Key's Secret~Change of heart?~Fangirl mode: ON

My So-Called Babysitters
Key's Secret «So Key saw Jonghyun go out on Christmas night. Key was curious and followed him. Jonghyun ended up at a bar. Key do anything except sneak into the bar and hide. After watching Jonghyun get drunk, he saw that Jonghyun was making out with another girl, at that time SooMin didn't choose yet. Jonghyun, becoming a little bit sober, realized it was his ex, Se Kyung. And so Jonghyun regretted what he did, since he has entirely gotten over Se Kyung. She begged for forgiveness and to take her back. The reason why Se Kyung and Jonghyun broke up was because of busy schedules and Se Kyung was secretly hiding that she only wanted Jonghyun for looks. So she  brought up the schedules and breaking up lie. Anyways! Back to the story. Jonghyun ran off as Se Kyung kept on begging to Jonghyun to take her back. Jonghyun finally agreed, thinking about how much SooMin treats him badly and how she probably wont choose him. And how she must hate him alot even though they had a talk, she might be putting up an act. Key, just stared. He knew Se Kyung only wanted Jonghyun for attention, how does he know? He followed Se Kyung to the side and listened to her convo on the phone. "Neh, Jonghyun-ah is here at the bar, I just made out with him. Aigo, how I miss those lips. Okay, so step 1:  is done. Now step 2: Get him to sleep with me. Kekeke then step 3: get back together then step 4: Break up. This plan will get me more attention and more experience to get acting roles!" Key was infuriated, he just hid there behind the wall. But there was still one question: Why did Jonghyun go to the bar?: He wanted to get his mind off SooMin. He thought SooMin was acting but she wasn't. He decided to 'act' as well. And at the bar something else came up, Se Kyung and now another reason came up to lose all feelings for SooMin: Because he wanted Se Kyung back. He totally forgotten about SooMin. "Bye Oppa! See you on Jan. 10th! And make sure you bring the gear." Sekyung smiled walking out the bar. Jonghyun stared as she walked out with her heels go click clack like a witch, as Key described it as. Just then Jonghyun decided to go. Key came out of hiding and went home. Along the way home though, he ran into Jeremy. "Oh hey! Key, right?" Jeremy greeted. "Uh yeah, hey Jeremy, one thing I gotta tell you. You love SooMin right? You want her to chose you? Well, I just want you to be nice to her don't be shy, and show her your true side, therefore she'll pick you. Don't let arguments, or anyone else break that bond." Key advices him, getting mad at Jonghyun, getting back together with Witch Se Kyung. "Thanks Key~ But wouldn't you think Jonghyun would be with her not me, considering your his friend?" Jeremy wondered if this was a set up. "Yeah, Jonghyun well, he's taken care of. Don't tell anyone but he's gonna probably get back with his ex, who doesn't even want him for his true self, and he's acting nice to SooMin, I can tell he's lost all feelings for her. And if she does chose him, she'll just get her heart broken, so yeah~" Key finished and walked away. "I promise!" Jeremy yelled his heart out to Key with a smile on his face. » January 10 It was a Tuesday, Jonghyun and SooMin hasn't spoken to each other, Cheonsa and JangMi were back at their houses. Speaking of them, they told their parents about their new relationships, and in the end after all the arguing, their parents gave in and let there children be. SooMin also. Video chatted with her parents who approved. Now, back to the story~  "Morning~" SooMin walked downstairs that morning, to find only one person: Jonghyun. "Oh hey." Jonghyun smiled. "Hey, where's the others?" SooMin tried to smile back. "Oh Onew Hyung has to go and help out  the actor taking place of his role in the musical, they're showing it again. Onew was offered to play the role again but declined, Key is taking cooking class for a refresher, he needed a hobby, Minho is auditioning for roles and Taemin is working on promoting the movie he's voicing." Jonghyun replied sternly, making eye contact with SooMin. "Oh, cool, how about you?" She asked curiously. "Nothing, SM Ballad promotions sre done but Se Kyung is coming over. I want you to meet her." Jonghyun said with a hint of revenge on his brain. "I'd love to but I have school today, Oppa." she said smiling since she had an excuse. Jonghyun had been actin cold to her lately, and it wasn't because she chose Jeremy over him. It was something she couldn't put her tounge on. "Oh, Neh~ Araso." Jonghyun replied back. Just then ~DingDong~  SooMin opened the door and found… "JerBear!" She said leaping into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist. "Ashiecakes!" he said and kissed her on the cheek. "Ready to go to school?" he said. "Yes, in my pajamas." She said back. "Oh okay." he replied back jokingly pulling her out the door. SooMin rushed upstairs and changed.  "Bye Shampoo Oppa!" she yelled at him. Jonghyun's heart dropped. Jonghyun's brain took a trip down memory lane with SooMin. "Bye Conditioner Dongsaeng!" he yelled at SooMin. He remembered what SooMin gave him, that Se Kyung didn't: good memories. SooMin once again had a place in Jonghyun's heart, but it wasn't as big as before. Jonghyun knew that this spot in his heart was just a friendship. SooMin smiled when he said "Conditioner Dongsaeng"  Entering the school gates, Cheonsa and JangMi bombarded SooMin who was clinging on Jeremy's arm. "Dongsaeng-ah!" they hugged her, then came along TaeRi who hugged SooMin's legs.  "Trying to kill me, eh?" She joked as they released their grips. Just as Jeremy and SooMin thought they were safe, along came Niel who started teasing them.  Cheonsa joined her boyfriend, now the 2 couples unite.  The day went by smoothly, except after lunch.  "Guess who?" two familiar voices said as JangMi and TaeRi's eyes were covered. It was Minho and Taemin.  "Yah, Oppa what are you doing here?" "Just visiting" Minho and JangMi hugged.  "Be careful, there's like a lot of fangirls." TaeRi warned. "It's okay, my love for you is strong enough to fight them." Taemin smiled.  Back at home, ~DingDong~ Jonghyun opened the door and found Se Kyung. Se Kyung pushed him on the couch without saying anything and started to kiss him vigorously. She ripped open Jonghyun's shirt, but he pushed her away as the thought of SooMin flushed through his brain and noticed  how much Se Kyung uses him for attention. And all she wanted from him was affection. No happy memories. "Se Kyung, I don't think this is right, just please, I don't want you anymore. Go, before I really break your heart." Jonghyun opened the door. But Se Kyung just shut it before saying another word. "Jonggie, baby, I know you love me. I know you want me~ and not SooMin." Se kyung argued. "How do you know SooMin and who said I loved you?" Jonghyun asked in fury. "Oh well, you know I just have my ways. I over heard you thinking out loud to yourself at the bar." She said giggling. "SooMin-ah, it's time I let go." she imitated Jonghyun. "Yah! Get out now!" he said pushing her out the door, slamming it shut in her face. Se Kyung walked off thinking «there's other men who could give me more attention~ just watch hyunie~ I wonder if Taeyang's available» Jonghyun's back was leaning on the door, still shirtless. His slid down the door. A tear rushed down his red cheeks, still mad at himself and Se kyung. It was the last period of the day, and JangMi and TaeRi had a class together. They hated this class very much though. Why? Because the class only had girls. But the girls in this class...They were bratty. No they weren't queenkas, they were just downright bratty. "Copy down your notes please." Professor Park announced.  JangMi and TaeRi had assigned seating, luckily they sat next to each other. "I'll be back soon." Professor Park said, exiting the class to use the bathroom.   The classroom was dark, the only light was the projector. The door was closed and when Prof.Park opened the door light came into the room. As the door shut, the room went pitch black.  "Who told you es, you could take Taemin…" one voice said. "and Minho?" another one said. "We saw you guys at lunch." The first voice said. "We were gonna come and take them away from you. We match them better than you dweebs" the second voice continued. "I bet you guys poisoned them to fall in love with you guys, right?" the first voice questioned.  JangMi being the Unnie, answered first. "No we met them rightfully, we didn't poison them and we appreciate them for who they truly are, knowing them personally. Unlike you guys, who say you are their perfect match, based of their personalities online, well let me tell you, there's a lot more to them that you wouldn't know, you're the total opposite of what they want."  Footsteps were heard. The projector was turned back on and JangMi and TaeRi spotted: Im MiYi -voice number one and Lee Jaemi -voice number two. The dismissal bell rang and Prof. Park dismissed them.  Just as JangMi and TaeRi walked out of class they thought they were free from the two fangirls until… ••••Author's Note•••• Updating from my iPod again. So how'd you hate it. Horrible right? Well still comment. And give me some feedback cos I'm hungry (as always) . Lol
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I feel so lucky to be randomly featured x)


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CassiePetalELF #1
Chapter 5: Congrats sa pagiging featured! :)
Chapter 6: how do you insert our usernames in the chapters??thats awesome!!!
Chapter 5: i enjoy it :) BTW! Congrats sa pag feature :) this fiction deserves it :D :) :*
Hi_Filipino #4
Congrats on getting featured. :)
Rosetran #5
Congrats on getting featured
Infinite_8 #6
NadoSarang #7
Infinite_7 #8
congrats on getting featured ^^
Eunhae123689 #9
Chapter 48: I like turtles :p congratz :D