Chapter 5

When Miser meet Miser


‘Is it that difficult? We take photos almost everyday~’ Kyuhyun asked in glee, knowing very well what will the answer be.

‘But we don’t take wedding photos everyday…..’ Eunhyuk hissed at Kyuhyun. Do he have to pretend to be lovey dovey with her? HE CANT DO THAT!!!

‘I am dreaming… I must be dreaming….wake up wake up….’ Lizzy muttered to herself, knocking her head with her eyes closing.

‘Lizzy ssi……’ Sungmin chuckle and walked over to her, pinching her cheek softly.

‘What …. Are…u doing…..’ Lizzy opened her eyes upon feeling the pinching on her cheek and looked at Sungmin who is now standing so close to her right now.

‘U alright?’

‘I….. Sungmin ssi…’

‘Sungmin… call me oppa if u want….’

‘Oppa…. Please… can we skip this task?’ Lizzy asked, she can’t imagine herself wearing gown and taking wedding shoot with a monkey… she don’t want to!!!! Eunhyuk rolled his eyes at the sound of oppa from Lizzy… Oppa??? Trust Sungmin to suggest that, she should use hyung instead, since she is so masculine.

‘ Oh… its not up to me to decide…’ Sungmin replied, looking toward Producer Byung. Somehow Sungmin sensed that Lizzy is a bit scared of the stern producer.

‘……………….’ True enough, Lizzy shut up after that and walked to another corner of the room, pouting. She saw her luggage is all nicely set aside in the small living kitchen together with another heap of luggage, which she believe belong to that monkey.

‘Ok…..we have to continue from the scene where u received the envelope from Sungmin, now I need both of u to look shy and embarrassed at the idea of the photo shoot ok?’ Producer Byung instructed.

‘……………’ Both Lizzy and Eunhyuk are too tired to argue and just nodded their head. Surprisingly, Eunhyuk do have a good acting skill… Meanwhile, Lizzy just keep her head low looking up occasionally to exchange some conversation with Eunhyuk, Sungmin and Kyuhyun. From the screen, people will just thought that she is being shy in front of the guys…. So, its quite a good take after all.




‘Ok, u are free to choose what u wanted the other party to wear….’ Producer Byung instructed when they reached the moderate wedding studio nearby their apartment. ‘Talk more to each other, interact… Sungmin and Kyuhyun, both of u just wait outside and what u both has to do is just comment on how they look… once the shooting is done, both of u can call it a day…’

‘Oh? Ok….’ Althought Kyuhyun is a bit tired from all the laughing, but he doesn’t mind staying a little while more with the couple. He think… more interesting thing will come by….He cant wait to see what they will chose for each other… He is sure it won’t be something good…

‘Hmn… I am gonna to find the ugliest to match his ugly appearance…’ Lizzy make a note to herself in her mind.

‘Now… camera rolling, start!!!!’

‘Eunhyuk ssi…. Why don’t I choose for u 1st?’ Lizzy smiled at Eunhyuk ‘sweetly’ again, rubbing her palm.

‘O…k…. Thanks…..’ Eunhyuk nodded… She must be having something up her sleeve now…

‘What about this?’ Lizzy hold up a oversize suit with heavy padding on shoulder, ‘nicely’ decorated with some motif on the side of chest…

‘I…. prefer…something more simple…..’ Eunhyuk forced himself to smile at her, pushing her hand away.

‘Oh….. but I like this suit very much…. Eottoke (how)?’ Lizzy asked, batting her eyelashes innocently at him.

‘Oh well…. Since u liked it….. I will wear it…..’ Eunhyuk took over the suit and looked at Lizzy who is smiling in triumph…Great… now u are declaring a war with me….Eunhyuk curse her in his mind, making his mind to choose a ‘beautiful’ gown for her as well.

‘Oh, that will be great…..’ Lizzy let go of her hand happily and looked at Eunhyuk, waiting for him to continue the conversation.

‘Since we are here… why don’t we choose your from this side too?’ Eunhyuk asked, pointing toward the rows of suits in front of him.

‘…………..’ Lizzy turned her head back, frowning. WHAT DOES THIS MONKEY MEAN???!

‘Oh…. I am just kidding… haha~’ Eunhyuk laughed.

‘Hahaha! I don’t know u can joke, Eunhyuk ssi…..’ Lizzy laughed ‘happily’ along with him.

‘Lets go over there….’ Eunhyuk pointed toward the gown section. Lizzy shrugged at the sight of the frilly, lacy, heavy gown… That doesn’t look comfortable, man….

‘O…k….’ Lizzy can smell trouble coming her way…

‘Oh~ what about this?’ Eunhyuk finally picked up a gown at the most secluded part after ‘carefully’ selecting from the wide range of gowns…

‘Are…. U….serious?’ Lizzy asked, looking at the tube dress he chosen for her, complete with a enormous mermaid tail below…..

‘Yes… don’t u think this look gorgeous?’

‘But…. Erm… I am not too sure whether this is my style…’ Lizzy answer. Yah!!! Stupid monkey, not even an old granny will wear that!! Sooooo terribly old fashion!! Lizzy cursed him in her mind.

‘But I think it will look nice on u~’ Eunhyuk complete his sentences with his gummy smile.

‘Hahahahaha~ Thanks… If u… say so….’ Lizzy answered, taking over the gown too.

‘Let’s go and change shall we?’ Eunhyuk asked, can’t wait to see her in that gown.

‘Ok….’ Lizzy nodded.

‘Lizzy ssi… are u done?’

‘Yes…..’ Lizzy answered, popping her head out.

‘Come on out… I hope the dress is not too big for u…Will it slip down???’ Eunhyuk asked ‘kindly’, placing both of his hand on his chest slyly, reminding Lizzy of how moderate her asset is…. Lizzy gave him a killer stare and pushed the curtain of the changing room, stepping out. Who said the dress will slip down? She has the ability to support that all right?

‘Erhm… hmn…. Lets go out….’ Lizzy looked at Eunhyuk from top to bottom, trying to hold her laughter. He doesn’t look any better either…

The couple stepped out from the changing room, toward Kyuhyun and Sungmin who is waiting outside. The two stunned at the sight of the both of them, started to laughed their head off at the after that.

‘OHHHHH~~~ Eunhyukie…. U… look weird…. What is this?????’ Sungmin poked on the great fat padding on Eunhyuk’s shoulder and laughed.

‘And….. Lizzy ssi…. Are u trying to dress like a Merlion?’ Kyuhyun asked.

‘Merlion? What is that?’ Lizzy asked. She swears she saw a pair of horns on his head...

‘This!!!!’ Kyuhyun flashed a picture of Merlion which he taken during his trip to Singapore previously.

(any1 interested can click here -

‘………………….’ Lizzy narrowed her eyes at Kyuhyun dangerously… a sign before she lose her temper.. She hated this man too…. She wishes she can break his neck now.

‘Haha! This won’t do…. Why don’t we help u?’ Sungmin asked.

‘I will help Eunhyuk hyung…’ Kyuhyun pushed Eunhyuk toward the suit section again and Sungmin turned to Lizzy.

‘I help u?’ Sungmin smiled.

‘All right….’ Lizzy nodded, somehow gotten used to the camera that been twirling around her by now.

‘U just needs something simple….’ Sungmin browse through the gown, smiling contently when he saw a pretty gown. ‘Just the thing for u…’

‘………….’ Lizzy looked at the ivory colour gown Sungmin picked out. The gown does look nice… but will it look good on her?

‘Go and try it on~’ Sungmin encouraged.


Lizzy stepped out with an off shoulder, princess style short gown moment later. She looks good with a mini tiara on her short hair… Sungmin nodded and smiled, he know she will look good in that. He went toward her and holds out his hand to her. Lizzy put her hand on his hesitatingly, walking out with him.

‘Be careful….’ Sungmin remind her upon reaching the staircase.

‘…………..’ Lizzy merely nodded at him, she is feeling a bit giddy right now. She feels like a princess with Sungmin beside her, holding her hand.

‘Wow~~ much better than Eunhyuk hyung’s choice!!!’ Kyuhyun’s voice brought Lizzy back to reality and she keep her dreamy look away, glancing over to Eunhyuk. Ok, he does look more like a human wearing that suit… since he had quite a good build… Lizzy commented in her little mind.

‘She is your’s….’ Sungmin handed Lizzy’s hand to Eunhyuk and Eunhyuk looked at her hesitatingly. Well… she does look good wearing that, but that doesn’t mean he feel like holding her hand. What if she thought he wanted to take advantage of her again? She doesn’t want risk himself being slapped or punch by her…. That’s gonna hurt…

‘Don’t be shy….’ Kyuhyun poked at Eunhyuk’s arm slyly, when he saw producer Byung is frowning right now.

‘Lets go, Lizzy ssi….’ Eunhyuk gave Lizzy a ‘I-have-no-choice’ look before he took her hand in his and walked toward the studio where they are suppose to take photo.

‘………….’ Lizzy nodded to him, trying hard to control herself from frowning. Money…. Its money that’s holding my hand… money… money….

Needless to say, the procedure of shooting the so called wedding shoot is super torturing, no matter to the ‘bride’ and ‘groom’ or to the crew… Producer Byung can feel his blood pressure is now increasing… He decided not to publish the process where they take the shoot, he would had died if he continue to yell at them.



‘Ah…. I am so tired…..’ Lizzy groaned.

‘Lizzy ssi, yes I think u must dead beat now…. Why don’t u take your shower 1st?’

‘Oh…. Thanks Eunhyuk ssi…’

‘Maybe….u should start calling me Eunhyuk?’ Eunhyuk smiled at her.

‘Eunhyuk…. Erm… then no more Lizzy ssi for u then….Liz?’ Lizzy too smiled at him, shrugging her shoulder.



 ‘U better go and take shower now….’ Eunhyuk nodded at her.

‘Ok!!! Good take!!! Take a rest… Both of u can rest a while, we will be back moment later for the final shoot…’

‘Phew…’ both Eunhyuk and Lizzy turn their head away from each other once producer Byung stop the camera. Liz? No wonder he can become a producer, he even can ‘produce’ a nick name for her so readily….

‘Yah…. Go and shower….’

‘…………….’ Lizzy looked at Eunhyuk, what does he want this time round?

‘If u are not going, I am going….’ Eunhyuk stand up, gesturing to go into bathroom.

‘Going going….’ Lizzy get up briskly and ran toward her luggage, she picked up her necessities and walked toward the only bathroom in the apartment. She turned her head and looked at Eunhyuk.

‘What?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘Promise…U…. wont peep at me?’

‘U….’ Eunhyuk raised his hand, gesturing to punch her. Lizzy ran into the bathroom and locked the door, heaving a sigh of relieve after that.




Both Eunhyuk and Lizzy are sitting down on the floor after their shower, talking softly…

‘Liz….i think its time for u to turn in….U look tired…’

‘Don’t u?’ Lizzy asked.

‘I am okay….’

‘Do u have any schedule tomorrow?’

‘Yes, I do…’

‘And what time will u be back?’

‘Around 6? Not too sure about that though…’

‘All right… lets have dinner together… I will be waiting for u….’ Lizzy gave Eunhyuk a weak smile.

‘Deal… lets  go to sleep now… I suppose u have early class tomorrow?’  

‘Yes…’ Lizzy gave out an enormous yawn after that. She is really tired….

Lizzy laid down on the bed after Eunhyuk pick up the cover. Eunhyuk threw back the cover and the covered Lizzy up, from head to toe…. Lizzy cursed and swear before she pushed back the cover, staring at Eunhyuk.

‘Oh…. I am so sorry… u will forgive me don’t u?’ Eunhyuk ask between his gummy smile.

‘Hahaha~ yes of course….’ Forgive u?? next life time maybe…Lizzy cursed under her breath.

‘Good night….’ Eunhyuk greeted.

‘Good night….’ May the devil and monster chase u in your dream…. Lizzy completed the latter part in her mind of course…

‘Good take~~~’ Producer Byung shouted, heaving a sigh of relieve. Ok, glad that the two are getting better, hopefully the future shooting will be as smooth as this.

‘Do I really have to sleep here?’ Lizzy asked, sitting up.

‘Yes…. Easier for all of us…’ Producer Byung replied. ‘And, we will place several CCTV here. Basically, only the bedroom and the bathroom are free from CCTV. So watch what u are doing…. Don’t fight in the living room if u can help it…’ Producer Byung said, he doesn’t have to worry about them being hanky panky. He will be glad enough if they didn’t fight each other.

‘Yes….’ They are being informed before this. So not surprising at all.

‘Ok…. We continue tomorrow… See u….’ the crew packed up and leave the apartment. Leaving the 2 loggerhead alone…

‘I think…. We need to talk…’ Lizzy pull away the blanket, looking at Eunhyuk, biting her lip.


‘I hate u…. and I know u share the mutual feeling…’

‘So?’ Eunhyuk asked, She is sure straightforward.

‘Lets get this thing done and settle once for all….’


‘We try to get along? At least in front of the camera…’

‘U are the one who refuse to be cooperative…’

‘Tssst…Who is the childish chap who cover my face with blanket just now?’ Lizzy asked.


‘So? O u still prefer to fight till the end?’


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this story has everything; drama, funny scenes, quarrels, and sweet moments... i totally 100% enjoyed reading this ff the whole day. and i can't stop back-reading everything written here... kekeke :)
Awesome ending!! Yuri is really evilkyu's gf huh?? Aigoo.. So evil.. Cant wait for the next story!! I'll go there now! Yeah,i know right? Maybe she just dont have good friends like that eh?
HyukZy .. I LIKE!! XD <br />
congrats for finishing this story! <br />
yey you're doing Yesung's story now :D :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #5
Gosh! yes, this chapter is nice ^^ finally, they are finally together. I am so happy now (: next story time :D
tesshira #6
it's finally ends!!<br />
off to yesung's story^^
ldhkhcJDH #7
Kyaaa~<br />
Finally its finish :)<br />
You live us hanging yesterday :)))<br />
BTW all of your fanfic are daebak and haerin and teukjin are of my favorite story :) I evem put ur account in my bookmark so I can check u anytime :)
FlyAwayDreamer #8
WOOO, I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Eunhyuk and Lizzy will forever be the arguing couple then become cheesy. So sweet, but Eunhyuk did get his well deserved punishment.