
Can't Be Tamed
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Soojung parked her car at the great building belonging to Park Jaesung and Kim Yoonyi. She slipped out of her vehicle and put her sunglasses on. She headed to the lift lobby and entered the lift, pressing onto the top floor’s button.

The machine reached the ground level and several office workers entered the lift. Soojung was going to tune in to her music when she heard the workers talking.

“I heard the daughter is here today.”

“Really? Park Soojung is here?”

Soojung’s brows rose when she heard her name.

                “What is she doing here?”

                “I heard that her parents wanted to speak to her.”

                “About what?”

“I think she was fooling around, and they found out.”

Another man joined into the conversation.

                “Are you sure? She seemed like a nice person. A hot nice person.”

                “Nice? Come on Pete, Park Soojung and nice don’t fit together. The only time these two can appear in the same sentence is when the word isn’t is between them.”

                “I heard she shagged Chanyeol.”

                “Park Chanyeol of Park Conglomerate? Are you serious?”

                “Yeah! They were former sweethearts, until she cheated on him!”

Soojung lowered her sunglasses.

I cheated on Chanyeol?

                “She’s a wild one isn’t she? It makes her all the more hot.”

The lift dinged and Soojung made her way out of the elevator. Before the doors closed, she stopped the doors with her palms. The people inside the lift looked at her like she was crazy.

                “Who are you? Let go of the lift doors, now.”

Soojung smirked.

                “I’m Soojung. Park Soojung.”

Everyone froze.

                “I heard every single thing you’ve said in the lift. I’m amused at how you people can just spread rumours without clarifying each of them first. I won’t even bother explaining myself to you, but you guys better be prepared to be fired.”

Soojung then lifted her hands and waved at the people inside. The doors closed and her smug smile fell.

I don’t even know these people and they are speaking trash about me.

Soojung sighed and tightened her grip on the handle of her Michael Korrs purse. She went up to her father’s secretary and asked to see her father.

                “I’m sorry, CEO Park is currently meeting a client.” The male secretary said.

Soojung rolled her eyes and looked away.

                “He asked me to come but he’s busy with another person.” She mumbled under her breath. “When will he be free?”

                “He’ll be ready in another hour.”

                “I’ll wait for him here.”

Soojung walked over to the sofa. The secretary finally dropped his stuff and got up.

                “Soojung-ah, why don’t you go to the cafeteria to grab something to eat?” He asked and sat down on the sofa beside Soojung. “You know how sajangnim is like when he meets his clients.”

She shook her head.

                “Oppa, I’ll be fine here. I have nothing on anyway.” She replied and placed her file on her laps. “Junho oppa, how’s my father?”

                “He has been working non-stop ever since he returned from that business trip he had. Your mother isn’t any better.”

                “Take care of them for me, alright? You know they’re like around me, always pressuring me to do things I have no interest in.”

Junho chuckled and ruffled the girl’s head.

                “I know, I know. You know, you can always come to me when you need help. Besides you have Yongguk and Jackson to lean on when something ever happens.” Junho smiled.

She smiled at the older male and was about to say something when she heard yelling from inside the office.

                “What do you mean you can’t help me with this?! You promised to help my company!”

Junho and Soojung sat up. The male shook his head and patted her shoulder before running off to get security.

She was confused.

What was happening?

                “I will not allow my staff to help a company who deals in black market stuff! What you guys are doing is illegal! I won’t let you tarnish my company’s reputation!”

Soojung heard crashes from the office and she burst through the doors. She gasped when she saw the other man in the room pointing a knife at her father. She dropped her bag and ran over to the man, trying to stop the man.

Without a second thought, she jumped in front of her father and held her hands out.

                “Hey! Hey, there is no use for violence! Put the knife down and leave!” She ordered.

The man chuckled.

                “And who are you supposed to be? To tell me what to do?” He asked. “Are you his little saviour? The Great CEO Park can’t even defend himself and needs a girl to do it for him?”

Jaesung shook his head and pushed Soojung around, behind him.

                “Baby girl, don’t do this. This is not your problem.” He said and turned to face the man with the knife.

                “Leave, while I’m still being nice.” Jaesung warned and the man’s cheeky grin died into a hardened look.

                “Nice? You being nice?!” He yelled and the knife shook on his hands. “You bastard!” He shouted and rant towards the father and daughter.

Soojung screamed and her father braced himself for the pain.

She noticed that her father wasn’t moving and she quickly moved in front of father.

At the same time the man was rushing towards them, Junho came back with two burly guards.

                “Stop!” The guard yelled.

The man ignored the security guards and he ed his knife at Soojung. Her father managed to pull both himself and his daughter out of the way, but the blade of the knife grazed along her arm.

                “Soojung-ah!” Junho called.

The security ran towards the armed man and knocked the weapon off his hands before throwing him to the ground, pinning him on the carpeted floor.

                “Let go of me!”

Soojung fell to the floor, her hand clamped over her cut as Jaesung assisted the guards with the assailant.

Junho rushed to her and helped her to her feet. He made her sit down on the sofa outside the office as he reached for the first-aid kit under his desk.

                “Why did you have to do that?” Junho scolded. “Why did you have to be so foolish? He has a knife! You would have been seriously hurt!”

Soojung winced as he dressed her wound.

                “I couldn’t just watch my father get hurt right?” She asked.

Junho just shook his head and she smiled.

Jaesung walked in and saw his daughter, her arm wrapped in gauze and a bandage. He walked up to them and gave her a long hug.

                “Why are you so reckless?” He asked after he broke the hug.

Soojung gave him a grin and reached for her purse. She pulled out the file and handed it to her father, then sh

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UnknownExoLover #1
Miss this :((
nhmuhammad #2
Chapter 34: Update aoon pleasee!I love this storyy?
CraZyLuii #3
Chapter 34: When will this story be updated ? I love this story . Please update when you have time author-nim ??
Chancey #4
Chapter 34: Hi.chancey from 2017 here~

I just wanted to know when,you two great authors, are updating this fic? I've read this story for - let's see: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.........

A hundred times. Please update!
Chapter 34: Oh. My. God. I knew she was going to get kidnapped but WHATS WITH THE WHIPPING?!?
Chapter 13: I'm mad at Chanyeol just because of this story... Is that even normal?
Chancey #7
Chapter 34: Those kidnappers are so.. UGHH!
But I wonder who they are tho -.-
And WTH? Why would her dad hold those three hot beings responsible? HUH? HUH?
Anyways, if Mark DID save her, her dad should stop the engagement and let Mark and Soojung alone...
Chapter 34: OMG kidnappers are making me angry geez
Chapter 34: Damn Mark save her!!!!