I hate him, But I love him
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Double combo.


Avilyn stares back at Taemin in dibelief. What did he just say? What was he implying. He smirks and shakes the hair out of his eyes.

"She doesn't understand, explain it to her!" Tao shouts, earning a nudge from Chen. Chen gives him a look.

Taemin laughs sarcastically, "Nahh. You all know how it works. The bad guy gives a bad guy speech and then the 'good' people find a way to escape. " He shakes his head and randomly kicks Lay right in the stomach. 

"Move." He tells everyone. They listen to  his orders and split like the red sea.  He walks up to Avilyn and bends down to face her. 

"Such a pretty girl..." He runs the gun across her neck and she gasps. He smirks and taps her head with the gun. "I'm not doing this because I like you." He laughs and swifltly gets up and fake stumbles back. "Don't think I'm doing this because I couldn't get your heart. No no.. girl this goes further back. With my dad... Soo Man."

Her eyes widen.  He makes a fake thinking face. "hmm.. Im pretty sure you don't even know what's really going on.. do you?" 

He randomly shoots a bullet at the wall, she jumps.

"Oh, it works. Nice. " He nods approvingly at the gun and returns his attention to Avilyn. "My dad has been tormenting Key ever since he has entered the company. In fact, Key should be DEAD right now."

She lets out a shaky cry. Why her?

"My dad was hurt by your mom.. that's right.. your mom. She refused to date him and he wanted revenge by hunting down her kids. He was extatic when he found out Key liked you. Even more extactic when he came up with the clever plan to put us in the same group and keep an eye on him. I'm truly a great actor.. aren't I?" he pats his shoulder and turns to look at Exo.  "Really? Its been five minutes. You guys aren't going to try and attack?"

He shakes his head and goes back to Avilyn. "You see there must have split into two. EXO was a project my dad started way back as secret assassins. EXO-K. K for Kill." HE nods and faces the others. "Did you guys create another alliance?"

Lay smirks a little. "M... " He looks at Kris who this time shakes his head at him telling him to stop. "M for Men. K are the kids." He chuckles hard.

Taemin wastes no time to shoot him right in the chest. Avilyn lets out a scream. "NO! STOP!"

Taemin said, "I just didn't find that joke funny."

He shrugs. "Well let me tell you where I come in. You see My mom was hurt badly from my cheating dad." He clenches his fist together. "She cried for days for him to come back, but no he never did. He instead insisted he was in love with one of his trainees and treated my mom bad. He was the one who cheated on her. The least he could do was be nice to my mom. " 

Taemin couldn't help tear up a little. " I want to hurt your mother more than my dad does. First, I'll killl you then I'll kill her."

Avilyn stares at him. "Then let Key go."

He chuckles. "Aw.. so cute. Nope. He knows too mu

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I updated! And am working on another update~!


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Chapter 41: Awww the happy ending they deserved ^^;;
MissLocket #2
Chapter 41: Oh... I love it. Finally, a happy ending. Thank you so much for the story. It was pretty interesting.
psiphidragon #3
Chapter 6: Lol I like this story so far. ;-)
Kpopgirl808 #4
Chapter 41: Aww this story was AMAZING! Loved it sooooo much! Well...that's all! I'm off to read more of your FanFics
Chapter 6: I have just started to read this and because of all the videos you h ave posted i now have a few more k-pop bands to listen too and this story is amazing btw :)
ashleykobai #6
Chapter 1: oh god~! key kibum is so Handosme i can tell~!
YudaiM #7
SharkyZulkiflee #8
Chapter 12: ahifkzxlzjedicbusihiwbsjbcikxnnsbsxj disnkbzxkdjaoinc nikasdjnkdnkc
*me fangirling*

I LOVE IT!! Was called crazy for squealing and laughing alone by my mom ( .. )