
Can't Be Tamed
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"Young Mistress, please open the door."

Soojung was huddled in the corner of her room, next to the big window. Gauze wrapped around her hurt wrist. She hugged her legs close to her chest.

"Please, open the door."

The door to her room was jammed shut with a chair to the knob.

She the single key in her hand and glanced up at the locked window. She stood up shakily, using the wall behind her as support. She glanced down at her outfit and saw that she was dressed in an oversized white teeshirt.

The key dropped from her hand onto the floor when she tried to get up.

Soojung then recalled that the blood from her wrist splattered onto her shirt. Her fingers ghosted over her hurt wrist. Dragging her feet towards her closet, she grabbed a pair of shorts.

Putting it on, she reached for the golden key on the floor. She glanced over her shoulder towards her room door.

"I'm sorry," she muttered and unlocked the window's lock.

Pushing the window frame up, she glanced into her room again and jumped out. She landed on the grass patch outside and sprained her ankle. She didn't have shoes on, which made her escape quieter.

Standing up, she hopped on her good foot a few times before limping out of the backgate to the house.

She couldn't call anyone, her phone was confiscated. But she knew where Mark lived. Soojung bit on her bottom lip, bearing with the cold and the pain as she made her way towards her boyfriend's place.




Mark returned to his own place. He threw his stuff onto the bar table beside his door. He dragged his tired body towards his room and plopped down onto the bed, closing his eyes.

The day's events were wearing him out. There were only 5 things on his mind.


Him taking over his father's company.




He sat up and ruffled his hair in frustration.




Soojung managed to get near Mark's place. She took a step forward and fell onto the ground, wincing in pain. She glanced at the sole of her foot and saw that someone had left a broken beer bottle on the street.

She had stepped on it and the cut was a long gash. The cut was on her good foot, making her too hurt to walk.

But she got up nonetheless.

Looking up at the house 10 metres away and smiled. She took out her phone and dialled for Mark's number. Her vision was swirling at the loss of blood from her sole.

"Pick up... Please..."


Soojung waited a while more, and hung up. She stuffed the phone into her pocket and took a shaky step towards the house.


Someone grabbed her from behind, his arm against . A damp cloth then covered her nose and mouth. She tried struggling, using her legs to kick about, arms to flail about but the man's hold was strong.

Her screams for help were muffled into the cloth.

She accidentally took a big whiff out of it and a sweet smelling scent filled her nose. The cut on her foot was draining her energy.

Soojung's struggles slowly became weaker and weaker until eventually, she passed out onto the man's arms.

"She's out. Bring her into the van."

The leader returned to the van along the street. The man who drugged Soojung hoised her over his shoulder and carried her towards the vehicle.




Soojung wasn't responding to any of the knockings on the door.

The house staff had no choice but to call Yongguk and Jackson over. They knew that Soojung only listened to them. The boys arrived and padded towards their friend's room. Just as they wanted to knock on the door. the guards blocked them

"You only have 15 minutes."

"What is this?" Yongguk snapped. "Is she on house arrest right now?"

"She's your young miss, not a criminal, get your facts right." Jackson hissed.

"You time starts now." The guards brushed their comments away and stepped back.


Yongguk knocked on the door, "Come on Soo, you have to open the door. You're worrying me."

He glanced at Jackson and the younger male nudged him to scoot over. He stood before the door and tried to open it, only to feel something blocking the knob.

"Soo, open up. We can think about something to fix this."

Silence enveloped the two boys.

"We heard that you hurt yourself," Jackson started. "Why did you do it? If you wanna fight back, this isn't the way."

There was no sound from the room, making the boys look at each other. They started knocking on the door, feeling that something wrong was going on. They knew Soojung, she wouldn't back down like this without a fight.

Therefore hearing no response from inside the room, set off red flags in their heads.



Yongguk and Jackson started banging on the doors. The guards and staff started to have their guards up and Yongguk started to ram his body against the door.

The guard nearest to him stopped him and took his place, throwing his body weight against the door.

Jackson pushed the guard away and kicked at the door, near the knob twice, ha

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UnknownExoLover #1
Miss this :((
nhmuhammad #2
Chapter 34: Update aoon pleasee!I love this storyy?
CraZyLuii #3
Chapter 34: When will this story be updated ? I love this story . Please update when you have time author-nim ??
Chancey #4
Chapter 34: Hi.chancey from 2017 here~

I just wanted to know when,you two great authors, are updating this fic? I've read this story for - let's see: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.........

A hundred times. Please update!
Chapter 34: Oh. My. God. I knew she was going to get kidnapped but WHATS WITH THE WHIPPING?!?
Chapter 13: I'm mad at Chanyeol just because of this story... Is that even normal?
Chancey #7
Chapter 34: Those kidnappers are so.. UGHH!
But I wonder who they are tho -.-
And WTH? Why would her dad hold those three hot beings responsible? HUH? HUH?
Anyways, if Mark DID save her, her dad should stop the engagement and let Mark and Soojung alone...
Chapter 34: OMG kidnappers are making me angry geez
Chapter 34: Damn Mark save her!!!!