We So Fly

My So-Called Babysitters

We So Fly

"Passengers, please take your seats. We will be departing off to Honolulu soon." A flight attendant announced throughout the plane.
"I really wanted back seats, even i it isn't business class." Soomin sighed.
"Is something wrong with you? Why? The back is... coach.." Jonghyun furrowed his eyebrows.
"What do you mean? In the back, the flights are more fun. Like a crazy car ride."
"That would be a first for me."
"Alright ladies and gentlemen," the captain pulled away from the gate,  "as we make our way onto the runway, I would like to point out that I just had a beer before taking this seat." he proclaimed with a Indian accent.
"What!? I'm jumping!" Jangmi squirmed in her seat.
"I'm just joking." the pilot laughed. "I am Pilot Sanjay Ishkabar, originating from Bombay. Please enjoy the flight."

They made their way to the runway, while the passengers watched a video about safety on a
Plane. "Thank you for flying United." The video ended.

As the engine warmed up, Soomin was feeling scared. She was always scared of taking off but laughed to hide her fear

The plane started to ascend into the air, Soomin laughed quietly while gripping onto the arm rest. Jonghyun noticed the pressure that Soomin was putting. He put his hand on top of hers. "You gotta use the bathroom or you scared?" Jonghyun asked her. The plane started upwards and into the sky. "No!" Soomin got butterflies as she felt his hand on her's. She smiled until her laughing point. Though, it wasn’t because of the adrenaline, she's just happy to be with him.

"Waahh~" Taeri moved around in her seat. Taemin noticed her sitting in front. “Rollercoaster! Whoo!" He put his hands up in the air, which took a load of fear off of Taeri's shoulders. Jangmi and Minho were quiet, too quiet to only be sleeping. Onew and Yoomi were making each other laugh. Key and Haerin were just looking at each other. Cheonsa on the other hand was eating some crackers. Jonghyun was bored so he just whispered things in Soomin's ear.

1 minute passes

“I see dead people”

5 minutes pass

“Dundundun. It’s a bird, it’s Superman, We’re in a plane”

10 minutes pass

“I am you father” Jonghyun breathed heavily.

20 minutes pass

“Jagiya, you know, one day.. we’re gonna have 5 kids. The first one’s gonna be a girl and we’re gonna name her-“

“Name her Haerin!” Haerin butted in. “You whisper too loud.”








Onew and Yoomi shot at each other with nonsense syllables.  They eventually fell asleep on each other, without even noticing. Onew cuddled with Yoomi and wrapped his leg around her. She responded and snuggled into his neck.







“Jangmi Unnie~”

“What Taeri?”

“I need to use the bathroom”

“Then go.”

“I don’t know where.”

Jangmi got up and took Taeri to the bathroom.

“Thank you Unnie.”

“I just didn’t want you to get hurt.”


“Bang!” Taemin played games on the monitor in front of him.

“Taemin-ah, can you be quiet?”

“Oh sure hyung.”


“You have big eyes.”

“You have chinky eyes.”

“You have red lips.”

“You have plump lips.”

Key and Haerin leaned into each other and pecked on the lips. She giggled. “Our first kiss and I’m flying on cloud nine.” “We are in the air.”

Just then, Key brought out a box for Haerin. “I got you something.. it’s small but from my heart.” She opened it to only find a 5 karat diamond bracelet (<-click).  “Thank you.” She hugged Key and he whispered, “You’re the only one who understands me.”


Cheonsa on the other hand was feasting on the bag of chips she bought from the airport. Soomin decided to go see how her unnie was doing.

“Aye, fatso.”


“Chips? They’re serving us dinner soon.”

“I’m worried. You know me, eating food.”

“I’m pretty sure Neil is okay”


“Keep an open mind”


After accompanying Cheonsa, Soomin went back to her seat to find Jonghyun's seat lounged back, but without him there. Just as she started to get worried someone came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and placed it's head on her shoulder. Soomin jumped. They both laughed at her reaction. There was something wrong though, she was imagining of when Jeremy used to do that to her. "You're with Jonghyun now." She spoke inside her head.

"I missed you, you've spent almost half the time with Cheonsa."
"Hey, you'd do the same to Key."
"Eh. So you ready for Honolulu?"
"Where we staying at?"
"Pacific Beach. Or.. The Hilton. No wait.. Pacific Beach.. Sheraton? The Ala Moana Hotel. Uhh.. My dad's picking us up."
"Oh wow. You really got this trip planned."
"Be quiet. And since my dad is picking us up.. You're gonna need to fess up and tell him all the crap I've done."
"You're gonna get in trouble."
"So. I always do that but cover it up with my loud mouth."
"Your not loud." "Okay maybe a little."
"Did I mention its annoying too."
"Loud, big, annoying, your mouth is still gonna be in contact with mine."
"Ew. No PDA.”

As time passed, they were each served their dinner. There was choice of two meals; lau lau or kalua pig. “I already feel like I’m back in Honolulu.” Jangmi broke her chopsticks, getting ready to eat. “I haven’t had food like this in a long time.” Taeri replied.


“What… is this?” Key picked up the top part of the lau lau, which was taro leaves. Haerin ate some, “It’s pretty good.”

“Are you sure?”


Key took a bite and chewed slowly.


“Its good but, not as much as I would want it to be.” Key continued eating.

“If its not as good as you want it to be then why’s your food almost gone?” Haerin laughed.

“You’re so cute.” They made kissy faces at each other, and ended up kissing each other anyways.

Minho and Taemin both got Kalua pig, they were hungry so once they got their food, they dug in. “I don’t really like the taste…” Minho stuck his tounge out in disgust. Meanwhile, Taemin’s container was almost empty. “You actually like the food?” Taemin nodded. “Try eating eat, rather than spitting it out right away.” Minho took his advice and replied back to him, “Stop talking with your mouth full.”

Onew and Yoomi were the peaceful ones. One got Kalua pig and the other lau lau. They both fed each other.

“Oppa!” Yoomi fed Onew.

“Airplane! Woooosh” Onew made a route to .

“Just as they were to feed each other at the same time, they bumped. “Sorry oppa.” Yoomi blushed.

“Ani it was my fault.” They both laughed.

Jonghyun and Soomin were arguing. Soomin got lau lau, Jonghyun got kalua pig.

“I switch you some lau lau for spam.”


 “It actually tastes good.”

“How about..chicken katsu for spam?”


Just as the argument went quiet, Jonghyun decided he was gonna grab some shrimp from Soomin. “Hey!”

Cheonsa, sitting all the way at the back could hear them, and thought it’s time for them to start acting like a couple. “Yah!” she walked over to them. “Soomin, give me your meal.” Soomin handed Cheonsa her container. “Jonghyun! Yours” Cheonsa walked away from them, holding both their foods. She came back with their plates evenly split with food. “There. Now eat.”



Hellew. :3 Late update again. mianhe~ I've been at the airport alot lately.. yeah.. LOL Update to be up by the 7th at the max. Oh yeah! And... this (click hurr.) was requested through PM. Anyways, if anything just tell me. I don't mind anything, really... if you wanna request a couple poster then.. yeah just tell me.

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I feel so lucky to be randomly featured x)


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CassiePetalELF #1
Chapter 5: Congrats sa pagiging featured! :)
Chapter 6: how do you insert our usernames in the chapters??thats awesome!!!
Chapter 5: i enjoy it :) BTW! Congrats sa pag feature :) this fiction deserves it :D :) :*
Hi_Filipino #4
Congrats on getting featured. :)
Rosetran #5
Congrats on getting featured
Infinite_8 #6
NadoSarang #7
Infinite_7 #8
congrats on getting featured ^^
Eunhae123689 #9
Chapter 48: I like turtles :p congratz :D