We had a filming to do today isn’t it?’ Lizzy asked.

‘So, please eat faster and get away before the crew arrive… Lets run away~’ Eunhyuk smirked.

‘Whhhaatt?’ Lizzy asked.

‘Quick!!!!’ Eunhyuk is now practically stuffing the food in his mouth right now and Lizzy followed suit. 


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this story has everything; drama, funny scenes, quarrels, and sweet moments... i totally 100% enjoyed reading this ff the whole day. and i can't stop back-reading everything written here... kekeke :)
Awesome ending!! Yuri is really evilkyu's gf huh?? Aigoo.. So evil.. Cant wait for the next story!! I'll go there now! Yeah,i know right? Maybe she just dont have good friends like that eh?
HyukZy .. I LIKE!! XD <br />
congrats for finishing this story! <br />
yey you're doing Yesung's story now :D :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #5
Gosh! yes, this chapter is nice ^^ finally, they are finally together. I am so happy now (: next story time :D
tesshira #6
it's finally ends!!<br />
off to yesung's story^^
ldhkhcJDH #7
Kyaaa~<br />
Finally its finish :)<br />
You live us hanging yesterday :)))<br />
BTW all of your fanfic are daebak and haerin and teukjin are of my favorite story :) I evem put ur account in my bookmark so I can check u anytime :)
FlyAwayDreamer #8
WOOO, I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Eunhyuk and Lizzy will forever be the arguing couple then become cheesy. So sweet, but Eunhyuk did get his well deserved punishment.