It's that day of the week again.

My So-Called Babysitters

December 3

It was Saturday. The girls didn't have school, and their Oppas didn't have a schedule either. So they all stayed at home. 

8:00 am Cheonsa was awake. The first one to be awake, to be exact. She didn't wanna wake up anyone else in the house, so she tip-toed her way to the bathroom. Although, she was the first to be awake, she wasn't the only one. "Guess Who." Someone whispered into Cheonsa's ear and hugged her around the waist. It was Onew. "Yah, oppa, you nearly gave me a heart attack.." Cheonsa said back to him. Onew and Cheonsa were then ready to disperse and go their separate ways until BAM. "AHHH" "Waaahh" Onew slipped on his socks and knocked down Cheonsa. They were both now on the floor. Laughing and giggling, until Onew and Cheonsa met eyes. Their eyes locked and for a moment there there was a serene silence in the air until Onew blurted out "W-we'd better begin our morning..." "Neh. Araso."  Cheonsa replied getting up.

Cheonsa found herself looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks were slightly red, as she was blushing lightly, from that suprise attack from Onew.

"Omo. What was that?  I can't believe he just did that to me. It probably was just a friendy gesture. How could he possibly like me? I'm a fatso. And he on the other hand is so... muscular. Yah! Cheonsa, back to reality! Anyways, how CAN he like me. I eat all his chicken, together with my ading (SooMin) and my manang (JangMi). keke."

Cheonsa thought to herself in the bathroom.

Downstairs, Onew was looking through the fridge for some eggs, trying to act cool just in case somebody spotted him. On the inside, Onew really wanted to happy dance. After cooking the eggs, Onew's emotions were ready to burst. He looked from left to right, up and down. The next thing he knew, Onew was jumping up and down, doing a happy dance, like a rockstar. Rocking on his air guitar, SooMin came down the stairs. Resisting not to laugh, Min walked into the kitchen, staring at her 'deranged cousin Jinki'. Just then Onew, thought that the celebrating of actually having a memory with Cheonsa was enough, he opened his eyes. 

He opened his eyes to find, SooMin, standing there with a camcorder videotaping him. "keke, don't worry oppa, it wasn't recording." SooMin said to Onew, hugging him. "Why so happy anyways?" "Well... " Onew started explaining his 'morning memory' to Min. "

"Thats so cute!" SooMin said after listening to the story. "SHH." Onew replied to his dongsaeng's reaction. "keke, mianhe. Why don't you tell her you like her?" SooMin said to her oppa. "I don't know, i don't think I'm ready yet."

9:30 am everyone had woken up and went to eat breakfast. 10:00 am everyone was done and everything in the house had been settled. 11:00 am, everyone was ready to take on the day. 

Lounging around the house the 5 babos of them, sat around. Who were the missing two? JangMi and Minho. They were outside, playing soccer. 

"Yah! Oppa! Give me the ball!" "Come and get me first!" "Kyaaah!" "Kekeke. You have to be faster than that!" "Omo! Just pass me the ball! Or else I will kick YOU."

JangMi and Minho, had fun playing outside. They played out until 6:00 pm. And no joke were they tired after. But what happened inside the house during that period of time JangMi and Minho were outside?


Cheonsa and Onew, were reading books, looking and smirking at each other from time to time. 

Jonghyun and Min.. Uh.. well.. lets just say.. it was a "Lovely Chaos" (term used by everyone in the house, when the two combined)

SooMin- Yo, Dino oppa! Pass me my People Magazine, I need to keep up with America. Keke.

Jonghyun- Magic word. And I'm not a dinosaur. *derps his face at you*

SooMin- Please, and yes you are, you playboy! *mehrong and derp face*

Jonghyun- Yah! Me, a playboy? Wrong dino. *with a smirk*

SooMin- Aha! So you are a dinosaur. keke. I knew it! *smiling like an idiot*

Jonghyun- Aish, what do i do with you? * another derp*

SooMin- Buy me some food. * with a bright smile*

Jonghyun- You babo. *another derp*

SooMin- I'm not the only one. *derpy face*

Jonghyun- We're both babos okay. *derpy derp*

SooMin- Yaay! *smiles*

Jonghyun- *Sniffs your hair* What shampoo do you use? It smells good.

SooMin- Head and Shoulders.. why you ask?

Jonghyun- Curiousity..

SooMin- AH.

Jonghyun- Conditioner..?

SooMin- *derp* VO5... Omo.. i'm gonna start calling you Shampoo oppa.

Jonghyun- Then you are, conditioner dongsaeng.

SooMin- Okay then.

The conversation ended, Key and Taemin were on the side laughing and giggling at the 4 babos people, who act as if they were an old married couple (Jonghyun and Min) and a movie couple (Cheonsa and Onew). 

7:00pm fell. The 7 of them were eating at the table, when there was a knock on the door. "I'm coming!" SooMin yelled, walking towards the door. She opened the door to find 2 boys, who looked too familiar. It was Brandon and Jeremy, from their old school back in Honolulu. SooMin's face grew a huge smile. "OH MY GOODNESS! I miss you guys so MUCH! What are you guys even doing here!" SooMin hugged the two boys. Onew and Cheonsa stood up at the same time, they walked towards the door upon hearing SooMin.

"Yah! Who's there?" Onew yelled. A few feet from the door way, Cheonsa, knew who it was. "WAHHH!" She yelled hugging the two boys as well. Key and Taemin looked in amazement towards the door. JangMi and Minho on the other hand, didnt know what the hell was going on. They just kept on eating and gazing at each other. Jonghyun looked at the door with a derp face.

"Oppa, these are our friends from back home. Brandon and Jeremy." SooMin introduced. "Hello." the two boys greeted. "Why are you guys here?" Cheonsa asked. "We'll be here for a week or so." Exchange program from back home." Brandon and Jeremy replied. "How did you even find us?" SooMin asked "We saw your parents during our stop over in Philippines."Jeremy replied back. "Yo, where's Jasmine?" Jeremy asked. "Eating." Cheonsa and SooMin said both at the same time. "Of course, I bet you guys are too." Brandon added. "Yeah, we're actually having dinner right now." Cheonsa replied. "Sorry to bother you, guys."Brandon said. "Nah, it's kay." SooMin said back in reply. "Well, we better be going now. Counsler's gonna be mad at us." Jeremy replied. "Well, y'know where we are. Drop by soon." SooMin said "Heres our numbers." Cheonsa replied, handing them pieces of paper. "Bye Ashley, Bye Blessie." Jeremy and Brandon said walking off. 

SooMin and Cheonsa closed the door. Onew was standing beside them with one eyebrow raised. SooMIn and Cheonsa started laughing. "Who was that? And Who is Ashley and Blessie.. and Jasmine?" Onew interrogated. "They're just old friends of ours." Min replied. "..and Ashley? Blessie? Jasmine?" "That's our names in America." Cheonsa replied. "I'm Blessie" Cheonsa said. "I'm Ashley! Jinki oppa, don't you remember?" SooMin replied. "Oh, Yeah, that's right, keke. But who's-" "JangMi" Cheonsa and SooMin interrupted Onew before he could finish. 

The three of them walked back to the table and sat back down. "Yah, who was that?" Key asked curiously. "Min and Cheonsa have boyfriends~" Taemin chanted. "You should get together with them you two!" JangMi goaded them finally realizing what happened. "Looks like you guys got game!" Minho teased. Onew, on the other hand, put on a fake grin on his face, a little broken hearted. Jonghyun was staring blankly into Min's face wanting to cry. Min didn't notice him though considering she was still dumbfounded by Jeremy and Brandon's suprise visit. 

Dinner passed. 8:45 pm now, they were once again on the couch. Just then Minho nervously anounnced "Uh, I have something to say... Well, it's just that, even though, I haven't known JangMi for a long time...I.. what i'm trying to say is JangMi wil you be my girlfriend?" "Sure! I'd love to be your girlfriend, Minho oppa!" JangMi replied. "Aww." Key commented "Ah, Kyeopta!" Taemin squeaked. "Yeah Fatso!" Cheonsa and SooMin cheered. Onew and Jonghyun, sat there and put on a fake grin. They were happy for Minho and JangMi, but they were still broken hearted by the 'incident' that happened earlier. 

9:00 pm Taemin and Key went upstairs to go to sleep. Minho and JangMi, went outside to the back porch and stared at the stars. SooMin and Cheonsa went to Min's room to have their usual bonding. Jonghyun and Onew on the other hand were still sitting on the couch. 

Taemin and Key:

Taemin- Yah, hyung, I'm happy for Minho and I don't wanna bring the mood down, but why does Jonghyun and Onew hyung suddenly seem sad?

Key- I really don't know Tae. I just hope they'll be fine tomorrow.

Minho and JangMi:

Minho- I'm really happy you said yes, yeobo

JangMi- How can I not say yes to a man like you? 

Minho- It's your eyes that got me. They're so bright, twinkling and beautiful, not even the north star can compare to it.

Minho and JangMi stare blankly into each others' eyes as if they were communicating. Their heads got closer, their lips touched, the north star twinkled. JangMi backed looked away after the kiss, scared of what might happen. 

Minho- Yah, yeobo, don't be scared, I'm here to take care of you. Nothing can come between us.

The two fell asleep on the bench, JangMi's head on Minho's shoulder.

SooMin and Cheonsa:

Min- Jeremy and Brandon really gave us quite a suprise, don't you think so?

Cheonsa- No joke they did. I saw Jeremy looking at you. Don't deny it girl. 

Min- Oh, be quiet Captain Fatso! I saw Brandon looking at you!

Cheonsa- Psh, yeah cause I gained weight.

Min- Oh whatever! Let's sleep now, i tired.

Cheonsa- Yeah okay then. Night Lieutenant, haha you dead person (referring to how SooMin sleeps like a dead person)

Min- Night Captain.

Jonghyun and Onew:

Jonghyun- Hyung...

Onew- Neh?

Jonghyun- How do you know if you love someone...

Onew- Ask your heart. Follow your heart, think with your heart. Why do you ask?

Jonghyun- I got kinda jeal-

Onew- Jealous, when you saw Min flirting. Yeah, I was-

Jonghyun- Jealous when I saw Cheonsa flirting too.

Onew- Ah, so you figured out..

Jonghyun- I realized you, when you first saw her. Looked like my face. keke.

Onew- On the bright side, Minho-ssi is happy with Jangmi

Jonghyun- I am happy for them, are you?

Onew- Of course. Just cause i'm heart broken, doesn't mean I can't be happy for others.

Jonghyun- Basically, read my mind hyung..

Onew- When are we going to-

Jonghyun- confess.. soon before we lose our chances, i hope hyung.




Heey, I told you I'd update! So how's it going you? I hope you 'liked' the update. Rushed it.... you could probably tell.Well, comment, I need yo' feed back and go answer the poll (the poll in the story change update)! It closes on the 7th of December 2011. Anyways thats all for now.  Add me on FB: me on Twitter:!/lolamdl,Tumblr: and Me2Day: Kekekeke.


~Filipino Musubi~

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CassiePetalELF #1
Chapter 5: Congrats sa pagiging featured! :)
Chapter 6: how do you insert our usernames in the chapters??thats awesome!!!
Chapter 5: i enjoy it :) BTW! Congrats sa pag feature :) this fiction deserves it :D :) :*
Hi_Filipino #4
Congrats on getting featured. :)
Rosetran #5
Congrats on getting featured
Infinite_8 #6
NadoSarang #7
Infinite_7 #8
congrats on getting featured ^^
Eunhae123689 #9
Chapter 48: I like turtles :p congratz :D