Love. Hate.Food.

My So-Called Babysitters

February 18

"Heeeeey! You stole my waffle!" "No, I didn't!" "Stop lying!" Jonghyun and SooMin were at it again. They were arguing over food at the breakfast table. "You babos stop it." Onew spoke over firmly. "Woohoo, I taught hyung well." Key smiled. "When was it the other way around? Isn't hyung suppose to teach you?" Minho raised an eyebrow. "Oh boohoo." Key hissed. "Hey you guys! We have to go. We're going to meet Taeri and JangMi at the dorms." Minho stood up from the table. "We're gonna go to the amusement park." Taemin stood up and took his dish to the sink. "How about Cheonsa and Niel?" Onew asked. "We're gonna meet them there." "Araso." Minho asked to drive the car and so they were off.

Taemin and Minho reached the dorm house. They knocked on the door. "Hello, can I help you guys?" Asked Cindy, the head director of the exchange program. "Yes, I'm looking for TaeRi.." Taemin smiled. "Yeah, come in, her friend, JangMi came earlier, so can you guys keep it down since its still.. 9:20 am?" Cindy smiled. "Can we please go into her room?" Minho asked. "Sure, she's upstairs two doors to your left." Minho and Taemin knocked on the door 3 times and ... nothing.

The boys have been standing there for awhile, 3 minutes actually, and still nothing. Minho got impatient and decided to open the door.

Party rock is in the house tonight, everybody just have a good time! We go make you looooooose your mind, everybody just have a good time!"

A teenaged boy was singing in the shower. Minho and Taemin looked at each other. Luckily, he didn't notice that someone opened and knocked on the door. And for the boys' sake the shower curtain wasn't clear. "Yah! Taemin! This is the freakin' bathroom!" "Its not my fault! The lady said two doors to your left!" "Babo, we went right!" "Oh..." The boys finally walked towards the correct and they knocked on the door three times. "TaeTae!" Taeri answered the door and glomped Taemin. "TaeRi, who's at the door?" Jangmi asked. "Yeobo!"she hugged Minho tightly.

Jangmi's Outfit

Cropped Tee

Red Shorts

Gray Toms

TaeRi's Outfit


tucked in with


accessorized with




"Wow, you guys look... so...nice." Minho stuttered.

They all got in the car and drove to the amusment park. As they stepped out of the car at the park's parking lot, they spotted two figures. They were siting down near the gates, eating chips. The four of them walked towards the couple. It turned out to be Niel and Cheonsa. "Hey!" Cheonsa smiled, with crumbs. Niel wipped the crumbs away.

Cheonsa's Outfit

Oversized Top


High Tops

The couples went in to the amusement park. "OOO! Lets go to the ferris wheel!" Cheonsa dragged Niel. "Jagi, I challenge you to a game?" "You're on! Race you to the game booths!" JangMi and Minho ran all the way to the other end of the park. "So.. Its just us now..." Taemin muttered. "Yeah" Taeri smiled. Just then an elderly Korean ajusshi was running, pushing a food cart, and accidentally crashed Taeri into Taemin's lips. "YAH! Na jom naebeolyeo dwo!" the ajusshi yelled. It turns out he was saying, "leave me alone!". Why? Well, Niel and Cheonsa wanted more food, but he didn't have anymore..and.. well you can comprehend what happens then.

Back with Taemin and Taeri, who were still kissing, Taemin started to nibble on Taeri's lips. They both pushed back when they noticed that its been a few minutes already. "Mianhe~ I couldn't stop." Taemin said shyly. Taeri just laughed. "No need to be bashful, your mine." Taeri smiled.

Now.. what was SooMin and the rest of SHINee back at home? "Jonghyun! SooMin!" Onew screeched at the top of his lungs for the umpteenth time. "Where the hell are they? Or what are they doing?" Key wondered. "We're coming!" They both said at the same time. "What are you guys doing!?" Key asked posing with both hands on his hips. "Hey! Watch it, that's my cousin you have around your arm." Onew, eyed them. "Unless you guys are..." Key smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. "Ew, no!" SooMin gagged. "Oh how I wish." Jonghyun sighed. "ert." SooMin smiled. "Oh whatevs, you know you can't resist." Jonghyun rubbed his chin. "And you know you can't resist" SooMin wrapped her arms around Jonghyun's waist, pecked him on his cheek, and she skipped into the kitchen to grab a glass of milk. "How the hell is this suppose to be babysitting?" Key laughed. "Yah! She's my cousin~" Onew whined. "Chill, we were just venting to each other upstairs, we needed to pour the stuff we had on our brains, kay?" Jonghyun cleared everything up. "Yeah, like I'm gonna believe that." Onew scroffed. "Why'd you call us down here anyways?" Jonghyun asked. "Manager Hyung called, Key and I need to go back to the dorms for awhile." Onew explained. "For what reason?" Jonghyun interrogated. "I dunno! Thats why we have to go, duh!" Onew and Key headed towards the door, grabbing their bags. "Our rides are here, annyeong! And don't do anything stupid to SooMin! Or else.." Onew warned Jonghyun. "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Jonghyun rolled his eyes. "Bye you guys!" Key waved by to SooMin and Jonghyun. "Bye, you guys~" SooMin sang as she plopped herself on the couch.

At around 12 noon, the couples met up with each other again. "So where'd you guys been?" smiled. "Merry-go-round, here, there." TaeRi spoke up. "Same." Cheonsa smiled. "Ah, hey you guys wanna ride the roller coaster together?!" Niel asked. "Uh, I'm scared..." Taeri frowned. "Its okay, I'm here Jagi!" Taemin hugged Taeri. "So, we shall go?" "Yes! We Shall!" Minho and Jangmi walked over to the roller coaster, the four others followed. On the roller coaster, JangMi and Minho sat in the front, Niel and Cheonsa behind them and 2Tae following after. They started to move. I bet they all thought "this isn't so scary" until, "OH HOLY TACOS!" Cheonsa screamed as they rapidly zoomed loop through loop. "HO! ..TAKKI MUSHROOMS!" Cheonsa screamed again. "FISH STICKS!" Cheonsa yelled again. Then came the end of the coaster ride. "Wow, food was all you could scream?" Niel asked Cheonsa. "Sorry, yeah cuz'?"

It was 5pm and SooMin was still at home with Jonghyun. "Hey pretty lady! Y'know that we have nothing to eat, right?" Jonghyun sat next to SooMin. "What? Since when?" SooMin was suprised. "Since you ate majority of the food we have." Jonghyun laughed. "Oh, well.." "I don't see why you don't get fat." Jonghyun scoffed. "Whachu talking bout!? I have flabs, not abs." Soomin hissed. "Thats just chubs, you're not too fat or skinny." Jonghyun complemented SooMin. "Puh-lease." SooMin rolled her eyes. "Go change." Jonghyun commanded. "Why for?" SooMin pouted. "We need food, fatso." Jonghyun crossed his arms. "Oh." SooMin went and changed upstairs.

SooMin's outfit




SooMin came downstairs and Jonghyun was pacing back and forth the living room. "Yah! Finally! I thought the store was gonna close on us." Jonghyun complained. "You didn't have to dress up nice either."Jonghyun gave a sour look.

"What are you talking about?! Your too used to seeing me in house clothes." SooMin headed out the door. "Do you have your money?" SooMin asked Jonghyun. "Yes. Now do you have yours?" Jonghyun sarcastically asked. "Yes in fact I have 48,000 Won." SooMin started walking.

Jonghyun and SooMin walked into the supermarket. "You go that way and I go this way, make sure you buy something you can last with for at least a week." Jonghyun smiled. SooMin did nothing but stick her tounge out at Jonghyun.

After an hour of grocery shopping, Jonghyun and SooMin walked out of the supermarket with their bags of food and headed down the 18 blocks back home.

It was probably 8:00 pm and the couples at the amusement park decided to head back to SooMin's place. "I wanna see my baby shikshin!" JangMi exclaimed. "Yah, wheres my ading? I wanna eat some food with her." Cheonsa asked. "Gosh, how can you and SooMin not get fat. You guys eat like you haven't been eating for days." Niel teased. "I miss her, she brings the loudness to our group." Taeri sighed.

Back at the homestead, SooMin and Jonghyun were leaning against each other, sitting on the floor, watching romantic comedies. "Jonghyun, I'm tired, can we please sit on the couch?" SooMin whined. "Fine." Jonghyun and SooMin stood up and they sat on the couch like normal people. Except there was a problem, they weren't normal. "Ow, my hurts." SooMin complained as her plunged into the soft cushion. "My back hurts." Jonghyun added. "Haha! That means you're getting old!" SooMin laughed and teased Jonghyun. "Yeah, but for you it means that you've been having some 'fun' if you know what I'm talking about." Jonghyun teased. "Ew!" Soomin laughed. "Oh Shampoo Ajusshi! HA!" SooMin pinched Jonghyun's cheeks as he frowned. "Awww, baby dino." SooMin changed her tone of voice as if she felt sympathy for Jonghyun, but she soon laughed. "And for that I'm gonna tickle you!" Jonghyun started to tickle SooMin. If you do recall SooMin is ticklish in almost every part of her body.

Soon the couch was out of place, the table pushed to the side and the huge carpet was in the middle of the living room. Jonghyun laid down in the middle of the living room on the carpet. "I now know why they call us a lovely chaos..." Jonghyun chuckled. "Well, you know you're just one of those people I can trust.." SooMin gazed at the ceiling. Jonghyun and SooMin turned their heads to face each other. "SooMin-ah.." Jonghyun whispered. "I'm never gonna give up on you." he continued. "Why is it? Theres a whole lot of other fish in the sea, oppa." SooMin whispered back. "You help me forget of all the bad memories in my life." He whispered. Jonghyun neared his head towards SooMin's lips but then.. "Yo, Dorks! We're back!" Minho barged in through the door.


Soomin and Jonghyun stood up, "Oh, so what do we have here?" Cheonsa wiggled her eyebrows to the messy-haired Jonghyun and the SooMin wearing her tank-top and jeans. Jangmi looked to the left to find SooMin's top that she liked to wear with the tank top she had on right now. "Mhm." Taeri widened her eyes.

Everyone helped out to put the furniture back together. "So what really happened?" Minho smirked. "Nothing!" Jonghyun groaned. "We were just playing, kay?" SooMin chuckled. "Yeah, with 'each other'" Nieal laughed. "Sure.. Just playing.." Taemin smiled. "Hey can we crash here?" Cheonsa asked. "Yeah. Can do, 4 of you guys yeah?" SooMin replied.


End of another chapter. LOL sorry about the outfit malfunction.. If you didnt like it comment on what i could do to make it better. KAY. BYE!










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CassiePetalELF #1
Chapter 5: Congrats sa pagiging featured! :)
Chapter 6: how do you insert our usernames in the chapters??thats awesome!!!
Chapter 5: i enjoy it :) BTW! Congrats sa pag feature :) this fiction deserves it :D :) :*
Hi_Filipino #4
Congrats on getting featured. :)
Rosetran #5
Congrats on getting featured
Infinite_8 #6
NadoSarang #7
Infinite_7 #8
congrats on getting featured ^^
Eunhae123689 #9
Chapter 48: I like turtles :p congratz :D