Chapter 2

When Miser meet Miser


‘What?? Appearing on TV show?’ Lizzy exclaimed in surprise.

‘Yes~ anything wrong with that?’ the producer asked.

‘But I am not a celebrity, why would anyone be interested watching my so called daily life.?’ Lizzy enquiry, having doubt on this so called project.

‘Well… everything come with a condition of course….’ The producer smile.

‘w…hat??’ Lizzy asked.

‘Well…. Come on, we will explain in detail to u, girl…..’ the kind producer leaned forward, started to feed Lizzy with all sort of information.




‘What??? U are rejecting?’ Saengjoo asked, disbelievingly.

‘Yes… its such a weird idea~ I am not accepting that!’Lizzy shrugged her shoulder, she can’t understand why he is so agitated at the sound of her rejecting the offer.

‘Hmn… not at all… after all it’s just a show… All u have to do is just has to follow their instruction isn’t it?’ Saengjoo asked.

‘But…. I don’t like it when every of my actions are being watched…. And every of my moves are made to known…’ Lizzy pouted.

‘Aish~ u thought they are that free to shoot at u 24 hours a day? Don’t u know it cost money too???? Of course there will be a limit and schedule for everything!!!’ Saengjoo rolled his eyes.

 ‘Well….’ Lizzy hesitated, she didn’t think of that though….

‘And imagine, u can still work, study, play as usual and get paid for it!!! They even provide u with a better accommodation and some chance to travel around!!! All u have to do is just to make some adjustment…Oh my god… u are crazy to reject it!!!’ Saengjoo yelped.

‘U… are so… noisy….’ Lizzy started to hesitate… Is she really wrong to reject the offer?

‘U better don’t regret your decision…’ Saengjoo stand up and walked away, leaving Lizzy troubled by herself alone.

‘……………………’ Lizzy bit her lip… Well… maybe she should reconsider the whole thing after all?




‘Huh??? Me? What program is that?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘Well… just some sort of entertainment shows… haha!!! No worry, Sungmin, Kyuhyun and the rest will be joining in some part…but u are the main lead…’ the Suju manager answered, smiling to himself.

‘Okay… so I will pack the things with them…’ Eunhyuk nodded.

Oh, no… they are not moving out…’

‘Huh???? But why? Why am I the only one who has to move away from dorm?’ Eunhyuk asked, can’t really figure out what is going on.

‘Cos it will be more convenient for u to do the filming… its near to SM building anyway…’

‘But I will feel lonely living alone….’ Eunhyuk pouted. Although he hated to see those couple being lovey dovey in fornt of him… but he still liked it when they are together…

‘Oh, no worry, u won’t be living alone….’ Their manager Kim said, smiling mysteriously.

‘Then?’ Eunhyuk asked, why is everything so secretive this time round?

‘Oh, u will find out then... don’t worry, u will enjoy it I think…’

‘……………’ Eunhyuk looked at his manager, trying to study his expression. He couldn’t make out what is that… and he had a not so good feeling….




Lizzy pulled at her shirt nervously… Sigh… she can’t believe it, she still accepted the job offer after all, for the sake of money… and this is the 1stday of the filming. She still doesn’t know who her partner is and what will they be doing….

‘Lizzy ssi???’

‘NEH??’ Lizzy jumped up almost immediately and stand up straight looking at the amused producer.

‘Don’t be so nervous, relax….’ Producer Byung smiled and shook his head, amused by the way she sprung up upon hearing her name being called.

‘Well… I… am still not sure whether I can… fit in to the job…’ Lizzy scratched her head, having a camera following u around definitely doesn’t sound fun to her… But the money that they offer…. She simply can’tresist….

‘Your partner will be here shortly… U… needsto mentally prepare yourself for that?’

‘Umn… ok… thanks for informing.. and… I still don’t know whether my partner for these 120 days is a he or a she???’ Lizzy asked, to her most probably it’s a she, since they are staying together.

‘Hahahahha!!! u will know soon enough… and I am pretty sure it will be a surprise for u….’

‘Surprise??’ Lizzy frowned, she hope the surprise will be a pleasant one…




‘Oh~ what program is that? Anyone of u know?’ Eunhyuk asked, looking toward Sungmin and Kyuhyun who certainly looked like they are anticipating for something.

‘Ergh…. The producer haven’t brief us on that either..’ Kyuhyun answered ‘truthfully’. Well, it’s a fact anyway, they only ‘planned’ the show… But never did really actually took part in the progress…

‘But u both does seem to know something…’ Eunhyuk eyed suspiciously on the two guyswho gave him the ‘think-whatever u liked’ look.

‘Why are u so restless?’ Kyuhyun asked in a smirk.

‘I don’t want to attend any ‘surprise program’ again!! Remember what happened at last time? With Heechul hyung?’ Eunhyuk rolled his eyes, remind of how they set him and Heechul up for the Intimate Note last time.

‘Hhahahahahahahahhah!!!!’ Sungmin couldn’t hold his laughter anymore and laughed out loud at the thought of Eunhyuk and Heechul’s surprise face during Intimate Note….He think… his face will be even more funny later on when they disclose the long kept secret…

‘Are u in bad term with anyone recently?’ Kyuhyun asked.

‘Not…. that I know of…’ Eunhyuk pouted, sitting down again… somehow, he just doesn’t feel right… he had the feeling of being set up AGAIN byhis gang… But he just couldn’t figure out what is that…

‘Boys…. Are u all ready?’ Producer Byung come in, winking at Kyuhyun in sly before he turned to Eunhyuk.

‘Yes~’ the boys answered in chorus. Sungmin and Kyuhyun jumped up from their seat joyfully, can’t wait to meet her…

‘Come on… lets meet the person who u will worked closely with for these 3 months..’

‘Yeah~~~~’ Kyuhyun and Sungmin cheered, dashing out after producer Byung to another meeting room.

‘An nyeong ha se yo!!!’ Lizzy jumped up again when she heard the door being opened again and did a 90 degree bow.

‘Lizzy ssi…. Here are they…’ producer Byung beckoned to her, while turning to the boys. ‘She will be our special guest. Kyuhyun and Sungmin are now peeringand glaring, straining their eye to see what type of girl that their producer had chosen for their precious Monkey.

‘An nyeong ha se yo….’ Eunhyuk too greeted her politely and stepped forward.

‘Nice to meet…. U!!!?????’ Lizzy exclaimed in surprise when she saw Eunhyuk. Her smile froze awkwardly on her face.

‘……AH!!!! Its u!!! what are u doing here???’ Eunhyuk frowned, didn’t expect to meet the rude girl at the hospital that day.

‘Cheh… None of your business… wait!!! Don’t tell me he is a part of the program?’ Lizzy turned toward producer Byung, hoping he will shake his head… But Lizzy know, her luck is always down…. He NODDED his head and looked at them in awe…

‘U knowseach other?’ Producer Byung asked, how can it be so coincidence?

‘GEezzz…. Who will want to befriend this ert?’ Lizzy answered, giving Eunhyuk a dirty look, AGAIN~

‘WHAT???!!! I am not interested to know u this rude girl!! Who gave u the right to say I am a ert?’ Eunhyuk crossed his arms and looked at her, never did he being called as ert before.

‘Oh yeah? So I should say a guy who is watching in the hospital is a gentleman then?’ Lizzy asked, frowning at Kyuhyun and Sungmin who is now practically roaring with laughter beside Eunhyuk. She couldn’t make out what is so funny about that?

‘U!!!! I am not!!! Its just… its just…’Eunhyuk tried to explain but he just couldn’t find the right word for it.

‘Oh, the video just went into your phone without u knowing and u accidently opensit?’ Lizzy asked sarcastically.

‘U…. enough the both of U!!!‘ Eunhyuk’s face is now as red as beetroot and he slapped on Sungmin’s back when he found that the sickening bunny and the evil Kyu appear to be breathless from all the laughing.

‘I… aigoo….. Eunhyuk hyung…. U actually…. Hahahahahahahahhah!!!!’ Kyuhyun started to laugh again before he can finish his sentences at the thought of Eunhyuk being caught watching in the hospital, to make the thing worst, by a girl!!!!

‘LEE SUNGMIN!!!!’ Eunhyuk shifted his attention to the bunny who is now squatting down, holding his tummy that is aching due to excessive laughter.

‘Oh…. I am dying I am dying…..from all these laughter… hahaha!!’ Sungmin muttered, trying to catch back his breath.

 ‘……….’ Eunhyuk turned his head toward Lizzy who is smiling smugly, crossing her arms.

‘…………..’ Lizzy returned his gaze intensively and stuck out her tongue at him.

‘Eh…..I am sorry for interrupting… but seem like u both warmed up even before the start of the program yet….’ Producer Byung rubbed in.

‘What????!!! This person is my partner????’ both Eunhyuk and Lizzy shouted together. Producer Byung merely nodded at them and give them a ‘what-is-the-big-deal’ look.

‘And don’t tell me Iam staying with him (her)?’ they male and female lead shouted again, in chorus…

‘Wow~ can both of u read each other mind? How can u both speak in unison like this? And the answer is yes~’ Producer Byung smiled at them, he think… they are gonna be an interesting pair…

‘*Groan* NO WAY!!!!’ Eunhyuk and Lizzy shouted together, again!!

‘HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!’ was all Sungmin and Kyuhyun could say. Oh…. They know its gonna to be interesting when they decided to ‘help’ Eunhyuk with girl, never did they expect it will be this interesting…

‘And what kind of program can I participate with him??? ‘How I deal with ert??’’ Lizzy asked with a smirk, clenching her fist and making some scary sound with her knuckles.

‘Woow…’ Kyuhyun and Sungmin gasped in awe at the sound of Lizzy’s crackling knuckles before they turn to glance at the quiet Eunhyuk, anticipating for his reaction.

‘No… ‘It should be ‘How to deal with a rude girl..’’ Eunhyuk snapped.

‘What a horrible name….’ Producer Byung frowned at the sound of the ‘New’ program name given by Lizzy and Eunhyuk.

‘Ermm…hmn…hyung… maybe its time to start your briefing?’ Kyuhyun cleared his throat and looked at producer Byung.

‘Oh, ok, no problem~ please be seated..’ 

‘….. Can I…. back off now????’ Lizzy asked, biting her lip. However she knew the possibility are small, as she already signed the contract with them…

‘What do u think young lady?’ Producer Byung asked in a gentle but dangerous tone. He doesn’t want to go through the hassle of interviewing and going through the next candidate time table again… that will be tiring! And it does him good if she doesn’t really likes Eunhyuk, lesser hassle after that 3 months…

‘………..’ Lizzy swear to herself she will definitely gave Seangjoo a good ‘massage’ when she see him. For recommending such a ‘great’ job to her….

‘All right…. both of u, are to live together…. Eat together and do certain activities together…’

‘She and I? why only she and I?? The rest???’ Eunhyuk asked, pointing toward Sungmin and Kyuhyun.

‘They will only participate on certain activities,… most of the time will be only u and Lizzy ssi…’ Producer Byung explained, smiling. He thinksEunhyuk should be able to guess what program he will be participating by now.

‘What program is that??? Why do I have to spend so much time with him alone???’ Lizzy shrieked. She can’timagine how is she gonna live with a ert for 3 months.

‘Ehm… hmn…. Lizzy ssi…. Is our…. Eunhyuk hyung that scary???’ Kyuhyun asked, he always thought Eunhyuk look innocent to girl… Minus away the fact that he been caught red handed watching in public…

‘……….’ Lizzy narrowed her eyes at Kyuhyun, he looks dangerous too… Up to no good…

‘Well… we meant no harm, Lizzy ssi…’ Sungmin flashed Lizzy his famous innocent smile with puppy eye, and it does certainly successfully soften her down.

‘I… just don’t like it… its weird living with a guy like that… moreover the person its him!’ Lizzy can’thelp but to give in to Sungmin’s cuteness. She praysthis is just a prank…. She praysthe person is Sungmin instead of Eunhyuk… Even Kyuhyun is a better choice than Eunhyuk…

‘Hey!!! U think I liked it??? Hyung??? I don’t care… if I were to live alone with her I am not doing!!!’ Eunhyuk bawled at producer Byung.

‘No! u have to do it!!’ Producer Byung frowned, rubbing his temple slightly.. he is getting tired of the amount of disagreement the two is having.

‘But… but… but… why only she and I? I don’t care… u both are coming with me!’ Eunhyuk insisted, pointing toward Kyuhyun and Sungmin.

‘We wished we can… but I am sorry….’ Kyuhyun smirked, look like Eunhyuk still have no idea what is going on here…

‘Why??’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘Because…. The title of the program is….’ Sungmin and Kyuhyun looked at each other in glee before they spit out the name of the program


‘WE. GOT. MARRIED!!!!!!!!!’


‘WHAT!!!!?????’ both Eunhyuk and Lizzy exclaimed in surprise.













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this story has everything; drama, funny scenes, quarrels, and sweet moments... i totally 100% enjoyed reading this ff the whole day. and i can't stop back-reading everything written here... kekeke :)
Awesome ending!! Yuri is really evilkyu's gf huh?? Aigoo.. So evil.. Cant wait for the next story!! I'll go there now! Yeah,i know right? Maybe she just dont have good friends like that eh?
HyukZy .. I LIKE!! XD <br />
congrats for finishing this story! <br />
yey you're doing Yesung's story now :D :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #5
Gosh! yes, this chapter is nice ^^ finally, they are finally together. I am so happy now (: next story time :D
tesshira #6
it's finally ends!!<br />
off to yesung's story^^
ldhkhcJDH #7
Kyaaa~<br />
Finally its finish :)<br />
You live us hanging yesterday :)))<br />
BTW all of your fanfic are daebak and haerin and teukjin are of my favorite story :) I evem put ur account in my bookmark so I can check u anytime :)
FlyAwayDreamer #8
WOOO, I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Eunhyuk and Lizzy will forever be the arguing couple then become cheesy. So sweet, but Eunhyuk did get his well deserved punishment.