Chapter 26

When Miser meet Miser


Lizzy turned and hugged Eunhyuk again, sobbing softly in his arms. Surprisingly, Eunhyuk is quite strong and did not drop even a single tear.

He heaved out a heavy sigh and hugged her close to him…. Lizzy sobbed even harder when she felt his arm around her. She snuggled closer to him… if she can, she would prefer not to leave him at all.

‘YunSuk dear.. we should go in… come on….’ Mrs.Park patted at her daughter’s back softly. Lizzy shook her head, still buried in Eunhyuk’s chest.

‘Hush now…. Don’t cry,… I will visit u if I can ok?’ Eunhyuk patted on her back, comforting her. Lizzy shook her head, crying…

‘Listen to me, Lizzy…..’ Eunhyuk pushed Lizzy away from him gently and looked at her, thumbing away the tears from her cheek.

‘……………….’ Lizzy looked at him with her tear streaked face.

‘U be good all right? U are always welcome to come back for a visit…I promise, we shall talk everyday on the internet or phone ok?’ Eunhyuk coaxed…

‘…………..’ Lizzy shook her head, two stream of tears flow down from her eyes again.

‘Liz… be good.. see how worried ur parent are… u wouldn’t want to sadden them right?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘…………’ Lizzy sniffed and looked at Eunhyuk’s gentle eyes.

‘Erm?’ Eunhyuk asked, patting her shoulder gently.

‘……………’ Lizzy nodded at him slowly and wiped her tears away. She walked toward her parent slowly, turning back every now and then to look at Eunhyuk. She waved frantically to him before she went in to checkpoint.

Eunhyuk swallowed the lump on his throat and waved to her, trying his hardest to smile at her………




*The Final part of WGM*

Both Eunhyuk and Lizzy are sitting down comfortably, facing the camera.

‘An nyeong ha se yo~’ Eunhyuk greeted, waving his hand at camera.

‘An nyeong ha se yo~’ Lizzy too greeted, bowing slowly.

‘Thanks for all the viewers’ support all these while…’ Eunhyuk smiled, bowing slightly. Lizzy too bowed slightly.

‘However everything will come to an end… And we are now… coming to the end of this program…’ Lizzy continued.

‘Erm… yeah….’ Eunhyuk nodded, rubbing his nose. He wishes he wouldn’t cry now….

‘Yes… ended as sudden as how it started…’ Lizzy smiled, looking toward Eunhyuk.

‘I thought it’s a relieve to u?’ Eunhyuk joked.

‘I thought u are the one who is feeling relieve?’ Lizzy chuckled softly.

‘Indeed… when we 1ststarted, we couldn’t get along well isn’t it?’ Eunhyuk laughed.

 ‘Yes…. Because of some misunderstanding…..’

A subscreen appeared at the right bottom corner on the screen, showing some random cuts where the two of them screaming at each other off the screen. Both Lizzy and Eunhyuk laughed in embarrassment when they saw those cuts.

‘But being to be able to live with you under the same roof…. Allow me to have better understanding of u…..’ Lizzy continued.

‘See how fierce u are to me when we 1stmeet…’ Eunhyuk pouted.

‘U are equally bad….’ Lizzy snapped, still laughing uncontrollably.

‘U are always the one who started it!!!’ Eunhyuk said, still pouting.

‘Hahahahha!!! Like I say, I don’t understand u well enough…’

‘So…. What do u think of me now?’ Eunhyuk asked, looking over to Lizzy.

‘Erm…. U are… great… kind, gentle, thoughtful, sensitive….’

‘Wow….. are u the Lizzy I knew? I never expected u will say that of me… Eunhyuk laughed, embarrassed of all the good words she put in….

‘Really… especially when I saw how troubled u are when the rest of your buddies went through the crisis…. How u cry with them… How u laughed when your buddies are happy..’ Lizzy smiled, this is from the bottom of heart.

The subscreen are now showing the 1stmeeting session Lizzy had with SUJU, where he and the boys totally went wild teasing, laughing, talking, shouting…. The screen is now suddenly showing some of the off-screen cuts where Eunhyuk are, obviously crying and Lizzy comforting him..

Both Eunhyuk and Lizzy are surprised when they saw it and looked at each other. PD Byung mouthed the words CCTV and a small row of subtitle appear on the bottom part of the screen saying ‘Thought we told u there are CCTV all around the house??!!!’

‘Cha~ we forgotten there are CCTV around!!!’ Eunhyuk exclaimed, slapping in his forehead.

‘We… didn’t do anything bad, why are u worried?’ Lizzy asked, chuckling. Yes, there are some hugging going around when they are alone.. But she is pretty sure they won’t be showing that. They have to protect Eunhyuk’s image.

‘Yeah….’ Eunhyuk nodded, guiltily… He hopes there won’t be any surprises….

‘Thanks for all the helps….’ Lizzy smiled at Eunhyuk, when the screen are showing the part where he helped at the ice cream store, how he danced to attract the crowd and get all the ice cream sold in short time. She placed her hand on her pocket where her phone is, remind of the surprise birthday party after that particular day of shooting….

‘And thanks for being with me when I am feeling down…’

The screen is now showing parts where Lizzy cried (because of Sungmin), Eunhyuk sat beside her, allowing her to lean on to his shoulder…

‘And taking care of me…..’ Lizzy continued, with the screen showing Eunhyuk cover her well when she is asleep, carried her to her room when she fallen asleep in the living room, wiping her dry after she is being drenched by rain…..

Tears started to well in both Lizzy’s and Eunhyuk’s and Eunhyuk took Lizzy’s hand in his, squeezing it…

‘G….go…ma..wo….’ Lizzy stuttered, trying hard to stop her tears.

‘………….’ Eunhyuk shook his head, pulling Lizzy into his embrace.

‘CUT! Both of u rest a while….’ PD Byung shook his head, some of the crew are now extremely disturbed at the sad atmosphere the two created just now. He himself too doesn’t feel too good… he had the feeling like he is breaking apart a lover here.

‘Silly monkey… aren’t u glad u gotten rid of me?’ Lizzy asked, wiping away his tears.

‘Silly Lion… I thought u are happy to get away from me?’ Eunhyuk asked, wiping away her tears too…

‘Not at all…’ They both chorused, smiling at each other after that.

‘Are u ready to start again?’ Eunhyuk asked, swallowing the great big lump on his throat.

‘Yes…’ Lizzy whispered.

The camera started to roll again when everyone is feeling better…

‘So…. Its really a great experience living to together with u….’Lizzy nodded.

‘Yeah… great experience…. Although we both doesn’t welcome this idea initially…’ Eunhyuk smiled.

‘Umn… precisely….And I am really greatly grateful of this program. If not for this program, I won’t be able to find back my parent…’

‘Yes… That’s really a great thing…’ Eunhyuk gave out another faint smile… He is feeling happy for her as she manage to find back the family that she always yearn, but he is feeling down because this is taking her away from him too.

The screen are now showing some randoms NG cuts from the couple, most of them are funny, as to lighten up the atmosphere…

*end of WGM*




‘Liz…. Had u watched the final part of our WGM??’ Eunhyuk asked, at Lizzy who is looking listless right now… This is the 3rd  time they talk face to face via computer this day, and this is the only the 1stday Lizzy arrive in Canada.

‘Yes….just…….’ Lizzy nodded, giving out a faint smile… It doesn’t do her good watching it… She is missing him more after that…

 ‘I think we both really did well isn’t it?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘Yeah….’ Lizzy answered moodily, staring straight at Eunhyuk.

‘Liz… its ok… u just need time to adapt to it…..HWAITING!!!’ Eunhyuk smiled at the computer screen, pumping his fist.

‘Hyuk! I cant !!! I miss  u! I miss the girls!!! I miss all the oppa!! I miss the Korea like crazy although this is only the 1stday I am here!!! Do u understand?’ Lizzy broke into tears upon saying this and bury her head to HyukHyuk which never left her embrace since she keep herself locked in her room.

‘Liz……’ Eunhyuk bit his lip, looking at her….He started to hum SJM ‘Xing Fu Wei Tian’ (Love is sweet) to her

‘What are u mumbling? I can’t… understand…’ Lizzy looked up, is he singing in Chinese? Eunhyuk continued to sing, smiling gently at her. Lizzy rested her head on her propped up leg… Although she couldn’t understand, but the song sound soothing… and romantic to her…..

‘So…. Are u feeling better now?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘……………’ Lizzy nodded, she is feeling a bit light headed now…. She never know his smile is can be so  charming…

‘That’s great… Aren’t u tired? From the long flight?’  Eunhyuk asked.

‘I….cant sleep….And Hyuk, what song is that and what does it mean?’ Lizzy asked.

‘This is SJM Chinese song… As for the meaning… Just …. love song meaning….’ Eunhyuk smile, and that’s exactly how I felt for u…. But I can’t tell u that right? Eunhyuk mumble in his heart.

‘I will check with Ryeowook oppa or DraKyu~ their Chinese is good…’

‘Why don’t u check with the authentic Chinese instead?’

‘Ah cha~ Ae Li eonni and Suan!!!! Chaerin’s Chinese is good too….’

‘No… Not Chaerin please…’Eunhyuk frowned. His fishy will kill him for stealing his song for his Chaerin wifey…

‘Yeap… she is still inside hospital right now…’ Lizzy nodded.

‘That will be homework for u? Finding out the meaning?’ Eunhyuk bit his lip. Will she guess the meaning behind why he sings to her after knowing the meaning? Lizzy nodded.

‘What had u all done recently?’ Lizzy asked.

‘Miss, it only been less than 1 day since u are there… what is there to update? Please do not talk like u been there for years...’ Eunhyuk chuckled.

‘I don’t know…. All my brain is about u… all. and how u…all been doing…’ Lizzy hopes she had the courage to tell him she cared for him more than anything in the world… but she dare not to…. She clutched to HyukHyuk tightly….

‘Liz… get some sleep….’

‘U doesn’t want to talk to me anymore?’ Lizzy asked, sitting up straight and clutched at the computer screen tightly as if its Eunhyuk.

‘No…. u look tired…’

‘U doesn’t look any better yourself….’Lizzy touched the screen softly.

Eunhyuk looked at Lizzy… is it right for him to encourage her to go to Canada? Will she be happier if she stay put at Korea?

Lizzy too looked at Eunhyuk… Should she just abandon her pride away and tell him frankly that she likes him and wanted to be with him?

‘……………………’ The both of them looked at each other in silent again…. Both in the mind of their own…. 

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this story has everything; drama, funny scenes, quarrels, and sweet moments... i totally 100% enjoyed reading this ff the whole day. and i can't stop back-reading everything written here... kekeke :)
Awesome ending!! Yuri is really evilkyu's gf huh?? Aigoo.. So evil.. Cant wait for the next story!! I'll go there now! Yeah,i know right? Maybe she just dont have good friends like that eh?
HyukZy .. I LIKE!! XD <br />
congrats for finishing this story! <br />
yey you're doing Yesung's story now :D :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #5
Gosh! yes, this chapter is nice ^^ finally, they are finally together. I am so happy now (: next story time :D
tesshira #6
it's finally ends!!<br />
off to yesung's story^^
ldhkhcJDH #7
Kyaaa~<br />
Finally its finish :)<br />
You live us hanging yesterday :)))<br />
BTW all of your fanfic are daebak and haerin and teukjin are of my favorite story :) I evem put ur account in my bookmark so I can check u anytime :)
FlyAwayDreamer #8
WOOO, I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Eunhyuk and Lizzy will forever be the arguing couple then become cheesy. So sweet, but Eunhyuk did get his well deserved punishment.