You're okay

I hate him, But I love him
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I won't lose you

  another time

☆☆☆☆☆ ☆

"Avi." Key says adorably, a small crooked smile on his face.

Avilyn started bawling her eyes out.

The rest of the members walk into the room.

Key looked down and curls his fingers around the lump a blanket made. He feels tears stinging his eyes.

"I'm sorry," He apologizes.

Avilyn shakes her head at him. "No," she gives him a smile, "No, you're okay."

It breaks her heart a little because despite all that Key has gone through, he still tried his very best to look presentable for her.

Key gives her a smile and nods.


Key, in fact, was not okay. He was in pain every time he took a breath. His ribs were broken by the kick SM had given him. Well, several kicks. His left eye was in trauma. After the surgery, they told him it could take several months for his eye to fully heal. Even when it’s healed, he could still be partially blind. His left leg is broken and his right arm has radial nerve palsy.

He however asked the nurse, who kindly listened to his stories on Avilyn, to make him presentable for her.

She would fix his eye patch and help clean out his face.

“Let’s make that eye less noticeable, shall we?” She brushed his hair neatly so that it fell over that eye.

Key smiled at her.

The nurse pulled out clothes form her purse.

“Now you’re lucky I like you. I went out shopping during my lunch break which one do you like?” She held up the outfits for Key to decide.

Key tilted his head as he studied the outfits. “Noona has great taste in clothing. I’m impressed. However, I like the white shirt from the one outfit on your left with the gray pants on the other outfit. The bowtie will also look cute on me, don’t you think?” Key gave her a grin and she nodded.

She helped Key change into the outfit and when he was nice and proper she sprayed him with some cologne.

Key closed his eye and sniffed the cologne. He let out a laugh. “Don’t you think it’s too much?”

The nurse giggled and shook her head, adoring his laugh. “Ani, you’re girl will be all over you with this.”

Key smiled and gave her the look. “Stop~,” He chuckled.


Key wishes he could open his arms for Avilyn to run into, but he can't.

"Avi, come here." He says. He tries his best to keep the groans from the pain when he breaths.

Avilyn makes way to Key with the push of Tao.

Lay gives Tao a look and Tao responds with a peace sign.

Avilyn walks over to Key and has a seat  beside his bed.

Key smiles.

Avilyn takes a look at Key's face. She notices the eyepatch and looks sadly at the rest of him.

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I updated! And am working on another update~!


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Chapter 41: Awww the happy ending they deserved ^^;;
MissLocket #2
Chapter 41: Oh... I love it. Finally, a happy ending. Thank you so much for the story. It was pretty interesting.
psiphidragon #3
Chapter 6: Lol I like this story so far. ;-)
Kpopgirl808 #4
Chapter 41: Aww this story was AMAZING! Loved it sooooo much! Well...that's all! I'm off to read more of your FanFics
Chapter 6: I have just started to read this and because of all the videos you h ave posted i now have a few more k-pop bands to listen too and this story is amazing btw :)
ashleykobai #6
Chapter 1: oh god~! key kibum is so Handosme i can tell~!
YudaiM #7
SharkyZulkiflee #8
Chapter 12: ahifkzxlzjedicbusihiwbsjbcikxnnsbsxj disnkbzxkdjaoinc nikasdjnkdnkc
*me fangirling*

I LOVE IT!! Was called crazy for squealing and laughing alone by my mom ( .. )