Meeting SHINee

I hate him, But I love him
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Song of the Chapter: SuperJunior-M- U











I'm sitting in the car looking out the window. Key's manager actually had us picked up in a limo for some reason I don't know. I look at Key who's laying across the limo seats and is just staring into space. He looks really tired and probably could use some sleep.

"I've been arriving late to events...," Key finally says, " so to make sure I arrive in time for this shoot, Manager-hyung sent this limo for me." I nod as he explains in understandment. 

"You don't really seem busy," I tell him. I mean he always attends school, he hangs out with his friends, and he's even helping with the project. 

He sits up and looks at me. "We just had our goodbye stage, so we're preparing for the next single. We usually get alot of freetime, but pretty soon I'm going to have no life again." He rolls his eyes. I just continue to look at him until we reach the studio.

Why didn't I ever notice how sad he was when it came to his career?


"WOW!" I can barely contain my excitement as I set foot into the buidling. There's hundreds of people all over the place setting up the scene, adjusting the lights, and fixing the camera. There's people in the background setting up a snack table, people with clipboards taking notes, and make-up artists on the side. I look around me some more taking in the whole work scene. A lady with a clipboard and mic comes to Key.

"Mr. Kim, I need you now." She grabs his wrist and drags him away leaving me all alone.

"Ms. Avilyn Park?" I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a very adorable person. Not in the "Dang Im gunna get me a hot one" way, but in the cutest way. It was an old man really short and had the cutest smile ever pasted on his face.

I smile, "Yes?" 

He takes my elbow and takes me in the oppsote direction of Key to another Make-up stand. He calls out a name and speaks to her in another language. Maybe chinese? A lady walks out and I bow to her and say HI. She has me take a seat.

"You... model? Yes?" She asked me while smiling and fixing my long brown hair.

"I dont model, but today I'm working with...." My friend? I turn to look at Key who does a mean face at me.

"a  classmate..." I brush Key off with a wave of my hand. He's getting his clothes on for the photoshoot.

"You should model! You got the look and everything!" She sighs, " If only I was  still young....and you'll be working with SHINee!" She finishes curling a few more locks of hair.

"You're a fan of SHINee?" I ask her.

"Ah..yes, but I'm more BIGBANG fan." She giggles and I laugh with her.

"Me too!! I wanna meet G-dragon!" I exclaim and she nods her head. 

"Yes! G-dragon! ahhh! I love him!" We fangirl for a few minutes until Key interrupts us.

"You done?" He bluntly asks. The girl and I stop giggling and turn to look at him His hair is curled at the top, he's wearing black and white shirt, red sweater, and black glasses.

"Almost..." I tell him as the girl starts applying make-up on me. He nods.

"Well I'm going to check up on the boys," He sends me a signal and  walks away. I shrug my shoulders and watch him leave.


I had to get out of there. I don't know how much longer I could stand in that room. I walk outside and find the guys playing basketball.... IN THEIR PHOTOSHOOT CLOTHES.

"You GUYS! You're going to get your hair messed up!!" I shout. They all laugh and continue playing. I scowl and point at Taemin.

"Taemin! You're hair was prefectly straight and now its a big poof on your head! JUST LIKE OUR RING DING DONG DAYS!"

Taemin stops playing and pats his head.

Jonghyun hands Minho the basketball and heads over to me.

"Will you relax?" He wraps his arm around my shoulders and goes for a noogie. I quickly scoot away.


"So where's the girl?" Taemin asks me with a huge smile on his maknae face as he rocks back and forth.

I stare at him. His hair is beautiful, I'll give him that (our hair's the same color), his eyes do sparkle (mine sparkle more), and he has nice plump lips I can see that (but mine are better). I narrow my eyes at him. He's a dangerous one. He looks away from me nervously.

"Why do you care..." I slowly question him in a low voice.

He laughs at me. "Hyung is today not your day?"

I watch his glowing white smile as his hand kinda covers it as he laughs and then he puts it down.

"Stop smiling!" I order, well bark at him.

Minho grabs my shoulders and steers me back into the building. 

"Okay....let's not kill our maknae now."

We walk back into the building and head to the middle where out shoot is at. Not far, I spot Avilyn...Her hairs in two pigtails and curled. Her bangs swooped to the side with a spiral at the end. She's wearing a white short poofy dress and heels.


I gulp and watch her.... as she stares at Taemin.



I hear the back door open and watch as the guys walk in. My mouth drops as they all walk in like the supermodels they are.

Minho's first with his charismatic stare as he strides slowly forwards looking from side to side.

Next, Key who I got to admit looked pretty good and edgy as he walked closely behind Minho.

Taemin stood close by the two as he had on a small smile while his eyes moved searching the scene.

Jonghyun and Onew walked in engrossed in a funny conversation as the two huddled close to the other and then burst out laughing.

I watched all of them as they stopped near me. They stand in a line and I swear they're in a pose. They all

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I updated! And am working on another update~!


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Chapter 41: Awww the happy ending they deserved ^^;;
MissLocket #2
Chapter 41: Oh... I love it. Finally, a happy ending. Thank you so much for the story. It was pretty interesting.
psiphidragon #3
Chapter 6: Lol I like this story so far. ;-)
Kpopgirl808 #4
Chapter 41: Aww this story was AMAZING! Loved it sooooo much! Well...that's all! I'm off to read more of your FanFics
Chapter 6: I have just started to read this and because of all the videos you h ave posted i now have a few more k-pop bands to listen too and this story is amazing btw :)
ashleykobai #6
Chapter 1: oh god~! key kibum is so Handosme i can tell~!
YudaiM #7
SharkyZulkiflee #8
Chapter 12: ahifkzxlzjedicbusihiwbsjbcikxnnsbsxj disnkbzxkdjaoinc nikasdjnkdnkc
*me fangirling*

I LOVE IT!! Was called crazy for squealing and laughing alone by my mom ( .. )