Chapter 24

When Miser meet Miser


‘Hyuk… I am on my way to broadcast centre…’ Lizzy said between her sob.

‘Why?’ Eunhyuk frowned, couldn’t make out what happed at all.

‘They said…. They found my parent….’

‘Your parent? What happened?’ Eunhyuk frowned, he is even more confuse right now.

‘I don’t know!!! I seriously don’t know!!!’ Lizzy yelled.

‘Lizzy…. Look, stop at where u are now… I will go and pick u up… I will go with u….’

‘Hyuk….. I….All right… I will wait for u near Soksu Station…’

‘All right…’ Eunhyuk picked up his jacket and dashed toward the car park, with the bouquet of roses that he intended to give Lizzy. He looked at the bouquet and sigh… So much for his wonderful declaration plan. He opened the car boot and placed the roses in, starting the car engine and drive toward Soksu station….

‘Hyuk…..’Lizzy flung her arms around Eunhyuk, seeking for comfort.

‘Liz….dont worry… we will know what happen later ok?’ Eunhyuk patted at her back.

‘…………..’ Lizzy nodded at him, wiping away her tears.

‘All right… here we go…’ Eunhyuk squeeze at her hands assuring and drive toward the broadcast centre….




Lizzy looked at  the couple in front of her, so they are the couple that claim to be her parent.

‘Girl….’ The lady step forward, trying to reach for Lizzy.

‘………….’ Lizzy step back, hiding behind Eunhyuk. If they are her parent, why are they dumping her in front of the orphanage 15 years ago?

‘Girl… I know it’s hard to accept… but… we are sure your are our girl who disappear 15 years ago…’ The lady said in tear.

‘………………’ Lizzy shook her head, she doesn’t know what to believe and what do now. She clung to Eunhyuk’s, keeping quiet all the while. This is too a big shock for her… A parent after 15 years living as an orphan?

‘An nyeong ha se yo… I am Lizzy’s friend… I think we have to sit down and talk about this…’ Eunhyuk bowed politely at the couple, giving his opinion.

‘Yes, please….’ The gentleman nodded at Eunhyuk, hugging his wife’s shoulder.

‘Liz… come on….’ Eunhyuk hugged at her shoulder and direct her toward one of the meeting room.

‘So…. How do u know about Lizzy?’ Eunhyuk start the ball rolling by throwing a question at the couple.

‘A niece of us… saw your this WGM program and told us there is this girl who looked like our girl who went missing 15 years ago…’ The gentleman explain.

‘And we are surprise when we saw Lizzy on the screen… So I believe she is our girl… no mistake about that….’ Then lady looked at Lizzy who is still quiet, grasping tightly at Eunhyuk’s hand.

‘Liz? Are u ok’ Eunhyuk asked, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Lizzy raised her head, looking at him before she turned and looked at her so called parent.

‘Why am I being thrown outside orphanage 15 years ago then?’ Lizzy asked, she is dying to know why. This question been twirling in her head since young and now she finally had the chance to throw this question out.

‘Seriously we don’t know dear….I still remember we sent you to school as usual on a fateful day… but u never returned back after that….’ The lady said in tears…

‘Yes… and we tried by all means trying to locate u… but couldn’t…’ the gentleman add on.

‘Lying…. The matron said there is no report of loss from anywhere….’ Lizzy said angrily. They are lying, how can it be that they couldn’t locate her if they really looked for her? Why is there no report of loss at all?!! So she always believes she is being dumped deliberately by her parent.

‘Dear… maybe we should let u know…we been living in Canada for the past 20 years… u are born and raised there before u went missing 15 years ago…’ The gentleman explained.

‘Canada?’ Both Eunhyuk and Lizzy exclaimed in surprise.

‘Yes….’ The couple nodded.

‘But… but… how would Lizzy be here in Korea then?’ Eunhyuk throw out his question, Lizzy nodded… she too been wondering how true is this.

‘Seriously.. we don’t know too…. We been wondering why and how is she being brought to Korea too!!!’ the lady said, agitated. Dashing toward Lizzy and pulled the dumbfounded Lizzy to her arms. Lizzy just froze in her current situation, her brain totally stop functioning until she felt warm tears on her shoulder.

‘Please don’t cry….’ Lizzy wrapped her arm around her ‘omma’ gently, leaning her head slowly toward her shoulder. Somehow…. Lizzy guess they are not telling lies… but its still so hard to believe…

‘Look, I… Think Lizzy need some time to digest this news… why don’t we arrange for another meet up? Liz hmp?’ Eunhyuk suggested.

‘Well… I would suggest a DNA test… I think… that would help….’ Producer Byung suggested.

‘We don’t mind going for that if that can assure u…..’ The gentleman looked at Lizzy, who is still looking confused right now.

‘Liz?’ Eunhyuk looked at Lizzy, smiling at her encouragingly.

‘………………..’ She nodded slowly at the suggestion. The lady finally let go of her and at her cheek softly. She merely smiled awkwardly at the lady, not knowing how to react. Lizzy walked over to Eunhyuk’s side and grasped to his hand tightly again. Now only she realizes how important Eunhyuk is to her.

‘We shall fix a time tomorrow…’ The gentleman nodded at Eunhyuk.

‘All right… u can contact me… this is my contact number. I am Lee Hyukjae….Do u need me to send u back??’ Eunhyuk exchange number with the kind gentleman and bowed at the couple politely before he guided Lizzy out of the room. He nodded when the couple refuse his offer of sending them back to their hotel.




Lizzy headed straight to her room the moment they stepped in the apartment and slumped on her bed, closing her eyes.

‘Liz….’ Eunhyuk sat down beside her, patting at her arms.

‘Hyuk…. I don’t know… I know I should try to believe them…But I am confuse…’ Lizzy sit up, looking at Eunhyuk.

‘Liz…. I… can’t think of any reason why they should cheat u…. And even if they do… they can’t hide the fact after going for the DNA test right?’

‘I…. its so hard to accept… I always thought I am an orphan… now… a parent?’ Lizzy bury her face in her palm.

‘Its ok…. Its ok… no matter what, I am always here….’Eunhyuk pulled her to his embrace and patted on her back, rocking her gently from side to side.

‘…………………’ Lizzy closed her eyes. She doesn’t want to think anymore… take a step at a time.




‘So….Now u are waiting for DNA test?’ Hyojin asked, passing Lizzy a cup of tea.

‘Yes… eonni…. I am scared…’ Lizzy looked at Hyojin.


‘I…. suddenly having a parent and… I… don’t know how to face them…’

‘Well..They are your parent… Just behave normally… why do u have to think of how to face them?’ Nari asked.

‘Well… yes parent… but its hard to accept that u had a parent after u are so used of going without one for so long…’ Hana nodded, she can understand that perfectly well. Is someone were to tell her that she had a parent now she would feel exactly the same as how Lizzy is feeling right now.    

 ‘Eonni….Yes…. and… the thing is… if they are confirmed to be my parent… They wanted me to go back to Canada with them..’ Lizzy bit her lip.

‘What? Canada? Omo…. so far away? So… are u going Lizzy?’ Suan asked.

‘I…. don’t know…’ Lizzy shook her head.

‘Umn…. Its hard…. They are your parent…. If u are following them, u are going to somewhere so far away and not familiar with….and u have to start everything all over again…’ Yuri nodded, she know it perfectly well how hard it is to start all over at a new place. She experienced that 5 years ago… She still liked Korea despite the fact that her parent is still at US now.

‘But if u doesn’t… it’s a good as not acknowledging them…’ Chaerin looked toward Lizzy.

‘I. DON’T KNOW!!!!’ Lizzy yelled, burying her head in her palm. She doesn’t know what to do as well. Her mind is in completely twirl after this parenthood thing come to her 2 days ago. It’s precisely because Eunhyuk doesn’t want her to think much alone at home thus requested the girls to be with her. She really appreciate that… The girls are giving up their weekend plan just because of her and she is really gratitude at their effort..

‘Ah cha… shall we go jijimbang? Remember we said we have to go there together again with Lizzy?’ Yuri suggested.

‘NOOOOOOOO!!!!’ Ae Li and Suan yelled.

‘Hahahahahahah!!! Good~ good!!! Good!! Lets go Lets go!!!’ Nari pulled at Suan while Chaerin tugged at Ae Li’s hand to stop them from escaping.

‘I am not going…Cherry… Cherry….I have to take care of Cherry…’ Ae Li stuttered, finding stupid excuse to get away from the horrifying jjijjimbang.

‘Eonni….remember we are suppose to cheer Lizzy up? And u can bring Cherry there as well,…. We can take turn to take care of her.’ Chaerin smirked, it’s so interesting to see Ae Li and Suan trying to get away from the Jijjimbang.

‘U ccccaaant leave the hospital….’ Suan stuttered too, they are now inside Chaerin’s ward, to visit her and held their mini gathering at the same time.

‘I can gain special approval~’Chaerin smirked. The doctor said she could go out if she is feeling good, She is feeling extremely good right now.

‘Yeah… u are suppose to cheer me up…’ Lizzy said, pretending to be sad… In fact she is squealing inside her heart… So cute of the two girls to run away from the most common activity among Korean. She thinks… It will definitely be an interesting experience….




‘Hahaha!!! U didn’t see their face when we are at the locker room…Its worst that asking them to die….’ Lizzy laughed, telling Eunhyuk what she been doing with the girls.

‘Why?’ Eunhyuk asked. What is so horrifying about that?

‘They dare not take off their clothes.... We practically had to help them to peel down their clothes! Hahaha!!!’

‘Aigoo…. Helping them to peel their cloth? Sound so lewd…’ Eunhyuk laughed.

‘Yes! The rest of the ajumma is looking at us as though we are bunch of lunatic…’

‘Indeed it would be…. I can exactly imagine how scary it is when 6 girls trying to strip off 2 girls’ clothing…’ Eunhyuk laughed. Suan and Ae Li and must be squealing like little girls…. 

‘Yes!!! It’s a great fun teasing the forever sharp tongue 2 girls~ I should say its their retribution!’ Lizzy laughed.

‘So… u enjoyed yourself?’ Eunhyuk asked, looking at her smiling face.

‘Yes~’ Lizzy nodded.

‘And…. How is the figure of the girls? Who had the best figure?’ Eunhyuk asked, he thinks his jealous brother will surely kill him if they heard that….

‘U are sickening! Sickening!! I am going to tell the rest of the oppa ’ Lizzy laughed, slapping his arms.

‘Hahahahahahha!!! I will be killed for sure if that bunch of jealous husband heard me… secret, ok? Eunhyuk caught her hands and looked at her.

‘Hyuk ah….’ Lizzy looked at him.

‘The report will be out tomorrow… do u want to… call them?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘I… don’t know what to say to them…’ Lizzy bit her lip, looking down.

‘Erm… I understand how u must had feel… but I believe they doesn’t want things to happen this way too….’

‘Hyuk! We don’t know how the result yet! We can’t be sure this is really the case!!’ Lizzy snapped.

‘All right… all right… let not talk about this… Come on….tell me about what happen at jjijjimbang again?’ Eunhyuk asked. However, Eunhyuk know the possibility of Lizzy not being their daughter is quite low… Lizzy do really had an uncanny resemblance with the gentleman….




‘Dear…. So when are u going back to Canada with us?’ Mrs.Park asked, holding Lizzy’s hand.

‘I… am not sure….’ Lizzy stuttered. So it’s being proven that she is daughter of the Park couple. Although they still couldn’t find the right explanation how Lizzy are being brought over to Korea from Canada.

‘Dear… please give us chance to take care of u… we missed doing that for 15 years…. Do u know how much we miss u?’ Mrs.Park asked, hugging Lizzy.

‘I know omma… I been missing u… and appa too….’Lizzy snuggled to Mrs.Park… So this is the feeling of being in mother’s embrace.  

‘So, please go back with us ASAP~’ Mr.Park patted at his long lost daughter’s shoulder.

‘Appa…. Give me some time to think over?’ Lizzy requested.

‘Dear… Why are u being called Lizzy?’ Mrs.Park said.

‘Erm…. I was given the name Lizzy because I keep mumbling this name when I am being found outside orphanage.

‘Oh really?’ Mrs.Park laughed.

‘Why?’ Lizzy asked.

‘Nothing…. We explain to u when we go back to Canada?’ Mr.Park too laughed and patted on her daughter’s shoulder.

‘Appa,omma… so what is my real name?’ Lizzy asked.

‘YunSuk…. U have an eonni by the name of Yunna…’ Mr.Park said, ruffling Lizzy’s hair.

‘YunSuk? Yunna?’ Lizzy repeated. She had to admit this is a nice name… YunSuk…. So she is going to tell Eunhyuk her new name :)

‘And dear… we need time to prepare for your entrance to Canada… meanwhile, we will leave u in Hyukjae’s care… is it all right?’ Mr. Park asked. Somehow he trusted that boy, he can tell that boy really does take care of his girl well.

‘Appa…I always take care of myself…’ Lizzy said, blushing.

‘Really?’ Mrs.Park teased. She can tell this pair of youngster is definitely more than a friend.

‘But appa…. I am so used to Korea…. If u wanted me to go to Canada…’ Lizzy hesitated… she cant bear to leave here… her friends and all her life till now is all at Korea… God know how long she had to use before she can adapt to the new place. But she would like to stay with her parent too…. Its so hard….

‘Girl… I talked to your omma….. It would be best if we can live together and taking care of each other….  But we understand how u would feel if u were to leave Korea… So, the choice is up to u….’ Mr.Park said, embracing Lizzy softly. Mrs.Park casted a longing look toward Lizzy… She hope, she pray, she beg that Lizzy will be going back with them… Its not easy for them to locate her.. she doesn’t want to live so far away from her…

‘Thanks…Appa….Omma…’ Lizzy snuggled to her father… Its really a hard decision….




‘HyukHyuk….. So what should I do?’ Lizzy asked moodily, looking at the cheeky monkey.

‘……………’ HyukHyuk merely gave her its usual cheeky smile, keeping quiet.

‘U are not helping at all….’ Lizzy pouted, pinching HyukHyuk’s nose.

‘I am back!!!!’

‘Oh~ Hyuk is back… I will check with him since u are not helping….’ Lizzy stuck out her tongue at HyukHyuk and walked out.

‘Hyuk~ u are back!’

‘How’s your day?’ Eunhyuk asked, ruffling her hair lovingly.

‘Fine… went out with omma and appa today…’

‘I thought u will be staying with them tonight?’

‘No…. I wanted to come back… so that I can sort something out…’

‘Erm… what?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘Hyuk… can I ask u a question?’ Lizzy bit her lip, stepping toward him.

‘What…. What is that?’ Eunhyuk swallowed the non existence lump on his throat and looked down to her.

‘My parent asked me to go back to Canada with them….’ Lizzy said.

‘Wh..when…?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘So….would u ask me to stay?’ Lizzy asked, after mustered enough courage. 

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this story has everything; drama, funny scenes, quarrels, and sweet moments... i totally 100% enjoyed reading this ff the whole day. and i can't stop back-reading everything written here... kekeke :)
Awesome ending!! Yuri is really evilkyu's gf huh?? Aigoo.. So evil.. Cant wait for the next story!! I'll go there now! Yeah,i know right? Maybe she just dont have good friends like that eh?
HyukZy .. I LIKE!! XD <br />
congrats for finishing this story! <br />
yey you're doing Yesung's story now :D :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #5
Gosh! yes, this chapter is nice ^^ finally, they are finally together. I am so happy now (: next story time :D
tesshira #6
it's finally ends!!<br />
off to yesung's story^^
ldhkhcJDH #7
Kyaaa~<br />
Finally its finish :)<br />
You live us hanging yesterday :)))<br />
BTW all of your fanfic are daebak and haerin and teukjin are of my favorite story :) I evem put ur account in my bookmark so I can check u anytime :)
FlyAwayDreamer #8
WOOO, I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Eunhyuk and Lizzy will forever be the arguing couple then become cheesy. So sweet, but Eunhyuk did get his well deserved punishment.