Handsome Oppas And Ice Cream

It All Started With A Date

Sungjong just keep on staring at you.

“What is he doing?” You asked yourself.

A crew came up to you and brought you beside Sungjong who is standing beside a bench.  The crew cheerfully looks at the both of you.

She introduces herself as the director and the other cast of the show as well. They’re all friendly.

“Sungjong-yah, you make sure to be extra sweet to her and keep her beside you whenever the filming is on, okay?”

“Ye.” He just simply said.

“And you, Kim Sun Hee, do the same to him also, arassoyo?”

You looked at Sungjong first. “Yes.”

“Hey, it’s your first date guys, so why all that look on your faces? The viewers will find you boring if you both keep that kind of look.” The director said.

Embarrassed, you try to put a smile. Sungjong did the same, too.

“Ah, maybe you’re still not comfortable with each other right?” She smiled. “That’s okay. I understand that you feel awkward at your..  First date?”

You both nodded.

“Oh..” The director smiled. “Anyway, you two take a seat first while we’re waiting for the hosts to arrive.”


Few minutes later, a car arrived at the park. From there, two men got out of the car.

The first one, who took off his glasses, is…

“Kyaa~ It’s Leeteuk! The leader of Super Junior!” You silently screamed.

As you take your look at the other man beside Leeteuk, you were star-strucked!

“Kim Hyun Joong!”

Both men happily waves to all of you. You bowed at them, the same as Sungjong did.

The two idols were there only as a special guest hosts as the director explains it.

Still in wonderland, you didn’t notice that Sungjong is talking to you.

He snapped his finger in front of you. “Yah, wake up. Don’t sleep here standing on the street, you’ll look like a lamp post.”

You gave him a glare. He just smiled at you in response.

For a moment there, you paused.

“Ah, he keeps on smiling.  Anyway, it’s really nothing extraordinary especially when Leeteuk-oppa and Hyun Joong-oppa are around.”

Thinking that you also smiled at him, Sungjong kept his smile on you.

Looking away, you saw an ice cream stand.

Sungjong looks at there, too.

Without you noticing him, he left. And only to find him buying ice cream. He faced at your direction and waves. Shortly after, he came back to you.

“Here, take it.” He offers.

“Komawoyo.” You saw that it’s your favorite flavor. Cookies and cream.

“How did you know?”

“Just a guess. Did I get it right?” He smiled again.

“Damn.. Those smiles were really..”

“Ah, what exactly are his smiles for you, Sun Hee?” Your conscience asked you.



Watching from afar, are those pair of eyes.

“What do you think about those kids, huh?” The director asked the cameraman.

“Oh, them? They looked good together.” Then took a shot at them eating ice cream together.

That day ended with just practically meeting with each other for the first time.

“Had I known that the date will be as pretty as her, I’d rather not do the hosting for this show.” Leeteuk declared while looking at you.

“Leeteuk-yah, don’t say that, she’ll be embarrassed.” Kim Hyung Joong said as he stares at you.

Sungjong, on his narrowed eyes took a sip at his iced coffee.

A sumptuous meal followed thereafter.

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Zoap-san #1
Chapter 37: That was the sweetest story ever! I love Sungjong as the main character! Thank your for writing this!
Dongsaengie19 #2
Chapter 37: Lee Sungjong is DAEBAK.
Chapter 36: Sunnnnngggggggjjjoooooooonnnnnnngggggaaaaaaaa~<3
Chapter 37: omooooooo !! too sweettt ! Nice Story :)
Chapter 37: waaaaaaaaaaa sooooooooooooooo swwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttt..
authornim, this story is really awesome!!
It's really DAEBAK!!
I really enjoyed reading it. <3 <3 <3
Finished reading ^^ I love the last few parts of the story. It was super sweet ^^ awesome storyline too ^^
Gonna start reading it ^^ I happen to be both an ELF and Inspirit ^^ Are you too?
So.... I finished reading this without realizing it =_=<br />
Aigoo~ I'm stuck at chpater 8 because of school >.<