
Can't Be Tamed
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Chapter ELEVEN

Mark was upset that Soojung allowed Junhong to touch her like that. He was mad because she even kissed him. Mark was even more upset that he had allowed Soojung to mess with his feelings that easily.

He had already started to let Soojung affect him, little by little.

And he didn’t like that.

If Soojung was beginning to affect him like this, he was afraid he would forget everything about Hyorin.

He didn’t want that.

But seeing her so close to a guy that wasn’t Yongguk, Jackson or himself, he was just upset.

Mark didn’t want Soojung to be that the school was describing her to be.  But she was making it so difficult for people to see who she really was.

But speaking of which, Mark didn’t even know Soojung well.

Yet, they are lip-locking.


                “What the hell?!” Soojung exclaimed and pushed herself away from Mark.

Mark’s eyes widened when realisation hit him and Soojung took a few steps backwards. He watched as Soojung looked at him with tears welling in her eyes, with disbelief lining her beautiful hazel gems.

                “I- Oh my god. Soo, I… I didn’t mean that.” Mark tried to explain to her.

Soojung just looked blankly at Mark and sighed.

                “Of course you didn’t.” She whispered. “I’m just going to go.” She uttered and left Mark.


Mark’s fingers reached up to his lips when Soojung walked away. His mind was in a whirl.

What did he just do?

Who did he just kiss?

Mark fisted his hair and ruffled his locks.

                “I’m sorry Hyo. I don’t know what came over me…” He looked up at the sky.


Soojung walked away with heavy footsteps. She kept her head low and stared at her feet as she went back to the beach.

Why did Mark kiss her?

As she thought of it, she felt her tears drip from her eyes. She sniffled and didn’t look at where she was going. She took another step forward and collided into a person.

                “Excuse me.” She mumbled and side-stepped the person.


That voice.

The voice that belonged to the person that used to mean the world to her.

The person that she gave her heart to, only to be broken so badly in the end.

The person that she was assigned to work with.

Park Chanyeol.

                “What do you want Park?” Soojung asked and wiped her tears as quickly as possible.

Chanyeol grabbed onto her wrist and made her look at him.

                “Why are you crying? Did that Mark guy hurt you?”

                “It’s none of your business, Yeol.”

                “It is my business, Soo. I promised you that I kick the of anyone that decided to hurt you.” Chanyeol dropped his voice.

He reached his free hand out to wipe the remaining tears away. Soojung looked up and saw Chanyeol looking at her in worry. She wanted to just hug him and be in his warm embrace. To be back in that security she used to love.

But he wasn’t hers anymore.

Soojung pulled back, leaving Chanyeol looking at her in disbelief and shock.

                “You hurt me, Chanyeol. Do you remember? You were the one who has hurt me, shouldn’t you be kicking your own ?” Soojung asked, her voice masked by pain.

Chanyeol took a step forward and cupped her face with his giant hands. He gently caressed her cheeks with his thumbs and stood really close to her. He tilted her head up as he arched his neck to look down at her.

                “Babe, don’t be like this. I…” Chanyeol whispered and pecked her forehead. “You know you’re the only one I love.”

Soojung gazed into Chanyeol’s eyes and saw pain, regret and love reflecting back at her.

                “You left. Why did you come back?” Soojung whispered. “You got married, Chanyeol. You left me for her.”

Chanyeol pulled her into his embrace and pressed his hand on the back of her head. Soojung had her cheek against his chest and she heard his racing heartbeat.

She felt herself wrapping her arms around his middle and pulled him closer to her.

                “You know it’s only you, Soojung. You’re the only one that owns my heart. I didn’t want to marry her, it was for a business bonding.”

                “But you were only 16…”

                “I divorced her last year. The business bond didn’t last. It hurt me so much that you felt so much pain because of me.”

Soojung kept quiet and Chanyeol sighed.

                “You have no idea how many times I wanted to kick myself in the nuts because I knew I hurt you.” He explained.

                “Your parents gave you a choice. Either me or her. But you chose her.” Soojung figured and dropped her hands to her sides.

Chanyeol noticed Soojung’s action and tightened his hug around her.

                “It was never me, right? Chanyeol.”

                “Babe, don’t be like this.”

                “It was never me you chose! Don’t you see it? Why did you come back?”

Soojung tried to pull away from Chanyeol but he held onto her.

He lost her once, he wasn’t going to lose her again.

“I’m back for you. I realised my mistake. I’m here and I want you back.”


Mark wanted to apologise to Soojung for what he did so he followed her. He went towards the path Soojung took and saw Chanyeol back-facing him, like he was hugging someone. He side-stepped once to saw Soojung in his arms.

Something snapped in him and he turned his back on them.

How can Soojung act so carefree? Isn’t Yongguk her boyfriend of something?

He thought of the fact that she was attached and that Yongguk had told him to take care of Soojung, so he decided to approach them.


                “It was never me you chose! Don’t you see it? Why did you come back?”

Mark heard Soojung say and he could hear the breaking in her voice. He slowly walked up towards them and heard Chanyeol speak.

                “I’m back for you. I realised my mistake. I’m here and I want you back.”

He paused in his steps.


Mark almost took a step forward when the teacher called for them to gather with the class. Chanyeol and Soojung turned around and saw Mark walking off after the teacher.

Soojung pushed Chanyeol away from her and his hands fell onto her hips. She looked at Chanyeol and shook her head.

                “Stop it, Yeol. Let go of me.” She whispered.

                “Be safe,” Chanyeol ignored her plea and swiftly pecked her on the lips. “I’ll see you soon.”

Soojung pulled away and took a step forward before Chanyeol tugged on her wrist and pulled her back into his arms.

                “I really missed you, Soo.”

Chanyeol then pecked her forehead before letting go of her with a soft smile.

                “Go on.” He egged and left her.


When Soojung reached the beach, everyone was already in groups. She saw Mark look at her briefly before turning away. She ignored him and went to join the class. The teacher had planned a beach activity, and everyone was paired up.

Unfortunately for Mark, he was paired with Hyuna while Soojung opted to be out of the game. She wanted to watch the game instead. The teacher didn’t care about her anymore because he was busy looking after the class.

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UnknownExoLover #1
Miss this :((
nhmuhammad #2
Chapter 34: Update aoon pleasee!I love this storyy?
CraZyLuii #3
Chapter 34: When will this story be updated ? I love this story . Please update when you have time author-nim ??
Chancey #4
Chapter 34: Hi.chancey from 2017 here~

I just wanted to know when,you two great authors, are updating this fic? I've read this story for - let's see: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.........

A hundred times. Please update!
Chapter 34: Oh. My. God. I knew she was going to get kidnapped but WHATS WITH THE WHIPPING?!?
Chapter 13: I'm mad at Chanyeol just because of this story... Is that even normal?
Chancey #7
Chapter 34: Those kidnappers are so.. UGHH!
But I wonder who they are tho -.-
And WTH? Why would her dad hold those three hot beings responsible? HUH? HUH?
Anyways, if Mark DID save her, her dad should stop the engagement and let Mark and Soojung alone...
Chapter 34: OMG kidnappers are making me angry geez
Chapter 34: Damn Mark save her!!!!