Dazed & Confused

I hate him, But I love him
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~   Where do we go from here?    ~



Mary jumps and sits in the seat in front of me. "HEY~~" She brightly smiles at me, but when she takes a look at my face, she stops completely.

"What's wrong?" She asks in a worried tone. I shake my head and proceed to look out the window. I can't believe I managed to come to school today. I see snowflakes lightly go down and fall on the ground. How long has it been since I talked to Key? Seen my friends? Left my room? Talked to anybody?

2 weeks. 

I managed to not come to school for 2 weeks. Key must have presented the Economics project by himself. I wouldn't know anyways..

"Why haven't you been here for two whole weeks? Or answered any of my calls?" Mary asks me and when  I look her straight in the eyes, I see the pain she must be feeling. But inside her pain, I just feel my aching pain. I'm sick.

My heart hurts , my stomach hurts, my head hurts, I just hurt all over. 

"What's wrong with you?" My sister had asked.

I just stared at her with blank eyes and hugged the pillow tighter.

"Talk to me, Avi. You're the only one left..." She whispered and I shed a tear. I just couldn't speak up. I didn't know what to think.


I place my head down and close my eyes. Mary gets that I won't talk anymore and just sits there.

"Did something happen between you and Key?" She asks. "Is that why he isn't here anymore?"

My head pops up and I stare at her wide eye.

What? Key isn't here??

Mary looks at me and narrows her eyes suspiciously. "Rumor has it, he quit. He's working on his career."

I bite my lip and just sit there. No more Key? My eyes widen and I can feel them water again. I just found him... and now I'm going to lose him?

"Eunhyuk got pulled out of here too. I wonder what's going on." She talks to herself as she turns around. She says over her shoulder, "I don't know if you know Avilyn, but just know I'll be here for you when you decide to speak up about it."

I give her a smile and nod.

Why did they get pulled out of here?

After class, I head straight home. Naomi left me a note stating she was going to be staying late at school. I turn on the computer and type in Key in the search box. I wanna know what he has been up to. My jaw drops as I read a few articles.




Heard the news? It's all anyone can talk about. It's all anyone can SEE or HEAR. Its Krystal and Key! The two fashionistas have been comfirmed to be dating! Yes, you heard it directly from us.

"We just...." Krystal explains about how they decided to get together.

"Clicked." Key finishes Krystal's sentence with a chuckle.

Aww, We couldn't be anymore happier for the two. Catch the two tonight at the special BLUE CARPET concert opening at the MOVETER complex


This hurts.  I turn of the computer and take a seat on the couch and cuddle my pillow, my best friend in the past week.

"I just want this to end." I whisper to it. Being rejected by the only person you think you could ever love

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I updated! And am working on another update~!


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Chapter 41: Awww the happy ending they deserved ^^;;
MissLocket #2
Chapter 41: Oh... I love it. Finally, a happy ending. Thank you so much for the story. It was pretty interesting.
psiphidragon #3
Chapter 6: Lol I like this story so far. ;-)
Kpopgirl808 #4
Chapter 41: Aww this story was AMAZING! Loved it sooooo much! Well...that's all! I'm off to read more of your FanFics
Chapter 6: I have just started to read this and because of all the videos you h ave posted i now have a few more k-pop bands to listen too and this story is amazing btw :)
ashleykobai #6
Chapter 1: oh god~! key kibum is so Handosme i can tell~!
YudaiM #7
SharkyZulkiflee #8
Chapter 12: ahifkzxlzjedicbusihiwbsjbcikxnnsbsxj disnkbzxkdjaoinc nikasdjnkdnkc
*me fangirling*

I LOVE IT!! Was called crazy for squealing and laughing alone by my mom ( .. )