
Can't Be Tamed
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Soojung was out of the house, waiting for Chanyeol to come back home. The night was breezy and she was cold. She hugged herself tightly, no wanting to catch a chill. Soojung kept looking out for his car and Yongguk came out of the house.

“He called,” he said. “He’ll be late home. His dad wanted him to stay a little longer with a business partner.”

Soojung nodded and followed him into the house.

“Ah wait!” She exclaimed, halting Yongguk.

“What is it?”

“His birthday is coming up tomorrow, and I have yet to get him a cake. I’m going to go get it now.” Soojung pulled the cardigan around her more.

“But it’s ten, it’s late.”

“I’ll be back quickly!” She shouted as she ran out the gates.


Soojung held the chocolate cake in her hand, slightly skipping as she walked home. She could only think of the look Chanyeol would have on his face when he were to see the cake.

Her footsteps were springy but they slowly ceased when she felt a presence behind her. She tilted her head a little and immediately looked forward.

There was someone behind her.

She quickened her footsteps by a little, occasionally glancing over her shoulder. She panicked when she realised that he was following her. She saw her house just a few steps from where she was so she started to run.

The moment she did, the man behind her ran. She ran past an alley and was pulled into it. She screamed but someone covered . The man stopped at the entrance of the alley and started smiling.

“Great work Ken.”

“Is she the one, Jim?”

“Yeap, the daughter of the Great Park Jaesung and Kim Yoonyi. She’s the one we need.”

At the back of the alley, she heard the revving of a vehicle and caught a glimpse of a black van. They started dragging her to the vehicle forcefully.  Soojung started to kick around, dropping the cake on the floor.

“Help!” Her call for help was muffled.

The men held her tightly and she started crying into her captor’s hand.

“Aww, is the ice princess crying? How cute.” Jim cooed and tapped her cheek. He then sent his palm down on her cheek. “Shut up!”

Ken laughed.

“Since she’s here, and no one’s around, let’s have some fun with her then hand her over to boss.” He said and Jim’s eyes gleamed in lust.

Soojung’s eyes widened and kicked around violently. He hugged her waist from behind tightly, trying his best not to let go of her. She stomped on his foot and he growled in pain.

“Why you-”

She made a run for it. Never mind about the cake, her life is at stake here.

“Not so fast!” Jim stopped her and she ran straight into his arms.

“Let me go! Let go of me you !”

Jim grabbed her neck harshly and pushed her against the brick wall, making her grunt in pain. Her arms were pinned beside her head and she cried as she avoided Jim’s lips. When he couldn’t bite onto her lips, he dove for her neck.

“Stop… Please! Stop!” She pleaded.

Jim’s hands were sliding down her waist and into her skirt. He fiddled around for a second before Soojung kneed him in his jewels. Doubling over in pain, he dropped to his knees, nursing the terrible pain between his legs.

She ran but fell to the ground because Jim grabbed her ankles. She whimpered and got to her feet, running for the entrance.

“Get her!” Jim let out painfully breaths and Ken ran over to her.

She had just got out of the alley when she bumped into a sturdy chest. The man’s hands had a firm grip on her arms.

“! Get away from me!” She flung his hands away but he reached out to grab her again.

“It’s me Soo! It’s me!” Yongguk called.

She stopped and looked up.

“Oppa!” She let her tears free and hugged his middle tightly.

Soojung pressed her cheek on his chest and he rubbed her back.

“What happened to you?”

Before she could answer, she heard people running behind her and she quickly darted behind Yongguk. He had his arms on her back, protecting her from whoever she was hiding from.

“You !” Ken came running out.

“Who are you?” Yongguk’s protectiveness came pouring out. “What do you want with her?”

“It’s none of your business!” Ken snarled. “She’s my property. Hand her over now.”

“Never. Over my dead body.”

Jim came out and stood beside Ken. Then Ken smirked at Yongguk.

“As you wish.”

The both of them charged towards Yongguk and he pushed Soojung away from him as he took on the two guys. What they did not know is that, Yongguk has been taking mixed martial arts lessons since he was 8.

The guys were down on the ground in less than 5 minutes and Yongguk yelled at them.

“ off my face and never come back for Soo! Do you hear me?!”

“Let’s go.” Ken helped Jim up and they both ran off to the van.


Yongguk watched them leave before running back to Soojung. His heart fell when he saw her form. Grazed and bleeding kneecaps, bruised arms and neck and her tear stricken, full of fear face. He cupped her face immediately and thumbed away her tears.

“Shh, shh. Stop crying… It’s over, they’re gone.” He cooed.

Soojung brought herself into his protective arms and cried again.

“I was so worried that you weren’t back so I went out to look for you.”

“I was so scared… I thought they were going to take me away, they said my parents’ name… Thank god for you…”

He placed her big hand on the back of her head and gently patted it.

“Let’s go home to get your wounds cleaned up.”


Soojung took her bath, and Yongguk had already cleaned her wounds. She was sitting on the sofa, with Yongguk beside her. He was worried because she was quiet and she had this blank stare on her face.

Jiggling keys from outside the door shook them back to reality. They both turned to the door just as the lock turned and Chanyeol stepped into the house. Soojung got up and headed towards the stairs. Yongguk’s eyes followed her.

“Sorry, I’m late. Something cropped up.” He called.

Chanyeol noticed his girlfriend walking and he quickly walked up to her and hugged her from behind. She started screaming and pushed him away before squatting down on the floor, her hands clapped over her ears.

Yongguk leaped over the arm rest of the sofa and ran to Soojung. He cradled her and she held onto his arm. Chanyeol was bewildered at what he was seeing and Yongguk quickly scooped Soojung up, carrying her back to her room.


Yongguk came down after a while and saw Chanyeol pacing up and down in the living room. He gave the male a hard glare, turning into the kitchen. Chanyeol followed him in.

“Hyung, what happened to her?” Concern painted his face.

“Why are you back at this time? You should be back 2 hours ago. If you were home 2 hours ago, nothing would have happened to her!” He yelled.

That made Chanyeol’s inside churn.

“What happened to Soojung?” His voice dead serious.

“She went out to get you your darn birthday cake and was almost taken away by thugs! They tried to her, Yeol.” He sighed.

“What?!” Chanyeol was al

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UnknownExoLover #1
Miss this :((
nhmuhammad #2
Chapter 34: Update aoon pleasee!I love this storyy?
CraZyLuii #3
Chapter 34: When will this story be updated ? I love this story . Please update when you have time author-nim ??
Chancey #4
Chapter 34: Hi.chancey from 2017 here~

I just wanted to know when,you two great authors, are updating this fic? I've read this story for - let's see: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.........

A hundred times. Please update!
Chapter 34: Oh. My. God. I knew she was going to get kidnapped but WHATS WITH THE WHIPPING?!?
Chapter 13: I'm mad at Chanyeol just because of this story... Is that even normal?
Chancey #7
Chapter 34: Those kidnappers are so.. UGHH!
But I wonder who they are tho -.-
And WTH? Why would her dad hold those three hot beings responsible? HUH? HUH?
Anyways, if Mark DID save her, her dad should stop the engagement and let Mark and Soojung alone...
Chapter 34: OMG kidnappers are making me angry geez
Chapter 34: Damn Mark save her!!!!